The Ultimate Guide for Heightmaxxing (Closed Plate Oldcel Method Included)

Extra Chromosome

Extra Chromosome

Nov 20, 2018
Many members here are young and want to increase their height. And I have been asked by many about peptides.
I will attempt to write a comprehensive thread on what are my findings are so far.

This guide is completely experimental so I am not responsible for any thing that happens. I am going to attempt it myself nonetheless.
I also don't guarantee any results. DrTony wrote about the impossibility of augmenting height in men with no disorders. However, this thread is for any off chance of it happening. As increasing height with hyaline cartilage hypertrophy and

The guide will not get into technicalities and cite every study supporting our decisions, because there is not enough time. And the thread is already delayed as it is. I will try to make this thread as brief as possible.
Method 3 is for oldcels. Height augmentation would be from cartilage hypertrophy.

Method 1 (Correction to @Wincel stack):

The thread had a huge audience. However, there was some fundamental errors in wincel's method.

1. Niacin was incorrectly used for GH boost.
In this article it is show that niacin must be take at 500mg every hour for 3 hours to have any effect on GH.
That much however, isn't feasible for the average person. So it will be removed.

2. The use of melatonin.
Melatonin was used as an AI. While it does block estrogen, it is not enough to be used as an AI for growth.
Melatonin is a good addition for sleep eitherways, so feel free to use it. Aromasin or arimidex will be used instead.

3. The absence of huperzine A.
Huperzine A is a somatostatin (HGH release inhibitor) inhibitor. That means it will allow us to get more HGH release from ibutamoren/mk677 due to the removal of HGH inhibitor somatostatin.

4. The addition of other supplements as temporary GH boosters.
L-dopa comes with many risks. And it is unknown if the spike by GABA is enough. So natural GH secretagogues will be dropped here.

The stack will then look like the following:
  1. Take mk677 25mg before bed (feel free to use melatonin or not)
  2. Aromasin 25mg every day. It can be reduced to 12.5mg every other day as well in case of harsh side effect.
  3. Huperzine A, Ideally 300mcg morning and 400mcg night every day. Minimum is 200mcg every night.
Method 2(@Madness systemic peptide stack):
3333.33-5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday (10,000-15,000mcg – 10-15mg total per week)
25mg MK-677 before bed every day
200mcg HUPERZINE A taken 3x per day (600mcg total)
With this protocol, you can reach an IGF-1 level close to (or exceed) 700ng/mL.
Which is absurdly high, and should give some height and decent muscle gains.
This is a good method. Just needs an AI with it. Aromasin, arimidex, or letrozole will suffice.

Method 3 (My method)(Includes closed plates):
Here we will attempt to make the most hardcore stack.

A. Elevation of systemic levels(baseline) of HGH and IGF-1:

  1. 25mg of mk677 morning and 25mg mk677 night. Every day.
  2. CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday (from madness)
B. Creating artificial peaks throughout the day:
  1. Hexarelin 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 2 weeks then GHRP-2 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 4 weeks then repeat back to hexarelin and so on.
  2. CJC no DAC 100mcg 3x-4x daily with hexarelin or GHRP2 from number 1.
Inject on an empty stomach (waking up or 3 hours after eating) and eat after 30 minutes.

C. IGF-1:
IGF-1 DES injected at the the deltoids (shoulder muscles) 40mcg each side every day for frame growth.

D. DNA methylation
Loss of DNA methylation will close your growth plates. This is what sets the limit to how you grow. So we need to increase it.
This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that the mechanism limiting replication of growth plate chondrocytes in vivo involves loss of DNA methylation and, thus, loss of DNA methylation might be a fundamental biological mechanism that limits longitudinal bone growth in mammals, thereby determining the overall adult size of the organism.

SAM-e and MSM will be used to promote DNA methylation.
S-Adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe), a metabolite present in all living cells, plays a central role in cellular biochemistry as a precursor to methylation

SAM-e 1500mg every day.
MSM 1000mg every day.

