This is why you and me are done for.



Tryna improove.
Sep 14, 2023
official thread song:

Now, let’s say you are at the bar on a saturday night.

You think you look good, got your new jacket, hair looking fresh and good, fit is in point.

You sit down and order something to drink with your girl, since somehow you achieved getting interest from one that goes in your same school because of your connections.

You are sat down and the bar is full of girls and your dopamine is high thinking they are looking at you and fantasizing. You hear your chair move and a guy in some normie clothes, that looks unkept and doesn’t smell of fresh cologne sits right by you and orders a drink.

You don’t make much of it and you go back to talk with your girl but the moment you look at her, she’s not looking at you. You check again and see this guy face.

Looking back at your girlfriend you immediately imagine her point of you and realize that what she is seeing is this.

IMG 6649
IMG 6648

You in the right, “pretty boy maxxed” and this random silent guy.

You look at him and he’s all hunched down but strangely he still sits as tall as you.

You look behind you and the bar went silent. All the girls are looking at him. He downs half a glass of whiskey and looks besides you.

He smiles looking at your girl, he sits up and he hits his head of the little roof part over the sits in the bar.

He walks out and your girl with every other girl keeps tracking him with their sight. Girls wake up and go after him.

You look down and understand.

Days later your girl starts acting weird and doesn’t seem to talk to you as sweetly as before.

Your girl leaves you after 2 weeks saying you never made her feel happy.

Now you are back at the same bar, drinking and getting wasted to kill the pain.

You hear the door open again and you see it.

Your girl and that guy walking in.

You never could have done anything for it. You thought you was good looking and your personality was perfect.

But god decided that when you were born, that you wouldn’t have been enough.

You go home and start understanding reality and you swallow the pill.

You kill yourself after a year later when your girlfriend posts on facebook a pic of her newborn in the hands of that guy.
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  • +1
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: TheNextArnold, Deleted member 43822, Sasuke177 and 10 others
bro needs to hit the lottery so he can get that LL 💀
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: WishIwasChico, Shkreliii, Clown Show and 4 others
DB7FA6B9 3EB8 42DF 8EC8 56A78CE55518

  • JFL
Reactions: futuregigamogger, Mainstream, Whitepill_Saint and 1 other person
I don't get it, why would right get the girl instead of left who absolutely mogs him?
  • JFL
Reactions: poopoohead
  • +1
Reactions: kanderior
  • +1
Reactions: MongolTurk
Why do you incels always pretend you are explaining others' situations when groaning about your misery, lol
  • +1
Reactions: Mainstream
I don't get it, why would right get the girl instead of left who absolutely mogs him?
No reading apprehension or general retardation.
  • JFL
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
Sad you feel this way, work hard to surgerymaxx if you really think your looks are failoing you in life (though from what you say here you have an active dating life). Plus you call yourself a chadlet so maybe it's just LL you need. Either way unless you're an actual truecel I don't think it's productive to fantasize about scenarios like this, work hard and looksmax. Also you are really underestimating the importance of NTness.
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I think I need to go to the emergency room, because I’m drowning from all this water OP
why does every god damn thread make me think of my oneitis jfl. When I'm go through college and visit home during the summer, I'm going to see my oneitis out in public with the "random silent guy" in question, and I will think of this thread.
  • +1
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
Sad you feel this way, work hard to surgerymaxx if you really think your looks are failoing you in life (though from what you say here you have an active dating life). Plus you call yourself a chadlet so maybe it's just LL you need. Either way unless you're an actual truecel I don't think it's productive to fantasize about scenarios like this, work hard and looksmax.
it’s not good to imagine this, but is going to happen.

I don’t need surgeries (thankfully) but god decided to ruin me more by making me 5’6.

No LL for my height, it’s over.
why does every god damn thread make me think of my oneitis jfl. When I'm go through college and visit home during the summer, I'm going to see my oneitis out in public with the "random silent guy" in question, and I will think of this thread.
it’s going to happen.

I’m not even saying this as a joke, it will happen. Even before you get together, or after.
  • +1
Reactions: MongolTurk
it’s going to happen.

I’m not even saying this as a joke, it will happen. Even before you get together, or after.
we're never getting together jfl, I wish I could have her even just for a day, my life would be complete. Obviously not in a betabuxx/cuck way tho, if she was ever genuinely attracted to me, I would feel euphoric for the rest of my life
  • +1
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
This reads out like a bbc cuck story, amazing story, gave me confidence to blast steroids in a week for christmas
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Pikabro and PseudoMaxxer
we're never getting together jfl, I wish I could have her even just for a day, my life would be complete. Obviously not in a betabuxx/cuck way tho, if she was ever genuinely attracted to me, I would feel euphoric for the rest of my life
she won’t.

