This Life is Fucked Lol (Gonna trigger crying emojis)



Goodbye and Good luck.
Oct 16, 2018
So many men are convinced money matters in comparison to a chad. Literally all you have unless you get famous are your physical traits.
Height Voice and face and race is everything for most men

It's not water because why is there even a money making section on here. Even your voice is more important than money. And if you have to wage slave you wont get near as much as someone who was born into being rich
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Money matters, but only to a certain point. Beyond that, it only matters to gold diggers. Then the question arises, can every girl be turned into a gold digger?

Probably not. Not all, but most.
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Money matters, but only to a certain point. Beyond that, it only matters to gold diggers. Then the question arises, can every girl be turned into a gold digger?

Probably not. Not all, but most.
It matters but dont go too out of your way for it. Dont waste time in your youth slaving, because you have your prime looks at this point. Always remember we are still animals right now

Even social skills and inhibition matter way for than money for me. Obviously if your born into money like Goblins son in spiderman type situation you have that advantage. They're just lucky people. But most of us just have looks
One the one hand, I kinda agree - all physical traits and aspects to trigger a woman visually is inherently stronger in any "first encounter" situation.

On the other hand, any non physical trait can be very powerful when exposed to a person several times - fame and money are two such things. Biologically, women want the best man they can get (hypergamy). We know there are a lot of factors that goes into this, but in the end it relates to status in society. Money is a huge, HUGE status indicator in society, on top of the fact that you can live a comfortable / lavish life style when rich.

There is nothing magical about money in comparison to other factors: If you are extremely ugly, or extremely short, money won't save oyu. If, however, you are a normie with limited dating success, but somehow become rich - you will have much, MUCH higher appeal and SMV because of it.
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You need money to be Chad.
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One the one hand, I kinda agree - all physical traits and aspects to trigger a woman visually is inherently stronger in any "first encounter" situation.

On the other hand, any non physical trait can be very powerful when exposed to a person several times - fame and money are two such things. Biologically, women want the best man they can get (hypergamy). We know there are a lot of factors that goes into this, but in the end it relates to status in society. Money is a huge, HUGE status indicator in society, on top of the fact that you can live a comfortable / lavish life style when rich.

There is nothing magical about money in comparison to other factors: If you are extremely ugly, or extremely short, money won't save oyu. If, however, you are a normie with limited dating success, but somehow become rich - you will have much, MUCH higher appeal and SMV because of it.
Yes, and at some point, having money is better than having looks, because being a broke Chad won't give you many possibilities to meet good-looking women, compared to being a rich HTN/Chadlite.

It's LMS: Looks, Money, Status. You have to have looks, but the other things will help you a lot too.
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Yes, and at some point, having money is better than having looks, because being a broke Chad won't give you many possibilities to meet good-looking women, compared to being a rich HTN/Chadlite.

It's LMS: Looks, Money, Status. You have to have looks, but the other things will help you a lot too.
I think being broke Chad is good, however realistically Chad is never broke. Being filthy rich / famous is better as long as you are at least normie/htn aka non incel I reckon.
I think being broke Chad is good, however realistically Chad is never broke. Being filthy rich / famous is better as long as you are at least normie/htn aka non incel I reckon.
Chad can always get into some modeling gig and make 60k per year or some shit tbh, he is never truly broke unless he is down syndrome iq which even then you don't need high iq to get into modeling as seen by Jeremy Meeks.
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I think being broke Chad is good, however realistically Chad is never broke. Being filthy rich / famous is better as long as you are at least normie/htn aka non incel I reckon.
Chad can always get into some modeling gig and make 60k per year or some shit tbh, he is never truly broke unless he is down syndrome iq which even then you don't need high iq to get into modeling as seen by Jeremy Meeks.
IRL, people don't throw you money for being good-looking. Meeks had insane luck, this one mugshot changed his life. And Meeks was no Chad, but Gigachad.

Being a broke Chad doesn't matter maybe for 15-17 yo girls, but older girls want some guy that is not a complete failure in life except in looks. The only exception would be very promiscuous women who don't care who they bang for ONS. But most women do care at least a little bit about the guys money/status, even for short-term things. Being broke = loser = less SMV.
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IRL, people don't throw you money for being good-looking. Meeks had insane luck, this one mugshot changed his life. And Meeks was no Chad, but Gigachad.

Being a broke Chad doesn't matter maybe for 15-17 yo girls, but older girls want some guy that is not a complete failure in life except in looks. The only exception would be very promiscuous women who don't care who they bang for ONS. But most women do care at least a little bit about the guys money/status, even for short-term things. Being broke = loser = less SMV.
Yeah but the point is, if you are Chad you will have so many advantages in life, you don't even need to make it as a model (although that would be an easy way to earn cash even if not becoming a super model) - you would just have such an advantage in any real life situation be it job interviews, networking etc. This is assuming you are being dropped into life as a broke Chad - realistically, being Chad is correlated with having high success in many if not all areas of life.
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IRL, people don't throw you money for being good-looking. Meeks had insane luck, this one mugshot changed his life. And Meeks was no Chad, but Gigachad.

