The Ultimate Hypertrophy Guide (Gymmaxxing)



Jan 11, 2020

Through constant strength training we want to achieve hypertrophy of the muscle cells as a result of stress (work hypertrophy). Hypertrophy refers to the enlargement of individual cells, in this case the muscle cells. In order to achieve the greatest possible hypertrophy, some important steps have to be observed, which I will explain to you in the following guide. Of course, muscles can also be built up without following the various techniques to maximize hypertrophy, but this is done more slowly and laboriously. So I recommend all those who want to train seriously and achieve a good physique (body halo) to follow the following tips.

Basics (Progressive Overload):

This principle involves continually increasing the demands on the musculoskeletal system to continually make gains in muscle size, strength, and endurance. Simply put, in order to get bigger and stronger, you must continually make your muscles work harder than they're used to. Progressive overload is a very simple but crucial concept, laying the foundation upon which successful resistance training is built. To ensure progressive overload effectively, it is important to periodize the training.


Periodization is the systematic planning of physical training. The aim is to reach the best possible performance in the most important competition of the year. The "competition" in my case would simply be the summer, because I want to look the best at the beach, pool party etc. Periodic training systems typically divide time up into three types of cycles: microcycle, mesocycle, and macrocycle. The microcycle is generally up to 7 days. The mesocycle may be anywhere from 2 weeks to a few months, but is typically a month. A macrocycle refers to the overall training period, usually representing a year or two. In this guide we will only cover the Microcycle and the Mesocycle, as the Macrocycle is of little importance for normal Gymcels (not pro bodybuilders).


A mesocycle represents a phase of training with a duration of 4 weeks (=4 microcycles). So every month of our training can be considered as one mesocycle. To ensure progressive overload, each Mesocycle should be harder than the previous one. You should therefore be stronger after each Mesocycle than before and therefore be able to increase your weight on ALL exercises. In practice, this means, for example, that after one month (1 Mesocycle) you will increase your bench press by 10 kg. However, there is no weight increase within the Mesocycle. So the progressive overload within a Mesocycle is not ensured by increasing the weight but by another method, which I will explain in the next section.


A microcycle is a week. After each microcycle you should be able to move more weight than before (progressive overload). As I wrote before, this is not done by increasing the weight. The progressive overload after each microcycle is ensured by increasing the volume. This means that after each microcycle, within the same mesocycle, you increase the number of weekly sets. So within a mesocycle, each microcycle becomes more and more demanding as it contains more volume. After the last microcycle of a mesocycle a new mesocycle starts and the first microcycle of this new mesocycle contains a dramatically smaller volume than the previous one. Why is this important? Quite simply, every first microcycle of a Mesocycle is a so-called deload Phase in terms of volume. In this deload phase the bones, joints, nervous system and muscles can recover well. In addition, the muscle cells are resensitized for more hypertrophy. But how many sets per muscle group do I have to perform in each microcycle within the same mesocycle? This will be explained in the next sections.

Minimum Effective Volume/MEV (in the 1. Microcycle of each Mesocycle):

This is the amount of training that actually grows your muscles: anything below this amount may only maintain them. Your MEV is a great place to start the first week of your mesocycles and build up from there. The MEV varies from muscle to muscle, for larger muscles (back, chest, quads) it is about 10 sets, for smaller muscles (biceps, delts, triceps) it is about 6 sets.

Adaptive Volume/AV (in the 2. Microcycle of each Mesocycle):

This area is slightly higher than the MEV. You build muscles at a good pace without accumulating too much fatigue. The AV varies from muscle to muscle, for larger muscles (back, chest, quads) it is about 15 sets, for smaller muscles (biceps, delts, triceps) it is about 10 sets.

Maximum Adaptive Volume/MAV (in the 3. Microcycle of each Mesocycle):

Finally: the range of volumes in which you make your best gains. For larger muscles (back, chest, quads) it is about 20 sets, for smaller muscles (biceps, delts, triceps) it is about 15 sets. But the MAV is highly individual, so you shouldn't cling too tightly to the set guidelines but make your own experiences.