Even when they tell you they love you and they actually really do, it’s fake.

Because something little like this will break all of that. You’ll go back unloved, because that love she felt was never true.
  • So Sad
Reactions: MongolTurk
This reads out like a bbc cuck story, amazing story, gave me confidence to blast steroids in a week for christmas
no steroids for your bones.
it’s not good to imagine this, but is going to happen.

I don’t need surgeries (thankfully) but god decided to ruin me more by making me 5’6.

No LL for my height, it’s over.
you should research LL, a decent height might be achievable for you. Especially if you include lifts.
she won’t.

Even when they tell you they love you and they actually really do, it’s fake.

Because something little like this will break all of that. You’ll go back unloved, because that love she felt was never true.
Brutal, may we all successfully cope🙏
  • So Sad
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
you should research LL, a decent height might be achievable for you. Especially if you include lifts.
never gonna have the means to do it. And i don’t want to risk being crippled my whole life.

I prefer being like this and after i put my dick inside a girl blowing my brains out.
  • +1
Reactions: Shkreliii
you should research LL, a decent height might be achievable for you. Especially if you include lifts.
or he may never be able to walk properly again
  • +1
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
Brutal, may we all successfully cope🙏
I would not care about a womans looks, i just want a woman who truly loves me, i just want a society that truly respects me.
  • +1
Reactions: poopoohead and MongolTurk
Sad you feel this way, work hard to surgerymaxx if you really think your looks are failoing you in life (though from what you say here you have an active dating life). Plus you call yourself a chadlet so maybe it's just LL you need. Either way unless you're an actual truecel I don't think it's productive to fantasize about scenarios like this, work hard and looksmax. Also you are really underestimating the importance of NTness.
  • +1
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
I would not care about a womans looks, i just want a woman who truly loves me, i just want a society that truly respects me.
a woman will never TRULY love you. Stop cping bro, i know i do it too.

Do you think the girl in the story didn’t love her bf? Obviously she did.

But love is so fake that she’ll lose it by seeing a silent guy like that.
I would not care about a womans looks, i just want a woman who truly loves me, i just want a society that truly respects me.
no matter how dramatically you decrease the standards of your desires, you will still never have them. Sometimes I think god IS real and is just fucking with us, or maybe we already lived a life on a different planet and this is the hell we were transported to after death.
  • +1
Reactions: Shkreliii and PseudoMaxxer
a woman will never TRULY love you. Stop cping bro, i know i do it too.

Do you think the girl in the story didn’t love her bf? Obviously she did.

But love is so fake that she’ll lose it by seeing a silent guy like that.
Do you think love transforms as they age and go through menopause or no? Like their sexual urges and desires are entirely annihilated during that stage in their life, are they just incapable of love because of their lack of attraction, or are you saying that love just doesn't exist for women in general?
or he may never be able to walk properly again
I've researched LL a lot, it's not as dangerous as a lot of people think. The botches you read about are people doing it in shithole countries or not doing the recommended PT and other stuff. Complications that need to be addressed by the doctor happen but actual crippling is very rare. The main thing dissuading me from doing LL is the pain for the first week and very physically and mentally demanding recovery.
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I've researched LL a lot, it's not as dangerous as a lot of people think. The botches you read about are people doing it in shithole countries or not doing the recommended PT and other stuff. Complications happen but actually crippling is very rare. The main thing dissuading me from LL is the pain for the first week and very physically and mentally demanding recovery.
It might not be as dangerous as a lot of people think, but it's still very dangerous. You have a none-zero chance of permanently crippling yourself which would without a doubt ruin all aspects of your life. The main thing dissuading you is not the pain jfl, they would prescribe you opioids and shit, you'd be fine man. If the pain is what scares you, just oxycodonemaxx for the first week after
  • +1
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
Do you think love transforms as they age and go through menopause or no? Like their sexual urges and desires are entirely annihilated during that stage in their life, are they just incapable of love because of their lack of attraction, or are you saying that love just doesn't exist for women in general?
Love doesn’t exist as you think it does.

People think love is something unmovable, something eternal that will never fail.

Love for a girl is like lust for you, you feel it strongly. It’s all you think about, until you finally do it and then it hits: nothingness.

A girl feels the same with love, is temporary for them. Once they look at chad, you are blown out of their mind. You don’t exist anymore.

Women will finally lose any emotion once aged. That’s why women after midage start being aspie, they don’t feel nothing anymore.
  • +1
Reactions: poopoohead and MongolTurk
nigga is that mrsavage
Do you think love transforms as they age and go through menopause or no? Like their sexual urges and desires are entirely annihilated during that stage in their life, are they just incapable of love because of their lack of attraction, or are you saying that love just doesn't exist for women in general?
just put the song on and look at the 2 dudes.

