There is a very small % of women remaining who are eligible to be mothers/wives (TERA-BLACKPILL)



Nov 30, 2022
I don't think you guys realize how few women around you are truly eligible to be your wife and mother of your children.

First things first, if she's vaxxed, she is not be touched or given the time of day, you are not to fornicate or be intimate in any way with a woman who has taken the covid vaccines. If you're going to ask me why then you really don't know anything about the world do you? (will create a big thread on this since there are so many pharma shills on here and copers who deny that these vaccines are poison)

So how many women does that eliminate from the pool? a massive amount. Women are sheep, they're easily brainwashed and will follow whatever society/news/media tells them to and guess what the jews shoved down everyones throats? yep.. you have to take the vaxx or else.
So if we filter by women aged 18-30 (because lets be real nobody wants to marry/breed a 30+ year old foid), we arrive roughly at the estimate of 80% of women in this age range have gotten atleast 1 covid vaccine, most have gotten multiple and their DNA is permanently compromised.

That's a huge fucking number but just shows you how retarded women are and i actually think that figure is a conservative estimate and the real number is probably closer to 90% but for argument sake we'll use the number that is given by the jews/governments. (This figure is easily verified on multiple different government websites, average rate of women between 18-30 who took atleast 2 covid vaccines is about 80.5%)

That leaves you with 20% of women in the age range of 18-30, 80% have been filtered from being mothers/wives due to their DNA being compromised/defective.
Now out of those 20% of women, we now have to apply the second filter which is the issue of Telegony/Microchimerism. I've already made a thread on this so i'll keep it short. Any woman who is not a virgin is to be filtered due to women not only having MALE dna inside their brains from previous sexual partners but also in their cerebral spinal-fluid and other areas of the body, basically any kids you have with a woman who has had previous sexual encounters will have DNA from the mothers previous sexual partners, although technically you may be the "father" or atleast that's what they'll tell you, the child will carry DNA from all those men your wife fucked before you. Additionally, NEVER impregnate a woman who has already had a child with another man or even been pregnant before, even if it was abortion or a miscarriage. Why? even during a miscarriage her body keeps the cells from the previous aborted fetus and the next child will significantly share DNA with the previous child who you are not the father of.

So out of those 20%, how many are virgins? it's hard to come up with an accurate figure here but i think a good guess would be roughly 0.5-1% (i'm being generous here) are virgins.

CONCLUSION: 0.5% of women between the ages of 18-30 are eligible to be mothers and wives, fucking brutal.

And these two filters are the necessary ones, there are other filters too depending on your ethnicity and more, but the % just gets lower and lower, ESPECIALLY for white women who are the most desired women on the planet, quite ironic isn't it? the most attractive women on the planet are also the most fucked. But not surprising considering this is exactly what jews wanted, they wanted to cull white people and they've successfully ruined 99% of white women. Out of that 0.5%, how many are fat/obese/ugly/etc? the list goes on, it just gets lower and lower. The actual figure for healthy, attractive women in this group is realistically like 0.1%. To maximize your chances you're probably better off looking in a 3rd world country, e.g. for all the curries on here, you have a better chance of finding a virgin non-vaxxed foid in south asia instead of one in the west. For white people, it's just over friendos, nothing else. Try the amish.

i have no advice to give you. Good Luck and God bless, you're going to need it boyos.


