The way incels talk about Asian women is extremely retarded



morph king
May 16, 2020
Asian women aren’t self-loathing race traitors. They’re actually the most “racially loyal” race when it comes to dating.

Lots of incels seem to think the trend of Asian women dating White men is some sort of remarkable anomaly that can only be explained by character defects on the Asian women’s part. Asian women are racist, the incels say. Asian women are self-loathing/self-hating, the incels say.

But you know what else the incels say? This:
  • Caucasians are the most aesthetically appealing because their traits (e.g. high straight nose bridge, deep-set eyes, projecting maxilla and chin, orthographic profile) are universally attractive, so it’s no wonder that they have the advantage in the dating market.
  • Asian men have low-testosterone undimorphic traits (e.g. shorter height, narrower frame, smaller penis, flat brow ridge, no facial hair) combined with universally ugly traits (e.g. recessed maxilla, flattened skull) that make them lack sex appeal to a huge degree.
Since White men are objectively the most desirable and Asian men are objectively the lease desirable to females, why is the phenomenon of Asian women dating White men remarkable in the slightest? Asian women preferring White men’s looks is as natural and expected as birds making nests is; it’s exactly what we expect women to do, based on their innate hypergamous nature.

I find it laughable that incels comment stuff like:

“This noodlewhore’s boyfriend is a tall White Chad. Can’t make this shit up.”

Yeah, bro. Water is wet. Can’t make this shit up. 2 + 2 = 4. Can’t make this shit up.

Women select for the best traits in men. You already know they Caucasians tend to have more aesthetic features, so is it at all surprising that Asian women prefer them?

We don’t post “broootal racepill” threads about brown-eyed women dating blue-eyed men. Why? Because we understand that blue eyes are simply more attractive.

You know what would be actually weird? Asian women choosing to date ricecels. This makes no sense. Women are hypergamous. What makes a lot of sense is Asian women chasing after 6'6" Nordic GigaChad.

Incels don’t post Instagram pics of White women with White men to blackpill forums and comment “Her bf is a White Chadlite. Can’t make this shit up JFL”, but they do do it to pics of Asian women with White men. As if there’s something different about the AFWM couple. The dual-White couple and the AFWM couple are the same—all I see are 2 women behaving as they’re biologically programmed to, which is to pick males of the highest genetic quality.

To suggest that Asian women are somehow “supposed” to date within their own race is absurd. No one says short women ought to date within their own “height class”. Women date up in all traits: money, status, height, and the physical features that’re connected to race.

Asian women are actually incredibly “loyal” to their own race. While many Asian women go for White males and don’t give Asian males a chance, plenty of Asian women are in relationships with Asian men. They choose to date and marry Asian men, in spite of the fact that they’re capable of obtaining White/Black/Latino/etc. men who are taller, look better, and have bigger penises. This indicates a shockingly high degree of racial “loyalty”. If Asian women weren’t loyal to their race, the percentage of Asian women dating outside their race would be giga, like 95%+.
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its pretty self evident i think
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its pretty self evident i think

But the low-IQ brainlets don’t realize:

5.7% of the US population is Asian, so if Asian women preferred all races equally, the percentage of Asian women whose partners are non-Asian would be 94.3%.

The real percentage of Asian American women dating outside their race is lower than 94%, so the data shows Asian women have a preference for Asian men. The utter opposite of what the brainlet incels cope with.
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Inb4 @RecessedSubhumanX comes and copes with muh Noodle
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That doesn't matter since the asian hubby just gets cucked. What's the point of this post?
  • JFL
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It doesn't matter who the husband or BF is if he gets cucked.

You’re too practical. Welcome to my ignore list. Only intellectual theoreticians deserve my attention on this site.
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Not a molecule + white women fog.
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15ebaf86899c36a933404f547d2b6aaf 1
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If Asian women weren’t loyal to their race, the percentage of Asian women dating outside their race would be giga, like 95%+.
You overlooking the fact that most of none Asian guys can get something better than a noodle.
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You overlooking the fact that most of none Asian guys can get something better than a noodle.

:feelsuhh::banhammer::feelsuhh: The woman gotta agree bruh. The woman is the gatekeeper. The woman is the one who makes the decision to form or refuse sexual relations.

The Asian guys can’t get non-Asian girls, but the Asian girls can and do get non-Asian guys.

The statistic—the % of Asian women dating outside their race—is completely under the women’s control.
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This thread lol

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  • JFL
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But the low-IQ brainlets don’t realize:

5.7% of the US population is Asian, so if Asian women preferred all races equally, the percentage of Asian women whose partners are non-Asian would be 94.3%.

