The Ultimate Indian Chad,, lol



Apr 21, 2020
Lol. Many indian be shitting themselves for their dark skin. This guy is the ultimate chad. Fucking makes 1 million plus a month and slays only white Beckys and Stacys.

How would you rate him ? I would say around 3 PSL.
46757006 355327428607672 8290824505971509610 n
Don't get too much caught up on looksmaxing, moneymaxing goes hand in hand.
41214755 548590718923919 8355535152337091643 n
46757006 355327428607672 8290824505971509610 n
61076992 618173995332626 1918966425690560579 n
64795885 208375213460454 5247953275311987229 n
67559145 157188482004797 6173320716746200234 n
67828365 134033127867650 5816072228470457308 n
81842576 1259633684232053 1600968045965536827 n

Dude be holding my 10 years salary. Right there.

Moreover, He should certainly get a hair transplant.
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  • +1
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
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Women really are just status symbols, aren’t they?
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  • JFL
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My God the utter subhumanity of this fucking creature.
I want to kill him so fucking badly :rage::rage::rage::rage:
  • JFL
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Reactions: japcel, randomguy1235, Hero of the Imperium and 13 others
Lmao insane beta bux
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: randomguy1235, Mr.cope, Age of Empires and 10 others
Makes me rage
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Middle-class chad <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Tycoon incel

No money can buy the happiness or experiences a chad who blissfully believes in a just-world gets.
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They are thinking about his money not him as a person you know JFL
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Reactions: PrisonMike, randomguy1235, Gaia262 and 9 others
Doesn’t really matter. With the amount of money he has, to him it probably feels like what paying for a Happy Meal feels like for us.
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Reactions: chadpreetinthemaking, PrisonMike, Incoming and 12 others
He is more of a winner than most people here

Think he is crying about PSL? No, he is going out there and succeeding

This guy is the reason why a lot of people wish that they never discovered the black pill

Motherfucker is actually MAKING something of his life.
  • +1
Reactions: PrisonMike, SpearOfOrion, Deleted member 4671 and 10 others
He is more of a winner than most people here

Think he is crying about PSL? No, he is going out there and succeeding

This guy is the reason why a lot of people wish that they never discovered the black pill

Motherfucker is actually MAKING something of his life.

He was probably born into wealth
  • +1
Reactions: PURE ARYAN GENETICS, randomguy1235, Mr.cope and 5 others
rather be poor chad than rich beta buxer
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Reactions: Deleted member 5746, randomguy1235, Mr.cope and 9 others
are you being ironic or srs (genuine question)?
He's not slaying he's betabuxxing. Huge difference... none of those girls actually desire him. People can say pussy is pussy but at the end of the day it must suck to know these bitches are only there for the money and probably laugh at you when they show pics of your manlet ass to their fuckbuddies
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He's dan blizerian maxxing
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Reactions: PrisonMike, randomguy1235, je3oe and 4 others
When women have sex with him, probably they close their eyes, during the intercourse he must feel like a rapist
While with Chad women have hearts in their eyes
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 5746, PubertyMaxxer, randomguy1235 and 4 others
are you being ironic or srs (genuine question)?
He's not slaying he's betabuxxing. Huge difference... none of those girls actually desire him. People can say pussy is pussy but at the end of the day it must suck to know these bitches are only there for the money and probably laugh at you when they show pics of your manlet ass to their fuckbuddies

Does not matter bro! At the end of the day he is banging a hot chick, and you-does not mean just you- are jerking to the ultimate coping creation : Hentai.

To seriously answer your question tho, Money and Status are the biggest factors for attraction these days. Dude is rich: has tons of followers on IG, and gives these girls the ultimate taste of luxury.

Moreover, a woman's perception of a man drastically changes when he is rich. This has been proven countless times.

46638127 326639237955191 621553078210110169 n

I think this guy can ascend to at least being a human though. All he needs is a good hair transplant and as he already has a good eye area. Some fillers/ implants on JAW, Chin, Cheeks will ascend him drastically.
Plus, I like the fact that he ain't in a mood to date anyone; probably won't get ripped apart.
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Reactions: PrisonMike, SpearOfOrion, Incoming and 1 other person
way too much coping here
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Reactions: Mr.cope, Deleted member 3043 and Greeicy
When women have sex with him, probably they close their eyes, during the intercourse he must feel like a rapist
While with Chad women have hearts in their eyes
When she closes her eyes she imagines Chads face.
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Reactions: Greeicy, Deleted member 5912 and john2
View attachment 368690
My God the utter subhumanity of this fucking creature.
I want to kill him so fucking badly :rage::rage::rage::rage:
“He looks like a hermaphrodite lesbian. He has a roundish jaw, an undefined short chin, and chubby cheeks. He’s also overweight; notice the double chin. As a bonus, he has an asymmetrical face, lack of masculine brow and other flaws. His looks literally telegraph his low genetic quality.”
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  • JFL
Reactions: Mr.cope, Chadelite, MiroslavBulldosex and 1 other person
“He looks like a hermaphrodite lesbian. He has a roundish jaw, an undefined short chin, and chubby cheeks. He’s also overweight; notice the double chin. As a bonus, he has an asymmetrical face, lack of masculine brow and other flaws. His looks literally telegraph his low genetic quality.”
  • +1
  • JFL
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  • +1
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Does not matter bro! At the end of the day he is banging a hot chick, and you-does not mean just you- are jerking to the ultimate coping creation : Hentai.