Music helps you understand things better and really feel your emotions.

We both feel the same thing looking at that, and that’s the brutal reality.
  • +1
Reactions: MongolTurk
It might not be as dangerous as a lot of people think, but it's still very dangerous. You have a none-zero chance of permanently crippling yourself which would without a doubt ruin all aspects of your life. The main thing dissuading you is not the pain jfl, they would prescribe you opioids and shit, you'd be fine man. If the pain is what scares you, just oxycodonemaxx for the first week after
according to patients and doctors painkillers can only do so much during the first phase of the recovery where the pain is the strongest. Some guys report pain as high as 8-9 (NRS scale). Worst I've ever felt was like 7.5 during a monster migraine, no way I could take 8 or 9 for multiple days, it would destroy me mentally. Though the expensive method (precise)+a weight bearing nail probably make the pain more bearable but it costs like 100K+
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  • +1
Reactions: MongolTurk
yeah dude recommending surgeries and LL is very typical bluepilled behavior
Nt is bluepill you cuck it’s only about height and additionally stop promoting LL it’s unsafe and expensive
Love doesn’t exist as you think it does.

People think love is something unmovable, something eternal that will never fail.

Love for a girl is like lust for you, you feel it strongly. It’s all you think about, until you finally do it and then it hits: nothingness.

A girl feels the same with love, is temporary for them. Once they look at chad, you are blown out of their mind. You don’t exist anymore.

Women will finally lose any emotion once aged. That’s why women after midage start being aspie, they don’t feel nothing anymore.
I think love exists in me. I truly love my oneitis, I would love her the same if she was in a freak accident and turned into a freddy kruger-esque monster. I think this is true for women tho
  • So Sad
Reactions: Shkreliii
according to patients and doctors painkillers can only do so much. Some guys report pain as high as 8-9 (NRS scale). Worst I've ever felt was like 7.5 during a monster migraine, no way I could take 8 for multiple days. Though the expensive method (precise)+a weight bearing nail probably make the pain more bearable but it costs like 100K+
you really think i wouldn’t do it for pain?

Like the pain i feel everyday is something some bones breaking can beat?

You don’t know the amount of things i have to endure everyday walking like this. I don’t wanna be sat down on a wheelchair to get height mogged even more. That’s all.
Nt is bluepill you cuck it’s only about height and additionally stop promoting LL it’s unsafe and expensive
>hehe naive bluepilled cuck
>dude don't promote LL it's so dangerous, safety first
Either you believe in this stuff or you don't. And again, if you pay for the best LL is generally safe. The problem is affording it.
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  • +1
Reactions: poopoohead
>hehe naive bluepilled cuck
>dude don't promote LL it's so dangerous, safety first
Either you believe in this stuff or you don't. And again, if you pay for the best LL is generally safe. The problem is affording it.
official thread song:

Now, let’s say you are at the bar on a saturday night.

You think you look good, got your new jacket, hair looking fresh and good, fit is in point.

You sit down and order something to drink with your girl, since somehow you achieved getting interest from one that goes in your same school because of your connections.

You are sat down and the bar is full of girls and your dopamine is high thinking they are looking at you and fantasizing. You hear your chair move and a guy in some normie clothes, that looks unkept and doesn’t smell of fresh cologne sits right by you and orders a drink.

You don’t make much of it and you go back to talk with your girl but the moment you look at her, she’s not looking at you. You check again and see this guy face.

Looking back at your girlfriend you immediately imagine her point of you and realize that what she is seeing is this.

View attachment 2589502View attachment 2589501

You in the right, “pretty boy maxxed” and this random silent guy.

You look at him and he’s all hunched down but strangely he still sits as tall as you.

You look behind you and the bar went silent. All the girls are looking at him. He downs half a glass of whiskey and looks besides you.

He smiles looking at your girl, he sits up and he hits his head of the little roof part over the sits in the bar.

He walks out and your girl with every other girl keeps tracking him with their sight. Girls wake up and go after him.

You look down and understand.

Days later your girl starts acting weird and doesn’t seem to talk to you as sweetly as before.

Your girl leaves you after 2 weeks saying you never made her feel happy.

Now you are back at the same bar, drinking and getting wasted to kill the pain.

You hear the door open again and you see it.

Your girl and that guy walking in.

You never could have done anything for it. You thought you was good looking and your personality was perfect.

But god decided that when you were born, that you wouldn’t have been enough.

You go home and start understanding reality and you swallow the pill.

You kill yourself after a year later when your girlfriend posts on facebook a pic of her newborn in the hands of that guy.
Cool except I’m the guy on the left, not facially but height and smv wise
  • JFL
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
what made you write this cuck fantasy

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