The value of suffering


Deleted member 16220

Nov 28, 2021
The tree that would grow to heaven must first send it's roots to hell.

The tree that wouldest grow to heaven, must have it's roots strong amongst the rocks.

And do you say yes to infinite pleasure? Then you have said yes to infinite pain. For you cannot have one without the other. For to live is to suffer, and to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.

What is the value of suffering?

That which does not kill you makes you stronger. And the more you accept a pain, the more you decide to be closer to an ideal of yourself. The more you just decided to be stronger.

The closer you are to a Jacob Hate. Jacob Hate is a person I want to become, not what I am. It's a forged identity, a name, an idea I came up with that I could become. My own ubermensch. The overcome of life, my life, the only life I will ever live.

You must embrace the suffering and say bring it on motherfucker. You must overcome it even if it takes weeks, years, a lifetime to solve the problem.

And you will one day look back in a beautiful place, with beautiful sounds playing, maybe in the afterlife, maybe in your brain as it dies from lack of oxygen, and it will be beautiful, and you will remember, you will remember

That you overcame.

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Nemean lion 1
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sounds like cope honestly

somewhere, there is a chad, who has everything you have to work for, and will still never get
and somewhere are people cleaning the swears with cockroaches over them - does their suffering have a purpose?

at some point suffering is just suffering, and excessive suffering does not build the character, it destroys it instead

sounds like a way of coping with the fact that this world is just fucking unfair
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Reactions: watah, NateJacobs, Deleted member 14392 and 25 others
sounds like cope honestly
somewhere, there is a chad, who has everything you have to work for, and will still never get

sounds like a way of coping with the fact that this world is just fucking unfair
Your post reeks of a high prolactin and brain gunshot wound.

I never asked you to be given the world. I asked you to tell me you would get the fuck up and take it or die trying. That's all I expect of you, that all you expect of you.

And if you die while you tried? I will be at your funeral with tears, flowers, and a crown for you chose to overcome or die. You lived the true meaning of life, even in death.
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Boomer cope
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cope i am 18 and i remember thinking about roping when i was 6 because of getting bullied
nothing changed everyone who bullied me living their teenage years while i am rotting here
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Reactions: yirma19 and justinzayn
cope i am 18 and i remember thinking about roping when i was 6 because of getting bullied
nothing changed everyone who bullied me living their teenage years while i am rotting here
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i went from sub5 trucel tier to mtn/htn (people here rated in dms) but my mental health is still horrible i usually have dreams about my trucel days while sleeping
You don't truly truly realize that nobody can or ever will care.

My father beat me bloody as a child and I have a crooked nose and ptosis in one eye as a result.

I have bad genetics and relentlessly strive to overcome it every day.

I never had friends and have developed an extreme self discipline and sense of self solitude that cannot be developed without extreme suffering. I did nofap for 3 years from ages 15-18. I have been lonely my entire life. I was bullied in school. I was covered in monstrous acne and had skinnyfat physique and poor and ugly.

I had health problems leaving me bed bound and nobody to come help me.

I look back and say: it was all good. The mind I have now looks back in approval at my old self and his choices, his decisions, his overcoming of what life gave him.

You don't realize I understand human nature. You are not programmed to care about my suffering. I know you only want to use me to help yourself. I only want to use others for the same, and I've gotten quite good at it.

I'm manipulative. I'm insightful. Im content being alone because I know the individual is all there ever will be. When I am alone the world makes more sense. When I am with others I don't think of them as friends, but people to be used for my purpose.

My depression and suicidal tendencies forced me to do things other men would fearfully back down from.

I am a warrior. Other warriors understand the things I am saying. I speak to their hearts and they understand the language.
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Mirin character development from laughing at manlets and writing philosophical mental masturbatiom threads to just posting philosophical mental masturbation threads
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Reactions: whitepilled4life, Primalsplit, Deleted member 19442 and 7 others
what was ur height at 15
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Reactions: Deleted member 16220
im taking d3+k2, l arginine and boron, i really want to take ais but you need to do blood work, and im scared mk677 will make nose bigger
Take mk677 and overdose on AI try and hit 6'6. I fused at 6'4.
Share your cycle boyo, mirin hair too. btw I really appreciate your posts, good motivational shit tbh
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im taking d3+k2, l arginine and boron, i really want to take ais but you need to do blood work, and im scared mk677 will make nose bigger
Don't be scared. Take it. It won't.