E. Increasing growth plate proliferation

Glucosamine 1500mg every day.
Chondroitin 1200mg every day.

Methods D and E work synergistically and increase the chances of growth.

F. Flurbiprofen

Basically k2 mk4 on roids.
stimulated radial growth (+200%) over controls. In the tibial shaft, Fb stimulated the mineral apposition rate (+25%), mineral bone formation rate (+100%), and periosteal labeling length (+64%) at the 2.5 and 5.0 mg Fb/kg dose levels

Dosage: Flubiprofen 200-300 mg/day divided through 6-12 hours (eg. take 150 morning and 150 night)
Make sure to consume good amounts of water with it.

G. Aromatase Inhibition
From my research I have noticed that.
  1. If you are going on a light HGH stack then arimidex or aromasin is best.
  2. If you are going on a stack with insane amounts of HGH then letrozole is the best.
I observed that from clinical trials and papers.
Madness and Wincels stack would need arimidex or aromasin.
My stack will need letrozole.
Any AI can be used, but for maximum results refer to the above.

Aromasin: choose from 12.5mg one day on one day off till 25mg everyday. (your choice)
Arimidex 1mg per day.
Letrozole: choose from 0.5 mg one day on one day off till 2.5mg daily. (I am taking 2.5mg daily)
Start from lowest dosages and increase till what you see fit.

H. Androgens
To promote masculine growth and dimorphism use:
DHT gel on penis or 11-KDHT drops on forearms.

I. Building blocks (optional)
Vitamin D 10kIU per day
Vitamin k2 mk4 45mg per day
Magnesium 400mg per day
Zinc 50mg per day
Calcium 2g per day
Boron 9mg per day

J. Insulin(experimental)(optional):
When insulin is combined with IGF-1, the results for muscle growth and bone mineral deposition is synergistic.
This addition however, risks hyperinsulemia if not done properly. I was stuck here in my research but decided to not allow this part to delay the making of this guide any further. If you would like to continue from this point then:

1. Check if the components above raise the systemic levels of TGFB3 enough. If it is not then you will have to look for other methods.
mk677 and GHRP-2 do raise this well.

2. Check if the components above have enough pi3k pathway agonism. If not then either settle for metformin or find a chemical that does this. IGF-1 and exercise do activate pi3k-Akt.

I would recommend you leave this part unless you are experimenting hard.

Method 4(classical):
7.5-10 IU HGH 2x a day
2.5mg letrozole daily
D and E from method 3


To sum my own stack up in one place

  1. 25mg of mk677 morning and 25mg mk677 night. Every day.​
  2. 5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday​
  3. Hexarelin 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 2 weeks then GHRP-2 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 4 weeks then repeat back to hexarelin and so on.​
  4. CJC no DAC 100mcg 3x-4x daily with hexarelin or GHRP2 from number 1.Inject on an empty stomach (waking up or 3 hours after eating) and eat after 30 minutes.​
  5. IGF-1 DES injected at the the deltoids (shoulder muscles) 40mcg each side.​
  6. SAM-e 1500mg every day.​
  7. MSM 1000mg every day.​
  8. Glucosamine 1500mg every day.​
  9. Chondroitin 1200mg every day.​
  10. Flubiprofen 200-300 mg/day divided through 6-12 hours (eg. take 150 morning and 150 night)​
  11. 2.5mg letrozole daily​
  12. DHT gel on penis twice daily or 11-KDHT one drop on each forearm daily.​
  13. Add building blocks if you have extra cash to spend.​


Requested tags:
@Bluepill @kobecel @dogtown @Wool @Coping @The Dude Abides @Facial AESTHETICS @Blitz @fobos @dodt @Madness @mido the slayer @Legitcel @CupOfCoffee @KrissKross @LightingFraud @Paretocel @Zeus @Saturn @psycophsez @xom @Ogreload @JellyBelly @OCDMaxxing @SirHiss

