The whole “Jews want to destroy white people” cope makes 0 sense



broken but not destroyed
Nov 9, 2023
First of all Jews are like 3% of the population lol so realistically what can they really do? If whites wanted to wipe Jews out of every western country they could do it and could do it easily.

Secondly Jews are white, why would white people want to destroy other white people that makes no sense.

Also people blame joos for “liberalism or degeneracy” or whatever but most Jews are right wing so why would they implement that into society jfl. Doesn’t make any sense
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First of all Jews are like 3% of the population lol so realistically what can they really do? If whites wanted to wipe Jews out of every western country they could do it and could do it easily.

Secondly Jews are white, why would white people want to destroy other white people that makes no sense.

Also people blame joos for “liberalism or degeneracy” or whatever but most Jews are right wing so why would they implement that into society jfl. Doesn’t make any sense
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Jews are 0.07 of World population and they mog everyone on iq
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are you a dumbass? jews don't consider themsleves white cause of the halacaust. Hitler gave jews a free victime card for life. He was literally the best thing to happen to the jaw like slavery for blacks.
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Bro in a room of 10 Gorillas and 100000 Maggots the Gorillas only make out 0.01% of the population so obviously the maggots could just overthrow the Gorillas and rule the room due to quantity! theory
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First of all Jews are like 3% of the population lol so realistically what can they really do? If whites wanted to wipe Jews out of every western country they could do it and could do it easily.

Secondly Jews are white, why would white people want to destroy other white people that makes no sense.

Also people blame joos for “liberalism or degeneracy” or whatever but most Jews are right wing so why would they implement that into society jfl. Doesn’t make any sense
1.) although they make a small fraction of the world they have influence in literally every big organization including state governments so it’s not that simple

2.) Jews do not consider themselves white truly they are tribal and a lot follow the talmud which divides the world into 2 groups jews and non jews so to them we’re all just animals.

3.) Although yea there’s a lot of division politically between Jews (left and right wing) the right wing jews are not nationalistic or paleo conservatives. they’re libertarians so they’re socially left wing
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whenever someone brings up jewish conspiracy i know to immediately write them off as a retard
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"what can they do"?

Look at what they are doing
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First of all Jews are like 3% of the population lol so realistically what can they really do? If whites wanted to wipe Jews out of every western country they could do it and could do it easily.

Secondly Jews are white, why would white people want to destroy other white people that makes no sense.

Also people blame joos for “liberalism or degeneracy” or whatever but most Jews are right wing so why would they implement that into society jfl. Doesn’t make any sense
Jews are scapegoat so none would actually target the white elites although jews do have their fair share in the degeneracy and liberalism but most of it is white elites
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It actually makes complete sense and if you don't get it by now you are fucking retarded.

I'll explain it to the level where even an idiot could understand it.

First of all, jews don't consider themselves white, they have no loyalty to whites and hate whites or have a sort of unease towards them. Jews consider the goyim - that is non-jews - to be beasts on the level of animals. This is all written in their holy books known as the Talmud. Rabbi Schneerson, who was the founder of Chabad (the largest orthodox jewish group IN THE WORLD) and considered one of the most important rabbis ever, explains the difference between the soul of a jew and of a goy:


Here's some other jews explaining it, that the purpose of goyim (non jews) is to serve jews as slaves, and that this is the only reason non jews were created by their god:

If you ever read the Old Testament you would know that the jewish god commanded the jews to destroy a nation called "Amalek". Including the women, children, and even all the cattle, and wipe every record from the history books (1 Samuel 15 in the Bible):

Samuel also said unto Saul, The Lord sent me to anoint thee to be king over his people, over Israel: now therefore hearken thou unto the voice of the words of the Lord.

2 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt.

3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

4 And Saul gathered the people together, and numbered them in Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen, and ten thousand men of Judah.

5 And Saul came to a city of Amalek, and laid wait in the valley.

6 And Saul said unto the Kenites, Go, depart, get you down from among the Amalekites, lest I destroy you with them: for ye shewed kindness to all the children of Israel, when they came up out of Egypt. So the Kenites departed from among the Amalekites.

7 And Saul smote the Amalekites from Havilah until thou comest to Shur, that is over against Egypt.

8 And he took Agag the king of the Amalekites alive, and utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword.

9 But Saul and the people spared Agag, and the best of the sheep, and of the oxen, and of the fatlings, and the lambs, and all that was good, and would not utterly destroy them: but every thing that was vile and refuse, that they destroyed utterly.

