The ultimate proof that governments don't give a single shit about you



Jan 2, 2019

If western governments don't want their soldiers to be patriots, then what does that tell us? It implies that they view their solders are being literally nothing more than just paid thugs with guns who's purpose is to protect them. It's actually gotten to a point that the governments of the west can't even be bothered to hide behind patriotism anymore, they literally just don't want their soldiers to give a shit about anything but getting paid. JFL at thinking your country gives a shit about you when your own army outright demonizes it's own soldiers for giving a shit about their country while favoring foreigners as soldiers so that they can more easily kill you when you step out of line.

Anybody who still thinks patriotism isn't just a scam the elite uses (or USE to use) to bullshit you into dying for some bullshit is a massive cuck. Governments always have been and always will be nothing more than criminals hiding behind made up concepts to trick people into fighting more them. Or at least that is what they USE to do before they just said "fuck it" and now can't even be bothered at all.
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Next up, water is wet...
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No fucking shit.
OP, although you might see yourself as Columbus discovering the new world, you're just a low iq basement dweller.
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no 1 cares about you except for your mother and father is you are fortunate. Thats the truth, evyone think about themselfs and only about them. Girls will never love you, friends never will trully like you. Live with that if you want a friend get a dog
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Reactions: fauxfox, Deleted member 685, kobecel and 2 others
wtf, Britain is just so cucked.
@mojopin check this out bruv.
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All Western European/Scandinavian countries are. It’s over for Europe.

Iceland is still 94% white for the time being. It's people are cucked as fuck though.
Iceland is still 94% white for the time being. It's people are cucked as fuck though.
I should emigrate to Iceland just to go ER on the other 6%

Someone wanna join me?
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Reactions: rockndogs and dogtown
Shits me
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Here in 'Murica, not only is it okay to be a patriot, but everybody's co-opting it. I might think I'm a patriot for upholding traditional American values. But maybe my enemies are like "No, I'M the patriot. I support freedom and progress, and I say THAT'S what America is about. YOU are the traitor and I'M the patriot."
Shut up and die for Israel goy.
Brits used to be so rightwing lol
To be fair, patriotism is a common excuse used by the far right for their actions. I don’t think anyone could accuse the British Army of being unpatriotic.
"Refer to Political Correctness as some left wing or communist plot"

I read that in a UK accent. They have such pretty voices over there, such a variety of pretty voices. But this doesn't seem to use "official-sounding" language.
Imagine being some ultra retard cucking for the government, who goes on to associate all of these beliefs with being an evil right wing extremist
  • JFL
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"every single guy in my platoon was there for the slot (killing) or for the adrenaline fix" - my friend, former Royal Marine Commando, afghanistan veteran. IOW, nobody in this elite group of warfighters believed any nonsense about spreading democracy or fighting terrorism, they were all there as government sanctioned killers, knew it and embraced it.

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