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Reactions: Aero, schizo echochamber, caiolindo and 179 others
gonna hop on asapp. repped
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Reactions: notgraycel245969, Alex_21DM, thecel and 11 others
Would like to hear @Wincel‘s opinion on this
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Reactions: MakinMogReturns, mafiaboy, Deleted member 906 and 3 others
High IQ high effort post as always. Just one question, if I was to do your method how much do you estimate it would cost monthly?
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Reactions: gymcel:(, AscendingHero, CANI and 12 others
Does milk work though
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Reactions: ominion, XepouH, zipzam and 17 others
High IQ high effort post as always. Just one question, if I was to do your method how much do you estimate it would cost monthly?

and where can i found all of that stuff?
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Reactions: Deleted member 906, TheAscendedOne, GoMadAndSTFU and 1 other person
High IQ high effort post as always. Just one question, if I was to do your method how much do you estimate it would cost monthly?
  1. 25mg of mk677 morning and 25mg mk677 night. Every day. 80$
  2. 5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday 360$
  3. Hexarelin 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 2 weeks then GHRP-2 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 4 weeks then repeat back to hexarelin and so on. 100$
  4. CJC no DAC 100mcg 3x-4x daily with hexarelin or GHRP2 from number 1.Inject on an empty stomach (waking up or 3 hours after eating) and eat after 30 minutes. 50$
  5. IGF-1 DES injected at the the deltoids (shoulder muscles) 40mcg each side. (unknown as legit IGF-1 is rare to find)
  6. SAM-e 1500mg every day. 30$
  7. MSM 1000mg every day.
  8. Glucosamine 1500mg every day.
  9. Chondroitin 1200mg every day. 7. + 8. + 9. = 35$
  10. Flubiprofen 200-300 mg/day divided through 6-12 hours (eg. take 150 morning and 150 night) 80$
  11. 2.5mg letrozole daily Depends on the source. I got 10 year supply for 40$
  12. DHT gel on penis twice daily or 11-KDHT one drop on each forearm daily. Depends on the source. 4 month supply of 11-KDHT is 60$
  13. Add building blocks if you have extra cash to spend. Depends.
Does milk work though
You can take it for calcium.
and where can i found all of that stuff?
I have many sources. You can ask me in the pms.
Would like to hear @Wincel‘s opinion on this
Will see.
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Reactions: Birdcell, slayer69, maxxedfalloutdweller and 7 others
  1. 25mg of mk677 morning and 25mg mk677 night. Every day. 80$
  2. 5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday 360$
  3. Hexarelin 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 2 weeks then GHRP-2 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 4 weeks then repeat back to hexarelin and so on. 100$
  4. CJC no DAC 100mcg 3x-4x daily with hexarelin or GHRP2 from number 1.Inject on an empty stomach (waking up or 3 hours after eating) and eat after 30 minutes. 50$
  5. IGF-1 DES injected at the the deltoids (shoulder muscles) 40mcg each side. (unknown as legit IGF-1 is rare to find)
  6. SAM-e 1500mg every day. 30$
  7. MSM 1000mg every day.
  8. Glucosamine 1500mg every day.
  9. Chondroitin 1200mg every day. 7. + 8. + 9. = 35$
  10. Flubiprofen 200-300 mg/day divided through 6-12 hours (eg. take 150 morning and 150 night) 80$
  11. 2.5mg letrozole daily Depends on the source. I got 10 year supply for 40$
  12. DHT gel on penis twice daily or 11-KDHT one drop on each forearm daily. Depends on the source. 4 month supply of 11-KDHT is 60$
  13. Add building blocks if you have extra cash to spend. Depends.
You can take it for calcium.

I have many sources. You can ask me in the pms.

Will see.