Slightly Below Maximum Recoverable Volume/MRV (in the 4. Microcycle of each Mesocycle):

Your body can only recover from so much. Once all of your body’s recovery systems are in full use, any more disruption to the system (training being a big one) will cause incomplete recovery during that time. So, while your MEV tells you about the minimum volume you need to grow, your MRV tells you about the maximum. Going all the way up to your MRV right before deloading can actually make you grow even more via the process of “supercompensation via functional overreaching,” but chronically training above your MRV will not result in any significant gains. For larger muscles (back, chest, quads) it is about 25-30 sets, for smaller muscles (biceps, delts, triceps) it is about 20 sets. But note: You should not train up to your MRV, but a little bit below!


The frequency can be arranged as desired, but each muscle should be trained again immediately after its full recovery and the weekly set numbers must be kept. Best for most people is to train each muscle/muscle group twice a week.

An Example of Periodization:

Month 1 (1. Mesocycle):
Week 1 (1. Microcycle), deload phase: 10 Sets (minimum effective volume) for chest
Week 2 (2. Microcycle): 15 Sets (adaptive volume) for chest
Week 3 (3. Microcycle): 20 Sets (maximum adaptive volume) for chest
Week 4 (4. Microcycle): 25 Sets (maximum recoverable volume) for chest

Month 2 (2. Mesocycle), the weight on all exercises is increased:
Week 5 (5. Microcycle), deload phase: 10 Sets (minimum effective volume) for chest
Week 6 (6. Microcycle): 15 Sets (adaptive volume) for chest
Week 7 (7. Microcycle): 20 Sets (maximum adaptive volume) for chest
Week 8 (8. Microcycle): 25 Sets (maximum recoverable volume) for chest


The combination of increasing weight and volume within a fixed cycle (Periodization) is extremely important for constant muscle growth without injury and without cumulative fatigue!

It is a rather complex topic, so if questions arise, just do not hesitate to ask! Soon I will also publish a guide to supplements and amino acids.
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I ain't takin nothin from a damn coon
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I ain't takin nothin from a damn coon
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Mashallah bro, got a good cycle for a gym beginner ?
Over for me. Made a high effort thread and people don't even read it. :lul:
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High effort but bullshit, volume is meme, most important thing is intensity i trained guys with high intensity and in 5 sets they were all dead, those are the guys who claimed to do 20 sets on chest and rest 1 minute betwen sets, YEAH you can do like thaat but that is because you are doing it imroperly, you are doing it with shitty form, not using negative reps, not slowing down on negative part, not streching not contracting. Belive me or not intensity is most important, i've been gymcelling for almost 4 years and most results i got was with low sets and intense training, same for dorian yates, same for most people, same for my friend and on and on and on.
Mashallah bro, got a good cycle for a gym beginner ?
I would start with a basic push-pull-legs-split.
Monday: Push (chest, triceps, front and lateral delts)
Tuesday: Pull (back, biceps, forearms)
Wednesday: Legs and abs
Thursday: Push
Friday: Pull
Saturday: Legs and abs
Sunday: rest
And just follow the advice in OP regarding volume.

But if you are a COMPLETE beginner just train the whole body every other day to build a good base.
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High effort but bullshit, volume is meme, most important thing is intensity i trained guys with high intensity and in 5 sets they were all dead, those are the guys who claimed to do 20 sets on chest and rest 1 minute betwen sets, YEAH you can do like thaat but that is because you are doing it imroperly, you are doing it with shitty form, not using negative reps, not slowing down on negative part, not streching not contracting. Belive me or not intensity is most important, i've been gymcelling for almost 4 years and most results i got was with low sets and intense training, same for dorian yates, same for most people, same for my friend and on and on and on.
You're partly right. But intensity and volume are by no means mutually exclusive. In a periodized training you can certainly include intensity techniques like TUT, dropsets, supersets and eccentrics. And the importance of volume and periodization is supported by numerous sports scientists.
based good thread. ty bro
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You're partly right. But intensity and volume are by no means mutually exclusive. In a periodized training you can certainly include intensity techniques like TUT, dropsets, supersets and eccentrics. And the importance of volume and periodization is supported by numerous sports scientists.
periodization is neccecery, after some time same exercises, same program and same shit will lost its effetivnes, to avoid that, periodization will help, but not with 25 sets and bullshit, if i trained a guy with proper intensity he wouldnot be able to do 25 sets for sure.
ultimate hypertrophy guide

