This world is literally hell (EXPLAINED)



Matthew 4:1-11
Dec 6, 2021
I was on mushrooms at new years eve party and went to the bathroom as I needed to pee pee. I looked in the mirror and I had a thought crop into my head. This world is literally hell.

I don't mean that as in "this world sucks ughhh its hell". No I thought that it is LITERALLY hell.

Let me explain:

You are given a choice once you arrive on the earth to do good or to do evil. To become attached to material possessions or to become detached from them. As I mentioned before in another thread, Satan offered Jesus all of the kingdoms on the earth if he but fall down and worship him. It was a genuine offer. He therefore must own all the kingdoms of the earth, which means? This is his realm.

Material reality is the realm of satan/wetiko/force of evil.

But that doesn't mean that there isn't good in this world either. People are brought here to choose and therefore there will be good things in this world but there will also be bad things. The good comes from transcending base animalistic desires and acting according to a higher principle, evil comes from satisfying primal urges.

I have thought before whilst merely smoking weed, that eating is a disgusting activity that all life needs to do. We need to consume animal and plant life to continue ourselves. Now I am unable to eat whilst smoking weed because I automatically want to vomit. The feelings I get consuming any food whatsoever becomes absolutely horrendous to me and feels very uncomfortable. I can visualise the processes of digestion etc if I get too high. Don't get this feeling when I'm sober though which is odd. It's as if a veil is lifted in my mind and I can see it for what it really is.

It also doesn't make sense that a human soul should burn eternally in hellfire for temporal sins. It does however, make sense that this place is actually hell and you are recycled over and over again until you learn to let go of attachment to everything in this world.

All of the yogi's, monks, early christians, east asian religions all knew this. This is why they spend a life of solitude and meditate. Physical reality is HELL.

Final conclusion to think about:
If this world is actually hell and you are reincarnated over and over again until you learn to let go of attachment to this world, then the concept of transhumanism should be something to never pass off as nonsense.
We all know the controllers of this world are nefarious in nature. Trapping human consciousness inside of machines is the only way to prevent anyone from escaping material reality. The promise that you will 'live forever' is merely playing on the human fear of death. A fear we were given so that can we truly ascend of our own volition if it is our time to leave the reincarnation cycle.

If you really want to kill gods creation (Mankind), then trapping their souls inside of machines is the only way to do it. Never take any transhumanist technology.
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Another thing to understand is: this world is inhabitted by 'demons' though not in the sense you are used to. Demons are a force and they influence you through thoughts that are destructive. CS Lewis described this in his book "The Screwtape Letters"

An example:
A man walks into his home after a hard days work. His children are in the living room watching television (its already a scary example just from that) and his wife is making dinner.

He has had a very difficult day at work and he is very frustrated. His initial thought is: "Just go into the bathroom and have a shower". But an alternative thought comes up afterwords "No, greet the children and the wife".

These two thought processes are very different to eachother. The first one is satisfying his base desire for relaxation, the second is foregoing personal pleasure and making his children and wife smile through greeting them.

A very simple idea but one you should always pay attention to whenever you make any decisions. Never listen to your first thought if it is self serving.
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Its over
You sound schizo
Its over
You sound schizo
It sounds schizo but I'm not some raving loon. Recently I have been more focussed than ever and calm of mind.
I have always found the relationship that Man has with civilisation and the transcendent - how ever it occurs. With decline of proper civilisation, structures and paradigms that no longer work within the logic of a 'good' or transcendental: man degenerates into an animistic way of being with all manner of neuroses.
I will say that one should seek strength within the worldly, as that is the medium through which action can be taken, to contend with the current paradigms that exist as it will only serve to strengthen the soul: one cannot become an ascetic or transcend without the strength to do so, as by virtue of engaging with modern systems it requires you to become a consumer and cog in the "machine" - so power will allow you to overcome it, or ideally for someone to destroy it.
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I have always found the relationship that Man has with civilisation and the transcendent - how ever it occurs. With decline of proper civilisation, structures and paradigms that no longer work within the logic of a 'good' or transcedental: man degenerates into an animalistic way of being with all manner of neuroses.
The goal of evil is to reduce man into an animal and then into a machine.
Evolution is the foundation for this as it strips away a necessary idea that we are formed from two creations - Adam and Eve.

First you make Man believe (key word) that he is an evolving monkey whose only purpose is to eat, go to the toilet, have sex and sleep until his physical body can no longer facilitate these functions.

A scary number of people live their lives with this as a fundamental aspect of their decision making. They truly believe they are nothing but an animal. So on that front, the battle is won for evil in a great number of cases.

