[theologypilled] [lifepilled] Why it's worthless to gatekeep

irrumator praetor

irrumator praetor

Lifting so I can crack nigger and jew skulls
Mar 24, 2020
So for the longest of time, I've personally, like many other smart users on this forum, kept a collection and an internet archive of genuinely useful incel.co and looksmax.me/looksmaxing.org forum posts that go in depth of some certain looksmaxing methods supported of course by credible studies. And like most I've kept it hidden and unable to copy/download it.

Looksmaxing has changed my life since I've discovered it accidentally before hitting puberty. Ever since it has impacted me tremendously and instead of growing up into an autistic incel, I have, thanks to this website (and astrosky lol), developed into a normal and happy white Aryan adult teen (13-17) and had (and continue to have) a happy and fulfilling childhood (which is tremendously important for character and mental development).

I've kept and updated the big archive (which had posts as old as from 2012!) up until 2019 and have kept it in the ice ever since, just like the adjacent discord server. The server died of course but it has grown into one of the biggest looksmaxing/black pilled discord servers at the time reaching up to 2k members and 1k active members as well as 15 active mods, and since the transfer of ownership still has retained 1k discord server members. It has survived 2 years of continuous activity if I'm not wrong.

Upon "quitting" looksmax I've made a second return, but during that time I have become incredibly educated on theology (to the point of those esoteric schizo Facebook posts about emerald tablets freemasons, and sacred geometry, and all that shit)

I can go explain the newly found worldview for hours but to make this post short,

The reason why it's UTTERLY USELESS to gatekeep archives of valuable information like this is that no significant progress will ever truly be made/stagnated because at one point someone will rediscover it/buy it and give it away for free.

In the same way, I have been provided this information for free, or if it took me incredible hours of digging and research, I want to make all that information free and available for everyone, so that we won't keep rediscovering the same things over and over again and may make some actual looksmaxing progress / be able to focus on something else as well (such as moneymaking)

You might think in a competitive unforgiving world this act is too selfless, and I will call you retarded because the consequences of such a great action can be extremely rewarding in the sense that:
1) New aspie looksmax scientists' minds might actually focus on something else and new
2) And there will be a constant flow of new looksmaxing/money maxing methods that one day might help you, returning over time all the value you have provided

Essentially, if we all provide incredible value and continue to stack it through endless updated huge archives of valuable threads, we will start to build up an incredible value bomb that will go on to become something greater than an incel forum

And this is no speculation or theory, this is an undeniable fact. The more energy and value everyone puts in, the greater the universe will have a response which basically means we will create a consequence greater than ourselves, which will no doubt benefit us

Gatekeeping does the complete opposite and if you gatekeep all your work, you are essentially throwing all your own effort and energy and investment down the drain along with you if you ever decide to quit looksmax/ whatever

Essentially you can choose to become a worthless piece of shit floating in the water of life OR actually contribute something and become a part of something greater

Anyway, for anyone interested and for whoever has read this all the way through, heres my big old archive that you can copy/download / update and keep one yourself :
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good thread

I will still gatekeep though
  • JFL
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I'm very happy for you dude. Wish you luck in the child department.
Increase the European birthrates as much you can.
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there are certain things normies don't deserve :feelshmm:
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there are certain things normies don't deserve :feelshmm:
what is "normie" today is constantly changing

what was normie 70 years ago is rare today

basically nigga whoever ends up discovering this website in the first place is nowhere close to normie and since normies become more soy and retarded by the day, you won't even have to worry. And still, consider the benefits I listed previously. This forum will forever keep being discovered by future aspie incels. It's an inescapable loop of this forum. As someone previously said (somewhere): 'The blackpill was "about to go mainstream bro!" for the last 5 years'; It's not happening lol.
there are certain things normies don't deserve :feelshmm:
as a matter of fact, there will only be more a bigger influx of legit sexless incels because of the jews. Actual truecels.
Nobody in my area will ever find this info if they do I will go on a mass spree of injecting estrogen into all of them in minecraft
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Nobody in my area will ever find this info if they do I will go on a mass spree of injecting estrogen into all of them in minecraft
inceldom is on the rise, the only niggas you have to worry about are extremely narcissistic mentally ill aspie half-normies who end up going to bodybuilder forums and get their info there