10 Then came the word of the Lord unto Samuel, saying,

11 It repenteth me that I have set up Saul to be king: for he is turned back from following me, and hath not performed my commandments. And it grieved Samuel; and he cried unto the Lord all night.

12 And when Samuel rose early to meet Saul in the morning, it was told Samuel, saying, Saul came to Carmel, and, behold, he set him up a place, and is gone about, and passed on, and gone down to Gilgal.

13 And Samuel came to Saul: and Saul said unto him, Blessed be thou of the Lord: I have performed the commandment of the Lord.

14 And Samuel said, What meaneth then this bleating of the sheep in mine ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?

15 And Saul said, They have brought them from the Amalekites: for the people spared the best of the sheep and of the oxen, to sacrifice unto the Lord thy God; and the rest we have utterly destroyed.

16 Then Samuel said unto Saul, Stay, and I will tell thee what the Lord hath said to me this night. And he said unto him, Say on.

17 And Samuel said, When thou wast little in thine own sight, wast thou not made the head of the tribes of Israel, and the Lord anointed thee king over Israel?

18 And the Lord sent thee on a journey, and said, Go and utterly destroy the sinners the Amalekites, and fight against them until they be consumed.

19 Wherefore then didst thou not obey the voice of the Lord, but didst fly upon the spoil, and didst evil in the sight of the Lord?

20 And Saul said unto Samuel, Yea, I have obeyed the voice of the Lord, and have gone the way which the Lord sent me, and have brought Agag the king of Amalek, and have utterly destroyed the Amalekites.

21 But the people took of the spoil, sheep and oxen, the chief of the things which should have been utterly destroyed, to sacrifice unto the Lord thy God in Gilgal.

22 And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.

23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king.

24 And Saul said unto Samuel, I have sinned: for I have transgressed the commandment of the Lord, and thy words: because I feared the people, and obeyed their voice.

25 Now therefore, I pray thee, pardon my sin, and turn again with me, that I may worship the Lord.

26 And Samuel said unto Saul, I will not return with thee: for thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, and the Lord hath rejected thee from being king over Israel.

27 And as Samuel turned about to go away, he laid hold upon the skirt of his mantle, and it rent.

28 And Samuel said unto him, The Lord hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day, and hath given it to a neighbour of thine, that is better than thou.

29 And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent.

30 Then he said, I have sinned: yet honour me now, I pray thee, before the elders of my people, and before Israel, and turn again with me, that I may worship the Lord thy God.

31 So Samuel turned again after Saul; and Saul worshipped the Lord.

32 Then said Samuel, Bring ye hither to me Agag the king of the Amalekites. And Agag came unto him delicately. And Agag said, Surely the bitterness of death is past.

33 And Samuel said, As thy sword hath made women childless, so shall thy mother be childless among women. And Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the Lord in Gilgal.

34 Then Samuel went to Ramah; and Saul went up to his house to Gibeah of Saul.

35 And Samuel came no more to see Saul until the day of his death: nevertheless Samuel mourned for Saul: and the Lord repented that he had made Saul king over Israel.

Jewish rabbis call white people Amalek:

So by calling Whites Amalek, they are telling their fellow jews that they need to have all white people exterminated forever. In their religion that is an order from GOD.

You see, jews have this theory that in homogenous white societies they are at the whims of the white majority and a new Hitler/National Socialism could arise at any second and victimize them. Since the jewish narrative is one of victimhood "for no reason" they think that Europeans have brutally oppressed them throughout history and they regard whites/Europeans with this sort of fear and suspicion. Thus they think whites can and will attack them "for no reason" again eventually and believe that by making white countries less white and forcing multiculturalism, the white goyim masses could never rise up against them, because racial nationalism will become impossible once they make all white countries multicultural.

This jewish rabbi explains it - if white countries are flooded with brown people and become multicultural/have no identity, whitey can't 'get them' anymore:

We thrive better in a multicultural place. When you have multiple minorities, it’s harder to create a supermajority to turn against [us] a minority.

Here's another filthy jew whore admitting what they're doing to try and turn Europe multicultural, this bitch is a rabid zionist and supports Israel ethnically cleansing the Palestinians but wants Arabs in Europe to displace White people:

Jew captain of refugee boats bringing migrants to Europe taunts whites, saying there will be no more "white breads" left in 100 years and that he is helping whites to go extinct:


famous jew economist Paul Krugman says whites won't be the future of America, will lose all power, and they are impotently lashing out about it:

dirty jew Emanuel Celler spearheaded the infamous 1965 immigration act to make America less white

Emanuel Celler  19431

American Jewish Journalist Charles E. Silberman (1985) "A Certain People":
American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief - one firmly rooted in history - that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. It is this belief, for example, not approval of homosexuality, that leads an overwhelming majority of American Jews to endorse "gay rights" and to take a liberal stance on most other so-called "social issues."

