This whole “humans are inherently moral and helpful to each other” is absolute garbage



Sep 13, 2019
As proven by corona. Fuckn in Italy they’re already planning to deny healthcare to 80+ year olds who are sick. No niggas are gonna even make a peep because they know damn well it means more space in the hospital for when they get sick.

Or look at the niggas fighting each other over supplies due to corona. Niggas are scared for their lives, no help here. Niggas are already hoarding en masse and reselling supplies at a 2x markup

Yet some liberal or socialist leftie in their furnished room in a suburban WHITE UPPER MIDDLE CLASS NEIGHBOURHOOD Will tell me that their ideology will work because everyone is inherently helpful towards each other and willing to work with each other 😂😂😂

fuckn retards. Niggas have been blinded and misguided by the cultural decadence of the west. Now they’ve lost sight of all reality. They think everyone is nice because no one beats each other over the head for food due to everyone’s belly being fed and stores always having shit in stock.

They think the government / state is to be trusted because they don’t follow maos philosophy of “leave the one half to die so the other half gets their fill” due to everything going to plan.

now a virus has come and smacked everyone in the face. It’s turned the system on it’s head. All that “people are inherently nice to each other crap” has gone out the window. Primal instincts kick in. Every man for himself. Even the state you pay taxes to is drafting plans to fuck tons of people over in order to “minimize damage”.

it’s fuckn over boyos. We’ve not seen the worst yet. When people start panicking for real you’ll see the most dark triad selfish behaviour happening. Because that’s what humans are down to the primal level. Selfish INDIVIDUALS.

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You can't erase the animal in us. A couple hundred years of societal morals will evaporate overnight when society collapses. It's a dog eat dog world.
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You can't erase the animal in us. A couple hundred years of societal morals will evaporate overnight when society collapses. It's a dog eat dog world.
Indeed. People think others will be so moral towards them when society collapses. Jfl
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  • JFL
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Indeed. People think others will be so moral towards them when society collapses. Jfl
Source 4
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Get looks or die, be chad or rope. Mog others to death and let normies cope.
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Get looks or die, be chad or rope. Mog others to death and let normies cope.
People will indeed be nicer to you if you’re chad and big OFC
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We are no diffrent to monkeys. We have primal urges, we have a hierachy based on dominance, we're just fucking advanced monkeys.
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i've completely lost my sense of morality so i'm ready to take what i can get my hands on if push comes to shove. the white liberal upper classes would be a good place to start btw
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We are no diffrent to monkeys. We have primal urges, we have a hierachy based on dominance, we're just fucking advanced monkeys.
Indeed. We have tons of primal instincts. It’s hard wired into us. No society can change that. Roman Empire probably was the same. People were decadent and thought the same, until it all collapsed and people started killing each other for fun
i've completely lost my sense of morality so i'm ready to take what i can get my hands on if push comes to shove. the white liberal upper classes would be a good place to start btw
Indeed. They are weak and ripe for the picking. Especially the women. When they realize they can’t get instant validation anymore or get what they want off the shelf of any store, they will panic and be the first to fall into selling themselves because that’s all they’ll know
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Survival of the fittest bro. Looks are primal, survival is primal. We are still very basic species no wonder aliens don’t come visit
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Like Nietzsche would say, what is commonly deemed as “moral” can also be observed as beneficial to the benefactor - and that’s typically all it is. Killing is seen as “wrong” because most people don’t want to be killed, and most wouldn’t benefit from it. Morality is a cope.
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Like Nietzsche would say, what is commonly deemed as “moral” can also be observed as beneficial to the benefactor - and that’s typically all it is. Killing is seen as “wrong” because most people don’t want to be killed, and most wouldn’t benefit from it. Morality is a cope.
Indeed. Morality is garbage
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Reactions: Deleted member 5522
Only reason people are acting ¨humane¨ now is because they are scared of the consequences of their actions (prison etc) and not because they never would do something like that (like many normies who delude themself that). Everyone has the capacity to murder and go mayham, just look at any war time. People justified killing many people for the simple reason they were on the other side of a artificial border

Corona virus is already prove that people see stock piling and saving stuff for themselves more worthy then the consequences possible prison might give them. A good example is that guy stabbing someone for a water bottle in the US.
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Morals = fake news
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Thread deserves a bump.

I wonder how bad things are gonna get soon
Keep believing in conspiracy theories. You aren't a scientist
never said i was a scientist. but corona was overblown.

@alexjones get a load of this dude. "muh conspiracy theorist" classic strawman argument
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never said i was a scientist. but corona was overblown.