even then you're competing against a small percentage of men, which I have personally experienced myself once in my entire life, aside from narcissistic gym bros who will end up injecting/committing suicide anyway you have literally no one to worry about

no one actually finds this forum organically, it's so secluded it creates an IQ vacuum
  • Hmm...
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the time when the person might re discover it could be 50 years from now
it can be 100 years. Jfl at u believing this masonic garbage.
God made the creation perfect, everything is perfect.
God invented evil and he invented good the point is that good intentionally keeps some men in darkness whilst blessing others.
TLDR; everything will continue to be the same because its how god intends to keep it.
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the time when the person might re discover it could be 50 years from now
it can be 100 years. Jfl at u believing this masonic garbage.
God made the creation perfect, everything is perfect.
God invented evil and he invented good the point is that good intentionally keeps some men in darkness whilst blessing others.
TLDR; everything will continue to be the same because its how god intends to keep it.
nigga you have a menorah emoji in your profile, u just don't want the goyim to looksmax am I right?
  • JFL
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nigga you have a menorah emoji in your profile, u just don't want the goyim to looksmax am I right?
menorah is a biblical symbol, im just stating whats written in the bible.
Ur degenerate theology is followed by all sorts of degenerates.
Im not a jew im bulgar.
what is "normie" today is constantly changing

what was normie 70 years ago is rare today

basically nigga whoever ends up discovering this website in the first place is nowhere close to normie and since normies become more soy and retarded by the day, you won't even have to worry. And still, consider the benefits I listed previously. This forum will forever keep being discovered by future aspie incels. It's an inescapable loop of this forum. As someone previously said (somewhere): 'The blackpill was "about to go mainstream bro!" for the last 5 years'; It's not happening lol.
I really like the fact that you are BlackPilled in relation to looksmaxxing and RedPilled about the Jews and NWO.
Have you been browsing /SIG/ on 4chan by any chance over the past year or so? I've seen some inspiring people there and one of them may've been you...
Anyway, goodnight.
What "great" things will normies do with this knowledge? Mog other normies? Start a eugenics program maybe. Or build software that analyzes your facial bonestructure that clubs, restaurants, dating apps etc etc can use to reject people with a worse bone structure. In any case it makes people way more aware of looks and frauding will be less easy. It will make the world even more looks focused. There is a slight chance that it actually achieves the opposite though. There might be a period of extreme lookism, after which new generations realize how superficial and boring a world like that is. And they might want to focus and appreciate other things in life, that ultimately will make the world a more beautiful place than a society where looks are placed above everything.

Certainly this wont happen while I'm still young so I dont care. It might be a sign of low sentience that I don't care what happens to the world in 100 years, whatever I couldnt care less. Right now if the blackpill spreads it doesnt benefit anyone short term, except the top 1percent which will then live an even better life.

If I meet someone who spreads the "blackpill" irl, I will plan actions to kill him. Everything else would be cucked.
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TLDR; everything will continue to be the same because its how god intends to keep it.
maybe the kabbalistic God lmfao or lucifer

the doctrine you're citing that 'everything will stay the same and it's worthless to take action' is both nihilistic and Luciferian
menorah is a biblical symbol, im just stating whats written in the bible.
'as above so below'
I really like the fact that you are BlackPilled in relation to looksmaxxing and RedPilled about the Jews and NWO.
Have you been browsing /SIG/ on 4chan by any chance over the past year or so? I've seen some inspiring people there and one of them may've been you...
Anyway, goodnight.
i don't browse 4chan i think its degenerate

telegram is nice though
maybe the kabbalistic God lmfao or lucifer

the doctrine you're citing that 'everything will stay the same and it's worthless to take action' is both nihilistic and Luciferian

'as above so below'
jfl ur a top tier retard if u believe god made the universe perfect and it just span out of control because some bady bad angel lucifer decided to.
Isaiah 45:7. “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and CREATE EVIL: I the LORD do all these things."
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What "great" things will normies do with this knowledge? Mog other normies? Start a eugenics program maybe. Or build software that analyzes your facial bonestructure that clubs, restaurants, dating apps etc etc can use to reject people with a worse bone structure. In any case it makes people way more aware of looks and frauding will be less easy. It will make the world even more looks focused. There is a slight chance that it actually achieves the opposite though. There might be a period of extreme lookism, after which new generations realize how superficial and boring a world like that is. And they might want to focus and appreciate other things in life, that ultimately will make the world a more beautiful place than a society where looks are placed above everything.

