

Police Officer
Feb 7, 2024
So fucking FED UP of this "skinny anorexic girl" cope. It's all Low T fags.

And what annoys me more is when these Low T fags are like "ohh its not low t its not low t or anything like that to have preferences like skinny girls." YES IT FUCKING IS.

I will try to explain in simple terms. But let me first talk about a high estrogen women, she has big tits, good functioning brain, healthy and well, big ass, attractive and feminine facial features etc.


Being thick is literally dimorphism version of females.

You see, I see threads saying "ohh dimorphism is everything" and yes, they are true, dimorphism is everything. Dimorphic men are High T.

And high estrogen females are attracted to high t dimorphic men, so if you attract low t anorexic skinny bitches, you're low t prolly, even more if u like them.

HORMONES are everything. High T men attract High E, High E attract High T. And thick bitches are High E. That's the reason why liking thick girls are High T, and liking skinny bitches are NOT in our nature, and it's Low T. That's NOT what we are supposed to do, IT'S NOT IN OUR NATURE. You failed your ancestors JFL at you if you like skinny bitches.

Btw slim thick girls are so hot. Btw I dont mean fat girls by thick lmao, just wide hips big ass hourglass shape and no belly. And overall High E facial features. And don't pull up pictures of girls that are slim but have fat ass and wide hips, I'm into them too, they're genetic freak of natures being like that, skinny with big ass.

So, this is the end of the anorexic girls are hot cope, or skinny girls with small ass and small as. As I said, High T are attracted to big ass and wide hips. Not small ass and narrow hips.
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DNR But I agree with the title, low T if you like skinny anorexic girl over thick girls
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DNR But I agree with the title, low T if you like skinny anorexic girl over thick girls
If you didn't read, fuck off, get out of this thread dumb faggot that is so illiterate can't even read a little paragraph. Your low iq retarded autistic ass probably didnt read a single page of book in entire life
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If you didn't read, fuck off, get out of this thread dumb faggot that is so illiterate can't even read a little paragraph. Your low iq retarded autistic ass probably didnt read a single page of book in entire life
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My dick couldn’t stand up for a stick woman
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So fucking FED UP of this "skinny anorexic girl" cope. It's all Low T fags.

And what annoys me more is when these Low T fags are like "ohh its not low t its not low t or anything like that to have preferences like skinny girls." YES IT FUCKING IS.

I will try to explain in simple terms. But let me first talk about a high estrogen women, she has big tits, good functioning brain, healthy and well, big ass, attractive and feminine facial features etc.


Being thick is literally dimorphism version of females.

You see, I see threads saying "ohh dimorphism is everything" and yes, they are true, dimorphism is everything. Dimorphic men are High T.

And high estrogen females are attracted to high t dimorphic men, so if you attract low t anorexic skinny bitches, you're low t prolly, even more if u like them.

HORMONES are everything. High T men attract High E, High E attract High T. And thick bitches are High E. That's the reason why liking thick girls are High T, and liking skinny bitches are NOT in our nature, and it's Low T. That's NOT what we are supposed to do, IT'S NOT IN OUR NATURE. You failed your ancestors JFL at you if you like skinny bitches.

Btw slim thick girls are so hot. Btw I dont mean fat girls by thick lmao, just wide hips big ass hourglass shape and no belly. And overall High E facial features. And don't pull up pictures of girls that are slim but have fat ass and wide hips, I'm into them too, they're genetic freak of natures being like that, skinny with big ass.

So, this is the end of the anorexic girls are hot cope, or skinny girls with small ass and small as. As I said, High T are attracted to big ass and wide hips. Not small ass and narrow hips.
I don't understand how users here would prefer to fuck a literal skeleton over fat girls, it baffles me
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Unless you want a femdom you don't need a women that's heavier than this. Small= feminine.
Keep coping
Tumblr njegixdmm41u4k1ubo1 640 1
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There‘s a difference between just skinny and petite, some dudes like smaller women.
Imo petite and curvy is ideal.
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There‘s a difference between just skinny and petite, some dudes like smaller women.
Imo petite and curvy is ideal.
small women liking is low t
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small women liking is low t
Petite women often have shorter limbs and more "spread out" fat distribution than women that are just "skinny". Although I agree that thick women fog skinny girls.
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So fucking FED UP of this "skinny anorexic girl" cope. It's all Low T fags.

And what annoys me more is when these Low T fags are like "ohh its not low t its not low t or anything like that to have preferences like skinny girls." YES IT FUCKING IS.

I will try to explain in simple terms. But let me first talk about a high estrogen women, she has big tits, good functioning brain, healthy and well, big ass, attractive and feminine facial features etc.


Being thick is literally dimorphism version of females.

You see, I see threads saying "ohh dimorphism is everything" and yes, they are true, dimorphism is everything. Dimorphic men are High T.

And high estrogen females are attracted to high t dimorphic men, so if you attract low t anorexic skinny bitches, you're low t prolly, even more if u like them.

HORMONES are everything. High T men attract High E, High E attract High T. And thick bitches are High E. That's the reason why liking thick girls are High T, and liking skinny bitches are NOT in our nature, and it's Low T. That's NOT what we are supposed to do, IT'S NOT IN OUR NATURE. You failed your ancestors JFL at you if you like skinny bitches.

Btw slim thick girls are so hot. Btw I dont mean fat girls by thick lmao, just wide hips big ass hourglass shape and no belly. And overall High E facial features. And don't pull up pictures of girls that are slim but have fat ass and wide hips, I'm into them too, they're genetic freak of natures being like that, skinny with big ass.