You should add “Richcels only” in the title lol
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Reactions: Chucklenuts, XepouH, zipzam and 37 others
Method 3 is for oldcels. Height augmentation would be from cartilage hypertrophy.
does this mean cartilage on nose and ears will grow too?
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Reactions: hattrick, Deleted member 906, TheAscendedOne and 1 other person
  1. 25mg of mk677 morning and 25mg mk677 night. Every day. 80$
  2. 5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday 360$
  3. Hexarelin 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 2 weeks then GHRP-2 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 4 weeks then repeat back to hexarelin and so on. 100$
  4. CJC no DAC 100mcg 3x-4x daily with hexarelin or GHRP2 from number 1.Inject on an empty stomach (waking up or 3 hours after eating) and eat after 30 minutes. 50$
  5. IGF-1 DES injected at the the deltoids (shoulder muscles) 40mcg each side. (unknown as legit IGF-1 is rare to find)
  6. SAM-e 1500mg every day. 30$
  7. MSM 1000mg every day.
  8. Glucosamine 1500mg every day.
  9. Chondroitin 1200mg every day. 7. + 8. + 9. = 35$
  10. Flubiprofen 200-300 mg/day divided through 6-12 hours (eg. take 150 morning and 150 night) 80$
  11. 2.5mg letrozole daily Depends on the source. I got 10 year supply for 40$
  12. DHT gel on penis twice daily or 11-KDHT one drop on each forearm daily. Depends on the source. 4 month supply of 11-KDHT is 60$
  13. Add building blocks if you have extra cash to spend. Depends.
You can take it for calcium.

I have many sources. You can ask me in the pms.

Will see.
ovER for poorcels
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Reactions: YUZ, Pawye, zyMOGenic and 20 others
your going to follow a routine like this? make sure to update every couple months or so and dont give up on it

how much would all this cost
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Reactions: IndianJock, Deleted member 906 and TheAscendedOne
does this mean cartilage on nose and ears will grow too?
No ear growth.
For nose possibly, but not significant.

It is the spine we are talking about.
your going to follow a routine like this? make sure to update every couple months or so and dont give up on it
Similar to it. I don't have cjc DAC or flurbiprofen (the cost goes down a lot without those.)
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Reactions: Deleted member 906, Deleted member 5912 and TheAscendedOne
  1. 25mg of mk677 morning and 25mg mk677 night. Every day. 80$
  2. 5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday 360$
  3. Hexarelin 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 2 weeks then GHRP-2 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 4 weeks then repeat back to hexarelin and so on. 100$
  4. CJC no DAC 100mcg 3x-4x daily with hexarelin or GHRP2 from number 1.Inject on an empty stomach (waking up or 3 hours after eating) and eat after 30 minutes. 50$
  5. IGF-1 DES injected at the the deltoids (shoulder muscles) 40mcg each side. (unknown as legit IGF-1 is rare to find)
  6. SAM-e 1500mg every day. 30$
  7. MSM 1000mg every day.
  8. Glucosamine 1500mg every day.
  9. Chondroitin 1200mg every day. 7. + 8. + 9. = 35$
  10. Flubiprofen 200-300 mg/day divided through 6-12 hours (eg. take 150 morning and 150 night) 80$
  11. 2.5mg letrozole daily Depends on the source. I got 10 year supply for 40$
  12. DHT gel on penis twice daily or 11-KDHT one drop on each forearm daily. Depends on the source. 4 month supply of 11-KDHT is 60$
  13. Add building blocks if you have extra cash to spend. Depends

Well, oh god... it's kinda an average salary
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Reactions: zyMOGenic, Deleted member 906, MentalistKebab and 9 others
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Reactions: Deleted member 906, TheAscendedOne and CaptainButtnaked
  1. 25mg of mk677 morning and 25mg mk677 night. Every day. 80$
  2. 5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday 360$
  3. Hexarelin 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 2 weeks then GHRP-2 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 4 weeks then repeat back to hexarelin and so on. 100$
  4. CJC no DAC 100mcg 3x-4x daily with hexarelin or GHRP2 from number 1.Inject on an empty stomach (waking up or 3 hours after eating) and eat after 30 minutes. 50$
  5. IGF-1 DES injected at the the deltoids (shoulder muscles) 40mcg each side. (unknown as legit IGF-1 is rare to find)
  6. SAM-e 1500mg every day. 30$
  7. MSM 1000mg every day.
  8. Glucosamine 1500mg every day.
  9. Chondroitin 1200mg every day. 7. + 8. + 9. = 35$
  10. Flubiprofen 200-300 mg/day divided through 6-12 hours (eg. take 150 morning and 150 night) 80$
  11. 2.5mg letrozole daily Depends on the source. I got 10 year supply for 40$
  12. DHT gel on penis twice daily or 11-KDHT one drop on each forearm daily. Depends on the source. 4 month supply of 11-KDHT is 60$
  13. Add building blocks if you have extra cash to spend. Depends.
I'll be sure to throw my kids on this asap
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Reactions: Horrowiz, zyMOGenic, AscendingHero and 5 others
how do u have the money to do this long term
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 906, Danish_Retard, TheAscendedOne and 1 other person
how do u have the money to do this long term
I am not running this with all of them. I am also going to wagecuck (most of the money will go to the stack)
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I am not running this with all of them. I am also going to wagecuck (most of the money will go to the stack)