Certainly this wont happen while I'm still young so I dont care. It might be a sign of low sentience that I don't care what happens to the world in 100 years, whatever I couldnt care less. Right now if the blackpill spreads it doesnt benefit anyone short term, except the top 1percent which will then live an even better life.

If I meet someone who spreads the "blackpill" irl, I will plan actions to kill him. Everything else would be cucked.
stop fantasizing about how somehow looksmaxing will become normie,
it never will.

The reason as to why is simply because inceldom is on the rise and the current normies are impossible to black pill.
The new wave black pill is just new gen incels.
these people will eventually take your place once you leave this forum.
For that exact reason, since every change is relative, balance is kept and you have literally nothing to be afraid about. If the demand of this site ever increases, it will be because things have gotten extremely worse therefore in theory it should be easier for you to slay in that case. It's a faster process of blissfully growing up to be ugly in the modern world than becoming red-pilled and then finding the motivation to escape the endless inceldom that will follow the looksmaxer over time. As the person tries to ascend aesthetically, time passes by and others do the same/ or age catches up to them and they make no significant change at all.

Do you understand now? The only progress that we can make in this case is in KNOWLEDGE that can only help US the current USERS of .ME
i think its degenerate
That's a fair assessment, probably an understatement, even.
But sometimes that website is a diamond in the rough (excrement).
I am really (really) happy to know that you made it. It gives me hope that I will one day, too, be considered a Chad-esque figure.
It's good that you know of the Jewish influence and their Kabbalistic methodology. You even know of Esoteric Dualism and Masonic shit too.
You're neck-deep into this, it seems. I'm not far behind either...
  • +1
Reactions: nobodyspecial369 and irrumator praetor
stop fantasizing about how somehow looksmaxing will become normie,
it never will.

The reason as to why is simply because inceldom is on the rise and the current normies are impossible to black pill.
The new wave black pill is just new gen incels.
these people will eventually take your place once you leave this forum.
For that exact reason, since every change is relative, balance is kept and you have literally nothing to be afraid about. If the demand of this site ever increases, it will be because things have gotten extremely worse therefore in theory it should be easier for you to slay in that case. It's a faster process of blissfully growing up to be ugly in the modern world than becoming red-pilled and then finding the motivation to escape the endless inceldom that will follow the looksmaxer over time. As the person tries to ascend aesthetically, time passes by and others do the same/ or age catches up to them and they make no significant change at all.

Do you understand now? The only progress that we can make in this case is in KNOWLEDGE that can only help US the current USERS of .ME
You just want extreme eugenics, which I can respect. I'm not saying it's a bad thing for the future. I'm just saying it doesnt benefit me personally and it wont benefit most users here, so why would you want to accelerate things.

You're saying lookism and surgeries wont get popular, but statistics say the opposite. Surgeries have been getting WAY more popular, especially for men in the past 10 years. It is literally rising orders of magnitude. The users on this site, especially lurkers are getting more and more. Blackpill youtube channels have now 100k + subscribers. I'm not seeing it end any time soon. You're wrong on that and I don't think you should encourage others to share this knowledge. Atleast not under false pretenses. If you're a gigachad, I dont think this whole thing even benefits you, why waste time popularize these ideas, just enjoy your life. And if you're not then dont share the knowledge, becaue as I said it wont benefit you.
  • +1
That's a fair assessment, probably an understatement, even.
But sometimes that website is a diamond in the rough (excrement).
I am really (really) happy to know that you made it. It gives me hope that I will one day, too, be considered a Chad-esque figure.
It's good that you know of the Jewish influence and their Kabbalistic methodology. You even know of Esoteric Dualism and Masonic shit too.
You're neck-deep into this, it seems. I'm not far behind either...
yea bro the only defense against satan that we have is getting theologically educated, and we need the help of others for this as well. I hope my archive becomes of some use to you on your journey to ascend,
and I hope we'll reach the peak of religious enlightenment one day and finally begin waking up people en masse.

Trust me I'm submerged in this esoteric shit I've begun spending entire days researching new shit. Weirdly enough there only seem to be Christian identity or full-on satanic pagan telegram channels, I've discovered so much information against both

I've even found some answers in Islam but it would make this too much a long thread to explain, and I'm just starting out.