Jewish sociologist Earl Raab, writing in 1995, on the Jewish role in promoting non-White immigration:
An increasing ethnic heterogeneity, as a result of immigration, has made it even more difficult for a political party or mass movement of bigotry to develop. … The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country. We [Jews] have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible—and makes our constitutional constraints against bigotry more practical than ever

Jew intellectual Bret Stephens explains why Trump scares jews (even though Trump is a shill for jews), because it represents a weakening of the values which have been "good towards jews" and how his kind of nationalist rhetoric, critiquing the media, and "style of politics" is "dangerous for the jews" - this jew describes himself as a conservative, btw:

What's funny is there's actually a small group of jews warning their fellow jews about how fucking retarded their plans are and how it's going to blow up in their face. Jew David Cole admits this is all happening, saying their scheme to destroy white people is doomed since the brown people jews are trying to wipe out whites with hate jews and Israel - begging his fellow jews to reconsider their genocidal plans against the white race:

What is Congressmuslim Ilhan Omar if not a golem? For decades, leftist Jews have been the biggest boosters of flooding the West with Third World immigrants. “Hey, here’s a plan—let’s dump a hundred thousand Somalis in the whitest parts of the U.S. That’ll save us from Fargo Hitler!” Inundating the West with nonwhite immigrants is seen by Jews as an insurance policy against “white supremacy.” The idea is that these immigrants will act as a wedge, diluting “white power” while remaining small enough in numbers to be manageable.

Jews have done this elsewhere—playing two groups against each other as a way of assuring Jewish security. “Let’s play Hamas against the Palestinian Authority. Let’s play ISIS against Assad.” To be fair, this is not a uniquely Jewish strategy. Arguably, the British did this kind of thing to perfection during their colonization craze, playing different ethnic groups and castes against each other for their own benefit. But for people who pride themselves on having an abnormally high IQ, we Jews can be among the most retarded of geniuses, because that strategy no longer works. It used to work when the masterminds, be they Brits or colonial Americans (playing different Indian tribes against each other), could control the flow of information. But today we live in a world in which even the lowliest bark-eater in the Kalahari can have internet access. It’s not as easy to fool entire groups of people anymore (individuals, sure, but not an entire race, ethnicity, or faction). I don’t care how little one might think of Third World intellectual acuity; even a dog will eventually figure out that you’re not really going to throw the ball after ten or twenty fake-outs.

And now we Jews, so worried that Minnesota might become the Frozen Fourth Reich if left in the hands of evil whites, have created for ourselves a good old-fashioned golem in Ilhan Omar (and a bunch of other Third World freshman congressthingies). Yeah, Omar hates whites. Yeah, she thinks “white supremacy” lurks behind every glass of milk and “OK” finger sign. But she hates Jews a hell of a lot more. And here are my people—my brilliant retards—now forced to defeat the monster they created, a monster not only brought about by Jewish-backed policies, but one that mirrors Jewish rhetoric like a pro.

Stephen Steinlight, another jew, warned of a similar thing. He wrote 'The Jewish stake in America's changing demography' for the Council on Foreign Relations, admitting that the jews were orchestrating mass immigration, and pointed out mass migration would backfire big time. His advice was that they still need to do this anyway to destroy the white goyim forever, but need to replace whites more slowly as not to anger whites as well as make sure the brown newcomers were assimilated into loving jews and being their willing goyim slaves like they did to whites:


This is all coming right out of the jews' mouths, they admit all of it, how much more evidence do you need?

@Amnesia @Shycel @Aloha @Ozraelite @disillusioned
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It actually makes complete sense and if you don't get it by now you are fucking retarded.

I'll explain it to the level where even an idiot could understand it.

First of all, jews don't consider themselves white, they have no loyalty to whites and hate whites or have a sort of unease towards them. Jews consider the goyim - that is non-jews - to be beasts on the level of animals. This is all written in their holy books known as the Talmud. Rabbi Schneerson, who was the founder of Chabad (the largest orthodox jewish group IN THE WORLD) and considered one of the most important rabbis ever, explains the difference between the soul of a jew and of a goy:

View attachment 2606315

Here's some other jews explaining it, that the purpose of goyim (non jews) is to serve jews as slaves, and that this is the only reason non jews were created by their god:

View attachment 2606322

If you ever read the Old Testament you would know that the jewish god commanded the jews to destroy a nation called "Amalek". Including the women, children, and even all the cattle, and wipe every record from the history books (1 Samuel 15 in the Bible):

Jewish rabbis call white people Amalek:

So by calling Whites Amalek, they are telling their fellow jews that they need to have all white people exterminated forever. In their religion that is an order from GOD.