@alexjones get a load of this dude. "muh conspiracy theorist" classic strawman argument
You are a conspiracy theorist. I bet you are anti Semitic too
  • JFL
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Indeed. We gotta get big 💪
You are a conspiracy theorist. I bet you are anti Semitic too
so what do you believe then? that there is no genuine corruption or something like that?
You are a conspiracy theorist. I bet you are anti Semitic too
Classic strawman I always see from low iq nigger iq docile low t retards like you. You're all the same I can't wait until all of you are killed off. They hear a "conspiracy theory" and to discredit it's plausibility you group said conspiracy with less plausible conspiracies like the flat earth theory (which I don't agree with) and then compare people who think in said "conspiracy theory" to people who wear tinfoil hats and Alex Jones types of people. All of you are the fucking same. How about you actually think with logic you braindead goyim. A virus suddenly appears which has a 0.001% deathrate but for some (((reason))) the media are pushing it like hell and then the government are enforcing pointless rules, again, for a virus that has a 0.001% deathrate. And then a vaccine comes out in record time! (how convenient!) A vaccine that will be mandatory comes out in record time all for a virus with a 0.001% deathrate. Makes perfect sense! No point in questioning it! Just believe in everything the media and government tells you because they obviously want the best for us!
  • JFL
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Classic strawman I always see from low iq nigger iq docile low t retards like you. You're all the same I can't wait until all of you are killed off. They hear a "conspiracy theory" and to discredit it's plausibility you group said conspiracy with less plausible conspiracies like the flat earth theory (which I don't agree with) and then compare people who think in said "conspiracy theory" to people who wear tinfoil hats and Alex Jones types of people. All of you are the fucking same. How about you actually think with logic you braindead goyim. A virus suddenly appears which has a 0.001% deathrate but for some (((reason))) the media are pushing it like hell and then the government are enforcing pointless rules, again, for a virus that has a 0.001% deathrate. And then a vaccine comes out in record time! (how convenient!) A vaccine that will be mandatory comes out in record time all for a virus with a 0.001% deathrate. Makes perfect sense! No point in questioning it! Just believe in everything the media and government tells you because they obviously want the best for us!
Classic strawman I always see from low iq nigger iq docile low t retards like you. You're all the same I can't wait until all of you are killed off. They hear a "conspiracy theory" and to discredit it's plausibility you group said conspiracy with less plausible conspiracies like the flat earth theory (which I don't agree with) and then compare people who think in said "conspiracy theory" to people who wear tinfoil hats and Alex Jones types of people. All of you are the fucking same. How about you actually think with logic you braindead goyim. A virus suddenly appears which has a 0.001% deathrate but for some (((reason))) the media are pushing it like hell and then the government are enforcing pointless rules, again, for a virus that has a 0.001% deathrate. And then a vaccine comes out in record time! (how convenient!) A vaccine that will be mandatory comes out in record time all for a virus with a 0.001% deathrate. Makes perfect sense! No point in questioning it! Just believe in everything the media and government tells you because they obviously want the best for us!
Classic strawman I always see from low iq nigger iq docile low t retards like you. You're all the same I can't wait until all of you are killed off. They hear a "conspiracy theory" and to discredit it's plausibility you group said conspiracy with less plausible conspiracies like the flat earth theory (which I don't agree with) and then compare people who think in said "conspiracy theory" to people who wear tinfoil hats and Alex Jones types of people. All of you are the fucking same. How about you actually think with logic you braindead goyim. A virus suddenly appears which has a 0.001% deathrate but for some (((reason))) the media are pushing it like hell and then the government are enforcing pointless rules, again, for a virus that has a 0.001% deathrate. And then a vaccine comes out in record time! (how convenient!) A vaccine that will be mandatory comes out in record time all for a virus with a 0.001% deathrate. Makes perfect sense! No point in questioning it! Just believe in everything the media and government tells you because they obviously want the best for us!
Classic strawman I always see from low iq nigger iq docile low t retards like you. You're all the same I can't wait until all of you are killed off. They hear a "conspiracy theory" and to discredit it's plausibility you group said conspiracy with less plausible conspiracies like the flat earth theory (which I don't agree with) and then compare people who think in said "conspiracy theory" to people who wear tinfoil hats and Alex Jones types of people. All of you are the fucking same. How about you actually think with logic you braindead goyim. A virus suddenly appears which has a 0.001% deathrate but for some (((reason))) the media are pushing it like hell and then the government are enforcing pointless rules, again, for a virus that has a 0.001% deathrate. And then a vaccine comes out in record time! (how convenient!) A vaccine that will be mandatory comes out in record time all for a virus with a 0.001% deathrate. Makes perfect sense! No point in questioning it! Just believe in everything the media and government tells you because they obviously want the best for us!
Classic strawman I always see from low iq nigger iq docile low t retards like you. You're all the same I can't wait until all of you are killed off. They hear a "conspiracy theory" and to discredit it's plausibility you group said conspiracy with less plausible conspiracies like the flat earth theory (which I don't agree with) and then compare people who think in said "conspiracy theory" to people who wear tinfoil hats and Alex Jones types of people. All of you are the fucking same. How about you actually think with logic you braindead goyim. A virus suddenly appears which has a 0.001% deathrate but for some (((reason))) the media are pushing it like hell and then the government are enforcing pointless rules, again, for a virus that has a 0.001% deathrate. And then a vaccine comes out in record time! (how convenient!) A vaccine that will be mandatory comes out in record time all for a virus with a 0.001% deathrate. Makes perfect sense! No point in questioning it! Just believe in everything the media and government tells you because they obviously Classic strawman I always see from low iq nigger iq docile low t retards like you. You're all the same I can't wait until all of you are killed off. They hear a "conspiracy theory" and to discredit it's plausibility you group said conspiracy with less plausible conspiracies like the flat earth theory (which I don't agree with) and then compare people who think in said "conspiracy theory" to people who wear tinfoil hats and Alex Jones types of people. All of you are the fucking same. How about you actually think with logic you braindead goyim. A virus suddenly appears which has a 0.001% deathrate but for some (((reason))) the media are pushing it like hell and then the government are enforcing pointless rules, again, for a virus that has a 0.001% deathrate. And then a vaccine comes out in record time! (how convenient!) A vaccine that will be mandatory comes out in record time all for a virus with a 0.001% deathrate. Makes perfect sense! No point in questioning it! Just believe in everything the media and government tells you because they obviously want the best for us! the best for us!
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