There's no online space for truecels

Harakiri Fellatio

Harakiri Fellatio

Dec 14, 2022
2,260 is a cucked forum run by fakecels who cherry pick what rules they enforce. * is ran by ghetto trash who are also fakecels and completely brainless. This forum is filled with normies and TikTok trash.

There's really no place online for truecels.
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Reactions: <6PSLcel and StepanovMogs is filled with truecels
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whats *
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asterisks me
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Reactions: StepanovMogs
thats cause theres no such thing as a truecel
  • +1
Reactions: StepanovMogs
thats cause theres no such thing as a truecel
There is. We're hated by mentalcels who make up the majority of incels websites.
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A grave. That's the best place they can hope to go.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Manletmachine, StepanovMogs and Harakiri Fellatio
  • JFL
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Reactions: BlackpillRemedy and StepanovMogs
Not really. trucels gather around nerd shit like mtg and world of warcraft etc
  • +1
Reactions: StepanovMogs
Just visit the local DnD playgroup, you don't need an online space
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Reactions: FutureSlayer and laaltin
You know what I mean. Getting a whore isn't the same.
nah if your truecel just go for some femcels who would be happy to be with you
a user here who used to cry about being a truecel ascended cause he dropped his standards
  • JFL
Reactions: oily703
You made an entire thread confirming it on Don't think so JFL

There isn't a single example of this.
If I wasn't banned I would gather up the evidence of it. Anyway guy with donkey PFP said he wanted to fuck trannies and another guy said he had a girlfriend. I'm a bigger incel than any of the fakecel scum that mocked me.
nah if your truecel just go for some femcels who would be happy to be with you
a user here who used to cry about being a truecel ascended cause he dropped his standards
There's no such thing as a femcel. The ugliest woman has access to hundreds of guys.
  • +1
Reactions: USERΝAME is a cucked forum run by fakecels who cherry pick what rules they enforce. * is ran by ghetto trash who are also fakecels and completely brainless. This forum is filled with normies and TikTok trash.

There's really no place online for truecels.
You hateful bitter little boy.
There's no such thing as a femcel. The ugliest woman has access to hundreds of guys.
go outside buddy
femcels are treated like shit by guys
just cause guys auto swipe on apps doesnt mean femcels have a high smv IRL
this is a common excuse by self proclaimed incels who dont want to lower their standards
go outside buddy
femcels are treated like shit by guys
just cause guys auto swipe on apps doesnt mean femcels have a high smv IRL
this is a common excuse by self proclaimed incels who dont want to lower their standards
Lmfao fucking cope. I've seen subhuman women with average boyfriends. The other supposed truecel here was probably average. It's not men with the ridiculous standards
  • +1
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Lmfao fucking cope. I've seen subhuman women with average boyfriends. The other supposed truecel here was probably average. It's not men with the ridiculous standards
would you fuck her ?
truecels aren't really meant to exist. it's only due to advanced modern medicine and leftist social interventions that such deformities could be allowed to survive into adulthood.

in a sense, by over investing in the idea that all humans are equal, modern liberals have inadvertently cursed these beings to life of abject suffering when they could instead sterilize them or euthanize them and contain heir subhumanity to one life.

i think subhuman voluntarily sterilization is a noble thing to do. at the same time, i understand that leftist governments like to use abortion/sterilization/euthanasia against white people, so it's a complicated issue.
truecels aren't really meant to exist. it's only due to advanced modern medicine and leftist social interventions that such deformities could be allowed to survive into adulthood.

in a sense, by over investing in the idea that all humans are equal, modern liberals have inadvertently cursed these beings to life of abject suffering when they could instead sterilize them or euthanize them and contain heir subhumanity to one life.

i think subhuman voluntarily sterilization is a noble thing to do. at the same time, i understand that leftist governments like to use abortion/sterilization/euthanasia against white people, so it's a complicated issue.
I never suffered any major health conditions. I exist purely because of random chance. Ugly women need to be spaded as well.
Lmfao fucking cope. I've seen subhuman women with average boyfriends. The other supposed truecel here was probably average. It's not men with the ridiculous standards
most couples i see irl a looksmatched
if your a truecel you should go for bottom tier women
most couples i see irl a looksmatched
if your a truecel you should go for bottom tier women
That's not how it works. Lmfao. Ugly women always date up
That's not how it works. Lmfao. Ugly women always date up
lol you wouldnt fuck that sheboon despite being a truecel... everyone wants someone more attractive
yet you cry about ugly women getting guys more attractive when you would do the same thing
just lol
lol you wouldnt fuck that sheboon despite being a truecel... everyone wants someone more attractive
yet you cry about ugly women getting guys more attractive when you would do the same thing
just lol
I'd take a skinny ugly women. It's not fat bitches would give me attention anyway. Look up juggernaut effect. You'd be miserable if you were me idiot
  • JFL
Reactions: Copeful
I'd take a skinny ugly women. It's not fat bitches would give me attention anyway. Look up juggernaut effect. You'd be miserable if you were me idiot
yeah but skinny ugly women arent your match
lots of guys dont care about face on girls only body and are attracted to skinny types
as a truecel your match is the bottom of the bottom aka fat sheboons or deformed women
yeah but skinny ugly women arent your match
lots of guys dont care about face on girls only body and are attracted to skinny types
as a truecel your match is the bottom of the bottom aka fat sheboons or deformed women
And they'd reject me anyway. Again, look up juggernaut effect.
  • JFL
Reactions: Copeful
And they'd reject me anyway. Again, look up juggernaut effect.
nah lot of sheboons are desperate and attention starved
you never know until you try
approach 100 sheboons and if they all reject you you can confirm your truecel status is a cucked forum run by fakecels who cherry pick what rules they enforce. * is ran by ghetto trash who are also fakecels and completely brainless. This forum is filled with normies and TikTok trash.

There's really no place online for truecels.
Get surgery and stfu
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Copeful
Yeah this place is full of narcy braggers.
  • +1
Reactions: Harakiri Fellatio is a cucked forum run by fakecels who cherry pick what rules they enforce. * is ran by ghetto trash who are also fakecels and completely brainless. This forum is filled with normies and TikTok trash.

There's really no place online for truecels.
Hey, you're over 18 right? I could shove my cock up your ass and you won't be a virgin anymore.

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