@SecularIslamist @Pakicel @Xangsane @Diarrhoea @Jason Voorhees @curryascenderr @MaghrebGator @emeraldglass @ShawarmaFilth @coispet @Gengar @brahminboss @ElTruecel @greycel @Shrek2OnDvD @TechnoBoss @shizuku11111 @Darkeningstar @LancasteR @virgin @datboijj @CFW432 @shia.jihadist @gaygymmax @moredatesmorerapes @LOOKISM-LOGIC @curryascenderr @joao @isis_Bleach @Carbine @NumbThePain @Gargantuan @forevergymcelling @truthhurts @shizuku11111 @wishIwasSalludon @Piratecel @WeiWei @Zenis @chudlite
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Didn’t get the notification, but appreciate the tag bro:Comfy:.
Remember, based on the Georgia guide stones, the human population will decrease to 500 million till 2050, to have the nature in his order :hnghn:
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Bill gates and his associates must be tried for crimes against humanity. This was very likely the biggest crime in the history of humanity, considering billions of people now have compromised DNA. It's incalculable how much damage he and his buddies have truly done. @truthhurts one of their goals is to reduce the population numbers, whether it's to reduce it to 500m like the stones say, who knows.
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Bill gates and his associates must be tried for crimes against humanity. This was very likely the biggest crime in the history of humanity, considering billions of people now have compromised DNA. It's incalculable how much damage he and his buddies have truly done. @truthhurts one of their goals is to reduce the population numbers, whether it's to reduce it to 500m like the stones say, who knows.
Ofc. Even the both founder of Apple sold their souls. The bitten apple symbolizes, that the founders got enlightened by the tree of knowledge.
Bill Gates is known for doing charity projects in Africa, where they vaccinate children and later they end up crippled.:what:

IMG 3849

The Georgia Guide Stones, financed by an anonymous billionaire, and the description

IMG 3850

IMG 3851
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Ofc. Even the both founder of Apple sold their souls. The bitten apple symbolizes, that the founders got enlightened by the tree of knowledge.
Bill Gates is known for doing charity projects in Africa, where they vaccinate children and later they end up crippled.:what:

View attachment 3264824
The Georgia Guide Stones, financed by an anonymous billionaire, and the description

View attachment 3264835
View attachment 3264840
I am aware of bill gates and his "philanthropy" aka culling millions of africans and even doing experimental tests on them with new vaccines and drugs. But i'm fairly sure he wanted all of the africans vaxxed, their population is huge so he proabbly thought a good way to reduce the global pop is to begin with them and they'll put up no protest which they didn't. Apple is a demonic kike company and so is gates and everything he's associated with, they're all demons and must be brought to justice.

It seems he has a keen interest in the georgia guide stones and has for quite some time now, he seems hell bent on following everything on it to the tee. First reduce population then get a one world government (many think he will do this after the E.T invasion fake or real who knows). Unite humanity? at what cost? killing billions?
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Reactions: Bars and truthhurts
If the people knew about the crimes of gates and his associates, they'd storm his houses and lynch him in public, him and all the other demonic kikes. Instead they're kept fat and docile so they can't rebel. Some countries in africa and evne south america where the people have overthrown corrupt gov and the evil kikes at the top, unfortunately i don't see that happening in the states or the west in general.
  • +1
Reactions: Bars, TheBiggestIncelEver and truthhurts
I am aware of bill gates and his "philanthropy" aka culling millions of africans and even doing experimental tests on them with new vaccines and drugs. But i'm fairly sure he wanted all of the africans vaxxed, their population is huge so he proabbly thought a good way to reduce the global pop is to begin with them and they'll put up no protest which they didn't. Apple is a demonic kike company and so is gates and everything he's associated with, they're all demons and must be brought to justice.

It seems he has a keen interest in the georgia guide stones and has for quite some time now, he seems hell bent on following everything on it to the tee. First reduce population then get a one world government (many think he will do this after the E.T invasion fake or real who knows). Unite humanity? at what cost? killing billions?
E. T Invasion? UFOs were already documented in Nazi time, children of Rothschilds were saying that they saw a flying unfamiliar object in the sky, when they got interviewed.
Bill Gates is just another puppet. The people who are truly in power are another caliber

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Reactions: Bars, supremcel and JohnDoe
If the people knew about the crimes of gates and his associates, they'd storm his houses and lynch him in public, him and all the other demonic kikes. Instead they're kept fat and docile so they can't rebel. Some countries in africa and evne south america where the people have overthrown corrupt gov and the evil kikes at the top, unfortunately i don't see that happening in the states or the west in general.
Most people won’t do shit. They just waiting for someone who handles the the problems and they are dumb as hell too :ogre:
  • +1
Reactions: supremcel and JohnDoe
I don't think you guys realize how few women around you are truly eligible to be your wife and mother of your children.