Get actual aromasin. The AI is actually more important than the small amount of HGH.

And you have to understand with mk677 your entire body will grow in proportion not just your nose.

The reason the nose grows is because parts of the body aren't responsive to insulin like growth factor 1, IGF1, except small parts of the body that either never ossify (solidify bone) or soft tissue that still has responsive elements and grows (the nose and ears). After puberty most of the body isn't responsive to IGF1 except the nose so it will continue to grow. But in puberty it shouldn't. Your entire body will grow including the size of your head and hands all of it. Which is good.

In puberty if you spam someone with IGF1 every part of them will grow equally. I have a bigger head than everyone not just taller. Im bigger in every way because of high IGF1 during puberty.

With mk677 that would be even higher for you. Take the mk677, the AI is even more important. Do it.
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Share your cycle boyo, mirin hair too. btw I really appreciate your posts, good motivational shit tbh
All the hate in this thread and this is all I wanted. My work is done. Warriors speak to other warriors. You already decided to help yourself then I offered advice and you find "it motivational". No dude. You already motivate yourself. You are already a warrior. And I'm pleased to help.
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Reactions: TeenAscender, Primalsplit, Deleted member 15854 and 3 others
All the hate in this thread and this is all I wanted. My work is done. Warriors speak to other warriors. You already decided to help yourself then I offered advice and you find "it motivational". No dude. You already motivate yourself. You are already a warrior. And I'm pleased to help.
BUT what is your cycle? And how the fuck did you mantain this hair quality?
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Reactions: Deleted member 16220
BUT what is your cycle? And how the fuck did you mantain this hair quality?
Steroids are illegal but test cycles I've heard work quite well and are cheap and can be run like 400mg+....

Finasteride helps most with hair quality.

Some people say hair systems can look very real as well....
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Reactions: FutureSlayer
Steroids are illegal but test cycles I've heard work quite well and are cheap and can be run like 400mg+....

Finasteride helps most with hair quality.

Some people say hair systems can look very real as well....
You look better, younger and stronger than me. And I'm 20. Gonna blast test and duta for hair. :blackpill:
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Reactions: Deleted member 16220
BUT what is your cycle? And how the fuck did you mantain this hair quality?
his hair is thinning bad, he has taken all sorts of treatments, fin, minox, ru, dut amd pyrilutamide
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Mirin your ascension and extreme confidence in your beliefs
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Gonna go read this to kids right after they got molested, brb
You don't truly truly realize that nobody can or ever will care.

My father beat me bloody as a child and I have a crooked nose and ptosis in one eye as a result.

I have bad genetics and relentlessly strive to overcome it every day.

I never had friends and have developed an extreme self discipline and sense of self solitude that cannot be developed without extreme suffering. I did nofap for 3 years from ages 15-18. I have been lonely my entire life. I was bullied in school. I was covered in monstrous acne and had skinnyfat physique and poor and ugly.

I had health problems leaving me bed bound and nobody to come help me.

I look back and say: it was all good. The mind I have now looks back in approval at my old self and his choices, his decisions, his overcoming of what life gave him.

You don't realize I understand human nature. You are not programmed to care about my suffering. I know you only want to use me to help yourself. I only want to use others for the same, and I've gotten quite good at it.

I'm manipulative. I'm insightful. Im content being alone because I know the individual is all there ever will be. When I am alone the world makes more sense. When I am with others I don't think of them as friends, but people to be used for my purpose.

My depression and suicidal tendencies forced me to do things other men would fearfully back down from.

I am a warrior. Other warriors understand the things I am saying. I speak to their hearts and they understand the language.
life is not an anime you fcking loser do you think you’d end up here if you had a healthy childhood
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Primalsplit
life is not an anime you fcking loser do you think you’d end up here if you had a healthy childhood
no he would be doing normie shit instead of ascending
life is not an anime you fcking loser do you think you’d end up here if you had a healthy childhood

That's precisely the point. It's suffering that makes men great. You think being average is great because you're below average.

I am great. I don't belong with the masses. I am special. I was gifted with misfortune. I am strong enough to overcome all odds.

Whenever life gives me a problem from henceforth I say "YES" to it.
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View attachment 1978163

That's precisely the point. It's suffering that makes men great. You think being average is great because you're below average.