we could of just been born trustfundcels and cure all of our problems in months
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Reactions: Deleted member 906, Danish_Retard, TheAscendedOne and 1 other person
we could of just been born trustfundcels and cure all of our problems in months
tbhtbh. This stack is so fucking powerful, just need the money srs.
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Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member 906, Deleted member 2227 and 3 others
@manlet cUnt
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Reactions: Deleted member 906, TheAscendedOne, AspiringChad and 4 others
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Reactions: Deleted member 906, TheAscendedOne, wagbox and 6 others
good post boy
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Reactions: Deleted member 906, TheAscendedOne, AspiringChad and 1 other person
I'd like to see any adult past the age of 23 try this and actually grow 2+ inches. Only then will I give it a go.
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Reactions: Deleted member 22529, Karstossos, Mewton and 11 others
Over for poorcels. I'm taking 1-1.5g of niacin in 2 doses before bed (this is what I read they did in a study). Itches like hell, gives me deathly nausea and stomach pain but fuck it, if it can do anything it's good. Also taking Flurbiprofen, but it comes in retarded 10mg pills for the throat so I have to take a bunch which fucks my stomach even more.
Also 1mg K2 and 10mg melatonin.

Every day I measure myself in the morning and at night and each time I somehow get taller, but it could be my retarded measuring skills

I'm still ugly BTW
I'd like to see any adult past the age of 23 try this and actually grow 2+ inches. Only then will I give it a go.
Suck my cock
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 5292, Deleted member 906, Deleted member 5912 and 5 others
Over for poorcels. I'm taking 1-1.5g of niacin in 2 doses before bed (this is what I read they did in a study). Itches like hell, gives me deathly nausea and stomach pain but fuck it, if it can do anything it's good. Also taking Flurbiprofen, but it comes in retarded 10mg pills for the throat so I have to take a bunch which fucks my stomach even more.
Also 1mg K2 and 10mg melatonin.

Every day I measure myself in the morning and at night and each time I somehow get taller, but it could be my retarded measuring skills

I'm still ugly BTW

Suck my cock
Ugly and tall >>>>>>>>>>> ugly and manlet
  • +1
Reactions: CMMoistMan, Mewton, AscendingHero and 6 others
Ugly and tall >>>>>>>>>>> ugly and manlet
Did you know that Oxytocin has GH effects? Did you know that Cortisol stops growth?

I'm sure these are not the only 2 examples.

We are doomed from the beginning. We are only getting worse while chad is only getting better.

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Reactions: Daniel Plainview, AscendingHero, Deleted member 5634 and 7 others
doctor profile image