The real percentage of Asian American women dating outside their race is lower than 94%, so the data shows Asian women have a preference for Asian men. The utter opposite of what the brainlet incels cope with.
I don't neccessarily disagree with your conclusion but you have to consider the fact that people tend to self-segregate based on race, so Asians will generally be surrounded by other Asians at a much higher rate than the overall demographic data suggests both in their geographical area and their social circle.
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They are white passing, and that is why they're attractive.
White and black women are so masculine tbh. Ethnic foids mog hard in my honest sincere opinion
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My GF (Asian) tells me she doesn't like dating Asian guys because it feels to her like they would look like a brother.

I've never seen an other race use this argument, it seems very Asian-woman specific, but only the Asian girls immigrants in the west.

Asians in Asian countries prefer they own kin like everyone else
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asian women when western cock is in sight:
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Asian women aren’t self-loathing race traitors. They’re actually the most “racially loyal” race when it comes to dating.

Lots of incels seem to think the trend of Asian women dating White men is some sort of remarkable anomaly that can only be explained by character defects on the Asian women’s part. Asian women are racist, the incels say. Asian women are self-loathing/self-hating, the incels say.

But you know what else the incels say? This:
  • Caucasians are the most aesthetically appealing because their traits (e.g. high straight nose bridge, deep-set eyes, projecting maxilla and chin, orthographic profile) are universally attractive, so it’s no wonder that they have the advantage in the dating market.
  • Asian men have low-testosterone undimorphic traits (e.g. shorter height, narrower frame, smaller penis, flat brow ridge, no facial hair) combined with universally ugly traits (e.g. recessed maxilla, flattened skull) that make them lack sex appeal to a huge degree.
Since White men are objectively the most desirable and Asian men are objectively the lease desirable to females, why is the phenomenon of Asian women dating White men remarkable in the slightest? Asian women preferring White men’s looks is as natural and expected as birds making nests is; it’s exactly what we expect women to do, based on their innate hypergamous nature.

I find it laughable that incels comment stuff like:

“This noodlewhore’s boyfriend is a tall White Chad. Can’t make this shit up.”

Yeah, bro. Water is wet. Can’t make this shit up. 2 + 2 = 4. Can’t make this shit up.

Women select for the best traits in men. You already know they Caucasians tend to have more aesthetic features, so is it at all surprising that Asian women prefer them?

We don’t post “broootal racepill” threads about brown-eyed women dating blue-eyed men. Why? Because we understand that blue eyes are simply more attractive.

You know what would be actually weird? Asian women choosing to date ricecels. This makes no sense. Women are hypergamous. What makes a lot of sense is Asian women chasing after 6'6" Nordic GigaChad.

Incels don’t post Instagram pics of White women with White men to blackpill forums and comment “Her bf is a White Chadlite. Can’t make this shit up JFL”, but they do do it to pics of Asian women with White men. As if there’s something different about the AFWM couple. The dual-White couple and the AFWM couple are the same—all I see are 2 women behaving as they’re biologically programmed to, which is to pick males of the highest genetic quality.

To suggest that Asian women are somehow “supposed” to date within their own race is absurd. No one says short women ought to date within their own “height class”. Women date up in all traits: money, status, height, and the physical features that’re connected to race.

Asian women are actually incredibly “loyal” to their own race. While many Asian women go for White males and don’t give Asian males a chance, plenty of Asian women are in relationships with Asian men. They choose to date and marry Asian men, in spite of the fact that they’re capable of obtaining White/Black/Latino/etc. men who are taller, look better, and have bigger penises. This indicates a shockingly high degree of racial “loyalty”. If Asian women weren’t loyal to their race, the percentage of Asian women dating outside their race would be giga, like 95%+.

Cope harder, ricecel because donkey faced Moabite and Ammonite (so-called Oriental) women are the least loyal nation of women in the world.




But the low-IQ brainlets don’t realize:

5.7% of the US population is Asian, so if Asian women preferred all races equally, the percentage of Asian women whose partners are non-Asian would be 94.3%.

The real percentage of Asian American women dating outside their race is lower than 94%, so the data shows Asian women have a preference for Asian men. The utter opposite of what the brainlet incels cope with.

54% or more Moabite and Ammonite (so-called Oriental) women marry Edomite (so-called White) men.

Not to mention all the videos of them having a “no Asian dating policy.”

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Incels here really think some wmafs in the west or SEA is representative of all asian women.
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Agree with the OP. Incels, both white and Asian, hate WMAF because they are jealous.