So, this is the end of the anorexic girls are hot cope, or skinny girls with small ass and small as. As I said, High T are attracted to big ass and wide hips. Not small ass and narrow hips.
I prefer thick Beckie’s over aneorxic Stacie’s
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D90AF415 2CA4 4CE8 A61C 4F5B3F8512BC
No wonder I like Nicki. I’m hight
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Incel ramblings
Nothing beats a skinny body
Their stomachs are so much better and you grow up once you realize a woman's stomach is her most important/best feature
"Boobs" "ass" "thighs" I laffed :forcedsmile:
IMG 6479
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i just like hot sluts
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@northern mogger thoughts 🤔
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  • Hmm...
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Skinny women with 0 curves are like boys with wigs.

I would prefer to bang a skeleton, at least it's for free and I don't have to use a condom.
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nigga this is top tier ass and boobs are you braindamaged
You don't know what her ass looks like, it is small
Her boobs are nothing to write home about
They sag despite the fact their small
IMG 7149

She doesn't fit what op's talking about at all
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Retarded thread
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I'm anorexic myself (181 cm 50 kg), so thick females are not for me because if she will try to sit on my dick, she will simply crush my body.
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I'm anorexic myself (181 cm 50 kg), so thick females are not for me because if she will try to sit on my dick, she will simply crush my body.
so you look like this?
IMG 5399
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  • Ugh..
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So fucking FED UP of this "skinny anorexic girl" cope. It's all Low T fags.

And what annoys me more is when these Low T fags are like "ohh its not low t its not low t or anything like that to have preferences like skinny girls." YES IT FUCKING IS.

I will try to explain in simple terms. But let me first talk about a high estrogen women, she has big tits, good functioning brain, healthy and well, big ass, attractive and feminine facial features etc.


Being thick is literally dimorphism version of females.

You see, I see threads saying "ohh dimorphism is everything" and yes, they are true, dimorphism is everything. Dimorphic men are High T.

And high estrogen females are attracted to high t dimorphic men, so if you attract low t anorexic skinny bitches, you're low t prolly, even more if u like them.

HORMONES are everything. High T men attract High E, High E attract High T. And thick bitches are High E. That's the reason why liking thick girls are High T, and liking skinny bitches are NOT in our nature, and it's Low T. That's NOT what we are supposed to do, IT'S NOT IN OUR NATURE. You failed your ancestors JFL at you if you like skinny bitches.

Btw slim thick girls are so hot. Btw I dont mean fat girls by thick lmao, just wide hips big ass hourglass shape and no belly. And overall High E facial features. And don't pull up pictures of girls that are slim but have fat ass and wide hips, I'm into them too, they're genetic freak of natures being like that, skinny with big ass.

So, this is the end of the anorexic girls are hot cope, or skinny girls with small ass and small as. As I said, High T are attracted to big ass and wide hips. Not small ass and narrow hips.
meanwhile we would lay our asses when 3.5/10 long face, no ass no tits, foid came up to us casually asking us out...
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Dnr, but I only like skinny girls because I wanna dominate the fuck out of them and they are usually prettier, so I can show them off for status with men and other women, also better face genetics for my children
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petit >>> all
keep coping landwhale slayer
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legit - this is the problem living in Asia every girl is v low.bodyfat
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“muh skinny is for low T”
petite and curvy/fit ≠ skinny.
fogs thick women to oblivion and still love skinny women and i’m high T af

anyway, regardless of her body if she’s hot im hitting, deuces.
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in conclusion
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I love skinny girls they have the fittest body
I wantt a girl with thick thighs and a big meaty ass to just sit on my fucking face man
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“muh skinny is for low T”
petite and curvy/fit ≠ skinny.
fogs thick women to oblivion and still love skinny women and i’m high T af

anyway, regardless of her body if she’s hot im hitting, deuces.
skinny = upper-class, nobility, aristocracy
thick = ghetto, impoverished, enslaved
Fym I'm a anorexic bitch slayer and it's the best:feelsgood: I've also had thick bitches too but those gothic/emo skinny hoes are better
So fucking FED UP of this "skinny anorexic girl" cope. It's all Low T fags.

And what annoys me more is when these Low T fags are like "ohh its not low t its not low t or anything like that to have preferences like skinny girls." YES IT FUCKING IS.

I will try to explain in simple terms. But let me first talk about a high estrogen women, she has big tits, good functioning brain, healthy and well, big ass, attractive and feminine facial features etc.


Being thick is literally dimorphism version of females.

You see, I see threads saying "ohh dimorphism is everything" and yes, they are true, dimorphism is everything. Dimorphic men are High T.

And high estrogen females are attracted to high t dimorphic men, so if you attract low t anorexic skinny bitches, you're low t prolly, even more if u like them.

HORMONES are everything. High T men attract High E, High E attract High T. And thick bitches are High E. That's the reason why liking thick girls are High T, and liking skinny bitches are NOT in our nature, and it's Low T. That's NOT what we are supposed to do, IT'S NOT IN OUR NATURE. You failed your ancestors JFL at you if you like skinny bitches.

Btw slim thick girls are so hot. Btw I dont mean fat girls by thick lmao, just wide hips big ass hourglass shape and no belly. And overall High E facial features. And don't pull up pictures of girls that are slim but have fat ass and wide hips, I'm into them too, they're genetic freak of natures being like that, skinny with big ass.

So, this is the end of the anorexic girls are hot cope, or skinny girls with small ass and small as. As I said, High T are attracted to big ass and wide hips. Not small ass and narrow hips.
Shut up i don’t like fatties
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@ivantheterrible commit suicide bitch

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