lift progressive
eat above tdee
  • JFL
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periodization is neccecery, after some time same exercises, same program and same shit will lost its effetivnes, to avoid that, periodization will help, but not with 25 sets and bullshit, if i trained a guy with proper intensity he wouldnot be able to do 25 sets for sure.
As mentioned above, 25 sets is the MRV. And you should never hit the MRV. The MAV for chest is around 20 sets. And you can perfectly do 20 sets per week with good intensity for chest without getting problems with recovery.
This is very simplified. You will definitely run into various problems if you only apply these two principles.
you are overcomplicating
  • JFL
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As mentioned above, 25 sets is the MRV. And you should never hit the MRV. The MAV for chest is around 20 sets. And you can perfectly do 20 sets per week with good intensity for chest without getting problems with recovery.
20 sets? maximum is 12 sets per week, there are tons of studies which say that most optimal number of sets per workut is 5 sets, with proper intensity, that means its 10 sets per week. After 5 proper sets, there is no benefit to adding more sets, there is only diminished results after adding more sets, due to hightened CORTISOL which supress TESOTSTERONE.

If you can do 20 sets per week on one muscle group that means you are doing it incorrectly, form is off, intensity is off, something is off, you are not pushing enough maybe leaving 2, 3 or 4 reps in tank? those are the mistake most gymcels make, I see those mistakes all the time and i also see people who corrected this mistakes and got pretty good results after doing that.
you are overcomplicating
So no negatives? no droppsters? no slowing down on the last parts of reps? no proper rest? no proper frequency? just eat add weights and thats it? Dude you have no idea. Gymcelling is very complex, but once you master it, its worth it.
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So no negatives? no droppsters? no slowing down on the last parts of reps? no proper rest? no proper frequency? just eat add weights and thats it? Dude you have no idea. Gymcelling is very complex, but once you master it, its worth it.
do you think average meathead knows everything yet they are buff as fuck? it literally is lifting and eating thats all the rest are easy unless you are sub 100 iq
  • JFL
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you are overcomplicating
I am not saying all the stuff written in OP is necessary but it is definitely beneficial. If you are an intermediate lifter you need to add special techniques to still get good gains.
I am not saying all the stuff written in OP is necessary but it is definitely beneficial. If you are an intermediate lifter you need to add special techniques to still get good gains.
if you are intermediate lifter you need to add AAS to get good gains, these insignificant micromanaging wont do single shit man. do you think average buff gym bro thinks like this? they dont even count their macros for fuck sake. if bodybuilding was hard your average iq chad wouldnt be so buff and dont pull muh genetics shit for me, even incels can get good body in 1 year
  • JFL
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20 sets? maximum is 12 sets per week, there are tons of studies which say that most optimal number of sets per workut is 5 sets, with proper intensity, that means its 10 sets per week. After 5 proper sets, there is no benefit to adding more sets, there is only diminished results after adding more sets, due to hightened CORTISOL which supress TESOTSTERONE.