To seriously answer your question tho, Money and Status are the biggest factors for attraction these days. Dude is rich: has tons of followers on IG, and gives these girls the ultimate taste of luxury.

Moreover, a woman's perception of a man drastically changes when he is rich. This has been proven countless times.

View attachment 368757
I think this guy can ascend to at least being a human though. All he needs is a good hair transplant and as he already has a good eye area. Some fillers/ implants on JAW, Chin, Cheeks will ascend him drastically.
Plus, I like the fact that he ain't in a mood to date anyone; probably won't get ripped apart.

yes money and status help a man's attractiveness, water is wet. But it can only HELP attractiveness, as in there needs to be a decent baseline there. So if an average-looking average height guy has 1m followers and makes 7 figure annually, then his status can halo him to high-tier normie/borderline chadlite status. But this guy looks like a truecel + true manlet height, so his status barely get him past a high-tier incel which means he's still laughable in the eyes of most women
yeah his eye area is actually pretty good I agree w/ that but that's literally it. His face is bloated, manlet height, thinning hair, no jaw, etc. etc.
He was probably born into wealth
Your avi made me lmao :lul: :feelskek::feelskek:
are you being ironic or srs (genuine question)?
He's not slaying he's betabuxxing. Huge difference... none of those girls actually desire him. People can say pussy is pussy but at the end of the day it must suck to know these bitches are only there for the money and probably laugh at you when they show pics of your manlet ass to their fuckbuddies
Muhh betabuxx. Who fucking cares about muh love when you have tons of money. Guys like you are fucking retarded tbh.
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Reactions: Deleted member 3795
He's getting laid, most of you whining are not. This argument about 'take away money and he wouldn't get any women!" is the equivalent of me saying 'take away Chad's looks and he wouldn't get any women'

At the end of the day your worth to women is defined by- looks, money, status. Nothing else truly matters. Lose the factor that brings you women, and you won't get them.
  • +1
Reactions: WillVisitGandy
Your avi made me lmao :lul: :feelskek::feelskek:

Muhh betabuxx. Who fucking cares about muh love when you have tons of money. Guys like you are fucking retarded tbh.
That's what i have been saying to this fool. No one gives a shit about being desired. when you can slay hot new girl every night. Neediness to being desired is what failing these guys. Just fuck some hookers, if you are so much desperate lol. These girls are no less than them.
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Reactions: mouthbreatheraf
why are bluepillers like u allowed here
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Reactions: Mr.cope, Deleted member 4671, Saltner and 2 others
Why do fags always see everything black and white “muh so rich Indian probably doesn’t give a shit about your PSL”, rather be Chad, make 100-200K a year and enjoy a genuine life.

JFL if you think he’s feeling superior to MMs or Chads, you can be Chad and also be comfortable/rich enough to don’t care about money and from this position I’d bet you wouldn’t change your life with this subhuman.
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Reactions: randomguy1235, Deleted member 4671 and Greeicy
I would not exchange even a second of my life with this subhuman JFL. At least I know that when females like me, they like me for who I am and not for what I possess. I literally don’t give a single shit about being rich. The only thing that gets my cortisol rising and makes me feel jealous is when I see an insanely attractive guy. Bluepilled normie BS if you rather be rich subhuman than a broke 6’4 8PSL Chad.
  • +1
Reactions: randomguy1235, Deleted member 4671, Vitruvian and 1 other person
lmfao u guys are retarded

dude doesnt even pay them he just gives them free status w insta tags and thats it and lets them drink his cheap champagne

in return he pumps and dumps white models and gets his buddies laid, achieving more status while it happens

girls want guys taller than other guys not just taller than them because they only care about status.

u guys hate women and their vapid personalities but when this guy pumps and dumps u say "they only care about vapid shit like money and dont love his equally vapid looks" and honestly fucking from ur iq and hard work must feel better than innate looks

im too high iq for this site
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Reactions: randomguy1235, Mr.cope, Deleted member 4671 and 3 others
I sold this guy a Buddha blaster 8000 back in 2015
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Just be a simp bhai
He's getting laid, most of you whining are not. This argument about 'take away money and he wouldn't get any women!" is the equivalent of me saying 'take away Chad's looks and he wouldn't get any women'

