there is nothing worse than a girl thats taller than you walk by and frame mogging you



Sep 27, 2018
legit suicide inducing. 6ft+females need to be euthanized
A girl who height- and framemogs me is way bigger than ideal for a female tbh.

But I like tall girls tbh (not with a big masculine frame, kek). I saw one during my approach frenzy in this last Brazilian carnival. She must have been like 6'2, mogs me. I approached her but she politely rejected me.
lol i remember a exchange student was about 6ft 4inch german, legit mogged everyone bar a few of us, I often find though larger females arent that attractive face wise compared to smaller foids, plus they tend to have lower standards, aslong as you are taller then her.
Jesus what ogre lady frame mogs zuzz he is massive as shit
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At least due to my gymcell past, I only get heightmogged and not framemogged.
can't relate
I imagine it’s pretty emasculating..
quick sand @Ritalincel
Gratefull for living in Norway where small frames are preety common, mine is shit.
This is why Japanese women are the best, average height 5'3, smol and cute.
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Did he just die? How low iq do you have to be lol..

this is actually the most pathetic way I've ever seen somebody die. nothing tops this.
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contrary to popular belief, tall women like short dudes, because they can't find a Chad taller than them. think of it as a mama thing.
if u want manlet sons yeah

Naw, the only thing I got to offer are my tall westerner genes + good diet = MOGGING machines.

Keep in mind by the time they grow up the west is going to be some brown hell hole, they'll live like Kings in Asia.

I'll live like a King in Asia.
I know one russian couple where guy is around 5'8 and woman is around 6 foot. Hope their son does not end manlet.
You almost never see an Asian woman that tall only western men (women) are.
I saw one white girl yesterday in the supermarket over here in India. She was like 6ft and good looking too. Felt bad, I hate being mogged by femoids. Thankfully in India that happens rarely but this white girl mogged me. :feelsree:
I thought gigachads were in norway

Oh they are, but small frame is also super common so its "socialy acceptable" i would say.

That being said i think frame is one of those things girls will uncinsiously notice, but not think about. But since small frames are so common here it wont be as much as an unconsious requirement?

Altough wider frames will be more attractive no doubt in that
I don't think I've been heightmogged by a foid since I was 13/14. I went to high school with one that was around 6'1" and refused to date anyone shorter than her. One wonders if that's sufficient grounds to be a "femcel". I saw an amazon foid once in college that was almost as tall as I was, probably an athlete.
Got a foid in my class who is a 5'11 model and wears constantly heels of 4 inches. I feel subhuman every time time I see her :feelsbadman:
lol i remember a exchange student was about 6ft 4inch german, legit mogged everyone bar a few of us, I often find though larger females arent that attractive face wise compared to smaller foids, plus they tend to have lower standards, aslong as you are taller then her.
I've heard that they care less about height and often would even go for shorter guys.
when a girls says: "you look younger than your age"\
she means: "you are a fucking framecel"
I've heard that they care less about height and often would even go for shorter guys.
I don’t know about that, typically if you seen a 6ft 1 girl with a 5ft 4 guy ur going to think it’s her brother or some shit, that also goes well against primitive kinda shit.
Oh they are, but small frame is also super common so its "socialy acceptable" i would say.

That being said i think frame is one of those things girls will uncinsiously notice, but not think about. But since small frames are so common here it wont be as much as an unconsious requirement?

Altough wider frames will be more attractive no doubt in that
I feel like girls notice every flaw subconsciously
I know one russian couple where guy is around 5'8 and woman is around 6 foot. Hope their son does not end manlet.
Fingers crossed
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I know one russian couple where guy is around 5'8 and woman is around 6 foot. Hope their son does not end manlet.

the kid will most likely still be taller than 6ft because if shes 6ft and hes 5'8, and her family is full of tall ppl the kid will still get the tall genes.

yeah i actually came up with that out my ass but it works something like that.
I have no idea why anyone would feel threatened by taller women. I have absolutely no sexual attraction toward women who are taller than me, so what they think about my appearance is irrelevant.
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I feel like girls notice every flaw subconsciously
Humans in general notice all your facial flaws within seconds of meeting you.
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I have no idea why anyone would feel threatened by taller women. I have absolutely no sexual attraction toward women who are taller than me, so what they think about my appearance is irrelevant.
Gratefull for living in Norway where small frames are preety common, mine is shit.
Wut? Most nerdics have large af wingspans. They're just not gymcelled
Wut? Most nerdics have large af wingspans. They're just not gymcelled

Maybe they get wider at a certain age, but most of the people my age at least are often ectamorohs. (im 18)

You nordic btw?
Maybe they get wider at a certain age, but most of the people my age at least are often ectamorohs. (im 18)

You nordic btw?
Then u and ur buddies are probably over 6'2. Most of the tall nerdics are lanklets.

No, I just live in the same country
Being born subchad
Then u and ur buddies are probably over 6'2. Most of the tall nerdics are lanklets.

No, I just live in the same country

Probably but im just talking in general, the people i see on a every day basis, tall ecteamorphs all over my school
Naw, the only thing I got to offer are my tall westerner genes + good diet = MOGGING machines.

Keep in mind by the time they grow up the west is going to be some brown hell hole, they'll live like Kings in Asia.

I'll live like a King in Asia.
hapa mogging machines lmao

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