First things first, if she's vaxxed, she is not be touched or given the time of day, you are not to fornicate or be intimate in any way with a woman who has taken the covid vaccines. If you're going to ask me why then you really don't know anything about the world do you? (will create a big thread on this since there are so many pharma shills on here and copers who deny that these vaccines are poison)

So how many women does that eliminate from the pool? a massive amount. Women are sheep, they're easily brainwashed and will follow whatever society/news/media tells them to and guess what the jews shoved down everyones throats? yep.. you have to take the vaxx or else.
So if we filter by women aged 18-30 (because lets be real nobody wants to marry/breed a 30+ year old foid), we arrive roughly at the estimate of 80% of women in this age range have gotten atleast 1 covid vaccine, most have gotten multiple and their DNA is permanently compromised.

That's a huge fucking number but just shows you how retarded women are and i actually think that figure is a conservative estimate and the real number is probably closer to 90% but for argument sake we'll use the number that is given by the jews/governments. (This figure is easily verified on multiple different government websites, average rate of women between 18-30 who took atleast 2 covid vaccines is about 80.5%)

That leaves you with 20% of women in the age range of 18-30, 80% have been filtered from being mothers/wives due to their DNA being compromised/defective.
Now out of those 20% of women, we now have to apply the second filter which is the issue of Telegony/Microchimerism. I've already made a thread on this so i'll keep it short. Any woman who is not a virgin is to be filtered due to women not only having MALE dna inside their brains from previous sexual partners but also in their cerebral spinal-fluid and other areas of the body, basically any kids you have with a woman who has had previous sexual encounters will have DNA from the mothers previous sexual partners, although technically you may be the "father" or atleast that's what they'll tell you, the child will carry DNA from all those men your wife fucked before you. Additionally, NEVER impregnate a woman who has already had a child with another man or even been pregnant before, even if it was abortion or a miscarriage. Why? even during a miscarriage her body keeps the cells from the previous aborted fetus and the next child will significantly share DNA with the previous child who you are not the father of.

So out of those 20%, how many are virgins? it's hard to come up with an accurate figure here but i think a good guess would be roughly 0.5-1% (i'm being generous here) are virgins.

CONCLUSION: 0.5% of women between the ages of 18-30 are eligible to be mothers and wives, fucking brutal.

And these two filters are the necessary ones, there are other filters too depending on your ethnicity and more, but the % just gets lower and lower, ESPECIALLY for white women who are the most desired women on the planet, quite ironic isn't it? the most attractive women on the planet are also the most fucked. But not surprising considering this is exactly what jews wanted, they wanted to cull white people and they've successfully ruined 99% of white women. Out of that 0.5%, how many are fat/obese/ugly/etc? the list goes on, it just gets lower and lower. The actual figure for healthy, attractive women in this group is realistically like 0.1%. To maximize your chances you're probably better off looking in a 3rd world country, e.g. for all the curries on here, you have a better chance of finding a virgin non-vaxxed foid in south asia instead of one in the west. For white people, it's just over friendos, nothing else. Try the amish.

i have no advice to give you. Good Luck and God bless, you're going to need it boyos.

View attachment 3264681

@SecularIslamist @Pakicel @Xangsane @Diarrhoea @Jason Voorhees @curryascenderr @MaghrebGator @emeraldglass @ShawarmaFilth @coispet @Gengar @brahminboss @ElTruecel @greycel @Shrek2OnDvD @TechnoBoss @shizuku11111 @Darkeningstar @LancasteR @virgin @datboijj @CFW432 @shia.jihadist @gaygymmax @moredatesmorerapes @LOOKISM-LOGIC @curryascenderr @joao @isis_Bleach @Carbine @NumbThePain @Gargantuan @forevergymcelling @truthhurts @shizuku11111 @wishIwasSalludon @Piratecel @WeiWei @Zenis @chudlite
Dnrd but here’s the rep for effort
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Dnrd but here’s the rep for effort
Your loss boyo, i try to enlighten the youth and instead they shun me and follow the jewish propaganda outlets.
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Most people won’t do shit. They just waiting for someone who handles the the problems and they are dumb as hell too :ogre:
Most people are sheep, even if they weren't kept fat and docile by the poisoned food supply, they still wouldn't revolt. They're cowards, want someone else to do the dirty work for them.
E. T Invasion? UFOs were already documented in Nazi time, children of Rothschilds were saying that they saw a flying unfamiliar object in the sky, when they got interviewed.
Bill Gates is just another puppet. The people who are truly in power are another caliber