You see, jews have this theory that in homogenous white societies they are at the whims of the white majority and a new Hitler/National Socialism could arise at any second and victimize them. Since the jewish narrative is one of victimhood "for no reason" they think that Europeans have brutally oppressed them throughout history and they regard whites/Europeans with this sort of fear and suspicion. Thus they think whites can and will attack them "for no reason" again eventually and believe that by making white countries less white and forcing multiculturalism, the white goyim masses could never rise up against them, because racial nationalism will become impossible once they make all white countries multicultural.

This jewish rabbi explains it - if white countries are flooded with brown people and become multicultural/have no identity, whitey can't 'get them' anymore:

Here's another filthy jew whore admitting what they're doing to try and turn Europe multicultural, this bitch is a rabid zionist and supports Israel ethnically cleansing the Palestinians but wants Arabs in Europe to displace White people:

Jew captain of refugee boats bringing migrants to Europe taunts whites, saying there will be no more "white breads" left in 100 years and that he is helping whites to go extinct:

View attachment 2606329

famous jew economist Paul Krugman says whites won't be the future of America, will lose all power, and they are impotently lashing out about it:

dirty jew Emanuel Celler spearheaded the infamous 1965 immigration act to make America less white

View attachment 2606335

American Jewish Journalist Charles E. Silberman (1985) "A Certain People":

Jewish sociologist Earl Raab, writing in 1995, on the Jewish role in promoting non-White immigration:

Jew intellectual Bret Stephens explains why Trump scares jews (even though Trump is a shill for jews), because it represents a weakening of the values which have been "good towards jews" and how his kind of nationalist rhetoric, critiquing the media, and "style of politics" is "dangerous for the jews" - this jew describes himself as a conservative, btw:

View attachment 2606347

What's funny is there's actually a small group of jews warning their fellow jews about how fucking retarded their plans are and how it's going to blow up in their face. Jew David Cole admits this is all happening, saying their scheme to destroy white people is doomed since the brown people jews are trying to wipe out whites with hate jews and Israel - begging his fellow jews to reconsider their genocidal plans against the white race:

Stephen Steinlight, another jew, warned of a similar thing. He wrote 'The Jewish stake in America's changing demography' for the Council on Foreign Relations, admitting that the jews were orchestrating mass immigration, and pointed out mass migration would backfire big time. His advice was that they still need to do this anyway to destroy the white goyim forever, but need to replace whites more slowly as not to anger whites as well as make sure the brown newcomers were assimilated into loving jews and being their willing goyim slaves like they did to whites:

View attachment 2606308

This is all coming right out of the jews' mouths, they admit all of it, how much more evidence do you need?

@Amnesia @Shycel @Aloha @Ozraelite @disillusioned

It's good but OP is really really dumb, beyond reason

He can't even grasp how a small group could control a larger group, he thinks its 3 jews vs 50 whites in a bar fight

And he doesn't understand why white looking jews might have grievances with white people while his brothers shoot over gang colors lol
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Jews have done more to niggers than any white man. The Jew wants to destroy niggers and is a crucial ally in the end of niggerdoms!
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privileged cumskins should be the last cucks to complain about jews
whites destroy themselves with their wmaf obession and blame jews
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It's good but OP is really really dumb, beyond reason

He can't even grasp how a small group could control a larger group, he thinks its 3 jews vs 50 whites in a bar fight

And he doesn't understand why white looking jews might have grievances with white people while his brothers shoot over gang colors lol
black people are under the mistaken idea that whites are ethnocentric like other groups and that jews are white
  • +1
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First of all Jews are like 3% of the population lol so realistically what can they really do? If whites wanted to wipe Jews out of every western country they could do it and could do it easily.

Secondly Jews are white, why would white people want to destroy other white people that makes no sense.

Also people blame joos for “liberalism or degeneracy” or whatever but most Jews are right wing so why would they implement that into society jfl. Doesn’t make any sense
Mainstream media holds up one race to the pedestal, then it shifts back to another demographic every few years.

