This guy lives life on easy mode



I don’t know what to do with myself anymore
Jul 7, 2023
What’s his rating ?
IMG 8410

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  • JFL
Reactions: mrdouchebag, Chadeep, try2beme and 4 others
But she's not sexual inkwell :feelswhy:

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Reactions: gigell and zurzolo
half of that shit is staged and these girls (probably underaged which is creepy as fuck) literally do it for any HTN+ guy. dont be jealous of this retarded shit

remember: he is posting this shit to project an image. he wants to project the image that he’s attractive and he easily slays girls. this is because he is deeply insecure, vain, and feels ugly. he attaches his self worth to these women and so will never have enough. he attaches his self worth to his beauty and so he will always feel ugly and rejected.

look at his instagram. it is all staged bullshit. his cars, his status, his women. his body and looks in the most obvious thirst trapping poses. only a deeply insecure person who relies on validation would use these things for attention online. he has likely hurt women through his behaviors- cheating or something of the sort. this variety of self centeredness is entirely egotistic.

he is a good looking guy. but his vanity makes him deeply unattractive to anyone that isnt an internet hoe or random woman on the street. do not be envious of this. you do not want his life. and when he is 45 years old and balding, he will have nothing at all.
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  • +1
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Chadeep, try2beme, 5'7 zoomer and 5 others
White zoomers with that haircut have a 99% chance of a chick flashing their tiddies to them on webcam
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep, Deleted member 33711, WeiWei and 1 other person
half of that shit is staged and these girls (probably underaged which is creepy as fuck) literally do it for any HTN+ guy. dont be jealous of this retarded shit
It isn’t stage and he asked the age
  • +1
Reactions: WeiWei
White zoomers with that haircut have a 99% chance of a chick flashing their tiddies to them on webcam
But he is above average looking
  • +1
Reactions: WeiWei
Shouldn't Twitch ban him?
  • +1
Reactions: gigell
White zoomers with that haircut have a 99% chance of a chick flashing their tiddies to them on webcam
which haircut

he has fringe on top and curtains on bottom pic
  • +1
Reactions: gigell
This feels so wrong. How is he not arrested? Or do they know that hes streaming
arrested for what?
You cant just stream naked women to 100s of people with out consent. Its illegal, classed as sexual assault + can get sued for mental damage where I live
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: oragamifolds and WeiWei
This feels so wrong. How is he not arrested? Or do they know that hes streaming
it’s just self centered vanity masturbation. he gets his self worth from being viewed as an attractive slayer. he doesnt care about who he hurts to get there. again, do not be envious of this.
  • +1
Reactions: beniman
it’s just self centered vanity masturbation. he gets his self worth from being viewed as an attractive slayer. he doesnt care about who he hurts to get there.
He is the type of person that deserve to get beat to shit
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep, gigell and beniman
That's just the average kid born after 2005 with above average genetics and softmaxing. He just abuses the fact that girls are dumb and will strip for him if he seems cool and mysterious.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: oragamifolds and Paul7
That's just the average kid born after 2005 with above average genetics and softmaxing. He just abuses the fact that girls are dumb and will strip for him if he seems cool and mysterious.
Is he 5 psl ?
Is he 5 psl ?
stop caring. he is an attractive guy. he has strong genetics. but you dont want to live his life. it is full of self loathing, with only vanity and narcissism as a facade to mask it.
  • +1
Reactions: beniman
stop caring. he is an attractive guy. he has strong genetics. but you dont want to live his life. it is full of self loathing, with only vanity and narcissism as a facade to mask it.
I would rather be someone like him than my current life
  • +1
Reactions: USERΝAME
I would rather be someone like him than my current life
no, you would not. he wakes up every day and feels unattractive. he sees his reflection and only notices the flaws in his face. he sees a woman giving another man attention and is filled with self loathing and insecurity.

if this sounds like you, that's because you two live the same life. the amount of women changes nothing. those who live their lives basing who they are on their bodies, their appearances, and the attention they get from women live sad, pitiful, and insecure lives. he will never feel like he gets enough attention, no matter if he has one woman or twenty.

you think you want to live his life because you have not been introspective. you do not realize your insecurity comes from your relationship with validation, instead of from your looks.
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Reactions: Gaia262 and beniman