However, a person in that situation CAN be brought out of that mindset and begin to understand the difference between the material and the non material. There is a lot of evidence that points to evolution being a falsehood.

However, believing we are an evolving monkey created from chance is only step one. Step two is to shed the flesh and become machine. A poor imitation of shedding the material body upon death and becoming spirit.
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I recommend this book to anyone who wants to delve deeper into taking control of your thoughts and feelings in given situations. It is very very good and you can highlight in real time when your thoughts become self-serving/spiteful/not gracious.

My goal for 2023 is to reduce suffering as I am very sick of it. I see so much suffering in this rathole world and I am here to reduce it to the best of my ability. But it shouldn't stop with me.

If I help you reduce suffering, you must help another, and they must help another and so on. This is the only way.
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I was on mushrooms at new years eve party and went to the bathroom as I needed to pee pee. I looked in the mirror and I had a thought crop into my head. This world is literally hell.

I don't mean that as in "this world sucks ughhh its hell". No I thought that it is LITERALLY hell.

Let me explain:

You are given a choice once you arrive on the earth to do good or to do evil. To become attached to material possessions or to become detached from them. As I mentioned before in another thread, Satan offered Jesus all of the kingdoms on the earth if he but fall down and worship him. It was a genuine offer. He therefore must own all the kingdoms of the earth, which means? This is his realm.

Material reality is the realm of satan/wetiko/force of evil.

But that doesn't mean that there isn't good in this world either. People are brought here to choose and therefore there will be good things in this world but there will also be bad things. The good comes from transcending base animalistic desires and acting according to a higher principle, evil comes from satisfying primal urges.

I have thought before whilst merely smoking weed, that eating is a disgusting activity that all life needs to do. We need to consume animal and plant life to continue ourselves. Now I am unable to eat whilst smoking weed because I automatically want to vomit. The feelings I get consuming any food whatsoever becomes absolutely horrendous to me and feels very uncomfortable. I can visualise the processes of digestion etc if I get too high. Don't get this feeling when I'm sober though which is odd. It's as if a veil is lifted in my mind and I can see it for what it really is.

It also doesn't make sense that a human soul should burn eternally in hellfire for temporal sins. It does however, make sense that this place is actually hell and you are recycled over and over again until you learn to let go of attachment to everything in this world.

All of the yogi's, monks, early christians, east asian religions all knew this. This is why they spend a life of solitude and meditate. Physical reality is HELL.

Final conclusion to think about:
If this world is actually hell and you are reincarnated over and over again until you learn to let go of attachment to this world, then the concept of transhumanism should be something to never pass off as nonsense.
We all know the controllers of this world are nefarious in nature. Trapping human consciousness inside of machines is the only way to prevent anyone from escaping material reality. The promise that you will 'live forever' is merely playing on the human fear of death. A fear we were given so that can we truly ascend of our own volition if it is our time to leave the reincarnation cycle.

If you really want to kill gods creation (Mankind), then trapping their souls inside of machines is the only way to do it. Never take any transhumanist technology.
This is essentially the premise of Gnosticism. The material world is deformed and corrupted and that the ultimate good is to escape it. I would disagree that transhumanism traps ones conciousness because it is also impermanent. Eventually technological substrates will fade and run out of energy.
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4 type of admirable people
1.Those who ascend and help ascend
2.Those who let go of material
3.Those who commit suicede
This is essentially the premise of Gnosticism. The material world is deformed and corrupted and that the ultimate good is to escape it. I would disagree that transhumanism traps ones conciousness because it is also impermanent. Eventually technological substrates will fade and run out of energy.
Transhumanism is temporary yes but temporary can feel like an eternity if they do it in a certain way.

They are already considering making prisoners live out 1000 years in minutes with drugs and technology

Think what they could make you endure when you are logged into a machine. They could program it to feel like billions, trillions of years of agonising torture whilst only putting you in there for a minute at a time in reality.
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This is essentially the premise of Gnosticism. The material world is deformed and corrupted and that the ultimate good is to escape it. I would disagree that transhumanism traps ones conciousness because it is also impermanent. Eventually technological substrates will fade and run out of energy.
I think he emphasises too much evil in the material plane. One should not correlate the machinations of a pernicious ruling class to that of the worldly. I do worry as well with regard to how modern technology, and how it seems to be taking the life out of existence, with industrialistion causing deformites and sickness, the internet and institutions warping the mind and the soul being consequently shrivelled due to a lack of nourishment as it cannot engage with the worldly proper.
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Op you are spot on. This world is literally hell. bible is essentially true. I had the exact same thoughts and experiences.