I am great. I don't belong with the masses. I am special. I was gifted with misfortune. I am strong enough to overcome all odds.

Whenever life gives me a problem from henceforth I say "YES" to
you are not special you’re just rotting here like everyone else and i mog you tbh
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Reactions: Primalsplit
you have this quality about you, you are a natural leader, i am willing to die for you, im getting aromasin and mk677 now
mk677 is so expensive do you know how i can make money
aromasin is a lot cheaper i can get it
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Reactions: Deleted member 16220
aromasin is a lot cheaper i can get it
this is more important than the mk677. it's not gonna be cheap. you're gonna need a shitty part time job after school then you will be able to afford all of these things.
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Reactions: gribsufer1
You don't truly truly realize that nobody can or ever will care.

My father beat me bloody as a child and I have a crooked nose and ptosis in one eye as a result.

I have bad genetics and relentlessly strive to overcome it every day.

I never had friends and have developed an extreme self discipline and sense of self solitude that cannot be developed without extreme suffering. I did nofap for 3 years from ages 15-18. I have been lonely my entire life. I was bullied in school. I was covered in monstrous acne and had skinnyfat physique and poor and ugly.

I had health problems leaving me bed bound and nobody to come help me.

I look back and say: it was all good. The mind I have now looks back in approval at my old self and his choices, his decisions, his overcoming of what life gave him.

You don't realize I understand human nature. You are not programmed to care about my suffering. I know you only want to use me to help yourself. I only want to use others for the same, and I've gotten quite good at it.

I'm manipulative. I'm insightful. Im content being alone because I know the individual is all there ever will be. When I am alone the world makes more sense. When I am with others I don't think of them as friends, but people to be used for my purpose.

My depression and suicidal tendencies forced me to do things other men would fearfully back down from.

I am a warrior. Other warriors understand the things I am saying. I speak to their hearts and they understand the language.
Good post bro but some people just won't get it. I myself came from 3rd world country in an active war, annoys me to see kids acting near disabled. Its not hard to cut spending and save up couple months for surgery, or invest in a good blackpilled skincare routine

but even still majority of mfs are too lazy to do the bare minimum. No wonder t levels have been decreasing
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Reactions: Marsik, Deleted member 13787 and Deleted member 16220
Good post bro but some people just won't get it. I myself came from 3rd world country in an active war, annoys me to see kids acting near disabled. Its not hard to cut spending and save up couple months for surgery, or invest in a good blackpilled skincare routine

but even still majority of mfs are too lazy to do the bare minimum. No wonder t levels have been decreasing
Yes I'm slowly realizing that it's not an issue of lack of resources that most men look like shit. They are just prey. They are the men that get their villages raided, their necks sliced open, and their wives raped, and their children killed. That's the majority of men. Weak in every way.
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Reactions: gribsufer1, malicieusss, litaz and 2 others
this is more important than the mk677. it's not gonna be cheap. you're gonna need a shitty part time job after school then you will be able to afford all of these things.
aromasin is 50 dollard for 30 pills, that would last me 120 days, i have 100 pounds, will wageslavemax
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Reactions: Deleted member 16220
aromasin is 50 dollard for 30 pills, that would last me 120 days, i have 100 pounds, will wageslavemax
Trust me do it. If you have the money try and use steroids in puberty as well. Your voice will get deeper, dick longer, jaw bigger. You will have to watch out for just acne and hairloss that's it. But the hairloss likely won't happen because you are so young that you'll have many years before it becomes an issue.

Try and hop on some test if you can and most importantly AI. This is extremely important. Take my advice.
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Reactions: gribsufer1
Trust me do it. If you have the money try and use steroids in puberty as well. Your voice will get deeper, dick longer, jaw bigger. You will have to watch out for just acne and hairloss that's it. But the hairloss likely won't happen because you are so young that you'll have many years before it becomes an issue.

Try and hop on some test if you can and most importantly AI. This is extremely important. Take my advice.
im nw2.5 already,they are falling out a lot, im going to get a dermapen, iodine and substances that increase DNA methylation, a guy on bodybuilding forum misc did it and went from nw3 to nw1, the reason some people have the genetics to not go bald is because they have higher dna methylation, dna methylation gets lower as you age whichbis why people get bald later in life, im really high dht and t though my body is already fully hairy and i have a full beard, dick grew by .7 inches in 2 months
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didn't read. not roping == coping
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