The Ultimate Cope



Jan 21, 2024
I think we’re all aware right now that there’s guys out there who are super interested in radical (usually) right wing politics, some of whom are into the whole “get status and money for women” thing, others who are all “HOI4 how hitler could have won”, the guys into philosophy who always yap about nietzsche, belong to racist larp chat groups, and cope with the whole “we need to SAVE western civilization!!!1!1!” And “muh i’m white so I’M SUPERIOR!1!1!111” lines of thought.

These guys tend to bash normoids as stupid,
un-enlightened, but the truth is quite the opposite.

While you’re in your discord call at 2 am on a friday night with other spergs talking about race theory, yelling the big N, a frat house normoid is living more in a day with his bros than you’ll live in a lifetime,

While you cope with your marginally above average IQ, some 90 IQ muscle bound Tyrese is banging snow bunnies you could only dream of.
While you argue with some male feminist cucks in a matt walsh comments section, some mid tier Brad is going on a date with his mid tier Becky. They’ll do more loving in a night than you’ll do in a lifetime. While you hop on HOI4 for 8 hours to ensure Germany wins, prettyboy Damian hops on snapchat minigames with his girlfriend, and it don’t matter who wins cause he’s getting laid.


Deep down, all these guys know they’d rather be normoids, rather have actually irl friend groups instead of just a group they jestermaxx for and an online group they game/discuss race theory with. So, deeply discontent with their own lives they cope that they’re superior to normoids. They cope that their lack of neurotypicality is actually a GOOD thing.

I believe the normoid, neurotypical lifestyle of getting girls, partying, and making memories with friends is number one superior to everything else, and something to strive for.

Having lived the politicoper outcast lifestyle before, as I went from ~200 to 180 over a longer timespan, and grew out my hair to cover my alien shaped forehead, i noticed i was treated far better by people, got real friends rather than just a group i’d cringemaxx for, and gradually found myself distancing myself from internet politics. Once over a recent few month period I got down to 160lbs where i’m at rn, and although my body is still kinda shit, i found myself getting a date, which although it went Meh, was still a great step in the right direction towards normiedom and true neurotypicality.

If you have an average bone structure, are fat, and have a shitty brutal haircut, why tf are you rotmaxxing in some philosophy youtubers comments section😂? If you are however short, recessed, and bald, you are forgiven.
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not a single molecule grey kys
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  • JFL
Reactions: cobicado901, mightbecooked123 and ThraxxGlo
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Reactions: cobicado901, LiL 369 and mogtivism
Didn’t even read but people end up like that bc sub par looxxxx
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Reactions: mogtivism
Alright, so what was the point of this thread exactly?
Some people can unfuck their looks and escape their predicament, especially if you’re looksminned by bodyfat
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Reactions: Mosh12 and watah
How u saying this being white?
Good thread, it's actually insanely funny seeing sub5s argue about racial segregation, trad catholic values and politics online, most of them are no lifers, they got no friends irl and everyone sees them as weirdos, even their "white peers", they lack the self preservation instinct when it comes to social situations, they kill themselves socially, that's it, that is what they gain since they can't seem to accept that their ideologies will never be imposed because normies are not extremist faggots crying on the internet about how niggers are taking their gfs.

I never understood the glaze for pro-life in the alt right, organically it fucking benefits you if a bitch aborts her baby if that little shit didn't come up from your sperm, it's natural selection and darwinism taking action, also, feminism is making women more promiscuous and sexually perverted, so it's even easier to fuck, you just gotta larp as a libtard faggot to get into their pussy, then just dump her.

Also why the fuck care about the same society that has abandoned you jfl
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Reactions: Esky1911, cobicado901, LiL 369 and 1 other person
Good thread, it's actually insanely funny seeing sub5s argue about racial segregation, trad catholic values and politics online, most of them are no lifers, they got no friends irl and everyone sees them as weirdos, even their "white peers", they lack the self preservation instinct when it comes to social situations, they kill themselves socially, that's it, that is what they gain since they can't seem to accept that their ideologies will never be imposed because normies are not extremist faggots crying on the internet about how niggers are taking their gfs.

I never understood the glaze for pro-life in the alt right, organically it fucking benefits you if a bitch aborts her baby if that little shit didn't come up from your sperm, it's natural selection and darwinism taking action, also, feminism is making women more promiscuous and sexually perverted, so it's even easier to fuck, you just gotta larp as a libtard faggot to get into their pussy, then just dump her.

