This site has a higher proportion of virgins than



forced into celibacy by shit genetics
Nov 17, 2018
The Chad incel forum vs the virgin looksmax forum
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t. foid
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celibates me
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Probably has something to do with the lower median age here. Although a lot of the ascensions at .is end up here and the mods there have been purging prominent "fakeceks" - Leucosticte, Catfishman23, Zyros - of late.
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virgins me
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Probably has something to do with the lower median age here
true. It's still funny as an observation, especially given the unjustified smugness and sense of superiority a lot of posters on here seem to harbor against incels on the basis that self identifying incels are "losers"
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Cope. is full of delusional coping subhumans E.g. Many which found ITT

Nothing worse than a subhuman inflating his own ego
  • +1
Reactions: impure666
true. It's still funny

Yeah, there's a certain volcel aspect that goes along with the (former) sensibility of .co - not so much now that's it's overrun by plagues of failed normies. I was included to an extent in the sense that my problem was entirely due to the fact that I lived in effective hermitude (this is not one-sided and fully "voluntary" however). Moreover, people able to dispense with any concern for social approval to the point where they seek out and join one of the most reviled places on the internet will be a lot more likely to be guided by an indepedent inner truth or a sense of scorned pride that keeps them committed to the role of "outlaw" even after they no longer have the ostensible need of it. The world's iniquity has been revealed to you in the full scope of its sickness and every observation is still pregnant with the sense of rot and decay. Every time a cunt doesn't look at you is still an insult, every couple a personal affront, doob-doob Rap Hop pulsing from a passing car is the feral cacophony attending a procession into hell. The hate never subsides, and so you have mylifeistrash - who played the Philippines sex tourism game - churning out thread after thread about fat, ugly whores demanding Chad, you have people like you, I, and IntolerantSocialist who were never normified and probably never will be, and so on.

The "redpill" - to say nothing of IncelTiers-style male feminism - reeks of desperation. It's still sufficiently marginal to repel the socially integrated, but those members who stay around are sufficiently bluepilled and defeated to be satisfied with any road out. Once one appears, they follow it happily with no need to look back.
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and the mods there have been purging
  • So Sad
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Cope. is full of delusional coping subhumans E.g. Many which found ITT

Nothing worse than a subhuman inflating his own ego
subhuman by what metric? Do you really believe the female eye to be a good, flawless arbiter one's so called "humanity"? That's pretty cucked tbhngl. Also
true. It's still funny as an observation, especially given the unjustified smugness and sense of superiority a lot of posters on here seem to harbor against incels on the basis that self identifying incels are "losers"
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How dare you
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Gaping mouths attend the passing
Of that great poet of simple means
Works among the everlasting
Defiled and scorned by philistines

A chorus of voices the watchers emit
All the tributes that doth befit
A man, his spirit effervescent,
Marched to far realms somnolescent

And those sirens of sleep do sing
to you, alternative right wing

Requiescat in pace
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Just curious. How do you know that some users on are not virgins?
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Gaping mouths attend the passing
Of that great poet of simple means
Works among the everlasting
Defiled and scorned by philistines

A chorus of voices the watchers emit
All the tributes that doth befit
A man, his spirit effervescent,
Marched to far realms somnolescent

And those sirens of sleep do sing
to you, alternative right wing

Requiescat in pace
Well.. At least I can still post in this subreddit
  • +1
Reactions: impure666, kobecel, Insomniac and 1 other person
Yeah, there's a certain volcel aspect that goes along with the (former) sensibility of .co - not so much now that's it's overrun by plagues of failed normies. I was included to an extent in the sense that my problem was entirely due to the fact that I lived in effective hermitude (this is not one-sided and fully "voluntary" however). Moreover, people able to dispense with any concern for social approval to the point where they seek out and join one of the most reviled places on the internet will be a lot more likely to be guided by an indepedent inner truth or a sense of scorned pride that keeps them committed to the role of "outlaw" even after they no longer have the ostensible need of it. The world's iniquity has been revealed to you in the full scope of its sickness and every observation is still pregnant with the sense of rot and decay. Every time a cunt doesn't look at you is still an insult, every couple a personal affront, doob-doob Rap Hop pulsing from a passing car is the feral cacophony attending a procession into hell. The hate never subsides, and so you have mylifeistrash - who played the Philippines sex tourism game - churning out thread after thread about fat, ugly whores demanding Chad, you have people like you, I, and IntolerantSocialist who were never normified and probably never will be, and so on.
Yeah. I feel as though the leadership of have failed miserably in guiding its users toward a general goal or purpose. Inceldom itself is merely seen as a phenomena, divorced from any larger infrastructure of ideas and philosophies underpinning it. I think this view is deliberately adopted in an attempt to neuter and thereby normalize us in the eyes of the public (note, the only normal socially acceptable male is a neutered one).