Just remember to stay safe and to not follow the path of satan
You just want extreme eugenics, which I can respect. I'm not saying it's a bad thing for the future. I'm just saying it doesnt benefit me personally and it wont benefit most users here, so why would you want to accelerate things.

You're saying lookism and surgeries wont get popular, but statistics say the opposite. Surgeries have been getting WAY more popular, especially for men in the past 10 years. It is literally rising orders of magnitude. The users on this site, especially lurkers are getting more and more. Blackpill youtube channels have now 100k + subscribers. I'm not seeing it end any time soon. You're wrong on that and I don't think you should encourage others to share this knowledge. Atleast not under false pretenses. If you're a gigachad, I dont think this whole thing even benefits you, why waste time popularize these ideas, just enjoy your life. And if you're not then dont share the knowledge, becaue as I said it wont benefit you.
yea because inceldom is rising as well

which makes every problem u listed not a problem anymore

The dating market hasn't been getting any more difficult, however, the financial market indeed has. but that's another topic

Also, I don't encourage sharing this knowledge with normies, I encourage sharing this knowledge between ourselves, which is completely different.

I think sharing our knowledge straight out with normies on TikTok can be fatal. Sharing it and archiving it here can be beneficial only for ourselves though. I hope you understand what I'm saying.
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Reactions: Informationcapitali, nobodyspecial369 and LiteralCaucasian
Sharing huge thread archives of information within the borders of this forum can indeed be useful and without repercussions, because the constant influx of young new incels and truecels who will see these archives and think of/research something new instead of digging for 3h how to bonesmash because some nigga decided to delete his thread
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I hope we'll reach the peak of religious enlightenment one day
Nice meme. That's never going to happen with all these normies around.
Weirdly enough there only seem to be Christian identity or full-on satanic pagan telegram channels, I've discovered so much information against both
Well, I'm Christian and most Pagans are unironically Jewish shills. Their positions are literally indefensible beyond some schizo memes about Hyperborea and such.
I've even found some answers in Islam
Islam is a false faith but it gets some things right, for example the Muslim Al-Dajjal in Christian Eschatology is called the Antichrist. They do get that bit right.
Just remember to stay safe and to not follow the path of satan
You too man. Best of luck out there. Goodnight.


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Well, I'm Christian
problem is, bro

the concept of a holy trinity is pagay and it is also in the kabbalah

also the vesica piscis a jewish geometry shape symbolises this
problem is, bro

the concept of a holy trinity is pagay and it is also in the kabbalah

also the vesica piscis a jewish geometry shape symbolises this
  • When arranged so that the lens is horizontal, with its two overlaid circles placed one above the other, it symbolizes the interface between the spiritual and physical worlds, represented by the two circles.[13][14] In this arrangement, it also resembles the ichthys (fish) symbol for Christ,[14] and has also been said to be a symbol of life, of "the materialization of the spirit", of Christ's mediation between heaven and earth, and of the eucharist.[15]
I think sharing our knowledge straight out with normies on TikTok can be fatal. Sharing it and archiving it here can be beneficial only for ourselves though. I hope you understand what I'm saying.
it takes one pajeet or gymcel cuck to tiktok every single worthwhile thread here
it takes one pajeet or gymcel cuck to tiktok every single worthwhile thread here
His audience won't scale unless he targets incels

Which just accelerates the inevitable

Most people would call these threads mentally ill narcy cope and say you need to have 1) good genes or 2) plastic surgery which isn't too far from the truth but also most of the time they will cope with "you're pretty as you are" bs
I'm sorry that's cope how many of these already exist with tens of millions of views?
No way it reaches millions

It may reach thousands at most and thats just because more mentally ill incels are on the way

Plus very little % go through with what he is saying
No way it reaches millions

It may reach thousands at most and thats just because more mentally ill incels are on the way

Plus very little % go through with what he is saying
nigga are you a boomer or something? I could list at least 5 channels like that off the top of my head in like 5 seconds and there are surely many more and I don't even use tiktok. like do you know how tiktok works? ppl permascroll it like 200 vids an hour and whatever catches their eye gets popular. perfect for discovering new stuff
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Nice meme. That's never going to happen with all these normies around.

Well, I'm Christian and most Pagans are unironically Jewish shills. Their positions are literally indefensible beyond some schizo memes about Hyperborea and such.

