There's no way I'm going back to natural test production



Nov 11, 2018
I feel 100x better on cycle, imagine being so dumb to think it's better to live with 400-600 ng/dl test levels (which are probably my natty levels before taking PEDs) instead of injecting it to 800-1200 and keeping it up there indefinitely.
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I needa get my lvl’s tested
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Honestly everyone should, it matters more than people realize
yeah i’d go as far to say that almost every depressed male as low t lvls
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I started my first pin a couple days ago, can’t fkn wait for the Gainz train
Doing 300mgs might bump it up after my mid cycle bloods come back
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Side effects?
I started my first pin a couple days ago, can’t fkn wait for the Gainz train
Doing 300mgs might bump it up after my mid cycle bloods come back
Stay aware of aromatization, if you feel weird emotional swings u might need some
Started trt yesterday at 125 mgs every 5 days. Hope it puts me at around 1000 when it starts kicking in. I am using hcg though to keep fertility.
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Side effects?
More confident, get jacked, more impatient tbh, clearly more horny. The horniness part is the most obvious thing you feel on test tbh
Started trt yesterday at 125 mgs every 5 days. Hope it puts me at around 1000 when it starts kicking in. I am using hcg though to keep fertility.
Don't u need to cycle HCG?
Same. Fuck being low test.

There was 2 month period where my test levels were in the toilet and I thought about killing myself almost everyday but doctor's didn't want to put me on TRT

Started injecting myself and the rest is history. I havent had a suicidal thought since.
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still felt suicidal on cycle ngl
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Same. Fuck being low test.

There was 2 month period where my test levels were in the toilet and I thought about killing myself almost everyday but doctor's didn't want to put me on TRT

Started injecting myself and the rest is history. I havent had a suicidal thought since.
It's literally life in a vial. I've made the same decision now too, after the cycle Im going to a endo and get prescribed high dose pharma TRT, no need for UGL stuff anymore
still felt suicidal on cycle ngl
I did when my estrogen was crashed and elevated.
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More confident, get jacked, more impatient tbh, clearly more horny. The horniness part is the most obvious thing you feel on test tbh

Don't u need to cycle HCG?
It's a can run hcg for life when you're on trt
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I would lose every single strand of hair on my head within 1 year.
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  • JFL
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Stay aware of aromatization, if you feel weird emotional swings u might need some
Yessir. I got precycle bloods and will get them in 4 weeks again. I have an idea of what sides to look out for. Tracking calories to eat in a small surplus (400-500 calories). I wanted to eat at maintanence and do a recomp but that’s a waste imo
how did you learn bro?

i am injecting asap but currently getting info about injecting
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I have aromasin on hand and raloxifene , the raloxifene is cheap I just take it everyday to mask any gyno.
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is there any possibilty that it will NOT go back to normal production after stopin to inject?

I mean i am now 900 ng but dont want to risk it just for a "small" boost.
This is the thread I needed to see
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I feel 100x better on cycle, imagine being so dumb to think it's better to live with 400-600 ng/dl test levels (which are probably my natty levels before taking PEDs) instead of injecting it to 800-1200 and keeping it up there indefinitely.
If you're gonna inject, why not just go big? You'll still face serious health issues if you just do small dose like that. Your balls are still gonna shrink.
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Ascension or death. And we chose asension
Yap bro. All in no holding back. 0 inhibition.
If you're gonna inject, why not just go big? You'll still face serious health issues if you just do small dose like that. Your balls are still gonna shrink.
using high doses will fuck up cardiovascular health. Using high trt dose for life will let you hold a good amount of muscle without risking your health.
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should i pin if i already have small testicles
I feel 100x better on cycle, imagine being so dumb to think it's better to live with 400-600 ng/dl test levels (which are probably my natty levels before taking PEDs) instead of injecting it to 800-1200 and keeping it up there indefinitely.
but hairloss bro :(
I would lose every single strand of hair on my head within 1 year.
i heard test only with fin is somewhat manageable
Started trt yesterday at 125 mgs every 5 days. Hope it puts me at around 1000 when it starts kicking in. I am using hcg though to keep fertility.
125mg is jackshit, you'd still have a completely functional endocrine system after blasting 250mg along with HCG on your first cycle.