Obviously the biden administration had ethnic people held up on the pedestal

now media will go back to white people probably in the next few years, most likely around 2024 or 2025.

they are smart people and most of the population falls for it.
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are you a dumbass? jews don't consider themsleves white cause of the halacaust. Hitler gave jews a free victime card for life. He was literally the best thing to happen to the jaw like slavery for blacks.
At least rhe slave trade happened the holocaust aint even real just lol at juice
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Newfags man
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Jews are like 3% of the population lol so realistically what can they really do? If whites wanted to wipe Jews out of every western country they could do it and could do it easily.
Cope harder, just as a dog will never bite its owner, white people will never go against the Jews. Your time is over, you are only a shadow of your own, you cope with modernity and civilization, yet you’re the most degenerate people on earth and also are slowly becoming the weakest of weak groups of humans even tough you have the benefit of size, wealth and technology
  • Ugh..
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Jews are a scapegoat. Most of the white people's problems are brought on by themselves. For example, white men people blame Jews when a white woman's race mixing.

However, white men are the biggest race mixers in history. Many people in South America have a lot of European ancestry, mainly because of white men's race mixing with the South American native women.

Many Mexicans have European ancestry, also mainly because of white men's race mixing with native women.

White men's race mix far more than white women, both now, and also historically.

But the moment a white woman race mixes with a black man, they say "muh Jews are causing race mixing" JFL.
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Betchu this nigger thinks a tiny 0.01% club of white rich men control everything instead.
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He can't even grasp how a small group could control a larger group

No retard of course I know how a group can control a smaller group but it’s not as though Jews have better technology and or something and force is how you keep people in check.

The only other way joos could control society is if they somehow tricked people into thinking they didn’t. Which you really expect me to believe .2% of the world tricked 99.8% of the world for hundreds of years while they were manipulating everything.

And even if they did try they clearly failed jfl the idea that joos control society is surprisingly pretty common narrative especially in Eastern Europe. Just thinking about this it’s clear joos are just a meme that non white joos use to scape goat jfl.
Jews are already in top positions globally, they have the power. The more low-IQ blacks they can insert into the West the easier they are to control.
  • +1
Reactions: Golgo13, gribsufer1, GuyFromSingapore and 2 others
And he doesn't understand why white looking jews might have grievances with white people while his brothers shoot over gang colors lol
Considering that ethnics still worship whites after whites brutally raped and killed them why would joos be any different. all the people who experienced the holocaust are dead or really old and people tend to forget.
Jews are already in top positions globally, they have the power. The more low-IQ blacks they can insert into the West the easier they are to control.
The black population in the US has been decreasing proportionally cope more lol
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that by making white countries less white and forcing multiculturalism, the white goyim masses could never rise up against them, because racial nationalism will become impossible once they make all white countries multicultural.
This is extremely low IQ.

First of all, there isn't actually a such a thing as multiculturalism. The races just form mini-nations within the nation where mixing is limited or non-existent. Secondly, white people aren't even the most antisemitic group with Muslims (most of the immigrants into Europe) hating Jews the most.

What would actually happen is what's playing out in Europe and across the West in general: A bunch of ethnic groups coming into conflict over conflicting values, which will probably eventually result in civil war or the new Hitler ironically.

Jfl even in China there is growing Jew hatred so if the Jewish plan was to end antisemitism by simply getting rid of whites then their plan has failed miserably.
  • JFL
Reactions: Big White Cuck
This is extremely low IQ.

First of all, there isn't actually a such a thing as multiculturalism. The races just form mini-nations within the nation where mixing is limited or non-existent. Secondly, white people aren't even the most antisemitic group with Muslims (most of the immigrants into Europe) hating Jews the most.

What would actually happen is what's playing out in Europe and across the West in general: A bunch of ethnic groups coming into conflict over conflicting values, which will probably eventually result in civil war or the new Hitler ironically.

Jfl even in China there is growing Jew hatred so if the Jewish plan was to end antisemitism by simply getting rid of whites then their plan has failed miserably.
yes, it's stupid, but this is what jews believe, as I've documented
First of all Jews are like 3% of the population lol so realistically what can they really do? If whites wanted to wipe Jews out of every western country they could do it and could do it easily.

Secondly Jews are white, why would white people want to destroy other white people that makes no sense.

Also people blame joos for “liberalism or degeneracy” or whatever but most Jews are right wing so why would they implement that into society jfl. Doesn’t make any sense


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Jews are a scapegoat. Most of the white people's problems are brought on by themselves. For example, white men people blame Jews when a white woman's race mixing.

However, white men are the biggest race mixers in history. Many people in South America have a lot of European ancestry, mainly because of white men's race mixing with the South American native women.

Many Mexicans have European ancestry, also mainly because of white men's race mixing with native women.

