Thinking your looksmatch is inaccessible is the STUPIDEST thing you can do


Henry Rollins

Jul 29, 2024
Imagine you keep having this doomer mindset. Anytime you talk to a girl who is actually looksmatched with you you're going to have a chip on your shoulder. This means you'll be tense, possibly visibly annoyed, and generally not a good person to be around. You'll probably say some unhinged shit about how girls just want Chad/don't like nice guys like you/height matters more than anything etc

You're essentially telling yourself you're doomed from the start so you'll naturally be off putting and thus never escape you dug yourself into. Contrast this with thinking that you can get any girl you want because you mog, and then as a result being in a good mood because you know you're a catch. You'll crack jokes, be relaxed, and not take yourself too seriously. Of course forum autists want to live in some Wheat waffles universe where it's over no matter what so if that's you, keep on keeping on
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lifefuel tbh, but “tell yourself that you mog” doesn’t work like that anon 😂😂😂
lifefuel tbh, but “tell yourself that you mog” doesn’t work like that anon 😂😂😂
It's not about being delusional but about understanding where you truly rank. And most guys here think that because they're sub Maher or sub Barrett that they're doomed no matter what

Maybe you don't have to believe you're a male model to slay, but you sure as hell will never find anyone if you're always walking around with a shit attitude. And you can tell most guys here do live their lives that way.
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I treat women coldly regardless of their level of looks, they turned my heart off.
The work for your looksmatch is not worth it most of the time.
Even as chad it sounds less stressful to be worshipped by beckies.
The work for your looksmatch is not worth it most of the time.
Even as chad it sounds less stressful to be worshipped by beckies.
Being worshipped by Beckies means nothing if you don't want to LTR or be seen with one. Easy sex and that's it

Your 1st sentence is exactly why I wrote this thread though. You're very defeatist

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