Islam is a false faith but it gets some things right, for example the Muslim Al-Dajjal in Christian Eschatology is called the Antichrist. They do get that bit right.

You too man. Best of luck out there. Goodnight.
yo guys good discussion. glad to find men like you. Also if you are looking for further answers, consider checking out Christian universalism. there is subreddits r/ChristianUniversalism and youtube channels such as “the total victory of christ”

the premise is that the ultimate eventual plan is that all things in the end will be reconciled. There is no eternal damnation forever but for a time for many (until they have paid the last penny), but it’s not forever bc the bible says “Gods mercy endures forever” over 30 times in Psalm 136

there’s a lot of scripture to back up the theory that in the end all will be saved. i know it sounds downright nonsense at first but if you find yourself feeling confused and angry at God, just remember what i said

i’m just planting the seed. i too have been gatekeeping, worried about knowledge spreading. hmm i think sharing it just amongst the forum would be okay. i don’t think sharing it to the public though is a good idea bc of the cautionary verse “do not throw pearls to swine lest they trample it under their feet and tear it to pieces” (matthew 7:6)

good luck and thanks for sharing
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i’m just planting the seed. i too have been gatekeeping, worried about knowledge spreading. hmm i think sharing it just amongst the forum would be okay. i don’t think sharing it to the public though is a good idea bc of the cautionary verse “do not throw pearls to swine lest they trample it under their feet and tear it to pieces” (matthew 7:6)

good luck and thanks for sharing
I agree with this
nigga are you a boomer or something? I could list at least 5 channels like that off the top of my head in like 5 seconds and there are surely many more and I don't even use tiktok. like do you know how tiktok works? ppl permascroll it like 200 vids an hour and whatever catches their eye gets popular. perfect for discovering new stuff
Ok anyway nigga when I said I think gatekeeping is useless, I meant WITHIN THE FORUM ITSELF. Of course I didn't mean you should "share information outside of the forum". Key words: within the forum, outside the forum
  • Hmm...
Gatekeeping WITHIN the forum is degenerate; it is the archives like the one I linked above that keep the purpose of this forum alive.

Gatekeeping OUTSIDE the forum is good; many people don't even care about nigger knife crime (the most obvious thing in the world) let alone that they can change their face/all the methods you discover in the rabbit hole of this forum. So they don't deserve it either.
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Nah. Gatekeeping is a good thing.

No one deserves to overcome and ascend by any means other than putting in the work/effort into research and development of their own understanding.

Fuck spoonfeeding undeserving retards.
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Nah. Gatekeeping is a good thing.

No one deserves to overcome and ascend by any means other than putting in the work/effort into research and development of their own understanding.

Fuck spoonfeeding undeserving retards.
You understood the threat wrong, look here:

Gatekeeping WITHIN the forum is degenerate; it is the archives like the one I linked above that keep the purpose of this forum alive.

Gatekeeping OUTSIDE the forum is good
This forum is public and super easy to stumble upon if you google search for normie softmaxxing shit or anything looks related.
Not really tbh
That's a fair assessment, probably an understatement, even.
But sometimes that website is a diamond in the rough (excrement).
I am really (really) happy to know that you made it. It gives me hope that I will one day, too, be considered a Chad-esque figure.
It's good that you know of the Jewish influence and their Kabbalistic methodology. You even know of Esoteric Dualism and Masonic shit too.
You're neck-deep into this, it seems. I'm not far behind either...
Interjecting myself here but it goes so much deeper. I don't think we'll ever really understand how far.

Once you understand what "serpent seed" means everything falls into place.
Interjecting myself here but it goes so much deeper. I don't think we'll ever really understand how far.

Once you understand what "serpent seed" means everything falls into place.
Please elaborate. I am VERY interested and would like to hear more. I am going to sleep now but if you can help a fellow truth seeker please do a DM and I'll read it tomorrow
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Reactions: AscensionMan98 and Decretum1483
Ok anyway nigga when I said I think gatekeeping is useless, I meant WITHIN THE FORUM ITSELF. Of course I didn't mean you should "share information outside of the forum". Key words: within the forum, outside the forum
doesn't matter. curries and tiktok niggers will come and repost my shit for efame

handle your research in trustworthy dms
doesn't matter. curries and tiktok niggers will come and repost my shit for efame

handle your research in trustworthy dms
Chance of some tiktoker coming to this forum with the aim to repost your threads are 0.00001% but ok

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