There will never be an asian ufc champion... Kai asakura lost...



Oct 29, 2024
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That was Asian's best opportunity. Kai asakura - rizin champion, Immediately signed to the UFC, title shot immediately and still lost. Shavkat couldn't finish garry and almost got submitted, he's never beating balel. Asians remain letting the world down for the 1 thousandsth time.

Why can't east Asians win even a single time? At this point australian aboriginals will erect a champion before an East asian. So sad.
  • JFL
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All that to get cucked by the big asian cock transfer students
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  • JFL
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All that to get cucked by the big asian cock transfer students
Everywhere I go I see this shit. Just ask him out then fool
  • JFL
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All that to get cucked by the big asian cock transfer students
We need a champion that looks like that to prove to the world Asians aren't weak. Kai was a RIZIN CHAMPION and was made to look like an amateur and got choked out in the 2nd round. He was given an IMMEDIATE title shot, even dana white is BEGGING for Asians to STEP UP but I'm beginning to think he's lost all faith in East Asians as proper fighters. They simply always choke, they always hit a ceiling and cannot ascend past a certain level no matter what.

The best east asian fighter in the UFC isn't even top 10 material. It's over. Lost to a Favela steroid gorilla.
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Everywhere I go I see this shit. Just ask him out then fool
30 years, and still not a single east asian champion, not even in the lightweight divisions where most Asians should dominate, not a single fighter in top 20. Not a single champion since the inception of UFC.

How do we reconcile this? What explanation if not that Asians are weaker, somehow, someway? Pantoja beat him like a prelims fighter bro. That was Asia's BEST FIGHTER and he was beaten like a prelims fighter!

Pantoja even said "you think a Japanese gonna beat me?" even UFC fighters are blackpilled... Asian fighters are jokes and have never been taken seriously. W. T. F
There's plenty of Central Asian Turkic moggers in the UFC who are rising fast
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: bakpaokukus, Bars, Dominicoon and 2 others
There's plenty of Central Asian Turkic moggers in the UFC who are rising fast
They will never go anywhere. Shavkat will get finished in 2 rounds by balel, he couldn't even finish Ian garry and looked slow and weak. And central Asians aren't even pure blooded Asians, they have Caucasian admixture so they don't even count, that Asian DNA is keeping them down it seems.

If a "cantral Asian mogger" ever becomes champion he'll be less then 70% Asian and look mostly white, I'm convinced Asians simply can't fight with other races, this has happened too often to not be a race science. Asians really are just weak and pathetic. Only Mongolians can save Asians image but there are no MMA gyms in Mongolia so RIP
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they should stick to math olympiads

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they should stick to math olympiads

View attachment 3341921
Guess so. Putting an Asian in a cage with a Caucasian or an African (or in this case a racially ambiguous - mostly caucasoid amerindian fevela roid monkey) is like putting a greyhound in a cage with a pitbull, it's cruel, they aren't made to be physically tested like that, they are weak and slow and get knocked out very easily.

Allowing an East asian into boxing or UFC should be considered animal cruelty, because only an animal could be so incapable of success.
  • JFL
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Guess so. Putting an Asian in a cage with a Caucasian or an African (or in this case a racially ambiguous - mostly caucasoid amerindian fevela roid monkey) is like putting a greyhound in a cage with a pitbull, it's cruel, they aren't made to be physically tested like that, they are weak and slow and get knocked out very easily.

Allowing an East asian into boxing or UFC should be considered animal cruelty, because only an animal could be so incapable of success.

at least you guys are high IQ lol

don’t see blacks ever winning those math contests or making scientific breakthroughs lmfao
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  • So Sad
Reactions: Dominicoon and Sidewalk_knights
at least you guys are high IQ lol

don’t see blacks ever winning those math contests or making scientific breakthroughs lmfao
Knowing that you are perpetually looked at as a racially weaker individual and are always the butt of every joke because of it is a Neverending suicide inducing thing for a sentient creature to be aware of. Worse yet they are true, to know that their evil prejudice is rooted in reality is 100x worse.

Just seeing how often Asians get legit knocked out by whites and blacks, even with all of this coping like "mongoloid skull" and "we wuz mongols" the truth that we observe is that Asians are fragile, weak and get brutally manhandled by whites and blacks in any sport, combat or fitness related. They cannot establish, let alone maintain dominance in any combat sport and when they fight they lack vigor, speed and resilience. They are easy to outmuscle and bully, just like in the dating market. Tsk tsk.
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at least you guys are high IQ lol

don’t see blacks ever winning those math contests or making scientific breakthroughs lmfao
Want suicide fuel? Well here's the most celebrated east asian UFC fighter Chan sung jung "The Korean Zombie" supposed "iron chin" getting knocked out COLD by a random balding amateur white guy

I'm convinced people just take pity on Asians and praise this guy because he's the closest thing they had to an Asian fighter that wasn't prelims level for 15 years up to that point... Still got knocked out cold by 4 different white guys and is 4-4 in the UFC BTW.