why'd you decide to go so low? that's like TRT dosing.
I would lose every single strand of hair on my head within 1 year.
if I ever started roiding I may as well shave my head slick bald on day 1 to avoid the drawn out hell of losing it day by day
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I would prolly end up pinning but the risk of sides like hairloss is too much for me
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I would lose every single strand of hair on my head within 1 year.
but hairloss bro :(

i heard test only with fin is somewhat manageable
if I ever started roiding I may as well shave my head slick bald on day 1 to avoid the drawn out hell of losing it day by day
Use that kind of moderate t cruise dose and then cycle with sarms or var. do that on fin and ru and you shouldn’t lose hair bc you’re keeping the same test levels
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Use that kind of moderate t cruise dose and then cycle with sarms or var. do that on fin and ru and you shouldn’t lose hair bc you’re keeping the same test levels
if I ever do try it I will fix my hair first and then I will watch my hair like a fucking hungry ass hawk who is riding over the empty midwestern plains looking for a speck of food below
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if I ever do try it I will fix my hair first and then I will watch my hair like a fucking hungry ass hawk who is riding over the empty midwestern plains looking for a speck of food below
Yes bro
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I feel 100x better on cycle, imagine being so dumb to think it's better to live with 400-600 ng/dl test levels (which are probably my natty levels before taking PEDs) instead of injecting it to 800-1200 and keeping it up there indefinitely.
There are 3 kinds of people who say natty is better:
1] High-inhib natties who have never tried steroids and are too afraid of pinning
2] Liars - roid users who know the benefit but don't want competition so they larp as natty and how roids are oh-so-evil
3] Idiots

Men these days have sub-optimal levels - even TRT is hormonal ascension for most.

By the way TRT is easy as hell to maintain. Just do sub-q twice a week with an insulin needle.

if I ever started roiding I may as well shave my head slick bald on day 1 to avoid the drawn out hell of losing it day by day
High-inhib cope.

Only tren results in guaranteed hair loss. Hairloss on test is easily avoided with fin.
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Why wouldn't it be?

DHT is the only cause of hairloss associated with injecting test. Fin stops the T > DHT conversion. And so hairloss stops.

Get your roid info from a anti-aging TRT forum like ExcelMale or a roid bodybuilding forum like But not an incel forum filled to the brim with high-inhib copers.
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  • Hmm...
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Why wouldn't it be?

DHT is the only cause of hairloss associated with injecting test. Fin stops the T > DHT conversion. And so hairloss stops.
IIRC hair loss is simply due to androgenetic activity in the scalp, so testosterone can cause it too which is why some slowly lose hair even on fin/dut
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IIRC hair loss is simply due to androgenetic activity in the scalp, so testosterone can cause it too which is why some slowly lose hair even on fin/dut
Get your roid and hairloss info from an anti-aging TRT forum like ExcelMale or a roid bodybuilding forum like But not an incel forum filled to the brim with high-inhib copers.

The tiny remaining hair loss can be tackled with a 2% ketoconazole shampoo or lotion.

Yet to hear of a single case whose hair kept on falling after fin + minox + 2% keto stack.
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Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer and OOGABOOGA
Get your roid and hairloss info from an anti-aging TRT forum like ExcelMale or a roid bodybuilding forum like But not an incel forum filled to the brim with high-inhib copers.

The tiny remaining hair loss can be tackled with a 2% ketoconazole shampoo or lotion.

Yet to hear of a single case whose hair kept on falling after fin + minox + 2% keto stack.
go to and wallow in the forums for a while and you still start to believe that hair loss is incurable no matter what you throw at it
they are little bitches on there though to be fair
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There are 3 kinds of people who say natty is better:
1] High-inhib natties who have never tried steroids and are too afraid of pinning
2] Liars - roid users who know the benefit but don't want competition so they larp as natty and how roids are oh-so-evil
3] Idiots

Men these days have sub-optimal levels - even TRT is hormonal ascension for most.

By the way TRT is easy as hell to maintain. Just do sub-q twice a week with an insulin needle.

High-inhib cope.

Only tren results in guaranteed hair loss. Hairloss on test is easily avoided with fin.
Whaaat didn’t know you could just go subq with a slin pin! I already have a box of those from when I was using bpc157 for my knee. Do you need to keep test refrigerated?
Use that kind of moderate t cruise dose and then cycle with sarms or var. do that on fin and ru and you shouldn’t lose hair bc you’re keeping the same test levels
Throw in HCG for fertility and possibly MK677 and we might have a foolproof hormonal ascension strategy.
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go to and wallow in the forums for a while and you still start to believe that hair loss is incurable no matter what you throw at it
they are little bitches on there though to be fair
Forums like that attract high-inhib copers.

