this mixed female aboriginal "model"



Mar 10, 2021
Abo model
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gypsy pheno , every balkaner would NEVER touch but i could see the appeal to some BBCs

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Tell me what makes white people attractive, OP

I will force my white-passing pashto cousin to fuck you if you have a legitimate, scientific reason.
Tell me what makes white people attractive, OP

I will force my white-passing pashto cousin to fuck you if you have a legitimate, scientific reason.
everything retard
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Would spit on me if I glanced at her
She's really ugly.
skin tone, noses, coloring, jawlines, harmony, bideltoid, height, skull proportions
"Skin tone"
Fucking ew.
Same as skin tone
Literally the only race capable of being downswung
Let's see: height mogged by abos, natives, niggers
Not heightmogged by Asians but Asians should be killed already
"Skull proportions"
"Skin tone"
Fucking ew.
Same as skin tone
Literally the only race capable of being downswung
Let's see: height mogged by abos, natives, niggers
Not heightmogged by Asians but Asians should be killed already
"Skull proportions"
this is your subjective coping, all metrics of beauty show us that whites are superior in every way

stop the cope
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"Skin tone"
Fucking ew.
Same as skin tone
Literally the only race capable of being downswung
Let's see: height mogged by abos, natives, niggers
Not heightmogged by Asians but Asians should be killed already
"Skull proportions"
keep coping you homo erectus subhuman
skin tone is easily a mog
jawlines too
coloring of course, light eyes are objectively better
abos dont height mog, neither do natives or niggers
and yeah, perfect skulls, do you have any rebuttal you retarded nigger ape?
  • +1
Reactions: gamma
@Gunfire gtfih
keep coping you homo erectus subhuman
skin tone is easily a mog
jawlines too
coloring of course, light eyes are objectively better
abos dont height mog, neither do natives or niggers
and yeah, perfect skulls, do you have any rebuttal you retarded nigger ape
Skin tones are pink, prone to blemish and burning, show pimples, and make them melt when they age
Jawlines are LITERALLY DOWNSWUNG you smelly fucking piece of shit cracker cunt incapable of reading what I just fucking wrote
Skull proportions are lol tier and only mog Asians
Sudanid men mog their heights. Starving Subsaharan men are equal to them.
Caucasoids and momgoloids is where God spread his asscheeks and took a shit. However by accident it spread all over the work desk
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 13787
Skull proportions are lol tier and only mog Asians
walk a little through EU and see for yourself that we mogg you. And dont let me mention Tinder its not even a fair fight for you dogs and your butt ugly sheboons:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
  • +1
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Skin tones are pink, prone to blemish and burning, show pimples, and make them melt when they age
Jawlines are LITERALLY DOWNSWUNG you smelly fucking piece of shit cracker cunt incapable of reading what I just fucking wrote
Skull proportions are lol tier and only mog Asians
Sudanid men mog their heights. Starving Subsaharan men are equal to them.
Caucasoids and momgoloids is where God spread his asscheeks and took a shit. However by accident it spread all over the work desk
muh downswung
whites have better jawlines period
if your talking about gonial angle, niggers have worse gonial angles :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
skull proportions are the most perfect of all races u absolute brainlet, perfect neuro to splacho cranium proportions, niggers have subhuman brachy skulls with low iq looking small neurocranium
and whites have overall the talles people. Idgaf about random single tribes, look at country avgs, whites mog
and our skin tone is the best, white looks angelic and pure while black and brown looks like shit :p:blackpill:
ethnics will forever cope with the superiority of their white masters, its seriously hilarious to watch :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
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muh downswung
whites have better jawlines period
if your talking about gonial angle, niggers have worse gonial angles :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
skull proportions are the most perfect of all races u absolute brainlet, perfect neuro to splacho cranium proportions, niggers have subhuman brachy skulls with low iq looking small neurocranium
and whites have overall the talles people. Idgaf about random single tribes, look at country avgs, whites mog
and our skin tone is the best, white looks angelic and pure while black and brown looks like shit :p:blackpill:
ethnics will forever cope with the superiority of their white masters, its seriously hilarious to watch :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
sometimes i cant believe the distance these kangz"n shiet are gonna go with their coping
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 13787
Tell me what makes white people attractive, OP