Also why the fuck care about the same society that has abandoned you jfl
Exactly. These copers only suicide their social lives and idk why tf they care so much about helping a White society when 99% of other whites think they’re weirdos. They only shill traditionalism because they think if the world was some conservative trad catholic fantasy land they’d be getting laid. You don’t see any chad coping with this
  • +1
Reactions: cobicado901, LiL 369 and Andremln
I think we’re all aware right now that there’s guys out there who are super interested in radical (usually) right wing politics, some of whom are into the whole “get status and money for women” thing, others who are all “HOI4 how hitler could have won”, the guys into philosophy who always yap about nietzsche, belong to racist larp chat groups, and cope with the whole “we need to SAVE western civilization!!!1!1!” And “muh i’m white so I’M SUPERIOR!1!1!111” lines of thought.

These guys tend to bash normoids as stupid,
un-enlightened, but the truth is quite the opposite.

While you’re in your discord call at 2 am on a friday night with other spergs talking about race theory, yelling the big N, a frat house normoid is living more in a day with his bros than you’ll live in a lifetime,

While you cope with your marginally above average IQ, some 90 IQ muscle bound Tyrese is banging snow bunnies you could only dream of.
While you argue with some male feminist cucks in a matt walsh comments section, some mid tier Brad is going on a date with his mid tier Becky. They’ll do more loving in a night than you’ll do in a lifetime. While you hop on HOI4 for 8 hours to ensure Germany wins, prettyboy Damian hops on snapchat minigames with his girlfriend, and it don’t matter who wins cause he’s getting laid.


Deep down, all these guys know they’d rather be normoids, rather have actually irl friend groups instead of just a group they jestermaxx for and an online group they game/discuss race theory with. So, deeply discontent with their own lives they cope that they’re superior to normoids. They cope that their lack of neurotypicality is actually a GOOD thing.

I believe the normoid, neurotypical lifestyle of getting girls, partying, and making memories with friends is number one superior to everything else, and something to strive for.

Having lived the politicoper outcast lifestyle before, as I went from ~200 to 180 over a longer timespan, and grew out my hair to cover my alien shaped forehead, i noticed i was treated far better by people, got real friends rather than just a group i’d cringemaxx for, and gradually found myself distancing myself from internet politics. Once over a recent few month period I got down to 160lbs where i’m at rn, and although my body is still kinda shit, i found myself getting a date, which although it went Meh, was still a great step in the right direction towards normiedom and true neurotypicality.

If you have an average bone structure, are fat, and have a shitty brutal haircut, why tf are you rotmaxxing in some philosophy youtubers comments section😂? If you are however short, recessed, and bald, you are forgiven.
Good thread, but sadly, they'll keep coping because they know they have no other choice. They feel like they have nothing to hold onto in life. I've been saying this since the first day I joined this forum. Think about it, this is an incel forum, and being an incel often comes with being socially outcast, so it's only natural that there are genuine racists here. These are people who already feel alienated, genuine losers, and as soon as they find any chance to feel superior to someone else, they’ll take it. For them it's not just about being angry at society, it’s about being frustrated that the world doesn’t align with their expectations and the sense of failure they carry.
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Reactions: StarvedEpi, cobicado901 and mogtivism
Good thread, but sadly, they'll keep coping because they know they have no other choice. They feel like they have nothing to hold onto in life. I've been saying this since the first day I joined this forum. Think about it, this is an incel forum, and being an incel often comes with being socially outcast, so it's only natural that there are genuine racists here. These are people who already feel alienated, genuine losers, and as soon as they find any chance to feel superior to someone else, they’ll take it. For them it's not just about being angry at society, it’s about being frustrated that the world doesn’t align with their expectations and the sense of failure they carry.
True. Unfortunately a lot of them have bone structure that cannot be used in any way to properly looksmax them. Like how’s the narrow skulled, balding, recessed guy with upper eyelid exposure going to ascend? Sometimes there’s nothing that can be done, but I hope the guys who got a chance and see this post, the failed normies take it and try their best to looksmax.
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Reactions: cobicado901 and LiL 369
high IQ thread + mirin avi

IMG 4166
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Why are white guys always fantasising about getting cucked :feelskek:
There is no fantasy there is only reality here. Whether you get cucked by a chad or tyrone it’s all the same, and by not being an 8/10 NT slayer, you are getting cucked whether you like it or not
lmao hedonist coping

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