There is ZERO Scientific/Evolutionary Basis for 18-22 Year old men being the most desirable age-range for women

Deleted member 13076

Deleted member 13076

Mar 16, 2021
Women desire masculine men when they're ovulating, women begin ovulating at 16, a 16 year old girl and a 36 year old women both get turned on by the same masculine dimorphic traits. There is no Scientific basis for a disparity in what women want when their ovulating regarding age range.

Chad of all ages want women 18-22, So if you're a young guy not only you're competing with HS chads but also Chads from a higher age range. GenZ boys/men are the most sexless group of all time. Yet this forum will make you believe that 18-22 old men is the pinnacle of what women want, yet chart after chart prove that they're the most sexless, Notice how there's not been a decline for young women? they're having sex with men of a different age range.


The problem is that men on this forums think that Male Sexual strategy = Female Sexual strategy. You need to understand Evolutionary biology.

Men are wired to seek the most youthful female of the group = youth equating to high fertility, healthy offspring's, and less past sexual partners, as a man you want to give yourself the best possible chance of knowing that your offspring's are healthy and yours.

Women on the other select for high dimorphism traits, strong masculine traits = healthier children and high chance of survival.

Women of all ages 16+ will get *turned on* by guy in their 40s if he meets the above ^ quota, a JB will be sexually attracted to a 40 year old Paul Walker the same way she'll be sexually attracted to a 20 year old him because the 40 year old version of him still hits that quota. That's why Walker only dated teenagers, because he could. and he was attractive to them

The whole ''muh tiktok boy collagen' Lack of collagen becomes an issue when you lose DIMORPHISM, and appear weak and old. There is no evolutionary and scientific basis to believe that ''18-22 year old level of collagen'' makes women more wet, If that was the case then 30+ year old women mating preferences would be 20 year old men but studies have proven that that's not the case, go create a POF account with some TikTok boy and start messaging +30 year foids saying you want to fuck, see how many replies you get.

Now here's the plot twist, If a 30 year old Foid isn't more attracted to 20 year old men then why would a 20 year old girl be? From a Sexual Biological point of view there is no difference between a 20 year old and a 30 year old woman. The same Type of man makes them wet.

JB Young foids don't get ''Turned on'' more by ''muh colagen'', it's just socially more acceptable for HS aged foids to date HS chads. A guy in his 30-40s going after JB/young foids is socially not acceptable and deemed as creepy (mostly by low smv old foids who wants the men for themselves) The reason why JB go for men in the same age range is because of ''CULTURE'' and ''SOCIETY''.
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  • JFL
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40 year old Paul Walker the same way she'll be sexually attracted to a 20 year old him because the 40 year old version of him still hits that quota. That's why Walker only dated teenagers, because he could. and he was attractive to them
statuspill is the hardest to swallow
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Images 7

JB's want this in 2021. Very high sex appeal.
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  • JFL
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Dimorphism also increases with age so long as your hormones are decent till 40 or so. Take a guy at 20 and take the same guy at 30. One will look like a boy versus a man in that 10 year time.
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  • JFL
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Dimorphism also increases with age so long as your hormones are decent till 40 or so. Take a guy at 20 and take the same guy at 30. One will look like a boy versus a man in that 10 year time.
i'll go recieve my blood tests tomorrow what should be the ideal hormone levels for testorone?

17 year old dude
i'll go recieve my blood tests tomorrow what should be the ideal hormone levels for testorone?

17 year old dude
900+ preferably around 1100.
is my hair not gonna fall out at those levels?

+ any guides u got to increase T naturally?
Your hair can fall out at even 200 if you're genetically prone. I've had very high T for most of my life and I still have a Norwood 0. My personal theory from observation and evidence is that accelerated hair loss happens due to high estrogen and prolactin, so DHT skyrockets to try to counteract their feminizing effects but you wind up losing hair faster. Give lowering estrogen and prolactin a try before going any DHT blocking treatment.

There are many guides out there on this site and others for increasing T. IMO the most important things are to keep your body fat between 10-15 percent, avoid phytoestrogens, and make sure you aren't deficient in any micronutrients.
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is my hair not gonna fall out at those levels?

+ any guides u got to increase T naturally?
Just hop on trt and blast and cruise.
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Your hair can fall out at even 200 if you're genetically prone. My personal theory from observation and evidence is that accelerated hair loss happens due to high estrogen and prolactin, so DHT skyrockets to try to counteract their feminizing effects but you wind up losing hair faster. Give lowering estrogen and prolactin a try before going any DHT blocking treatment.

