Thick skincels GTFIH


Deleted member 1990

May 28, 2022
How do I make my face skin thinner? When I stretch my face skin it stretches to a thousand kilometers. And tbh I'm not boneless. Deathnic thick skin has doomed me to a life of inceldom and wallah I will ascend hard when I get rid of the thick skin. I've started tretinoin in hopes that it might thin my skin out overtime (probably cope) any solutions or am I doomed forever.
How do I make my face skin thinner? When I stretch my face skin it stretches to a thousand kilometers. And tbh I'm not boneless. Deathnic thick skin has doomed me to a life of inceldom and wallah I will ascend hard when I get rid of the thick skin. I've started tretinoin in hopes that it might thin my skin out overtime (probably cope) any solutions or am I doomed forever.
sometimes i peel the skin of my toes and my toe skin is getting so thick that its turning yellow
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doomed, until there is a way to genetically change structure of skin
  • So Sad
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If your recessed Bimax/Sliding Genio might help, ZSO and chin wing also help slightly.
If your recessed Bimax/Sliding Genio might help, ZSO and chin wing also help slightly.
I have an overbite (slight) and my chin doesn't protrude beyond my lower lip. But it's way past the nasion. So I'll get genio but the thing is I have 90th percentile bizygomatic width and decent bigonial width. My skin is itself really thick, is there any solution to that other than coping with aging?
Can tretinoin help with that or was the rat study cope for humans?
I have an overbite (slight) and my chin doesn't protrude beyond my lower lip. But it's way past the nasion. So I'll get genio but the thing is I have 90th percentile bizygomatic width and decent bigonial width. My skin is itself really thick, is there any solution to that other than coping with aging?
Seems like your situation is genetic, no real solution, only getting lean, coping with tret.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 1990
  • +1
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I probably have this issue too on top of zero collagen and recession

Dont know how to tell tho
I probably have this issue too on top of zero collagen and recession

Dont know how to tell tho
I have good collagen but it's over for me because I look like a truecel and have ethnic thick skin
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I have good collagen but it's over for me because I look like a truecel and have ethnic thick skin
I have both thick skin and shit collagen on top of being 3psl and recessed
I have both thick skin and shit collagen on top of being 3psl and recessed
No I'm 100 percent sure you mog me to oblivion because I'm 2.15 psl rated by users here
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How do I make my face skin thinner? When I stretch my face skin it stretches to a thousand kilometers. And tbh I'm not boneless. Deathnic thick skin has doomed me to a life of inceldom and wallah I will ascend hard when I get rid of the thick skin. I've started tretinoin in hopes that it might thin my skin out overtime (probably cope) any solutions or am I doomed forever.
Is thick skin a legit thing? i thought it was fatcel and boneless cope
Is thick skin a legit thing? i thought it was fatcel and boneless cope
I'm not boneless but maybe I'm fat because I'm around 17 percent bf rn. Tbh everyone in my family has really thick skin so I think it's more genetic
I'm not boneless but maybe I'm fat because I'm around 17 percent bf rn. Tbh everyone in my family has really thick skin so I think it's more genetic
how do you even know you have thick skin? and does it even exist? i have never heard of this be mentioned ever by either medical profs, scientific journals or blackpillers/people knowledgable about looks (QOVES, Wheat Waffles etc)
how do you even know you have thick skin? and does it even exist? i have never heard of this be mentioned ever by either medical profs, scientific journals or blackpillers/people knowledgable about looks (QOVES, Wheat Waffles etc)
Wait Bhai come in dms I want to ask something
bro ur not a thickskincel ur just a fat fuck
  • WTF
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