Letting an Asian in the UFC is animal cruelty, they don't belong playing with the white or black kids.
Want suicide fuel? Well here's the most celebrated east asian UFC fighter Chan sung jung "The Korean Zombie" supposed "iron chin" getting knocked out COLD by a random balding amateur white guy

I'm convinced people just take pity on Asians and praise this guy because he's the closest thing they had to an Asian fighter that wasn't prelims level for 15 years up to that point... Still got knocked out cold by 4 different white guys and is 4-4 in the UFC BTW.

Letting an Asian in the UFC is animal cruelty, they don't belong playing with the white or black kids.

have there been Mongolian bokh wrestlers in any fighting championships
at least you guys are high IQ lol

don’t see blacks ever winning those math contests or making scientific breakthroughs lmfao
hes not even asian, hes a native american
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have there been Mongolian bokh wrestlers in any fighting championships
Nope. They are the only ethnic group in the east asian race that can actually fight because they have many centuries of protein intake. Japanese and Chinese are built like birds, and Koreans - while robust, lack any sort of skill, courage, resilience or explosiveness and have very low fight IQ ironically.
Nope. They are the only ethnic group in the east asian race that can actually fight because they have many centuries of protein intake. Japanese and Chinese are built like birds, and Koreans - while robust, lack any sort of skill, courage, resilience or explosiveness and have very low fight IQ ironically.
im gonna make it to the ufc, mark my words.
im gonna make it to the ufc, mark my words.
If so you need to have a tough mindset, be ready for anything - and eat meat, lots of it. Don't eat like a civilized Asian, eat like a savage nomadic Asian; meat, meat, meat, and more meat. Learn to value brute strength and conditioning and toughness before technique. Might without mind is blind, mind without might is impotent, but it is better to be a little blind then impotent all together.

Oh, and master wrestling before striking, biggest issue with Asian fighters is they are stubborn and refuse to learn how to wrestle and get choked unconscious because of it.

Wrestling base > striking base. Plus, wrestling builds a better physique over time and stimulates HGH because it is a very primal and intricate test of a human strength with another human. That will make you tougher over all.
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Over here in Asia most people do muay thai and never compete in MMA
What your problem with EA niggers man
Sounds like they hurt you
If so you need to have a tough mindset, be ready for anything - and eat meat, lots of it. Don't eat like a civilized Asian, eat like a savage nomadic Asian; meat, meat, meat, and more meat. Learn to value brute strength and conditioning and toughness before technique. Might without mind is blind, mind without might is impotent, but it is better to be a little blind then impotent all together.

Oh, and master wrestling before striking, biggest issue with Asian fighters is they are stubborn and refuse to learn how to wrestle and get choked unconscious because of it.

Wrestling base > striking base. Plus, wrestling builds a better physique over time and stimulates HGH because it is a very primal and intricate test of a human strength with another human. That will make you tougher over all.
youre right i need to fatten up and this is my first year doing wrestling dont worry
Over here in Asia most people do muay thai and never compete in MMA
Strange thing is, even in OneFC muay thai kickboxing Europeans like Jonathan haggerty have been champions and many top contenders are white despite having a fraction of the talent pool from the local thais. Even in lumpi stadium I see whites viciously knock thais out consistently. We don't see the same in UFC or ballator or American kickboxing or boxing despite being a larger pool of Asian competitors then the 10 Europeans thay are into muay thai.

There's even one weight division in OneFC muay thai kickboxing where pretty much the entire top 10 are white. It's because of the lack of meat in the Thai diet and the lack of savage ferocity in their fighting style. In recent times I've seen some thais that are better built and more robust with a more vicious and western-like savagery to their fighting style and the European whites can't bully them around and are forced to respect them.

It's most certaintly a dietary and cultural issue. Thais that are well built with good musculature are very impressive. They are held back by unrobust builds on average.

Like thay one heavyweight bermese MMA fighter Aung, same blood, but he grew up in the west with a western level of brutality and conditioned mindset and performed very well. No such ferocity could be found cultivated in Bermuda alone, it is a lack of competition and savagery within their culture that stops them from achieving greatness.
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youre right i need to fatten up and this is my first year doing wrestling dont worry
Rooting for you. Many Asians put technique before toughness, but I say toughness should come first and foremost, as it gives a good base to build everything else on top of. Just copy dagestanis and think like a Mongolian and you'll be fine.
Does Lyoto Machida and Adesanya counts?
imo Asians kinda mogs in striking tbh, but dog shit wrestling/grappling. This is why Ben Askren dominates in ONE FC only with his wrestling but get his ass kicked when he stepped into the UFC.

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