There's a Chad within me screaming to come out



Oct 11, 2021
I've never taken good care of my body. I dealt with a lot of self confidence issues when I was younger due to being molestationmaxxed by my father and grandmother. Add on to that going to all boys schools my developmental years and an intense case of cystic acne on top of an obese mother who prepared all my meals for me and let me stuff my face as much as I wanted, I ended up a fat, sweaty, acne ridden young man.

However, I know I have the potential for greatness within me. I'm 6'5, white, thick cock above average length even while obese, strong jawline, full head of hair, broad shoulders and strong build due to semi-casual weight lifting over the last 6 years and am about to graduate with a very high paying degree. I'm now 24, built fat if I'm being generous to myself. Estimate around 230-250lb bodyweight.

What's holding me back is my weight (on a 1800cal diet alongside enough cardio to burn 500 calories a day on top of whatever I do throughout my day) which has left me with a lot of stretch marks (a lot are from being tall, so vertical and horizontal in places), gyno (or just fat tits, it's hard to tell, when they harden up my chest is basically fat so I suspect I'm just fat). I also have scars all over my torso from acne as a youth, I got on accutane which sorted it out but I still suffer from acne inversa, a condition where your sweet glands become infected and lead to large pus filled sores under the skin, however weight loss is the main way to counter act this. Additionally, I'm currently on anti-biotics for the iversa which as almost completely stopped it. I also have a large nose - some women like this a lot, I've noticed and 'kind eyes' that are heavy lidded.

I have no clue what to do with my hair of attire and my beauty products consist of a moisturizer and shitty spray on deodorant. However, I'm not an incel. I've had multiple successful relationships with women, my longest being 4 years (granted she because a lesbian and then a man after, but still!). Personality-wise I have no problem with women, what's holding me back in life is strictly my appearance.

What recommendations would you have for carving a statue out of the block of marble that is my body? Any advice is welcome. I know a lot of users here never had the chance that I have, and I feel like shit for squandering it for so long, but I know you have developed techniques for raising yourself above and I want to learn.
Im not reading all that

But if youre not fat the title is false
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: AscendingHero, Ethniframementalcel, Stopping@Nothing19 and 1 other person
Imagine having this sort of potential and wasting it.
PM what your pictures and ill give you objective advice. It's impossbile to give you advice without pictures.
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member, Frggo and 1 other person
Imagine having this sort of potential and wasting it.
I've been feeling like such a retard about this for the longest time, but progressive improvement as made me very hopeful for the future + big mental health gains. Lemme get some cardio in so I can low-inhibmaxx then I'll PM some photos. Thanks homie.
I've been feeling like such a retard about this for the longest time, but progressive improvement as made me very hopeful for the future + big mental health gains. Lemme get some cardio in so I can low-inhibmaxx then I'll PM some photos. Thanks homie.
tbh with your 24 is the event horizon. If you don't change now then you're fucked. If you do you're saved. I won't share your photos.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member
tbh with your 24 is the event horizon. If you don't change now then you're fucked. If you do you're saved. I won't share your photos.
You're a good man bruv. I agree tbh. I've had a friend offer me steroids + babying me at the gym but I really don't think that's my issue at all. I don't think becoming some sweaty swollen freak with fucked up hormones is going to be what does it for me, just weight loss + minor changes over time.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Stevensmithgerard
You're a good man bruv. I agree tbh. I've had a friend offer me steroids + babying me at the gym but I really don't think that's my issue at all. I don't think becoming some sweaty swollen freak with fucked up hormones is going to be what does it for me, just weight loss + minor changes over time.
no Steroids at this point. If you were 29 and looked like absolute shit then I'd say consider it but you still have time to change. You certainly don't have time to squander though.
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