@ this autistic thread from 2012 that I found on an old forum (i just copy pasted the whole thread)

Deleted member 2012

Deleted member 2012

Jun 10, 2019
I have noticed some confusion on the vesti as to what it means if someone says a girl is a 5 or whether a certain girl is or is not a 10.


So I have created this handy reference, out of the goodness of my heart. Of course, keep in mind that whether a certain girl is a 6 or a 7 is still largely a matter of personal opinion/preference, that is not the purpose of this guide. Rather, this will ensure that everyone will have the same idea of what exactly it means to be a 6 or a 7.

NOTE: This guide is from the POV of a moderately attractive guy, someone who is probably a 7.5 or so. If you are a 2, you would likely talk to a 2 despite what it says in this guide. If you are a 10, you are probably to busy banging 9's and 10's to read this.

Without further ado:

1/10 - Ew. But everyone gets 1 point for existing, zero is not a rank. No redeeming/attractive qualities. The average male would never think of touching or talking to this person. Likely featured on people of walmart. (I am skipping example pics for these first few because I don't want to waste time looking for pics of very unattractive people).

2/10 - Basically a 1, but with one minor redeeming quality. Maybe a nice smile. You would still not likely talk to this girl at a bar or even be at the same bar as this girl.

3/10 - Still unattractive, but with more redeeming qualities. A very nice average looking guy would potentially take pity on her and talk to her, maybe even try to set her up with an ugly friend if he knew this girl well, but pity sex is out of the question.

4/10 - Not attractive, but also not totally disgusting. If there was a gun to your head you could say "well, I can focus on her ankle, it looks like a hot girl's ankle" and you could get the job done. Pity sex is possible at this level. If you have ever said "she might be cute if she lost 50 pounds" she was probably a 4 or 5.

5/10 - Top level of girl that you do not find very attractive. Like an F+. A girl that you would not normally be in to, but she is right on the edge so that in the right set of circumstances (desperation, drunkenness, etc) maybe something could happen. Maybe a little chubby for your taste or something that decreases her from being a 6. You would probably not want your friends to find out about this girl.

6/10 - A little worse than averagely attractive based on pure looks, but still has some attractive qualities. If there are no other options you would have sex with a 6 with no regrets. You wouldn't normally date a 6 seriously, but things could change if she was super cool and an awesome cook. Personality can make all the difference at this level.

7/10 - Averagely attractive. Based on her looks you would have sex with her and/or consider dating her. Your friends would say, yeah, ok, that seems like the kind of girl he should be dating. The vast majority of girls that you see and think, "hey she is kind of cute" probably fall in the 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, range.

8/10 - Above average attractiveness. The large majority of people who see this girl would probably describe her as "cute", "pretty", "hot" or similar. Depending on where you live, the hottest girl you ever see in real life might be an 8 or 8.5. These are the girls you tend to see in "you love, you lose" threads.

9/10 - Amazing - These are the top 10% of girls on the planet. She probably has done or could do modeling. If you are dating a girl who is a legitimate 9, your friends are not impressed, they are in disbelief.

10/10 - Perfection. Less than the top 1% of girls on the planet. The best looking girl you have ever seen in real life is probably not a 10. I googled "most beautiful girl" and most of them were 8's or 9's.

You might not agree with all of my examples, but now you have the proper framework. 5 is not "average", 5/10 is a failing score on a test and in real life. 10 is not just hot, 10 is exquisite and rare. The hot girl you were afraid to talk to in high school is probably an 8, maybe 8.5. The scale might be top heavy in that most girls you think of are at least a 6, but that is because you generally don't notice or think about a girl unless she is at least a 6.

Finally, regarding half points: It is appropriate after 5 to rate at .5 increments, but a waste of time under that. Nobody cares if a girl is a 2 or 2.5, but there are lots of girls who are 7.5 or 8.5 and at that those higher levels the extra half point has more meaning.

I hate this
I remember seeing this, it’s on bodybuilding forum yes?
it sounds like they know how the irl scale works, it sounds like psl logic but working with the irl scale.

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