It's a shame, really. To me, inceldom has always been realized as something that's symptomatic of a larger problem, as opposed to something that's just an integrated part of existence and life itself, much like the laws of physics or molecules. Ultimately I believe the modern world has been spawned out of an unwillingness of man to assert himself and his will, and this sort of attitude, the attitude of the sub man as I call it, is exemplified in the thinking I just outlined. In order to restore the traditionalist world order, decadence has to be quelled and strangled in whatever form it manifests and its preachers driven out of our cathedrals. This is the only way in which man can assert his will again and become higher man. Unfortunately, it seems that those most disaffected by the modern world are the first to indulge in its shallow copes and vices, such as liquor, drugs and pornography.

Perhaps the era of man truly has come to an end, and everything from here on out will be a gradual regression back to the jungle, with our technocratic overlords keeping those disaffected by their tyranny content with VR headsets and drugs.
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Didnt read a single syllable just wanted to say free nausea
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I heard chads monitor because they want to understand the psychology and reverse engineer all the shit going on there. So, yeah, it's true
  • JFL
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Probably has something to do with the lower median age here. Although a lot of the ascensions at .is end up here and the mods there have been purging prominent "fakeceks" - Leucosticte, Catfishman23, Zyros - of late.
Wasn't catfishman low inhib autist?
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A lot of people here got deported from .is
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Makes sense, they're not the ones looksmaxing.
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Not really I came from

Because lookism now is so slow

This site is 5x faster

But lookism still mogs
Yeah, there's a certain volcel aspect that goes along with the (former) sensibility of .co - not so much now that's it's overrun by plagues of failed normies. I was included to an extent in the sense that my problem was entirely due to the fact that I lived in effective hermitude (this is not one-sided and fully "voluntary" however). Moreover, people able to dispense with any concern for social approval to the point where they seek out and join one of the most reviled places on the internet will be a lot more likely to be guided by an indepedent inner truth or a sense of scorned pride that keeps them committed to the role of "outlaw" even after they no longer have the ostensible need of it. The world's iniquity has been revealed to you in the full scope of its sickness and every observation is still pregnant with the sense of rot and decay. Every time a cunt doesn't look at you is still an insult, every couple a personal affront, doob-doob Rap Hop pulsing from a passing car is the feral cacophony attending a procession into hell. The hate never subsides, and so you have mylifeistrash - who played the Philippines sex tourism game - churning out thread after thread about fat, ugly whores demanding Chad, you have people like you, I, and IntolerantSocialist who were never normified and probably never will be, and so on.

The "redpill" - to say nothing of IncelTiers-style male feminism - reeks of desperation. It's still sufficiently marginal to repel the socially integrated, but those members who stay around are sufficiently bluepilled and defeated to be satisfied with any road out. Once one appears, they follow it happily with no need to look back.

its probably because of our "backwards non-normie views bleep bloop" most members are just either ethnicopers or people with pedestrian interests that may play to their advantage or disadvantage depending on location. ours are universally vilified and esp with you and I and Deform's taste in strange, absurd art as music sends most foids running to the hills (yeah yeah Iron Maiden reference). tbf, most actual true redpill/blackpill combination types aren't usually accepted in our prospective scene(s) which is why I don't go to many shows anymore nor play live (if we're musicians, like I am). also I don't fit into the younger median age and have ascended but still no wife or kids. I will be 37 this June and I just live life on standby mode, going through the motions of shit jobs due to having a disability (this led to me discovering Foucault after all this time as pegging him as a post-modernist stooge, dude was heavily influenced by Nietzsche and Heidegger actually and those two influences would cause some of his core fanbase on tumblr to go "YIKES U GUYS!").I remember when I had a tumblr I triggered these two lesbians who shared an account and did cosplay (they were surprisingly quite attractive) but one post of theirs just rubbed me the wrong way and I said "the only reason you're anti-male is because your attitude makes men not give you the dick you so desire" or something like that. got blocked and reported. funny thing is, Tumblr's CEO is quite the inverse of his fanbase, and is pretty redpill. he actually came out and said "I feel bad that my platform is being used by women to hate on men 24/7" he's not a spotlight kind of guy so he doesn't make many appearances.
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its probably because of our "backwards non-normie views bleep bloop" most members are just either ethnicopers or people with pedestrian interests that may play to their advantage or disadvantage depending on location.