I will force my white-passing pashto cousin to fuck you if you have a legitimate, scientific reason.
Idk about science but 99% ethnic men would choose this >>> ethnic Stacy
honey boo boo mama june GIF
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: khvirgin and Deleted member 13787
muh downswung
whites have better jawlines period
if your talking about gonial angle, niggers have worse gonial angles :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
skull proportions are the most perfect of all races u absolute brainlet, perfect neuro to splacho cranium proportions, niggers have subhuman brachy skulls with low iq looking small neurocranium
and whites have overall the talles people. Idgaf about random single tribes, look at country avgs, whites mog
and our skin tone is the best, white looks angelic and pure while black and brown looks like shit :p:blackpill:
ethnics will forever cope with the superiority of their white masters, its seriously hilarious to watch :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
"Niggers have worse genial angle :feelsuhh::feelsuhh:" - opinion disregarded
"Small neurocranium :feelsuhh::feelsuhh:" - opinion disregarded. Bimax is ideal.
You wanna talk about angelic skin? Niggers take one look at albinos and dedicated murder. Albinos were so foul niggers decided to kill them. Same with ancient Indians shut the actual fuck up
You see this emoji :soy:? You see him right? It is an emoji that represents the white male. It was molded after a white soyboy opening his mouth. It has the glasses, the patchy stubble, the balding head, the shit genial angle.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 13787
Idk about science but 99% ethnic men would choose this >>> ethnic Stacy
honey boo boo mama june GIF
Yeah tbh the only ethnics left are niggers menas curries and jungle gooks
Curries / junglegooks are inferior to her in every way and I say this as a Pakistani curry myself
Menas are inbreds so they can't think straight
Nogs want thickness idfk they'll fuck anything tbh
"Niggers have worse genial angle :feelsuhh::feelsuhh:" - opinion disregarded
"Small neurocranium :feelsuhh::feelsuhh:" - opinion disregarded. Bimax is ideal.
You wanna talk about angelic skin? Niggers take one look at albinos and dedicated murder. Albinos were so foul niggers decided to kill them. Same with ancient Indians shut the actual fuck up
You see this emoji :soy:? You see him right? It is an emoji that represents the white male. It was molded after a white soyboy opening his mouth. It has the glasses, the patchy stubble, the balding head, the shit genial angle.
when you were abused so hard all you have left is to "disregard" objectively true facts :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
this shitskin really is that stupid, ngl the stereotype keeps getting proven to me on this very forum :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
you will never be part of the superior white race.:feelshah::feelshah: never. not now, not in 5 years, not in 10 years. You will ALWAYS be an inferior shiskin that got raped by whites at some point. :blackpill::blackpill::p
Thank god im white and a yamnaya descendant, i would have to rope if i was anything else, non whites are extremely pathetic :feelshaha::feelshaha:
when you were abused so hard all you have left is to "disregard" objectively true facts :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
this shitskin really is that stupid, ngl the stereotype keeps getting proven to me on this very forum :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
you will never be part of the superior white race.:feelshah::feelshah: never. not now, not in 5 years, not in 10 years. You will ALWAYS be an inferior shiskin that got raped by whites at some point. :blackpill::blackpill::p
Thank god im white and a yamnaya descendant, i would have to rope if i was anything else, non whites are extremely pathetic :feelshaha::feelshaha:
"You will never be white"

I wish I wasn't cuckasoid either
I wish I was abo
  • JFL
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"You will never be white"

I wish I wasn't cuckasoid either
I wish I was abo
the most abused dog race barking for me :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
fucking hindu dindu gypsy barking at ME :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
why did i even waste my time with you, you homo erectus subhuman??? Youre literally the product of RAPE, my yamnaya ancestors came to your filthy subcontinent, RAPED aboriginal homo erectus subhumans and then 3000 years later here are you, barking for your own masters
you subhuman
filth, know your place on this earth
@Lihito @Gunfire
  • JFL
Reactions: Gunfire
the most abused dog race barking for me :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
fucking hindu dindu gypsy barking at ME :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
why did i even waste my time with you, you homo erectus subhuman??? Youre literally the product of RAPE, my yamnaya ancestors came to your filthy subcontinent, RAPED aboriginal homo erectus subhumans and then 3000 years later here are you, barking for your own masters
you subhuman
filth, know your place on this earth
@Lihito @Gunfire
the most abused dog race barking for me :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
fucking hindu dindu gypsy barking at ME :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
why did i even waste my time with you, you homo erectus subhuman??? Youre literally the product of RAPE, my yamnaya ancestors came to your filthy subcontinent, RAPED aboriginal homo erectus subhumans and then 3000 years later here are you, barking for your own masters
you subhuman
filth, know your place on this earth
@Lihito @Gunfire
lmao @ that cuck imagine saying "i wish i was abo"

View attachment aboriginal.webp
  • JFL
Reactions: Gunfire and Deleted member 13787
Yeah tbh the only ethnics left are niggers menas curries and jungle gooks
Curries / junglegooks are inferior to her in every way and I say this as a Pakistani curry myself
Menas are inbreds so they can't think straight
Nogs want thickness idfk they'll fuck anything tbh
What dialect do u speak

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