Thinspo motivation thread, STOP EATING



Nov 10, 2019
You feel better, clothes fit you better, your face looks sharper and you can actually see your bones, your healthier, your skin is clearer, your healthier, you can do more fun activities, you can dance better, you can have sex easier and last longer, your testosterone increases (unless you go below 8% like a retard for several months), you look younger, you look more professional, you look like you give a shit about your appearance, your less likely to injure yourself during exercise, people, especially girls see you as chic, people innately respect your willpower more for not stuffing your face, you can easily bulk up your muscle and body weight when your thinner, your hormonal system is better regulated and healthier, you feel euphoric knowing you're better than 99% of the population.


There are so many reasons to be thin/low bf% it's ridiculous, it should always be a looksmaxxers first port of call and something they always keep in mind throughout their journey to ascension.

Classy bowie




Chico Lachowski FYoung fy3

Main qimg 53200f1cda1fc87a01ca5667cd49690b

Literally 99% of hot male models have low bf%, you have absolutely no excuse for being fat if your on this forum and have properly digested the blackpill. Best thing about thinmaxxing is that it literally costs fucking nothing and actually saves you money for surgeries and clothes. Start now.

Would honestly recommend a DEXA scan but no bf% test is 100% accurate imo, best you can get is about 2-3% below or above what your actually % is. Obviously recording your weight is one, if not the best method for tracking FAT LOSS, see how I didn't see how I didn't say weight? skinny fats can be a low weight for their height but they still carry too much fat. Always keep that in mind. Also just look in the mirror, if you don't have BDD you should be able to accurately guesstimate what your bf% is. Aim for visible abs as a general rule, that's a definite sign your low bf%. There's thousands of people offering diet advice but i'd personally recommend fasting and high protein/fat diet after fast finished, carbs make you fat and aren't as necessary as society makes you think they are.
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Reactions: Ethnicope, Deleted member 2621, Deleted member 3828 and 4 others
Fat guys = volcels
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Reactions: Ethnicope, Rasputin, LowTierNormie and 7 others
jfl im bloatmaxxing right now with creatine and GOMAD
  • JFL
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Reactions: strong_silent_type, Rasputin and GoMadAndSTFU
jfl, bloatmaxxing is retarded unless your already thin
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Reactions: cutecel and Manubomber9012
Self improvement is masturbation, now bloatmaxxing
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: Toth's thot and Deleted member 6892
  • JFL
Reactions: BigBoy
Will never take your seriously with that AVI
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: Rasputin and drakarnat
And take a shower it make you not smell

Op lookmax post should be moved from lookmax till offtopic
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You should post some stuff about the snake diet mastermind cole robinson
  • +1
Reactions: drakarnat
Jfl at the braindead op who post only 6% bodyfat 90lbs 6'2'' 8PSL model.delusional.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Norwooder, Deleted member 2587 and drakarnat
Being too skinny is a major failo. You need some muscle. Don't do what I did and twinkmaxx
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Reactions: OCDMaxxing, Norwooder, Deleted member 4310 and 2 others
This won't work for manlets 5'7 or below. Cope
  • +1
Reactions: drakarnat
Good job mate. Wise words. Hard to find those nowadays around here.
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Reactions: drakarnat
But size is dimorphic
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Reactions: Deleted member 656
But size is dimorphic
So is being low body fat. Even more so, according to studies. Theoretically a woman can have size. A woman can't get below 10% body fat.
  • +1
Reactions: Kade, Deleted member 245 and OOGABOOGA
lol, shit thread. EE women prefer rugged masc man who might be a bit fat over some twink frail boned pretty boy. MASC > EVERYTHING
Being thin is a death sentence for anyone below 6 feet. Stop with this gay advice.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: drakarnat
lol, shit thread. EE women prefer rugged masc man who might be a bit fat over some twink frail boned pretty boy. MASC > EVERYTHING

Being thin is a death sentence for anyone below 6 feet. Stop with this gay advice.

Get big and juicy, just lol if you aren't getting big and muscular. Body halo is real. Nobody wants a skinny faggot

This guide is for human men not manlets, not sure what you guys are supposed to do
  • JFL
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Reactions: Kade and OOGABOOGA
OR you could build muscle and lose that fucking fat. 10-12% bf would save manlets unless you fuckin ugly..but at least your maxxing something


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Reactions: Deleted member 4310
You are so right, but for most people it’s a cope becausethry might have really bad bone structure

Lookism/looksmaxxing discord:
You feel better, clothes fit you better, your face looks sharper and you can actually see your bones, your healthier, your skin is clearer, your healthier, you can do more fun activities, you can dance better, you can have sex easier and last longer, your testosterone increases (unless you go below 8% like a retard for several months), you look younger, you look more professional, you look like you give a shit about your appearance, your less likely to injure yourself during exercise, people, especially girls see you as chic, people innately respect your willpower more for not stuffing your face, you can easily bulk up your muscle and body weight when your thinner, your hormonal system is better regulated and healthier, you feel euphoric knowing you're better than 99% of the population.

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There are so many reasons to be thin/low bf% it's ridiculous, it should always be a looksmaxxers first port of call and something they always keep in mind throughout their journey to ascension.

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Literally 99% of hot male models have low bf%, you have absolutely no excuse for being fat if your on this forum and have properly digested the blackpill. Best thing about thinmaxxing is that it literally costs fucking nothing and actually saves you money for surgeries and clothes. Start now.

Would honestly recommend a DEXA scan but no bf% test is 100% accurate imo, best you can get is about 2-3% below or above what your actually % is. Obviously recording your weight is one, if not the best method for tracking FAT LOSS, see how I didn't see how I didn't say weight? skinny fats can be a low weight for their height but they still carry too much fat. Always keep that in mind. Also just look in the mirror, if you don't have BDD you should be able to accurately guesstimate what your bf% is. Aim for visible abs as a general rule, that's a definite sign your low bf%. There's thousands of people offering diet advice but i'd personally recommend fasting and high protein/fat diet after fast finished, carbs make you fat and aren't as necessary as society makes you think they are.
I like this format
Is it possible to stay at 9% bodyfat while gaining muscle?

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