There is nothing wrong with wanting a sex slave.



Proud pedophile
Jul 20, 2022
For thousands of years, women have been property that was bought, sold, and bartered. They were the spoils of war and conquest. Even today, a female doesn’t retain her family name. She takes the name and identity of the husband. Much the same way, a woman who was captured from one tribe by another became part of the conquering tribe.

Having complete control over a female without needing to take her or her family's desires into account is a natural and healthy male desire, and one that can only be fully satisfied with a sexual slave. While it's not the responsibility of society to satisfy every male desire, it should be society's responsibility to make sure that all men who are willing to acquire the necessary resources, have every opportunity to satisfy their legitimate desires, and there should be no laws or regulations preventing the emergence of markets where women and girls may be bought and sold for money. For as long as there are no legal ways obtain sex slaves, no one should blame any man for raping or kidnapping females.

Historically, even men who were at the top of the social hierarchy and could easily get consensual sex and love, would often buy sex slaves when they could get them. Thomas Jefferson had six children with one of his female slaves who was less than half his age. Giacomo Casanova, who was known for his charisma and generosity, bought a 13-year old virginal sex slave while traveling in Russia and used her throughout his stay in the country, without the least moral compunction, and when he left Russia he arranged for her to be resold to a 70-year old friend of his. Even the man who invented the concept of childhood innocence, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, pooled money with a friend to purchase a little girl for the explicit purpose of deflowering her when she reached puberty. He never actually went on to deflower her, but if he had done so, most people wouldn't have blamed him for it.

Today's men pander to pussy at the cost of turning into cucks. They are taught the worst thing: prioritize and submit to women. Submission is just another form of slavery. Submission is to an authority. If you submit, you are less than the woman you are submitting to and whose feelings and desires you are prioritizing over your own.

Because all the restraints on female hypergamy have been removed and because men are no longer allowed to exert dominance over women and have sex with them without their consent, it has become harder and harder for all men to get sex, and men who lack the aesthetic traits that women evolved to value can't get any sex at all. Sex has become a resource the distribution of which women monopolize completely, and this explains why every generation of men since the sexual revolution of the 1960 has had less sex on average than the previous one.

Intrasexual competition impedes cooperation between men and leaves them with little choice but to spend huge amounts of time simping to women and trying to satisfy their every whim in the hope of getting sex. Every man competes against every other man for an ever dwindling and hard to access pool of available pussy. The best solution for this state of affairs is to restore patriarchy and make women and girls the property of their fathers'/guardians. Among other social benefits, this would allow men to commercially breed women for desirable traits like submissiveness and beauty and change the gender ratio so that there will be more than one woman for every man. Most women today have lots of undesirable psychological traits that make them difficult to deal with and those traits should ideally be bred out.

Today, it's more socially acceptable for men to say they want to be sex slaves to women than the other way around. This is a complete inversion of the natural order. For most of human history, it was considered the norm for men to want to dominate and control women, and it was considered shameful to want to submit to women.
Like this cuck, a lot of the same people who shame men for wanting sex slaves would gladly sell themselves into perpetual slavery if that meant they could get sex. Especially if the alternative was not getting any sex at all.

It's degenerate for men to submit to women, but it's perfectly normal for women to submit to men. Just as most cucks would enjoy being a woman's slave, most foids would enjoy being Chad's sex slave. Especially if they don't have to share him with other sister slaves/wives.

The idea of sex slavery horrifies femoids for the same reason why the idea of dating incels horrifies them: they hate the idea of giving sex to unattractive men. When they imagine themselves being the sex slave of someone, they don't imagine themselves being the sex slave of Genghis Khan or of some Viking warlord Chad, they imagine themselves being the sex slave of an ugly male.

A life without sex and intimacy is far more harmful to average man than a life of sex slavery is to the average femoid. Women evolved to be able to cope with being rape slaves; in ancient times, foids who couldn't cope with being raped tended to die at a young age and never pass on their genes. Even though foids would like to have you believe otherwise, being a sex slave to an ugly male is not the worst thing in the world to them. But even if it were, there still would be absolutely no reason for for you to take their feelings into account. Your ancestors took whatever female they could get by whatever means possible, including rape and slavery. If they hadn't, you wouldn't have been born as your bloodline would have ended thousands of years ago.

Why give more respect to the degenerate and spoiled females of today's age than our ancient ancestors gave to the ones they enslaved? If anything, it could be argued that the women of today deserve a worse fate than just being slaves. Their degeneracy is unparalleled by anything in history.

Bluepillers are, of course, wrong when they pretend that all incels only want sex slaves. Most incels are open to a wide range of possible ways of ascending most of which do not involve slavery. But there is nothing wrong with wanting a sex slave.

-Credits to “Cynic”.
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