((They)) build an app that analyzes your face and reveals your personality



Nov 1, 2018
We live in a dangerous world, where terrorists and other criminals are easily mingle with the general population and easily travel between countries; the vast majority of them are unknown to the authorities. As a result, it is becoming ever more challenging to detect suspected individuals in public places such as airports, train stations, government and public buildings, and border controls.

Current solutions mostly rely on facial recognition, detecting suspicious activity/ behavior and manual profiling. They are not sufficient to handle the scale of the growing threats.

What if it was possible to know whether an anonymous individual is a potential terrorist, an aggressive person, or a potential criminal? Better yet, what if that information could be obtained and used in real-time, when it matters the most?

Faception offers a breakthrough computer-vision and machine learning technology that goes beyond Biometrics. Our solution analyzes a person’s facial image and automatically reveals his personality, enabling security companies/agencies to more efficiently detect, focus and apprehend potential terrorists or criminals before they have the opportunity to do harm.

Our solution is easy to deploy with minimum integration work and can installed on the client hardware, the system can integrate with an existing face recognition platform and support operational hierarchy and reporting modules.
It is banger for you boyos... Prepare to be sent to labour camps because you have the face of a misogynist
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ill probably get this
The face can be used to predict a person’s personality and behavior.

This claim relies on a combination of two known research observations

1. According to Social and Life Science research personalities are affected by genes.

In fact genes play a greater role in determining key personality traits like social skills and learning ability than the way we are brought up by our parents, researchers claimed.

Researchers from Edinburgh University studied more than 800 sets of identical and non-identical twins to learn whether genetics or upbringing has a greater effect on how successful people are in life. Writing in the Journal of Personality, the researchers found that identical twins were twice as likely as non-identical twins to share the same personality traits, suggesting that their DNA was having the greatest impact.

2. Our face is a reflection of our DNA

Researchers have identified five of the genes that shape a person's face. Researchers previously knew that genetics played a large role in determining face shape, since identical twins share DNA. However, little was known about exactly which genes are involved. Three genes were thought to have roles in the arrangement of facial features, and the new research confirmed their involvement.

Working on mice, researchers have identified thousands of small regions of DNA that influence the way facial features develop. The researchers said that although the work was carried out on animals, the human face was likely to develop in the same way

In fact, It’s already possible to make some inferences about the appearance of crime suspects from their DNA alone.

And indeed, researchers were able to demonstrate that “Internal facial features are signals of personality and health.
While these type of affirmations are quite recent, in Chinese history, there have been people that have studied the “mapping of the face” for thousands of years.

Also, the epigenetics phenomena has recently demonstrated, in academia researches and March 31th 2017 Science magazine.
I already know I'm a high-trust face cuck
I'm probably a high IQ terrorist
When the AI detects ethnic features it will say terrorist
lmao bump this shit boyos. idiotocracy is coming up. yeah i should be worried because i have ,,mean'' face according to normies online and irl

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