100%. A member over at .co recently showed me a quote by a former member, WarriorSkull, who diagnosed this problem exactly. To paraphrase:

"I don't know why you bother with these people.

[Ethnicopers] are just normies who can't get laid. They want nothing more than a liberal White girlfriend who they can mock 'evil White male virgins' with.

They're too stupid to realize that they are to "racism" what women are to "sexism". A gullible, greedy population taught to agitate against another group - White men. "

The bolded is how I increasingly see things. Tbh I have no sympathy with sub-3 normalnigs who look enviously upon the parade of degeneracy before them and insert themselves into it in their fantasies. Even worse when they're just deracinated shitnik saboteurs who can't truly admit they're ugly and go to any lengths to convince themselves they're 5+/10 - just "oppressed".

You'll often see threads there like "u would turn into cuck if girl give pusy dont lie". Well yeah, that's the working assumption when you're a failed normroach who has no real sense of independent identity, just holding your breath to jump ship.

90% of inceks want nothing more than to reach a point in their lives where they can land a 3/10 obeast and renounce the toxicity of white supremacist alt-right incel misogynizer supremes on IncelTiers. Very, very, very few have anything behind them more solid than "gibs me dat".

ours are universally vilified and esp with you and I and Deform's taste in strange, absurd art as music sends most foids running to the hills (yeah yeah Iron Maiden reference). tbf, most actual true redpill/blackpill combination types aren't usually accepted in our prospective scene(s) which is why I don't go to many shows anymore nor play live (if we're musicians, like I am).

Really strange and informative how this split has developed.

A lot of people with unusual tastes are ipso facto cosmopolitan and therefore dedicated to the preservation of liberalism, which permits the entertainment of their fascinations and has produced an integrated cultural environment for the exchange of exotic items - akin to a technological bazaar. Free to make judgments and selections obeying their own caprice, beholden to no external standard. Apparently the Italian author Giorgio de Maria wrote an essay about this idea, but I haven't been able to find it. The highest expression of individualism is dissonant music, unusual food, etc. which I like all too well unfortunately. I tend to have very high "openness" in the parlance of "personality" meme tests.

It's quite likely I would have just ended up another vaguely Leftist flannel-clad student/musician/fornicator flaneur if I hadn't been faced with the cold steel of rejection by every person I've ever met. Being outcasted to such a degree necessarily cultivates hatred and opposition. Most indie normroaches are politically insensate and cloyingly sententious because they can afford to be.

Tbh though I don't think my tastes have been too big of a problem since high school (twink faggots would always have foids hanging around them, while I wore oversized Artery Eruption t-shirts and made fun of scene kids. Still don't know whether it would have been worth it to try to fit in more). I did bring a hole to a fairly grim movie once and she stopped seeing me after that - maybe related. I don't have TV, subscription services, or a car - all of which have gotten in the way before.

this led to me discovering Foucault after all this time as pegging him as a post-modernist stooge, dude was heavily influenced by Nietzsche and Heidegger actually and those two influences would cause some of his core fanbase on tumblr to go "YIKES U GUYS!").I remember when I had a tumblr I triggered these two lesbians who shared an account and did cosplay (they were surprisingly quite attractive) but one post of theirs just rubbed me the wrong way and I said "the only reason you're anti-male is because your attitude makes men not give you the dick you so desire" or something like that. got blocked and reported. funny thing is, Tumblr's CEO is quite the inverse of his fanbase, and is pretty redpill. he actually came out and said "I feel bad that my platform is being used by women to hate on men 24/7" he's not a spotlight kind of guy so he doesn't make many appearances.