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He is the type of person that deserve to get beat to shit
he needs introspection and therapy. he will be caught in this cycle of self loathing without even realizing it for years. if he does realize it, he'll be too scared to change it.
  • +1
Reactions: beniman
He is the type of person that deserve to get beat to shit
i would also like to point out how morally wrong it is to coerce girls into flashing themselves for attention with a faked personality while recording it the entire time. he literally does not care about how it hurts them, or about how manipulative his behavior is. and if he does, he again is too afraid and self pitying to change it.
  • +1
Reactions: beniman
i would also like to point out how morally wrong it is to coerce girls into flashing themselves for attention with a faked personality while recording it the entire time. he literally does not care about how it hurts them, or about how manipulative his behavior is. and if he does, he again is too afraid and self pitying to change it.
Hes disqusting he should repent to God and "fix" what hes done. He cant really, but I feel so bad for these girls. Just imagine how many perverts that r jackik their shit to that. Disqusting
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep and oragamifolds
Would call him HTN about top 20% which is enough. I can see some kind of syndrome, especially in the eye area but he is good. Won in life, no problemo.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: oragamifolds
Hes disqusting he should repent to God and "fix" what hes done. He cant really, but I feel so bad for these girls. Just imagine how many perverts that r jackik their shit to that. Disqusting
i feel bad as well. a teenage girl is often easily swayed by a pretty face and confident-sounding personality. many are insecure of their body and, from poor family lives, seek attention from men to cope. either knowingly or unknowingly, this streamer takes advantage of that for content and leaks their bodies to the world. doubtlessly, many of the girls he has hosted and manipulated feel deep shame and self loathing for having their bodies posted online. it is truly depressing.

nothing good comes from any of this. he lives a blind, stumbling life, hurting already insecure girls for his own validation. because only insecure girls who seek this attention would listen to a word of the shit he says and not be creeped and grossed out by his demeanor. when it is all done, he looks at himself and only sees his ugliness.
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  • +1
Reactions: beniman
i feel bad as well. a teenage girl is often easily swayed by a pretty face and confident-sounding personality. many are insecure of their body and, from poor family lives, seek attention from men to cope. either knowingly or unknowingly, this streamer takes advantage of that for content and leaks their bodies to the world. doubtlessly, many of the girls he has hosted feel deep shame and self loathing for having their bodies posted online. it is truly depressing.
Yes I agree. They dont know at all what they are going in to. They just feel insecure and kind words from a pretty person feels good and they get a bit of a confidence boost. But then out of nowhere they see that it got leaked online for 100s if not 1000s of people to see. Their bodies should only be seen by a person they love and trust. Its the private part of them as a human to share with their lover, not this shit. They ate just insecure and within sad. As you saw in the video shes even talking bad of herself. I hope that she gets better aswell as the other victims of him. I hope they are getting mental support from people close to them, but sadly they probobly dont. Im almost certen there familys (if they have seen it) is calling her a sl*t and other hurtful things bc of their parents mental instability. And if not they are probobly to scared to even say anything so they just keep it to themselfs and feel like shit. But that isnt the worst part, the worst part is the people at school that will say anything for some laughs. Things like this have led to suicides in the part and will keep happening because they just cant take it. And he and others that leak stuff like this just do it for some clout. Some people are truly evil and disqusting.
  • +1
Reactions: oragamifolds
Yes I agree. They dont know at all what they are going in to. They just feel insecure and kind words from a pretty person feels good and they get a bit of a confidence boost. But then out of nowhere they see that it got leaked online for 100s if not 1000s of people to see. Their bodies should only be seen by a person they love and trust. Its the private part of them as a human to share with their lover, not this shit. They ate just insecure and within sad. As you saw in the video shes even talking bad of herself. I hope that she gets better aswell as the other victims of him. I hope they are getting mental support from people close to them, but sadly they probobly dont. Im almost certen there familys (if they have seen it) is calling her a sl*t and other hurtful things bc of their parents mental instability. And if not they are probobly to scared to even say anything so they just keep it to themselfs and feel like shit. But that isnt the worst part, the worst part is the people at school that will say anything for some laughs. Things like this have led to suicides in the part and will keep happening because they just cant take it. And he and others that leak stuff like this just do it for some clout. Some people are truly evil and disqusting.
you are a kind man, but do not hold hatred for him. pity his life because it's filled with self hatred and insecurity as well. pray he gets the help he needs to stop manipulating and hurting others just for validation.
  • +1
Reactions: beniman
80% of these girls are nastily ugly
  • +1
Reactions: gigell
He's pretty good looking, certainly mogs me
  • +1
Reactions: gigell
you are a kind man, but do not hold hatred for him. pity his life because it's filled with self hatred and insecurity as well. pray he gets the help he needs to stop manipulating and hurting others just for validation.
Amen🙏 Hope they one day find the path to God and realise what the have done
  • +1
Reactions: oragamifolds

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