Asian women, who are in relationships with white men, don't hate their men.
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in western countries obviously not in the entire world also asian fetish is very common all my white friends would only date asian girls just like how asian men are less masculine the asian girls are more feminine than white
Just drop the cope and say you have adjusted your dating standards to what you can easily get.
  • Woah
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Just drop the cope and say you have adjusted your dating standards to what you can easily get.
im 14 and i have had 2 white girls so idk what your on about yellow fever is real i have it i wasnt attracted at all to the white girls i dated they were around 6-7/10 JBs i just used them for clout
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When I was in NYC, I saw more Asian women with Asian men more than Asian women with white men
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Asian women aren’t self-loathing race traitors. They’re actually the most “racially loyal” race when it comes to dating.

Lots of incels seem to think the trend of Asian women dating White men is some sort of remarkable anomaly that can only be explained by character defects on the Asian women’s part. Asian women are racist, the incels say. Asian women are self-loathing/self-hating, the incels say.

But you know what else the incels say? This:
  • Caucasians are the most aesthetically appealing because their traits (e.g. high straight nose bridge, deep-set eyes, projecting maxilla and chin, orthographic profile) are universally attractive, so it’s no wonder that they have the advantage in the dating market.
  • Asian men have low-testosterone undimorphic traits (e.g. shorter height, narrower frame, smaller penis, flat brow ridge, no facial hair) combined with universally ugly traits (e.g. recessed maxilla, flattened skull) that make them lack sex appeal to a huge degree.
Since White men are objectively the most desirable and Asian men are objectively the lease desirable to females, why is the phenomenon of Asian women dating White men remarkable in the slightest? Asian women preferring White men’s looks is as natural and expected as birds making nests is; it’s exactly what we expect women to do, based on their innate hypergamous nature.

I find it laughable that incels comment stuff like:

“This noodlewhore’s boyfriend is a tall White Chad. Can’t make this shit up.”

Yeah, bro. Water is wet. Can’t make this shit up. 2 + 2 = 4. Can’t make this shit up.

Women select for the best traits in men. You already know they Caucasians tend to have more aesthetic features, so is it at all surprising that Asian women prefer them?

We don’t post “broootal racepill” threads about brown-eyed women dating blue-eyed men. Why? Because we understand that blue eyes are simply more attractive.

You know what would be actually weird? Asian women choosing to date ricecels. This makes no sense. Women are hypergamous. What makes a lot of sense is Asian women chasing after 6'6" Nordic GigaChad.

Incels don’t post Instagram pics of White women with White men to blackpill forums and comment “Her bf is a White Chadlite. Can’t make this shit up JFL”, but they do do it to pics of Asian women with White men. As if there’s something different about the AFWM couple. The dual-White couple and the AFWM couple are the same—all I see are 2 women behaving as they’re biologically programmed to, which is to pick males of the highest genetic quality.

To suggest that Asian women are somehow “supposed” to date within their own race is absurd. No one says short women ought to date within their own “height class”. Women date up in all traits: money, status, height, and the physical features that’re connected to race.

Asian women are actually incredibly “loyal” to their own race. While many Asian women go for White males and don’t give Asian males a chance, plenty of Asian women are in relationships with Asian men. They choose to date and marry Asian men, in spite of the fact that they’re capable of obtaining White/Black/Latino/etc. men who are taller, look better, and have bigger penises. This indicates a shockingly high degree of racial “loyalty”. If Asian women weren’t loyal to their race, the percentage of Asian women dating outside their race would be giga, like 95%+.
When you put it like that, it's interesting to consider. I do see the international students pairing up at my uni so there is that. I must say though, it's not like Asian foids are dating the Brad Pitts and Henry Cavills in general.
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When I was in NYC, I saw more Asian women with Asian men more than Asian women with white men

women being from (or living in) NYC is a turn-on
But the low-IQ brainlets don’t realize:

5.7% of the US population is Asian, so if Asian women preferred all races equally, the percentage of Asian women whose partners are non-Asian would be 94.3%.

The real percentage of Asian American women dating outside their race is lower than 94%, so the data shows Asian women have a preference for Asian men. The utter opposite of what the brainlet incels cope with.

A based .is user debunked this.

Ethnicity isn’t uniformly distributed geographically, and Asians tend to live around other Asians (in areas where the Asian % is way greater than 5.7% for instance San Francisco where it’s ~37.3%. Therefore the percentage of Asian–Asian couples expected if the null hypothesis (no race preference) is true is way more than 5.7%.

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