Yes the aliens are likely already here. The race that lives in the inner earth beneath the oceans, the massive UFO factory in the atlantis and other oceans around the world that manufactures crafts on the go that observe us and have even crashed and been retrieved by the U.S government. The saurians aka native to earth reptilians that live underground that have always been here, the draconians from the draco constellation, the pleideans, the grays, the mantis/mantids and interdimensional NHI, the list goes on. There is far more to reality than we know. But our problems on the surface seem to be gates and all those elites who are fucking us regular plebs four ways to sunday. E.T. craft were retrieved during the world war era in Italy. There's reports dating back even in 1800s and before.
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Post the thread about the vaccine then. I want to see the evidence
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Reactions: NZb6Air, truthhurts and Deleted member 97572
Post the thread about the vaccine then. I want to see the evidence
Will do it sometime when not feeling lazy, will have to gather all the evidence since i know you people will cope and deny. The fact that you don't already know yourself just tells me a lot.
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Reactions: Bars, qazw and truthhurts
Most people are sheep, even if they weren't kept fat and docile by the poisoned food supply, they still wouldn't revolt. They're cowards, want someone else to do the dirty work for them.

Yes the aliens are likely already here. The race that lives in the inner earth beneath the oceans, the massive UFO factory in the atlantis and other oceans around the world that manufactures crafts on the go that observe us and have even crashed and been retrieved by the U.S government. The saurians aka native to earth reptilians that live underground that have always been here, the draconians from the draco constellation, the pleideans, the grays, the mantis/mantids and interdimensional NHI, the list goes on. There is far more to reality than we know. But our problems on the surface seem to be gates and all those elites who are fucking us regular plebs four ways to sunday. E.T. craft were retrieved during the world war era in Italy. There's reports dating back even in 1800s and before.
Send the possible links Bhai:Comfy:
your age also :what:?
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Reactions: supremcel and JohnDoe
I never took vaccine so It is only fair I get an unvaxxed girlfriend

I never had sex so its only fair I get a virgin girlfriend
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Reactions: schizotruthseeker, HTN_When_Lean, Bars and 3 others
I never took vaccine so It is only fair I get an unvaxxed girlfriend

I never had sex so its only fair I get a virgin girlfriend
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have to go for now but when i get time i'll send em. I'm late 20s.
I see. Looking forward to see more of your threads blud:Comfy:
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Reactions: JohnDoe
Based lad, well said. 👍
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im 5'7 and theres a 5'10 girl crushing on me (cause im the only htn she knows lmao) no vax and religious, i stay away from her like its poison cause i fucking know how bad it will go lmao
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: Bars, bloomercel and JohnDoe
im 5'7 and theres a 5'10 girl crushing on me (cause im the only htn she knows lmao) no vax and religious, i stay away from her like its poison cause i fucking know how bad it will go lmao
3 inches is pushing it tbh, if she was 5'9 and you 5'7.5-5'8 i'd say go for it. But still nothing more chad than walking around with a girl who is 3 inches taller than you, everyone is going to think you have a massive dick or some other halo and that in turn will make other women attracted to you since they will wonder what's special that a girl taller settled for you.
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good thread, it's over:)
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Most people will be infertile soon anyways. Soon men won’t even exist, just some Klinefelter tranny abomination of a “male”. The Y chromosome is literally shrinking
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On top of all that, you have to make sure your wife's brain has not been corrupted with feminism/leftist/liberal ideologies and she isn't on or hasn't been on SSRIs or other drugs that have permanently fucked her brain up, SSRIs fuck your serotonin levels up and leave you a zombie. And another thing you need to look out for is her relationship with her parents, particularly her father. A girl who does not have a good woman always has a good relationship with her father, her father ensured she did not become a whore or went down the wrong path and instilled good values in her, that is the foundation of a woman who is worthy of being a wife and a mother. You need to check her friends and the influence they have and what type of women they are because women are easily influenced by friends and want to fit in and so she might make horrible choices because of peer pressure so it's important you vet her friends and make sure they're a good influence and aren't degenerate.
ITS OVER - saint hammudi (RIP)
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Reactions: JohnDoe
the Telegon thing is fucking real
  • +1
Reactions: JohnDoe
the Telegon thing is fucking real
Of-course it is real, most people cannot accept it because it would shatter their reality. It's likely their mother (mostly applicable to zoomers on here) was not a virgin when she gave birth to them. They are in denial but deep down they know it's true, there's a reason for hundreds/thousand of years a womans chastity was everything before she was to be married. There is a reason why God has forbidden pre-marital sex, it goes against our very being, it was not meant to be like this. When a woman has sex with someone, she becomes one with that person and that person is supposed to be her husband/life-long partner, not some random dudebro she found on tinder. Pre-marital sex is war against the Almighty, defiling women who you do not intend to marry. If your mother was not a virgin when she gave brith to you, you are essentially a chimera and not a true born. If society was to accept it for being true, they would have to reform every aspect of society as the very foundation of modernity has equalled young men and women engaging in pre-marital sex and being told they are not doing anything wrong. The jews are to blame for a lot of it.
Yeah, it's over in that sense.
Women are fucked up beyond repair. It is time to ditch the idea of settling down and starting a family, that's for normies anyway.

