They don't love you

Deleted member 616

Deleted member 616

Dec 4, 2018
Just some random thoughts on this tweet that had been circulated around for a while
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A lot of dudes will say "moneymaxxing is cope. Only physical attraction is true love". While I agree that money can't buy you love or genuine affection, I doubt that it's reasonable say attraction through looks is equivalent to "true love" because:

1. Looks fade. Actually everyone loses their looks more or less with time passing while the possession of money is relatively stable. If "loving you the way you are" means loving your looks, by that logic she will stop loving you when your looks have faded.

2. If the bitch in that tweet really "loved" the chad barber, she'd stay with him despite him being broke, and reject all the materialistic temptations from rich dudes. Unfortunately she doesn't seem to be willing to do that, just like many other attractive women - they might feel sexually attracted to gl men, but to them these men are probably disposable dildos only. And they know very well how to trade their physical attractiveness for materialistic benefits.

At least 80% of the Stacys I've seen irl are escorts. If these Stacys really "loved" chads, they wouldn't have sex with unattractive dudes for money. Sadly foids know very well how to use their pussy to get what they want, and they are very good at having sex with men they're not genuinely attracted to.

This post is not meant to discourage you from looksmaxing - just keep doing it. But be ready for the fact that foids still won't love you even when you've become gl. Hot guys for sex, rich dudes for money - you're all women's tools in this gynocentric society. Your role is catering to their different needs in different phases of their life. And nobody cares about your happiness.
Just some random thoughts on this tweet that had been circulated around for a while
View attachment 103065

A lot of dudes will say "moneymaxxing is cope. Only physical attraction is true love". While I agree that money can't buy you love or genuine affection, I doubt that it's reasonable say attraction through looks is equivalent to "true love" because:

1. Looks fade. Actually everyone loses their looks more or less with time passing while the possession of money is relatively stable. If "loving you the way you are" means loving your looks, by that logic she will stop loving you when your looks have faded.

2. If the bitch in that tweet really "loved" the chad barber, she'd stay with him despite him being broke, and reject all the materialistic temptations from rich dudes. Unfortunately she doesn't seem to be willing to do that, just like many other attractive women - they might feel sexually attracted to gl men, but to them these men are probably disposable dildos only. And they know very well how to trade their physical attractiveness for materialistic benefits.

At least 80% of the Stacys I've seen irl are escorts. If these Stacys really "loved" chads, they wouldn't have sex with unattractive dudes for money. Sadly foids know very well how to use their pussy to get what they want, and they are very good at having sex with men they're not genuinely attracted to.

This post is not meant to discourage you from looksmaxing - just keep doing it. But be ready for the fact that foids still won't love you even when you've become gl. Hot guys for sex, rich dudes for money - you're all women's tools in this gynocentric society. Your role is catering to their different needs in different phases of their life. And nobody cares about your happiness.
i want be dude for sex

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