Dr. Himani Negi
Homoeopath 7 yrs exp Chennai
The homeopathic medicine acts mainly on three sites:- 1. Increase Growth Hormones Production a. The growth is not only dependent on genetic but hormones equally plays important role in bodys growth. b. Your growth potential reduces especially after puberty because your pituitary gland becomes inactive. Homoeopathic medicine stimulates the pituitary gland to increased production of natural level of growth hormones, which causes growth of the cartilaginous portions of the vertebrae and the long bones. 2. Cartilages Growth Al though most of your bones cant grow any longer after puberty, the articular cartilages that connect many bones can still grow thicker. Besides the distal potion on each vertebrae, the distal end of Femur and the proximal end of Tibia each can grow up to an inch, which gives another 2 inches extra height. 3. Spinal Column Extension The Spinal column in upper body contributes significantly to r height because it accounts for 35% of total height. One important component of the spine is inter-vertebral discs. These discs are located between each of 33 vertebrae. On average, your total discs account for one-quarter the length of your vertebral column - 4.5 to 6 inches for most people. The thicker the discs, the longer your spinal column is and the taller you become. Homeopathic medicine allows your height by expanding the discs and lengthening your spine. Recent scientific research has proven that most young adults can still grow a few inches taller even after the bones in their lower body have become ossified. This is because besides the length of the femur bone, tibia bone, and other bones in the lower body, the length of the spinal column in the upper body also significantly contributes to human height. A homeopathic constitutional treatment will give you best results naturally You can easily take an online consultation for further treatment guidance and permanent cure without any side effects Medicines will reach you via courier services
Over for poorcels. I'm taking 1-1.5g of niacin in 2 doses before bed (this is what I read they did in a study). Itches like hell, gives me deathly nausea and stomach pain but fuck it, if it can do anything it's good. Also taking Flurbiprofen, but it comes in retarded 10mg pills for the throat so I have to take a bunch which fucks my stomach even more.
Also 1mg K2 and 10mg melatonin.

Every day I measure myself in the morning and at night and each time I somehow get taller, but it could be my retarded measuring skills

I'm still ugly BTW

Suck my cock
How old are you?

How long have you been using this method?

How much growth have you recorded.

For accurate measurement, record same time in the morning.

Invest in a ruler wall to accurately measure height
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Reactions: horizontallytall, Mewton, Deleted member 906 and 7 others
does this mean cartilage on nose and ears will grow too?
if you have monet for theese treatments, you also have money for rhynoplasty
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Reactions: Mewton, CANI, Deleted member 906 and 4 others
doctor profile image

Dr. Himani Negi
Homoeopath 7 yrs exp Chennai
The homeopathic medicine acts mainly on three sites:- 1. Increase Growth Hormones Production a. The growth is not only dependent on genetic but hormones equally plays important role in bodys growth. b. Your growth potential reduces especially after puberty because your pituitary gland becomes inactive. Homoeopathic medicine stimulates the pituitary gland to increased production of natural level of growth hormones, which causes growth of the cartilaginous portions of the vertebrae and the long bones. 2. Cartilages Growth Al though most of your bones cant grow any longer after puberty, the articular cartilages that connect many bones can still grow thicker. Besides the distal potion on each vertebrae, the distal end of Femur and the proximal end of Tibia each can grow up to an inch, which gives another 2 inches extra height. 3. Spinal Column Extension The Spinal column in upper body contributes significantly to r height because it accounts for 35% of total height. One important component of the spine is inter-vertebral discs. These discs are located between each of 33 vertebrae. On average, your total discs account for one-quarter the length of your vertebral column - 4.5 to 6 inches for most people. The thicker the discs, the longer your spinal column is and the taller you become. Homeopathic medicine allows your height by expanding the discs and lengthening your spine. Recent scientific research has proven that most young adults can still grow a few inches taller even after the bones in their lower body have become ossified. This is because besides the length of the femur bone, tibia bone, and other bones in the lower body, the length of the spinal column in the upper body also significantly contributes to human height. A homeopathic constitutional treatment will give you best results naturally You can easily take an online consultation for further treatment guidance and permanent cure without any side effects Medicines will reach you via courier services

How old are you?

How long have you been using this method?

How much growth have you recorded.

For accurate measurement, record same time in the morning.