White men's race mix far more than white women, both now, and also historically.

But the moment a white woman race mixes with a black man, they say "muh Jews are causing race mixing" JFL.
A man can get 10 women pregnant PER DAY. While a woman can only breed a child per year.
Also the conquerors didn't bring their "strong, independent" women with them to fuck and surely didn't had any porn to jerk off to, so they did what men throughout history did every time when their balls were full for months.
Even if they were ugly women with bones through their noses and jungle tattoos.
And no condoms either so they had received a genetically upgrade.
Now Europe being flooded with niggers they receive a 3rd world shithole downgrade.

Jews own all of the MSM, so they push negros everywhere and put them on a pedestrial like they said they would.
And women who are no longer virgins already lost most of their value.
If she's a single mother she's even more inferior.
If she has a black child, not even niggers would want them.

And white people lost both WW to the jew.
The ones who fought against Germany were already jewish owned.
Now they are all jewish owned and brainwashed slaves.

It actually makes complete sense and if you don't get it by now you are fucking retarded.

I'll explain it to the level where even an idiot could understand it.

First of all, jews don't consider themselves white, they have no loyalty to whites and hate whites or have a sort of unease towards them. Jews consider the goyim - that is non-jews - to be beasts on the level of animals. This is all written in their holy books known as the Talmud. Rabbi Schneerson, who was the founder of Chabad (the largest orthodox jewish group IN THE WORLD) and considered one of the most important rabbis ever, explains the difference between the soul of a jew and of a goy:

View attachment 2606315

Here's some other jews explaining it, that the purpose of goyim (non jews) is to serve jews as slaves, and that this is the only reason non jews were created by their god:

View attachment 2606322

If you ever read the Old Testament you would know that the jewish god commanded the jews to destroy a nation called "Amalek". Including the women, children, and even all the cattle, and wipe every record from the history books (1 Samuel 15 in the Bible):

Jewish rabbis call white people Amalek:

So by calling Whites Amalek, they are telling their fellow jews that they need to have all white people exterminated forever. In their religion that is an order from GOD.

You see, jews have this theory that in homogenous white societies they are at the whims of the white majority and a new Hitler/National Socialism could arise at any second and victimize them. Since the jewish narrative is one of victimhood "for no reason" they think that Europeans have brutally oppressed them throughout history and they regard whites/Europeans with this sort of fear and suspicion. Thus they think whites can and will attack them "for no reason" again eventually and believe that by making white countries less white and forcing multiculturalism, the white goyim masses could never rise up against them, because racial nationalism will become impossible once they make all white countries multicultural.

This jewish rabbi explains it - if white countries are flooded with brown people and become multicultural/have no identity, whitey can't 'get them' anymore:

Here's another filthy jew whore admitting what they're doing to try and turn Europe multicultural, this bitch is a rabid zionist and supports Israel ethnically cleansing the Palestinians but wants Arabs in Europe to displace White people:

Jew captain of refugee boats bringing migrants to Europe taunts whites, saying there will be no more "white breads" left in 100 years and that he is helping whites to go extinct:

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famous jew economist Paul Krugman says whites won't be the future of America, will lose all power, and they are impotently lashing out about it:

dirty jew Emanuel Celler spearheaded the infamous 1965 immigration act to make America less white

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American Jewish Journalist Charles E. Silberman (1985) "A Certain People":

Jewish sociologist Earl Raab, writing in 1995, on the Jewish role in promoting non-White immigration:

Jew intellectual Bret Stephens explains why Trump scares jews (even though Trump is a shill for jews), because it represents a weakening of the values which have been "good towards jews" and how his kind of nationalist rhetoric, critiquing the media, and "style of politics" is "dangerous for the jews" - this jew describes himself as a conservative, btw:

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What's funny is there's actually a small group of jews warning their fellow jews about how fucking retarded their plans are and how it's going to blow up in their face. Jew David Cole admits this is all happening, saying their scheme to destroy white people is doomed since the brown people jews are trying to wipe out whites with hate jews and Israel - begging his fellow jews to reconsider their genocidal plans against the white race:

Stephen Steinlight, another jew, warned of a similar thing. He wrote 'The Jewish stake in America's changing demography' for the Council on Foreign Relations, admitting that the jews were orchestrating mass immigration, and pointed out mass migration would backfire big time. His advice was that they still need to do this anyway to destroy the white goyim forever, but need to replace whites more slowly as not to anger whites as well as make sure the brown newcomers were assimilated into loving jews and being their willing goyim slaves like they did to whites:

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This is all coming right out of the jews' mouths, they admit all of it, how much more evidence do you need?