If you can do 20 sets per week on one muscle group that means you are doing it incorrectly, form is off, intensity is off, something is off, you are not pushing enough maybe leaving 2, 3 or 4 reps in tank? those are the mistake most gymcels make, I see those mistakes all the time and i also see people who corrected this mistakes and got pretty good results after doing that.
I can perfectly do 10 intense sets of chests exercises per workout and so should you be able to. Almost all studies show that 10 sets for a large muscle/musclegroup per workout is in the normal range and doesn't lead to recovery issues.
if you are intermediate lifter you need to add AAS to get good gains, these insignificant micromanaging wont do single shit man. do you think average buff gym bro thinks like this? they dont even count their macros for fuck sake. if bodybuilding was hard your average iq chad wouldnt be so buff and dont pull muh genetics shit for me, even incels can get good body in 1 year
Yes average buff dude knows about, negatives, progresive overload, intensity, frequency all that, who does not know this and other stuff dont get good results as i see many people like that. on the other hand who know every little detail are the people who get the results, they also have average or good genetics of course. Gymcelling information is very easy to find and learn, every average lifter can do that, and advanced lifters Surely does that and get results.
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Yes average buff dude knows about, negatives, progresive overload, intensity, frequency all that, who does not know this and other stuff dont get good results as i see many people like that. on the other hand who know every little detail are the people who get the results, they also have average or good genetics of course. Gymcelling information is very easy to find and learn, every average lifter can do that, and advanced lifters Surely does that and get results.
do whatever you want but this is just plain autism. always remember verbose died years ago
  • JFL
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I can perfectly do 10 intense sets of chests exercises per workout and so should you be able to. Almost all studies show that 10 sets for a large muscle/musclegroup per workout is in the normal range and doesn't lead to recovery issues.
if you do 10 sets with shit intensity it will make you waste your time and testosterone, if you do 5 sets with intensity Thats all you need proven by studies, show me the studies which say that 10 sets with proper intensity is not diminishing the results for people.
good thread will read it when i dont have an adhd/autism attack
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if you do 10 sets with shit intensity it will make you waste your time and testosterone, if you do 5 sets with intensity Thats all you need proven by studies, show me the studies which say that 10 sets with proper intensity is not diminishing the results for people.
Of course it will, but these are simply two different approaches (volume and intensity). And both work. If you want to do 5 sets with incredible high intensity then go for it, but 10 sets with normally high intensity does also work.
bro this will overwhelm the new goers to gym
Yeah it totaly does, i experienced it on my mentees also. People who i trained, got overwhelmed at first and i learned that i should teach them slowly, small pieces of information, and it takes 2-4 months to teach someone all this shit, depends also on how smart he is, more smart means less time needed and vice versa
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Yeah it totaly does, i experienced it on my mentees also. People who i trained, got overwhelmed at first and i learned that i should teach them slowly, small pieces of information, and it takes 2-4 months to teach someone all this shit, depends also on how smart he is, more smart means less time needed and vice versa
what am saying is just teach them basics brother. peace out nig
  • JFL
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Of course it will, but these are simply two different approaches (volume and intensity). And both work. If you want to do 5 sets with incredible high intensity then go for it, but 10 sets with normally high intensity does also work.
Both aproaches work yeah, but more effective and way effective is intensity aproach, Dorian yates got it this way, for most people who i trained intensity works way better than volume does, for myself too
Both aproaches work yeah, but more effective and way effective is intensity aproach, Dorian yates got it this way, for most people who i trained intensity works way better than volume does, for myself too
However, higher intensity also means higher stress on the nervous system, joints and bones, which is not optimal. So I would not say in general that intensity is better. But anyway, everyone should train the way he or she makes the most progress.
I didn't read, bookmarked it but probably won't look at it again, good thread tho
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However, higher intensity also means higher stress on the nervous system, joints and bones, which is not optimal. So I would not say in general that intensity is better. But anyway, everyone should train the way he or she makes the most progress.
Good point what i observed that most results are coming when you do both high intensity low volume, and low intensity high volume, i like to swithc to the low intensity medium volume sometimes to give breakes to my nervous system, not neccecerely bones and joints, they dont get that stressed with high intensity actually its exact opposite
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good thread, can i fuck my dick?
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Is this right so first week of the month I do the lowest amount of sets at a given weight and then increase the sets each week up to week 4. Then the first week of the next month I increase the weight and repeat? So I stay with one weight for a whole month?
Is this right so first week of the month I do the lowest amount of sets at a given weight and then increase the sets each week up to week 4. Then the first week of the next month I increase the weight and repeat? So I stay with one weight for a whole month?
Yes, that's legit, many sport-scientists, such as Dr. Mike Israetel, have approved it. And you shouldn't change the weight too fast anyways, as the mind muscle connection decreases and the injury risk increases.
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