Foucault is an interesting case that bears more investigation tbh. He's usually tarred as a shallow and astroturfed sodomite, probably for good reason (it was with him the whole concept of "oppressed bodies" originated), but I've seen more people on the Right tentatively pick up his ideas. Here's a recent article that examines the concept of "biopower" in relation to mass migration and "neighborhood integration" as demographic and political weapons.

Right Wing Foucault
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  • +1
Reactions: Ritalincel
100%. A member over at .co recently showed me a quote by a former member, WarriorSkull, who diagnosed this problem exactly. To paraphrase:

"I don't know why you bother with these people.

[Ethnicopers] are just normies who can't get laid. They want nothing more than a liberal White girlfriend who they can mock 'evil White male virgins' with.

They're too stupid to realize that they are to "racism" what women are to "sexism". A gullible, greedy population taught to agitate against another group - White men. "

The bolded is how I increasingly see things. Tbh I have no sympathy with sub-3 normalnigs who look enviously upon the parade of degeneracy before them and insert themselves into it in their fantasies. Even worse when they're just deracinated shitnik saboteurs who can't truly admit they're ugly and go to any lengths to convince themselves they're 5+/10 - just "oppressed".

You'll often see threads there like "u would turn into cuck if girl give pusy dont lie". Well yeah, that's the working assumption when you're a failed normroach who has no real sense of independent identity, just holding your breath to jump ship.

90% of inceks want nothing more than to reach a point in their lives where they can land a 3/10 obeast and renounce the toxicity of white supremacist alt-right incel misogynizer supremes on IncelTiers. Very, very, very few have anything behind them more solid than "gibs me dat".

Really strange and informative how this split has developed.

A lot of people with unusual tastes are ipso facto cosmopolitan and therefore dedicated to the preservation of liberalism, which permits the entertainment of their fascinations and has produced an integrated cultural environment for the exchange of exotic items - akin to a technological bazaar. Free to make judgments and selections obeying their own caprice, beholden to no external standard. Apparently the Italian author Giorgio de Maria wrote an essay about this idea, but I haven't been able to find it. The highest expression of individualism is dissonant music, unusual food, etc. which I like all too well unfortunately. I tend to have very high "openness" in the parlance of "personality" meme tests.

It's quite likely I would have just ended up another vaguely Leftist flannel-clad student/musician/fornicator flaneur if I hadn't been faced with the cold steel of rejection by every person I've ever met. Being outcasted to such a degree necessarily cultivates hatred and opposition. Most indie normroaches are politically insensate and cloyingly sententious because they can afford to be.

Tbh though I don't think my tastes have been too big of a problem since high school (twink faggots would always have foids hanging around them, while I wore oversized Artery Eruption t-shirts and made fun of scene kids. Still don't know whether it would have been worth it to try to fit in more). I did bring a hole to a fairly grim movie once and she stopped seeing me after that - maybe related. I don't have TV, subscription services, or a car - all of which have gotten in the way before.

Foucault is an interesting case that bears more investigation tbh. He's usually tarred as a shallow and astroturfed sodomite, probably for good reason (it was with him the whole concept of "oppressed bodies" originated), but I've seen more people on the Right tentatively pick up his ideas. Here's a recent article that examines the concept of "biopower" in relation to mass migration and "neighborhood integration" as demographic and political weapons.

Right Wing Foucault

I'll read that when I get the chance. Is it just me or do black women project their misery onto other people? it's interesting to note that they're pretty much the reason miscegenation exists and I have to live amongst these miserable urchins everyday (I had an issue with one of them earlier due to some b.s. that's tl;dr). Also, nice, Artery Eruption, good band but most maligned by slam fans.
[Ethnicopers] are just normies who can't get laid. They want nothing more than a liberal White girlfriend who they can mock 'evil White male virgins' with.
First part is correct, absolutely.
Second part not so much, I certainly hope not.

Many ethnicels feel sympathy for white incels, even sympathy when they take their ethnic counterpart sisters from them, because they feel sympathy that they had to settle for an uglier ethnic woman because their attractive white sisters rejected them.

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