This shit will scare you to death

Seth Walsh

Seth Walsh

The man in the mirror is my only threat
Jan 12, 2020
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Reactions: Deleted member 22918, Kamui, try2beme and 2 others
Cuck got divorced by his roastie
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Reactions: Manana and Seth Walsh
being old is so brutal

And 45 is not even old compared to 90yr olds
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Reactions: HarrierDuBois, RecessedChinCel, try2beme and 5 others
why u posting yourself here op
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Reactions: 5.5psl
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Reactions: HarrierDuBois, Deleted member 21403, Deleted member 5467 and 9 others
Fuck him. He looks like the type to call incels losers and shit. Hope he falls into deeper depression and swallows pills
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Reactions: depressionmaxxing and LampPostPrime
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Reactions: depressionmaxxing and LampPostPrime
Amiugly is hillarious.

The comments on some of these.
"The right girl will come along who will appreciate you" or some shit like that.
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Reactions: HarrierDuBois, LampPostPrime and Pikabro
Suffering with chronic depression is bonus points on reddit.
He’s depressed because he’s got the tranny Norwood reaper
Don't those idiots know how off putting white hairs are? I remrmber 1 year ago I saw a person walking on the other side of the street with white / gray hair and I thought to myself "damn they look good for being old", it turned out as I got closer that it was a young human with dyed hair, monstrosities like the one in the op need to fucking rope.
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Reactions: LampPostPrime and Deleted member 24278
Haha niggeerrr
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Reactions: Splinter901
doubt it, oldcel

Maybe u didn't see my reply

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Reactions: Deleted member 25059
thats an old guy. he doesnt need to get girls, he should already have a family with kids
Maybe u didn't see my reply

You don’t look youthful at all tbh.
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Reactions: Splinter901
Micro plastics and xenoestrogens
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Reactions: It'snotover and Splinter901

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Reactions: Splinter901 and autistic_tendencies
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Try skin mogging or youth mogging or whatever then u spic subhuman
Even with stubble I youthmog you lmfao, you got grumpy middle aged villager rapist pheno with that philtrum and lips, as well as your eyes, don’t ever call me spic again when you look like you just crawled out of a cave, you ethnic abomination

  • Woah
Reactions: autistic_tendencies
But Coach said men peak at 90
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Reactions: Splinter901
Even with stubble I youthmog you lmfao, you got grumpy middle aged villager rapist pheno with that philtrum and lips, as well as your eyes, don’t ever call me spic again when you look like you just crawled out of a cave, you ethnic abomination


Y Put something on ur face? How old are u there? Caging at you worthless spic, my lips are thin and completely fine and look much better than that tik tok nigger faggot look underage idiots here praise so much I could get a lip lift to reduce philtrum but that'd get me subhuman nigger lips. I'm "ethnic" but have whiter skin than 99% of germans and snow niggers, dunno if I have any ancestry from those places but I can track all my ancestors to france and italy unlike u aztec mayan brown shit mutt biological abomination.
Maybe u didn't see my reply

looks late twenties and lol at that lizzard lips

are you telling me that you are the person who shits/spams shit threads about people older than u just because you have hair fag?
looks late twenties and lol at that lizzard lips

are you telling me that you are the person who shits/spams shit threads about people older than u just because you have hair fag?

I said I have been age guessed at late 20s ever since i turned 20, it's from maturation not deterioration which is what my threads are about, I was getting guessed 23 at 18, 20 at 16, 18 at 15, it's called not being a receded manlet
Y Put something on ur face? How old are u there? Caging at you worthless spic, my lips are thin and completely fine and look much better than that tik tok nigger faggot look underage idiots here praise so much I could get a lip lift to reduce philtrum but that'd get me subhuman nigger lips. I'm "ethnic" but have whiter skin than 99% of germans and snow niggers, dunno if I have any ancestry from those places but I can track all my ancestors to france and italy unlike u aztec mayan brown shit mutt biological abomination.
First of all I am med (portuguese), not latino, and I am not doxxing myself just to prove a point, that’s as much as you need to see of my face to realize that I mog your inbred ass to self harm
I am 21 there, and when I cleanshave I get guessed as 18, but I prefer stubble cuz I look more masc with it
White skin doesn’t make you white, koreans aren’t white and neither are you.
First of all I am med (portuguese), not latino, and I am not doxxing myself just to prove a point, that’s as much as you need to see of my face to realize that I mog your inbred ass to self harm
I am 21 there, and when I cleanshave I get guessed as 18, but I prefer stubble cuz I look more masc with it
White skin doesn’t make you white, koreans aren’t white and neither are you.

White = white skin as far as I care, that "aryan hitler nazi white" meme of "you aren't white if u have dark features" can fuck off, u look like a mexican to me and I'd never think of u as 18, also "looking 18" is not a good thing if you are over 18, there is a point when being called a certain age is bad as it means u look deteriorated, if u get called 18 u look underdeveloped.
White = white skin as far as I care, that "aryan hitler nazi white" meme of "you aren't white if u have dark features" can fuck off, u look like a mexican to me and I'd never think of u as 18, also "looking 18" is not a good thing if you are over 18, there is a point when being called a certain age is bad as it means u look deteriorated, if u get called 18 u look underdeveloped.
Mexicans are brown, they don’t have my undertones and skull morphology, but go off dude
Yeah I am so undeveloped bro, I wish I could be an ogre like you instead of a maesthetic prettyboy, with facial hair I get guessed as mid twenties anyway so lol.
Mexicans are brown, they don’t have my undertones and skull morphology, but go off dude
Yeah I am so undeveloped bro, I wish I could be an ogre like you instead of a maesthetic prettyboy, with facial hair I get guessed as mid twenties anyway so lol.

what's ogre about me? u are as maesthetic as an underdeveloped potato, I don't even look developed in that picture btw.
what's ogre about me? u are as maesthetic as an underdeveloped potato, I don't even look developed in that picture btw.
You are so delusional it’s not even funny, perhaps your grinch philtrum and 60yo elder tier lips (inb4 muh better than having nigger lips, thing is 90% of young white guys have thicker lips than you, scandinavians would legit laugh at you for thinking you are remotely white) or maybe your rapist beady eyes and these bushy eyebrows (imagine being here for a year and you still haven’t sorted that shit out lmfao)

Yeah bro I have double the bone mass in my jaw than you, but I am not developed sure.
You are so delusional it’s not even funny, perhaps your grinch philtrum and 60yo elder tier lips (inb4 muh better than having nigger lips, thing is 90% of young white guys have thicker lips than you, scandinavians would legit laugh at you for thinking you are remotely white) or maybe your rapist beady eyes and these bushy eyebrows (imagine being here for a year and you still haven’t sorted that shit out lmfao)

Yeah bro I have double the bone mass in my jaw than you, but I am not developed sure.

Not only am I whiter than 99% of scandinavians as far as skin color is concerned I'm also more caucasian than those subhumans with clear mongoloid features while also being over 10cm above their average height.

My eyes aren't beady, they are rather big, trimming my eyebrows would make me look worse.

U are delusional af I'm not replying to your subhuman ass anymore, calling urself prettyboi and maesthetic things that condradict themselves while being a brown subhuman

Cage at the cheeck sucking on picture with flash as to fraud bone mass from lack of facial fat but oh well what can you expect from a delusional blocked brownoid

inb4 receding hairline, old pic I already fixed it, my problems are eye area and nose not fucking lips nor eyebrows jfl

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