Being a broke Chad doesn't matter maybe for 15-17 yo girls, but older girls want some guy that is not a complete failure in life except in looks. The only exception would be very promiscuous women who don't care who they bang for ONS. But most women do care at least a little bit about the guys money/status, even for short-term things. Being broke = loser = less SMV.
Life does throw money if your good looking maybe not as much as meeks but it still throws you money he could do a modeling gig and earn 30k-50k per year and thats more than what most people could do at 18 Chad can do that.
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Yeah but the point is, if you are Chad you will have so many advantages in life, you don't even need to make it as a model (although that would be an easy way to earn cash even if not becoming a super model) - you would just have such an advantage in any real life situation be it job interviews, networking etc. This is assuming you are being dropped into life as a broke Chad - realistically, being Chad is correlated with having high success in many if not all areas of life.
yeah I never said chad could be supermodel but chad can do a side modeling gig right when he is 18 and make money easily and more than any of his peers because of that if you are smart you'd do modeling gig as chad early on your life and save it all up. that's the main thing I focus on, thats already 1 massive advantage you have over unattractive people the modeling business would let you get intial funding and that already gives u status above the rest because at that age making any large form of money besides working at mcdonalds is rare.
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The way I see it, there is a kind of dating hierarchy:

1st place - Guys who can hookup regularly with ease (aka Slayers)
2nd place -Guys who can only get laid in relationships but without giving money (most young guys with average looks)
3rd place - Guys who can only get laid in relationships while giving money because they are too old or too ugly (simps/beta bux)
Last place - Guys who can't get laid at all unless they pay for a prostitute (incels)

So, when you have money as an older guy who has lost his looks, at least you can still get laid, so it's still better than being old and poor.

But nobody can beat the Chad who can hookup with lots of women whenever he wants simply by putting up his pictures on tinder or by walking into a club and getting approached by a bunch of women.

Right now I am in 2nd place and I am trying to reach 1st place by gymmaxxing, neckmaxxing and leanmaxxing.
Money in our society indicate that guy has ambition and skill and not free 24hs, thats why people should try to to focus on making money in fields where they have genuine interest and long term ambitions, instead of just wage slaving try to build your own economy, this shows independence.

All these charaterstics are also attractive to women.
The way I see it, there is a kind of dating hierarchy:

1st place - Guys who can hookup regularly with ease (aka Slayers)
2nd place -Guys who can only get laid in relationships but without giving money (most young guys with average looks)
3rd place - Guys who can only get laid in relationships while giving money because they are too old or too ugly (simps/beta bux)
Last place - Guys who can't get laid at all unless they pay for a prostitute (incels)

So, when you have money as an older guy who has lost his looks, at least you can still get laid, so it's still better than being old and poor.

But nobody can beat the Chad who can hookup with lots of women whenever he wants simply by putting up his pictures on tinder or by walking into a club and getting approached by a bunch of women.

Right now I am in 2nd place and I am trying to reach 1st place by gymmaxxing, neckmaxxing and leanmaxxing.
I think this definition is decent, but "slayers" is too broadly defined. Your description of a slayer (throw pics up on tinder and get quick hookups immediately) does not match the rest of the definitions - there are many people who can get laid outside of relationships somewhat regularly, but which I would never deem as slayers - for instance, normies with sligthy above avg. height, looks & status will be able to regularly have sex with below average and overweight women with ease - those same women would never be interested in below average guys.
I think this definition is decent, but "slayers" is too broadly defined. Your description of a slayer (throw pics up on tinder and get quick hookups immediately) does not match the rest of the definitions - there are many people who can get laid outside of relationships somewhat regularly, but which I would never deem as slayers - for instance, normies with sligthy above avg. height, looks & status will be able to regularly have sex with below average and overweight women with ease - those same women would never be interested in below average guys.
What I didn't mention is that those who are in 2nd place can easily hookup with the type of women that want to date them long term, all they have to do is go on a few dates, wait until you get sex, and then move onto the next woman, this is known in the red pill community as "pump and dump" and it does work. A pump and dump can even last a couple of months, so you could be dating this one girl and having sex with her for a couple of months and then, when she wants you to commit to her and starts to withdraw sex, you can just start a relationship with another woman.

So, by doing this, you can get as much sex as you want without having to be super good looking. As for having sex with overweight women on Tinder, yes you are right, it would be easier and it would work for average guys but I didn't count it because it's not something I would consider myself. I mean, I don't care if a girl is a bit chubby, but only up to a point, beyond that, I feel like I wouldn't be attracted to them at all even if it's just sex. There is a reason why hot women have high standards, it's not just supply and demand, it is also due to physical attraction, women won't have sex with men that they're not attracted to, and us men are the same, except that our standards are lower since our sex drive is higher and our options are lower.

You don't need status or above average looks to get laid regularly with fat women, you just need average looks and average height and to not be fat, I know because my skinny friend who has average looks is able to get fat women on tinder but his standards are so high that to this day, he still remains a virgin. He had more matches than me simply because his photos are more NT since he went to a lot of raves before the quarantine so he isn't alone in all his photos. I couldn't pull this off personally even if I wanted to because I'm limited to my backyard for photos which isn't very pretty.

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