@Amnesia @Shycel @Aloha @Ozraelite @disillusioned

Dumb kikes should have just kept brainwashing them like they did with USA, Russia, England and France.


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Okay i under
A man can get 10 women pregnant PER DAY. While a woman can only breed a child per year.
Also the conquerors didn't bring their "strong, independent" women with them to fuck and surely didn't had any porn to jerk off to, so they did what men throughout history did every time when their balls were full for months.
Even if they were ugly women with bones through their noses and jungle tattoos.
And no condoms either so they had received a genetically upgrade.
Now Europe being flooded with niggers they receive a 3rd world shithole downgrade.

Jews own all of the MSM, so they push negros everywhere and put them on a pedestrial like they said they would.
And women who are no longer virgins already lost most of their value.
If she's a single mother she's even more inferior.
If she has a black child, not even niggers would want them.

And white people lost both WW to the jew.
The ones who fought against Germany were already jewish owned.
Now they are all jewish owned and brainwashed slaves.

Dumb kikes should have just kept brainwashing them like they did with USA, Russia, England and France.
Okay, i understand that the white sailor's and colonialists did not have their own women, so they resorted to fucking native women.

However even today, in white-majority countries, white men are still race-mixing A LOT.

Nearly half of all married Asian women in America are married to white men. White male/Asian female is the most common interracial couple in North America. There are more white men than women who are dating outside of their race.

Some white men even get mail-order brides from South East Asia.

There is no excuse for white men to be race-mixing in white-majority countries. Even many white nationalists have Asian wives.

Is this also because of Jewish propaganda? Or is the propaganda only when white women race mix?

The white men who talk about the Kalergi plan, great white replacement, and Jewish race-mixing propaganda, would be taken more seriously if white men were not race-mixing so much.
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Okay i under

Okay, i understand that the white sailor's and colonialists did not have their own women, so they resorted to fucking native women.

However even today, in white-majority countries, white men are still race-mixing A LOT.

Nearly half of all married Asian women in America are married to white men. White male/Asian female is the most common interracial couple in North America. There are more white men than women who are dating outside of their race.

Some white men even get mail-order brides from South East Asia.
Asian women have a strong fetish for white men, they literally worship them.
You think that Kpop shit in Asia would be famous if they wouldn't dye their black hair and do eye surgeries?
It's the woman who signals the man that she's interested in him.
Also white feminists are sluts and no use for something serious.
There is no excuse for white men to be race-mixing in white-majority countries. Even many white nationalists have Asian wives.
White nationalists with Asian wifes are not white nationalists. It's that simple.
Just see these dropouts like former gang members.
Is this also because of Jewish propaganda? Or is the propaganda only when white women race mix?

The white men who talk about the Kalergi plan, great white replacement, and Jewish race-mixing propaganda, would be taken more seriously if white men were not race-mixing so much.
Kalergi plan goes both ways, men and women.
Feminism is part of the destruction of the traditional family. Asian women are more traditional and only a little bit influenced by the jew.
They don't got a guilt complex brainwashed into them unlike white people.
And muslims will breed with the sluts because islam says that that is how they conquer.
"Fuck the women of the kafir (non muslim). While muslim women are forbidden to take a non muslim as husband".
Destabilization of the middle east was the key to open the gates to Europe.
Remember all the non Syrian invaders, who threw their passports away, used to be called "Syrian refugees" who seek shelter from war?
And the jews still call all these congo niggers "refugee" in the MSM.
A refugee is someone who will leave again, non of these invaders will leave.
And that is the Kalergi plan.
  • JFL
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because blaming jews is funny
First of all Jews are like 3% of the population lol so realistically what can they really do?
They control mass media, the financial industry, and contribute the majority of campaign donations to both major parties in the United States. This is real power.

If whites wanted to wipe Jews out of every western country they could do it and could do it easily.
Correct. This is why they are so neurotic, and get terrified of even tiny groups with counter-semitic messages.
Secondly Jews are white, why would white people want to destroy other white people that makes no sense.
This is not true at all. The major groups of Jews are:

-Mizrahi Jews: Middle Eastern Jews.
-Sephardic Jews: A group of Jews across MENA and Southern Europe. Overwhelmingly Middle Eastern in origin.
-Ethiopian Jews: A group of Jews that are mostly African, but have Y-chromosome DNA from the Middle East.
-Ashkenazi Jews: A group of Jews that emerged in Eastern Europe with Middle Eastern origins. They're about 60% Middle Eastern and 40% European. These are the Jews who sometimes "look white."

