The ultimate nofsp guide



Beauties Can Die
Jul 24, 2020
Hello everyone! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is BlueCaller and my intention is to offer some advice to all of you men out there who crave a decent bout of testicular pain, but have no-one to administer it to you.
Like Andy, I too have enjoyed the concept of being hit/kicked/kneed in the balls since I began puberty. It was only fairly recently (November 99) that I met a wonderful woman who has been prepared to indulge me in my fantasies. She was uncomfortable at first, but as time has gone on....she has slowly found more and more power and pleasure from kicking me in the nuts. For many many years though, I was a frustrated bustee. I thought about dominant women crushing my testicles all day long and I spent a long time sexually frustrated because of this. I simply wanted to feel pain in my balls so much that I began to conceive ways of doing this to myself. This is where my page comes in!! Andy has very kindly allowed me to write about some of my favourite ways to crush your own testicles with the aid of a few simple household accessories! I believe that most of us have to resort to methods like these at some time or another to achieve arousal, so I hope that here you will find a method that crushes your nuts as flat as you want em! Of course, if a ballbusting female happens to be reading this...most of these methods work just as well with the buster administering them to the bustee. So watch out guys, your girl might just try out some new ideas on you soon!
There are two main techniques involved in causing the sensation of pain within the testicles. They are administering a sharp blow (as in punching/hitting/kicking etc) and crushing (as in squeezing etc). Personally I've always enjoyed striking my nuts with a sharp blow as this simulates the effect of being hit in the groin by a woman. It also causes a more severe wave of pain to wash through them (having said that, any man who has had his gonads squeezed by an angry woman will know how debilitating a good squeeze can be!).
A Useful Hint
At this point, I feel it would be useful to mention an item of clothing which I've found invaluable in ballbusting. Whether you crush your own `nads or have someone else do it for you....GET YOURSELF A PAIR OF LYCRA CYCLING SHORTS! It is a fact of life that vulnerable to a sharp blow as your balls are....god designed them to move about in the scrotum and escape injury quite well. THERE IS AN ANSWER! Buy yourself some of those skintight Lycra shorts that cyclists wear. If you slip an elastic band over your balls, and then don the will find the impossible becomes easy! Your balls are held completely central between your legs. They cannot move or escape, and the shorts are so tight that they hold your penis up out of the way. Basically this means that every hit, whack, sharp blow or whatever goes directly into your balls! It is wonderful! This is useful also if someone else is trying to crush your nuts. My mistress used to often miss my nuts when she kicked me. She'd often get my cock by accident instead. With the Lycra shorts on, my balls are held firmly in the same place for her...and judging by the bulge they make in the shorts, she can see em too! You may have to experiment to position your balls just right between your legs, but believe me....Lycra shorts make ballbusting so much easier! I dare any man to take many hits to his balls from an apple in a sock while they are bound with elastic bands and unable to escape! Try it!
First, let's take a look at a few simple and quick ways to whack your balls.
METHOD 1 - The Apple
Believe it or not, a humble apple can cause a significant amount of pain to your testicles. Just ask me! It's been one of my favourite techniques since I began experimenting. All you need is an average sized apple and a sock! Simply drop an average sized, evenly shaped apple into the end of a sock. It then becomes like the classic street fighter weapon of a pool ball in a sock! All you have to do is drop your trousers and expose your sac to the air...then swing the sock as hard as you can, aiming to strike your testes with the apple. If you have fairly average balls and don't regularly torture them too much, then a good solid whack on each should be enough to provide a quite reasonable level of pain. Of course, there are no limits and you can go on whacking them as much as you like! This is a quiet method too, something important for those of us who live in close proximity of others. Some of you may be sitting there thinking "Why not use something heavier than an apple? Like a baseball for instance?" Well, whatever you strike your own testicles with is entirely up to you! I have always found an apple to give a satisfying thump if swung hard enough. I also always have one around, as I am a big fruit eater (brings a whole new meaning to the term "bruised fruit"!!!). Try it!
METHOD 2 - The Heel
This method is effective either "nuts out" or when you are clothed. Find a shoe of some kind. Most men will find this method more sexually stimulating when using a woman's a high heeled shoe or similar. Myself, I've always found a more satisfying level of pain can be accomplished by using a heavy boot of some kind. A sneaker will do the job quite well. Be warned! Be VERY, VERY careful if you opt to use a shoe with a narrow, sharp heel! You may end up doing more damage to your nuts than you intended! If doing this naked, hold your penis up out of the way with one hand...and hold the shoe firmly with your other hand. Hold it by the toe, so you can bring the heel down sharply into your nuts. Get ready, raise the shoe away from you and then .WHAM! smack the heel of the shoe to your crotch as hard as you can. With a heavy work boot or something, you can really cause a significant level of pain to be felt in the gonads. You can also try resting your balls over the edge of a hard surface (like a table or something), or placing a hard object behind them and hitting them. With a solid object behind, there isn't anywhere for the force of the hit to go and 90% of the impact is felt in the balls. Another very simple, quick to administer way of getting your kicks! Try it!
METHOD 3 - The Toilet Seat
Oh yes! The common every day toilet seat is actually a testicle crushing device par-excellence! You will find it works better if you first slip an elastic band around your sac so your nuts are held tightly together in the end of the scrotum. Kneel down in front of the toilet, and lift the lid back as high as it will go. Then, rest your jewels upon the edge of the seat. I think you can guess what comes next! Let the lid drop and ...CRUNCH! ....your nuts get firmly squished between seat and lid! This is a really simple, quick way of causing a sharp blow to your testicles. Of course, some toilet seats are heavier than others so caution is advised. For best results hold your penis out of the way with your spare hand, so your balls get the full force of the impact. Once you have gauged how painful it is to crush both nuts this way, you can progress to doing one at a time....which should provide a decent aching sensation to your glands. If you are into REAL pain, it is also possible to SIT ON YOUR OWN TESTICLES (oooooowwww!!). Slip the elastic band around your sac, above the balls as before. Then (and this bit is tricky) turn away from the toilet, slide your balls between seat and lid...and....sit down. WARNING!! THIS TECHNIQUE CAN PUT VIRTUALLY ALL YOUR WEIGHT DIRECTLY UPON YOUR NUTS! Be very careful if you try this! You may end up going off ballbusting altogether after trying this (I almost did), because you won't have any balls to bust anymore!!! Well, you will....but they'll be pretty flat.......Try it if you dare!
METHOD 4 - The Wardrobe/Cupboard Door
Oh god. Just thinking back to how I tried this technique in my early teens brings tears to my eyes! As with many of the self-busting methods, slip an (or several) elastic bands around your sac, above the balls. This keeps them tight together at the bottom of the scrotum, and makes them especially vulnerable. You will need to find a wardrobe or something similar that you can stand in front of. The idea is to sandwich your jewels directly between the edge of the door and the door frame itself. When they are in position, push yourself against the door to hold them firmly in place. With them held snugly between a rock and a hard place (he he he), bring your knee back behind you (be careful not to let your balls escape at this point). Then knee the door as hard as you dare! Your balls will be crushed nicely! As a young man, this was one of the first ways I ever tried to hurt myself. I wasn't expecting much and kneed the door with moderate force. I must have trapped my nuts in just the right place because it absolutely hurt like hell! The pain was so sharp and intense that I collapsed on the floor, and spent several minutes down there in considerable pain. This method can be hard to - continue later
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