At the end of the day your worth to women is defined by- looks, money, status. Nothing else truly matters. Lose the factor that brings you women, and you won't get them.
they will have women regardless, because they have great personality and shower daily
i'll mog him soon
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Reactions: OBE
This one mogs him


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  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Reactions: AbandonShip, ExcelatIncel and Pex1992
They are thinking about his money not him as a person you know JFL
They are thinking about Chads looks not him as a person you know JFL
  • +1
Reactions: maxlooks
you looksminned so fucking hard wth
@Pex1992 get proper sleep avoid sunlight use retinoid/ topical vit C. Your skin looks old and these will at least prevent it from worsen. It can improve it too.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1680
@Pex1992 get proper sleep avoid sunlight use retinoid/ topical vit C. Your skin looks old and these will at least prevent it from worsen. It can improve it too.
I use retino A and moisturizer befpre sleep .its hard to get vitamin c in this situation of lockdown in india
Does it look bad even here ???


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Reactions: Deleted member 4671
You use, Chad in the title.

Since when, is BetaBuxxing a Chad thing?

This dude is basically paying for it. Either direcetly, or in a round about way. He is moneymaxxed, and therefore lifestylemaxxed which mean Statusmaxxed.

He slays, obviously.

Most blackpillers, aim to sex women without needing to BetaBuxx/StatusMaxx/MoneyMaxx. But would like to slay, by women getting turned on by how good/hot they look.

There are in essence 3-5 ways to slay. consistently, new women:
1. Being very good looking. Looksmaxxed
2. StatusMaxxed (power, lifestyle, fame, etc.)
3. Moneymaxxed
4. LocationMaxxed (for some phenotype of dudes, in certain places.)

Well, that's about it already, I guess.

Somehow, blackpillers, at least plenty of them. Consider slaying for other reasons then Being good looking, as getting unenthusiastic dead fish type of sex. Whereas only dudes that are chosen because of good looks; get from woman, hot, wild freaky, her going full nutts on his dick type of sex experience. Aka, only Chad gets to see raw sexual lust from her. Plus also, more simple based Love/affection, not dependant on exchange of stuff, money, etc..

There may be some truth to that.
There may be some truth to that
You use, Chad in the title.

Since when, is BetaBuxxing a Chad thing?

This dude is basically paying for it. Either direcetly, or in a round about way. He is moneymaxxed, and therefore lifestylemaxxed which mean Statusmaxxed.

He slays, obviously.

Most blackpillers, aim to sex women without needing to BetaBuxx/StatusMaxx/MoneyMaxx. But would like to slay, by women getting turned on by how good/hot they look.

There are in essence 3-5 ways to slay. consistently, new women:
1. Being very good looking. Looksmaxxed
2. StatusMaxxed (power, lifestyle, fame, etc.)
3. Moneymaxxed
4. LocationMaxxed (for some phenotype of dudes, in certain places.)

Well, that's about it already, I guess.

Somehow, blackpillers, at least plenty of them. Consider slaying for other reasons then Being good looking, as getting unenthusiastic dead fish type of sex. Whereas only dudes that are chosen because of good looks; get from woman, hot, wild freaky, her going full nutts on his dick type of sex experience. Aka, only Chad gets to see raw sexual lust from her. Plus also, more simple based Love/affection, not dependant on exchange of stuff, money, etc..

There may be some truth to that.
There may be some truth to that
1000 iq comment.... But no matter how hard you looksMaxx you're looks will eventually fade out (mid 30s) and this guy will still be slaying at his 50s because what he has to offer to women( money ) will always hold value to them and will always be in need.
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1000 iq comment.... But no matter how hard you looksMaxx you're looks will eventually fade out (mid 30s) and this guy will still be slaying at his 50s because what he has to offer to women( money ) will always hold value to them and will always be in need.
That's true.
Ideally, a man at least experience some time/period in his life-time where he chosen for his great Looks. Just to get it out of the way, and know what that is like.
He was probably born into wealth
This. It's extremely rare for a person who is born poor to become rich. Over half the rich people on earth inherit their wealth. And roughly 30-40% who become rich are born into middle to upper class families.

Also people love the underdog and would never mention the help their family or friends provide them. Everyone wants to think of themselves as self made.
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Reactions: randomguy1235 and Deleted member 3795
Dont even say chad and indian in the same phrase its dangerous
he fucks psl 8 stacys while you cry about him who cares
its zygosforlifes uncle or nothing.

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