Besides taking zinc,vitamin d and ashwagandha for testosterone and 400iu vitamin e for prolactin,you should do this:
Stop masturbating for a week,then ejaculate, just one time, because the more you ejaculate more your androgen receptores in the brain turn off and It takes more time for them to recover completely. In mices, an increase in testosterone at third day of abstinece Is noticed, and the more they ejaculated the less sexual beahvior they display on the recover days, sign of downregulation of androgen receptors.
In humans the increase in testosterone occurs at Seventh day
I have also prooved It by some lab tests, on day Seven my free testosterone increases by ~40%
Then i did an exam again fapping often, i was older so the referente range changed.
So the idea Is to fap only once when you return to school and on day 8th you will be high testosterone. But that is not the only thing, on that day you will enhance the effects by doing exercise, an exactly routine made by me to increase testosterone based on the theory that is lactae acid after exercise which increases testosterone. So i did that routine 1 hour before the blood test, this aré the results:
The routine: do 1 set of squats with a weight that makes you fail on 15 reps, 2 minutos rest,then deadlifting,bench press,chest pull and abdominales also at 1 set to failure between 15 reps, that is how you produce the most lactate acid, because when doing an exercise, lactate increases only in the first set, so doing more sets of the same muscle group Is unnecesary.
Leg training induces more lactate than arms,so Is better to training big muscle groups or compund exercise, also, lactate increases too much between rest, but decreases on 2nd and 3rd set, only increases on 1st set, that is why you must do just one set oer muscle group.
That same day you will do an edging sesión of 10 minutos so you dont got too clóse to ejaculate.
Abstain from masturbating so your testosterone receptors heal, ejaculate ONE Time, wait until day 8, eat More than the other days because more insulin decreases SHBG protein, and this protein binds to testosterone and makes It useless, do my exercise routine, do edging for 10 minutes-->enjoy, then ejaculate in the night and repeat.
Stop masturbating for a week,then ejaculate, just one time, because the more you ejaculate more your androgen receptores in the brain turn off and It takes more time for them to recover completely. In mices, an increase in testosterone at third day of abstinece Is noticed, and the more they ejaculated the less sexual beahvior they display on the recover days, sign of downregulation of androgen receptors.

Leg training induces more lactate than arms,so Is better to training big muscle groups or compund exercise, also, lactate increases too much between rest, but decreases on 2nd and 3rd set, only increases on 1st set, that is why you must do just one set oer muscle group.

That same day you will do an edging sesión of 10 minutos so you dont got too clóse to ejaculate.