Anti aging and bodybuilding forum attract low-inhib users who want to enhance their lives instead of LDARing and coping.

Most on Hairlosstalk are too high-inhib to get on fin when it's pretty much a prerequisite for norwood protection. Everyone loves to larp as a fin side-effect sufferer and talk endlessly on how evil fin is and how you should avoid it. And yet 90% of those bitching about its side-effects have never taken any fin ever. The reamining 10% are idiots who took too high of a dose.

Look at the latest studies on pubmed about this - 0.25 ED is almost as effective as 1mg for hairloss. JFL at anyone taking the full dose (1mg) instead of 0.25 or 0.5.

Buch of high-inhib drama queens.

Hairlosstalk forums = what happens when you have a forum full of high-E, low T men.
Whaaat didn’t know you could just go subq with a slin pin! I already have a box of those from when I was using bpc157 for my knee. Do you need to keep test refrigerated?
See the vids:
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Forums like that attract high-inhib copers.

Anti aging and bodybuilding forum attract low-inhib users who want to enhance their lives instead of LDARing and coping.

Most on Hairlosstalk are too high-inhib to get on fin when it's pretty much a prerequisite for norwood protection. Everyone loves to larp as a fin side-effect sufferer and talk endlessly on how evil fin is and how you should avoid it. And yet 90% of those bitching about its side-effects have never taken any fin ever. The reamining 10% are idiots who took too high of a dose.

Look at the latest studies on pubmed about this - 0.25 ED is almost as effective as 1mg for hairloss. JFL at anyone taking the full dose (1mg) instead of 0.25 or 0.5.

Buch of high-inhib drama queens.

Hairlosstalk forums = what happens when you have a forum full of high-E, low T men.

See the vids:

Dn watch but do I need to refrigerate?
Indeed testosterone does contribute to hairloss to a certain extent. You can take duta and still lose hair.....
Fuck that medicated lifestyle before 40. Pinning daily is for terminal illness patients. Medium test levels+ashwagandha is fine till TRT becomes needed.
  • JFL
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Fuck that medicated lifestyle before 40. Pinning daily is for terminal illness patients. Medium test levels+ashwagandha is fine till TRT becomes needed.
Ashwagandha :lul: :lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: Zeta ascended and 6'4 looksmaxxxer
Forums like that attract high-inhib copers.

Anti aging and bodybuilding forum attract low-inhib users who want to enhance their lives instead of LDARing and coping.

Most on Hairlosstalk are too high-inhib to get on fin when it's pretty much a prerequisite for norwood protection. Everyone loves to larp as a fin side-effect sufferer and talk endlessly on how evil fin is and how you should avoid it. And yet 90% of those bitching about its side-effects have never taken any fin ever. The reamining 10% are idiots who took too high of a dose.

Look at the latest studies on pubmed about this - 0.25 ED is almost as effective as 1mg for hairloss. JFL at anyone taking the full dose (1mg) instead of 0.25 or 0.5.

Buch of high-inhib drama queens.

Hairlosstalk forums = what happens when you have a forum full of high-E, low T men.

See the vids:

WTF is that fat man doing pinning test? Fucking instant gratification loser. His failure is guaranteed, and that of everyone else that uses test as a shortcut to wellness
Fuck that medicated lifestyle before 40. Pinning daily is for terminal illness patients. Medium test levels+ashwagandha is fine till TRT becomes needed.
Keep coping jfl
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Pinning daily
It's pinning once a week. Twice a week if you're OCD about ultra-stable levels.

Fucking hate anti-roid pro-LDAR cunts who spread disinfo.
Ashwagandha :lul: :lul:
Ashwacope tbh
Indeed testosterone does contribute to hairloss to a certain extent. You can take duta and still lose hair.....

Copy-pasting myself:
Yet to hear of a single case whose hair kept on falling after fin + minox + 2% keto stack.
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125mg is jackshit, you'd still have a completely functional endocrine system after blasting 250mg along with HCG on your first cycle.

why'd you decide to go so low? that's like TRT dosing.
Exactly because i want trt and it's not javk shit it puts you at high end of phyiological levels

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