There are many guides out there on this site and others for increasing T. IMO the most important things are to keep your body fat between 10-15 percent, avoid phytoestrogens, and make sure you aren't deficient in any micronutrients.
yeah am not skinny by any means am like really lean am at those ranges.

i just thought increasing my T will make me lose hair faster.
If you think that and 18 year old women is more attracted to a 30 year old than someone her age then you are delusional
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  • JFL
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If you think that and 18 year old women is more attracted to a 30 year old than someone her age then you are delusional

You haven't read what I posted properly.

The reason why an 18 year old women would choose an 18 year old chad over a 30 year old chad is because He's ''younger'', not because she's more sexually attracted to him. Its cultural norm

There's scientific basis for a man that's 18 to be more attracted to an 18 year old over a 30 year old foid because it maximises his chances of reproduction, but if you reverse the roles there's no scientific reasoning for it. Dating statistics prove this out, older foids don't want young men.
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You haven't read what I posted properly.

The reason why an 18 year old women would choose an 18 year old chad over a 30 year old chad is because He's ''younger'', not because she's more sexually attracted to him. Its cultural norm

There's scientific basis for a man that's 18 to be more attracted to an 18 year old over a 30 year old foid because it maximises his chances of reproduction, but if you reverse the roles there's no scientific reasoning for it. Dating statistics prove this out, older foids don't want young men.
No one here is going for older women. And show me the scientific basis that claims YOUNG women prefer men in their 30s sexually.
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No one here is going for older women. And show me the scientific basis that claims YOUNG women prefer men in their 30s sexually.

Women's Sexual attraction is not ''AGE'' related its related to ''DIMORPHISIM'' Which one of these do you think will give a women stronger healthier offspring's?


Now Men's Sexual attraction IS age related, which one of these would give you a better chance for having healthy offspring's?

Yea if you go outside you’d see most young girls prefer guys with stubble... fucking regretting shaving after 4 days today lol
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Women's Sexual attraction is not ''AGE'' related its related to ''DIMORPHISIM'' Which one of these do you think will give a women stronger healthier offspring's?


Now Men's Sexual attraction IS age related, which one of these would give you a better chance for having healthy offspring's?

And not a single piece of scientific literature was found.
You do have a point but saying women will prefer men almost double their age is a massive cope.
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And not a single piece of scientific literature was found.
You do have a point but saying women will prefer men almost double their age is a massive cope.

I linked pew researched studies.
I'm trying to explain why someone gets ''turned on'' from an evolutionary point of view.

I never said a jb would prefer an older guy, a jb might prefer a younger guy even though she's more sexually atracted to the older man because its more socially acceptable. If the guy on the right was dating that younger foid it would look creepy as hell. Can you imagine what her dad would think, or people at his workplace.
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If you google 'attractive man' or 'sexy man' it's usually dudes between the age of 27~42. I think this is the ideal age for attractiveness, and I think in a reality, an attractive older chad almost always beats out the younger pretty boy: In fact, I can't honestly think of a scenario where it doesn't happen that way except in movies.
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Chads who game are still Chads.


He said/ She said Evidence. You can find exceptions to the rule in just about everything. There's women out there that get turned on by someone taking a shit on their face.

Zero scientific evidence. Create a POF/Match account with an 18 year old MM, message every old slut on it and see how many replies you get back.
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it is over for youngcels
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Dimorphism also increases with age so long as your hormones are decent till 40 or so. Take a guy at 20 and take the same guy at 30. One will look like a boy versus a man in that 10 year time.
I should have done a thread like this 25 to 35 is prime smv for men
Youngcels need to agemax asap,

Good agemaxing guide:

tan bed 2x per day
minoxidil all over face
junk food
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  • JFL
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Youngcels need to agemax asap,

Good agemaxing guide:

tan bed 2x per day
minoxidil all over face
junk food
Jfl only two of those are good. What they need to do is grow stubble or beard and workout in the gym
If you think that and 18 year old women is more attracted to a 30 year old than someone her age then you are delusional
Over for Eriksen at 31
Dating statistics prove this out, older foids don't want young men.
I haven't seen any data to suggest that younger girls do either: It mostly seems to be about proximity if anything

25-35 years old.