Invest in a ruler wall to accurately measure height
Im 17

Ive been doing it for a month

2cm maybe, idfk. Have not grown since 12 so Idk if this could be a growth spurt or im retarded

I do it in the morning then at night whenever I get home

I use a ruler and draw it on my wall and it always comes up higher but maybe im measuring myself retardedly and coping
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Reactions: Deleted member 906, TheAscendedOne, AspiringChad and 1 other person
Did you know that Oxytocin has GH effects? Did you know that Cortisol stops growth?

I'm sure these are not the only 2 examples.

We are doomed from the beginning. We are only getting worse while chad is only getting better.

I did know about cortisol. No idea about ocytocin.
Im 17

Ive been doing it for a month

2cm maybe, idfk. Have not grown since 12 so Idk if this could be a growth spurt or im retarded

I do it in the morning then at night whenever I get home

I use a ruler and draw it on my wall and it always comes up higher but maybe im measuring myself retardedly and coping
Most likely bad measurements
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Reactions: Deleted member 906, Deleted member 5912 and TheAscendedOne
Im 17

Ive been doing it for a month

2cm maybe, idfk. Have not grown since 12 so Idk if this could be a growth spurt or im retarded

I do it in the morning then at night whenever I get home

I use a ruler and draw it on my wall and it always comes up higher but maybe im measuring myself retardedly and coping
Just do HGH, it's proven to work. Stop this cope shit.

Blast 8UI hgh 5 days a week for 6 months if you grow 1+ inch keep going until you notice no gains for 3 months
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member 906, TheAscendedOne and 3 others
Just do HGH, it's proven to work. Stop this cope shit.

Blast 8UI hgh 5 days a week for 6 months if you grow 1+ inch keep going until you notice no gains for 3 months
8IU is rookie numbers.

15+ IU crew checking in.
  • JFL
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Reactions: schizo echochamber, garoupilled_, Birdcell and 8 others
Just do HGH, it's proven to work. Stop this cope shit.

Blast 8UI hgh 5 days a week for 6 months if you grow 1+ inch keep going until you notice no gains for 3 months
"If I was your age I'd do anything I could to get HGH bro" "Just blast HGH bro" :feelsuhh::feelsuhh:

Yeah just let me just quickly take out a few thousands from my bank account :feelsuhh::feelswhy:
  • JFL
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Reactions: Mewton, AscendingHero, CANI and 15 others
"If I was your age I'd do anything I could to get HGH bro" "Just blast HGH bro" :feelsuhh::feelsuhh:

Yeah just let me just quickly take out a few thousands from my bank account :feelsuhh::feelswhy:
Fucking legit.
And if you want pharma grade it is 50+k
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Reactions: newdldewdl, AscendingHero, slayer69 and 8 others
Don't forget about 1g ashwagandha ksm-66 that has been proven to lower cortisol by over 30%. Less cortisol = more growth & less body fat & less estrogen
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Reactions: AscendingHero, magnificentcel, slayer69 and 4 others
Don't forget about 1g ashwagandha ksm-66 that has been proven to lower cortisol by over 30%. Less cortisol = more growth & less body fat & less estrogen
I can mention over 20 supplements that would "help". But that would shit on the other legit components.
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Reactions: GreenRay88, AscendingHero, Deleted member 906 and 3 others
I can mention over 20 supplements that would "help". But that would shit on the other legit components.
You should make a poorcel version with shit that is easy and cheap to get. Maybe not as effective but it could be. Flurbiprofen for example is really effective from like the 2 studies that I found on it lol.

Megadosing shit is legit also, most of the time some supplements do work (at least a bit) but they are underdosed



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Reactions: Mewton, Amexmaxx, AscendingHero and 14 others
You should make a poorcel version with shit that is easy and cheap to get. Maybe not as effective but it could be. Flurbiprofen for example is really effective from like the 2 studies that I found on it lol.

Megadosing shit is legit also, most of the time some supplements do work (at least a bit) but they are underdosed




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You should make a poorcel version with shit that is easy and cheap to get. Maybe not as effective but it could be. Flurbiprofen for example is really effective from like the 2 studies that I found on it lol.