Even if you find a Jew who is mixed, they have a Middle Eastern culture: Middle Eastern religion, Middle Eastern language (Hebrew is a Middle Eastern language closely related to Arabic), and they trace their roots to Judaea, a Middle Eastern kingdom in the ancient world. They hate whites, who they see as their ancient enemies, and have always considered themselves a separate group.

Also people blame joos for “liberalism or degeneracy” or whatever but most Jews are right wing
I don't know what country you're talking about, but the large majority of Jews in the USA are Democrats.
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They control mass media, the financial industry, and contribute the majority of campaign donations to both major parties in the United States. This is real power.

Correct. This is why they are so neurotic, and get terrified of even tiny groups with counter-semitic messages.

This is not true at all. The major groups of Jews are:

-Mizrahi Jews: Middle Eastern Jews.
-Sephardic Jews: A group of Jews across MENA and Southern Europe. Overwhelmingly Middle Eastern in origin.
-Ethiopian Jews: A group of Jews that are mostly African, but have Y-chromosome DNA from the Middle East.
-Ashkenazi Jews: A group of Jews that emerged in Eastern Europe with Middle Eastern origins. They're about 60% Middle Eastern and 40% European. These are the Jews who sometimes "look white."

Even if you find a Jew who is mixed, they have a Middle Eastern culture: Middle Eastern religion, Middle Eastern language (Hebrew is a Middle Eastern language closely related to Arabic), and they trace their roots to Judaea, a Middle Eastern kingdom in the ancient world. They hate whites, who they see as their ancient enemies, and have always considered themselves a separate group.

I don't know what country you're talking about, but the large majority of Jews in the USA are Democrats.
Good post but just a small clarification: Ashkenazi originated when rich jewish merchants moved to Italy and took Italian brides who converted (probably from Italian banking families). Then from there when they got kicked around Europe for their misbehavior, they picked up some Eastern European admixture because some goyim would convert since jews had noble status and many more rights than peasantry in Poland-Lithuania and it was a way to get up the social ladder. But they are still substantially Middle Eastern genetically despite their appearance.
Good post but just a small clarification: Ashkenazi originated when rich jewish merchants moved to Italy and took Italian brides who converted (probably from Italian banking families). Then from there when they got kicked around Europe for their misbehavior, they picked up some Eastern European admixture because some goyim would convert since jews had noble status and many more rights than peasantry in Poland-Lithuania and it was a way to get up the social ladder. But they are still substantially Middle Eastern genetically despite their appearance.
Source? It's been a while since I read about this, but I believe the European brides the ancestors of the Ashkenazi took were in Eastern Europe, and that most of their European DNA is Slavic.
First of all Jews are like 3% of the population lol so realistically what can they really do? If whites wanted to wipe Jews out of every western country they could do it and could do it easily.

Secondly Jews are white, why would white people want to destroy other white people that makes no sense.

Also people blame joos for “liberalism or degeneracy” or whatever but most Jews are right wing so why would they implement that into society jfl. Doesn’t make any sense

Kill yourself you fucking faggot.

  • JFL
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Jews are 0.07 of World population and they mog everyone on iq

Kiss my ass. Average Ashkenazi American IQ is only 107. Singaporean, Taiwanese, Hong Kong, Tokyo is higher.
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Jews are scapegoat so none would actually target the white elites although jews do have their fair share in the degeneracy and liberalism but most of it is white elites

Shit the fuck up you fucking Curry faggot.
Cope harder, just as a dog will never bite its owner, white people will never go against the Jews. Your time is over, you are only a shadow of your own, you cope with modernity and civilization, yet you’re the most degenerate people on earth and also are slowly becoming the weakest of weak groups of humans even tough you have the benefit of size, wealth and technology

If I could ever get my hands on a filthy Jews like you, I would stomp your head to the curb. Best believe you filthy kike.
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Considering that ethnics still worship whites after whites brutally raped and killed them why would joos be any different. all the people who experienced the holocaust are dead or really old and people tend to forget.

Because Jews have a burning vengeance towards the White men for their pogroms and expells, you stupid Nigger.

Israeli NGOs are in contact with illegal immigrants and tell them yes come over to Europe and we'll welcome you and give you stuff and tell you what to do and where to go. Israel is pro immigration/flooding of Europe with illegals, but anti-immigration when it comes to their own country. They cause wars in their region all the time but never receive the burden. Tbh fuck them. I won't get into WEF great replacement conspiracies etc because thats clearly nonsense, but everything I said about israel is true.
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