But in the end, to be fully satisfied in life, you probably still have to live for something greater than yourself. Family has traditionally been the anchor for this purpose, but if that’s off the table, I think that the only alternative is to carve out some sort of legacy by having a direct impact on the future of your people through various means and eventually, subvert the system.

I see this as the most noble alternative to starting a family
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Yeah, it's over in that sense.
Women are fucked up beyond repair. It is time to ditch the idea of settling down and starting a family, that's for normies anyway.

But in the end, to be fully satisfied in life, you probably still have to live for something greater than yourself. Family has traditionally been the anchor for this purpose, but if that’s off the table, I think that the only alternative is to carve out some sort of legacy by having a direct impact on the future of your people through various means and eventually, subvert the system.

I see this as the most noble alternative to starting a family
Yes but legacy for the average joe is a pipedream, what can the average guy hope to accomplish to have any significant effect on the future of his people or simply just a positive impact on the "system". It's over regardless tbh, there is no winning in modern society for the average joe. You can follow pursuits that you deem noble but ultimately there's only so much you can do without an abundance of resources.
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I've completely gone beyond the point of wanting any of that

I think it all depends on the household you grow up in. Most guys who get blackpilled think "oh, my mom is different, so some women must be different, right?"
But when you realize that even your "exceptions" (mostly family) are the same, that's when you get truly blackpilled. You realize that it's not even about evil or good: the genuinely nice girl who defends the subhuman from bullying still goes home to her 6'4" chad bf. AWALT, it's just female nature.
I'm naturally a possessive guy so I can't cope with the fact that any gf I have would fantasize about other guys, any time she watches a movie with a chad, any time we pass a 6'7" guy in public. The only escape is to find a girl with some sort of trauma and "save" her or to buy a JB wife from the taliban and lock her in the basement with no access to TV and no leaving the house

I simply view women as sex objects now
Yes but legacy for the average joe is a pipedream, what can the average guy hope to accomplish to have any significant effect on the future of his people or simply just a positive impact on the "system". It's over regardless tbh, there is no winning in modern society for the average joe. You can follow pursuits that you deem noble but ultimately there's only so much you can do without an abundance of resources.
Can't get over how past generations actually had some legit movements/ideologies etc. that were worth fighting for, often spearheaded by people who cared for them too.
Now everything is just fake and gay, everyone's sucking jewish dick and there's almost nothing left to fight for.
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if youre talking about covid vaccines on a subforum of 4chan, go to 8kun

no one here will get it to you extent, probably
And of those eligible how many are htb+? Crazy thing to think about
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Reactions: JohnDoe
And of those eligible how many are htb+? Crazy thing to think about
You are going from 0.1% to like 0.002-0.005% at best if you want HTB, it's absolutely fucking minuscule.

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