Male peak, of men getting ugly bald: before balding age.
Male peak, for men getting fat with age: Before getting fat
Male peak, for men getting collagen raped because no skin care: Before getting collagen raped

Some few men, can stretch looking good past 35, because of effort + good support from bones.
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If you think that and 18 year old women is more attracted to a 30 year old than someone her age then you are delusional

I'd argue the opposite: If you think an 18 year old boy stands any chance against a well-put together 30 year old man who takes even basic care of himself with an 18 year old girl, you're delusional and coping and clinging to your age as your saving grace, when in reality, you don't even have that. What does the 18 year old boy have that the girl would possibly want, that the 30 year old man doesn't have plus more? Everyone here thinks like a gay man, preferring younger boys because that is what they themselves would want to fuck if they were interested in males: But women aren't motivated by looks in the same sort of way, at least not feminine, soft looks.

Any of us who are younger who ever had a girl stolen by an older man in our youth knows: Younglings get the leftovers that Chad doesn't want.
I'd argue the opposite: If you think an 18 year old boy stands any chance against a well-put together 30 year old man who takes even basic care of himself with an 18 year old girl, you're delusional and coping and clinging to your age as your saving grace, when in reality, you don't even have that. What does the 18 year old boy have that the girl would possibly want, that the 30 year old man doesn't have plus more? Everyone here thinks like a gay man, preferring younger boys because that is what they themselves would want to fuck if they were interested in males: But women aren't motivated by looks in the same sort of way, at least not feminine, soft looks.

Any of us who are younger who ever had a girl stolen by an older man in our youth knows: Younglings get the leftovers that Chad doesn't want.
No 18 year old woman wants to date a 30 year old man lol literal delusion
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No 18 year old woman wants to date a 30 year old man lol literal delusion

JFL@your delusion, even statistics say you're wrong:

1 in 4 millennials want to date someone significantly older than them. ... In that same survey, approximately 1 in 3 women reported having dated someone 10 years older than them, and nearly 10 percent of men expressed a willingness to date someone 20 years older than them.

And of course we know this is underreported, as all these statistics tend to be, since many more women are in denial about their desires; But you shouldn't even need these reports, observation should serve you well enough (especially in a city like Tokyo or London)

Sorry pal, but even you can't rely on your (rapidly waning) youth to defend you from the fact that there will always be chads who are older than you who get the first pickings because you're too much of a welp to handle a girl.
Now here's the plot twist, If a 30 year old Foid isn't more attracted to 20 year old men then why would a 20 year old girl be? From a Sexual Biological point of view there is no difference between a 20 year old and a 30 year old woman. The same Type of man makes them wet.

JB Young foids don't get ''Turned on'' more by ''muh colagen'', it's just socially more acceptable for HS aged foids to date HS chads. A guy in his 30-40s going after JB/young foids is socially not acceptable and deemed as creepy (mostly by low smv old foids who wants the men for themselves) The reason why JB go for men in the same age range is because of ''CULTURE'' and ''SOCIETY''.

It must always be said: Statutory rape laws exist for a reason, because it's almost like shooting fish in a barrel for an older man (especially Chad) to get a younger girl enamoured with him.

They don't have to pass laws against Incels (because let's be honest, these laws were designed to curtail incels and other undesirable men from ruining the promising futures of young women) taking advantage of girls in their late teens and early 20s because by that time, most women are wise enough to know how they can sabotage the human race by letting one of these cretins sneak past the gates
Women of all ages 16+ will get *turned on* by guy in their 40s if he meets the above ^ quota, a JB will be sexually attracted to a 40 year old Paul Walker the same way she'll be sexually attracted to a 20 year old him because the 40 year old version of him still hits that quota. That's why Walker only dated teenagers, because he could. and he was attractive to them
Most everyone shaming guys for dating teenagers are unattractive homosexual men and older foids who feel jealous they missed their chance; That is why people like Eminem may come off as corny, but he probably still slays it with 18yrs because they all think he's like a cool older dude who freestyles and rolls joints and shit.

The more I'm here, the more I'm beginning to think that a lot of these perspectives on age are just younger incels trying to cope with having absolutely no social value, with not even the age pill as a saving grace or getting to see Chad hit the wall as a schadenfreude experience.
My sister had a crush on Harrison Ford when she was 11 . He was 38 years old at the time. This is how it normally works. They are wired to like older men. But not because of evolution, which is a myth.
My sister had a crush on Harrison Ford when she was 11 . He was 38 years old at the time. This is how it normally works. They are wired to like older men. But not because of evolution, which is a myth.
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  • JFL
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Lol another age cuck retard why would a man wanna fuck with 30 year old no matter his age

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