Megadosing shit is legit also, most of the time some supplements do work (at least a bit) but they are underdosed



I will write a poorcel version here then.
HGH boosters are a scam lmfao
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Reactions: Mewton, AscendingHero, Earn__Greatness and 5 others
I will write a poorcel version here then.

HGH boosters are a scam lmfao
MK677, CJC-1295, etc. are all on amazon. If not on amazon, you can find plenty of other websites that sell it. Are they a scam?
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MK677, CJC-1295, etc. are all on amazon. If not on amazon, you can find plenty of other websites that sell it. Are they a scam?
Not on amazon. I have a bunch of sources. Took me time to find them tbh.
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Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member 906, TheAscendedOne and 3 others
I will write a poorcel version here then.

HGH boosters are a scam lmfao

Poorcel version will be my chance for ascenion (5'9), Also give links which can ship to middle east (mk-677)

Also is taking MK-677 enough for me M19
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 906, TheAscendedOne, AspiringChad and 2 others
Where could an Europecel like me get some MK677? It looks "cheap" enough to give it a try, but I'm already 19 and I feel like I haven't grown in years. Has anybody grown with this past 18?
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Reactions: AscendingHero, KING REIDYZ, Deleted member 906 and 3 others
Not on amazon. I have a bunch of sources. Took me time to find them tbh.
I can easily find them all on the US amazon. Just the fact you have such fucking cool drugs legal is amazing
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Reactions: Deleted member 906, TheAscendedOne, AspiringChad and 1 other person
Poorcel version will be my chance for ascenion (5'9), Also give links which can ship to middle east (mk-677)

Also is taking MK-677 enough for me M19
No way to tell. Take arimidex and the drugs from D and E with it tbh.
Where could an Europecel like me get some MK677? It looks "cheap" enough to give it a try, but I'm already 19 and I feel like I haven't grown in years. Has anybody grown with this past 18?
I can pm you sauces.
I can easily find them all on the US amazon. Just the fact you have such fucking cool drugs legal is amazing
Show me links pls.
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Reactions: curlyheadedfuck, Deleted member 906, TheAscendedOne and 1 other person
  1. 25mg of mk677 morning and 25mg mk677 night. Every day. 80$
  2. 5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday 360$
  3. Hexarelin 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 2 weeks then GHRP-2 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 4 weeks then repeat back to hexarelin and so on. 100$
  4. CJC no DAC 100mcg 3x-4x daily with hexarelin or GHRP2 from number 1.Inject on an empty stomach (waking up or 3 hours after eating) and eat after 30 minutes. 50$
  5. IGF-1 DES injected at the the deltoids (shoulder muscles) 40mcg each side. (unknown as legit IGF-1 is rare to find)
  6. SAM-e 1500mg every day. 30$
  7. MSM 1000mg every day.
  8. Glucosamine 1500mg every day.
  9. Chondroitin 1200mg every day. 7. + 8. + 9. = 35$
  10. Flubiprofen 200-300 mg/day divided through 6-12 hours (eg. take 150 morning and 150 night) 80$
  11. 2.5mg letrozole daily Depends on the source. I got 10 year supply for 40$
  12. DHT gel on penis twice daily or 11-KDHT one drop on each forearm daily. Depends on the source. 4 month supply of 11-KDHT is 60$
  13. Add building blocks if you have extra cash to spend. Depends.
You can take it for calcium.

I have many sources. You can ask me in the pms.

Will see.
I would rather save up for rhinoplasty. At the very least I'll use MK677 and some petides, with DHT to expand my frame and beard growth.
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Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member 906, TheAscendedOne and 3 others
No way to tell. Take arimidex and the drugs from D and E with it tbh.

I can pm you sauces.

Show me links pls.

PM me links brooo

and which cheaper drugs to take with Mk-677
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Reactions: Deleted member 906 and TheAscendedOne
I would rather save up for rhinoplasty. At the very least I'll use MK677 and some petides, with DHT to expand my frame and beard growth.
Rhino can be at any age. Height is the hardest to max.
Difficulty to max is the following.

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Best thread on any looksmaxxing site period
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