High level post. Might have to archive.
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I was on mushrooms at new years eve party and went to the bathroom as I needed to pee pee. I looked in the mirror and I had a thought crop into my head. This world is literally hell.

I don't mean that as in "this world sucks ughhh its hell". No I thought that it is LITERALLY hell.

Let me explain:

You are given a choice once you arrive on the earth to do good or to do evil. To become attached to material possessions or to become detached from them. As I mentioned before in another thread, Satan offered Jesus all of the kingdoms on the earth if he but fall down and worship him. It was a genuine offer. He therefore must own all the kingdoms of the earth, which means? This is his realm.

Material reality is the realm of satan/wetiko/force of evil.

But that doesn't mean that there isn't good in this world either. People are brought here to choose and therefore there will be good things in this world but there will also be bad things. The good comes from transcending base animalistic desires and acting according to a higher principle, evil comes from satisfying primal urges.

I have thought before whilst merely smoking weed, that eating is a disgusting activity that all life needs to do. We need to consume animal and plant life to continue ourselves. Now I am unable to eat whilst smoking weed because I automatically want to vomit. The feelings I get consuming any food whatsoever becomes absolutely horrendous to me and feels very uncomfortable. I can visualise the processes of digestion etc if I get too high. Don't get this feeling when I'm sober though which is odd. It's as if a veil is lifted in my mind and I can see it for what it really is.

It also doesn't make sense that a human soul should burn eternally in hellfire for temporal sins. It does however, make sense that this place is actually hell and you are recycled over and over again until you learn to let go of attachment to everything in this world.

All of the yogi's, monks, early christians, east asian religions all knew this. This is why they spend a life of solitude and meditate. Physical reality is HELL.

Final conclusion to think about:
If this world is actually hell and you are reincarnated over and over again until you learn to let go of attachment to this world, then the concept of transhumanism should be something to never pass off as nonsense.
We all know the controllers of this world are nefarious in nature. Trapping human consciousness inside of machines is the only way to prevent anyone from escaping material reality. The promise that you will 'live forever' is merely playing on the human fear of death. A fear we were given so that can we truly ascend of our own volition if it is our time to leave the reincarnation cycle.

If you really want to kill gods creation (Mankind), then trapping their souls inside of machines is the only way to do it. Never take any transhumanist technology.
Not a molecule.

You aren't even real.
3214936 1671680669130
good post, look into Buddhism and the 5 clinging aggregates
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Crazy I had exact same experience on a bad edible trip a few weeks ago

Weird seeing a post like this fr
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I think he emphasises too much evil in the material plane. One should not correlate the machinations of a pernicious ruling class to that of the worldly. I do worry as well with regard to how modern technology, and how it seems to be taking the life out of existence, with industrialistion causing deformites and sickness, the internet and institutions warping the mind and the soul being consequently shrivelled due to a lack of nourishment as it cannot engage with the worldly proper.
The material plane is the battleground between good and evil. When a soul is under siege in the material, it is felt in heaven. Every destructive thought, idea, conversation, vibe you feel, words you speak - directly sieges the heavenly realm above.

Conversely, every creative thought, idea etc you feel is also felt in heaven though it is felt in a positive way. When you forego the flesh for nourishment of the spirit (as you put it), you are directly preventing the forces of evil influencing you in order to destroy you.

This is why the media machine (specifically the internet) is an incredibly powerful force. The internet is the main battlefield between good and evil though the technology is evil in nature to begin with. Electrical circuits are eerily similar physically to Sigil magic.


Circuit tracks in printed circuit boards and IC's are designed by AI, AI that runs on purified quartz crystals which were used as prisons of djinn/demons. AI writes itself and now designs its own hardware. Think about that for a moment.
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The material plane is the battleground between good and evil. When a soul is under siege in the material, it is felt in heaven. Every destructive thought, idea, conversation, vibe you feel, words you speak - directly sieges the heavenly realm above.

Conversely, every creative thought, idea etc you feel is also felt in heaven though it is felt in a positive way. When you forego the flesh for nourishment of the spirit (as you put it), you are directly preventing the forces of evil influencing you in order to destroy you.

This is why the media machine (specifically the internet) is an incredibly powerful force. The internet is the main battlefield between good and evil though the technology is evil in nature to begin with. Electrical circuits are eerily similar physically to Sigil magic.


Circuit tracks in printed circuit boards and IC's are designed by AI, AI that runs on purified quartz crystals which were used as prisons of djinn/demons. AI writes itself and now designs its own hardware. Think about that for a moment.
Circuit boards have squiggly lines with dots on the end, old symbols do too! Eureka!

Oh wait that's a coincidence and you're fucking dumb
Op you are spot on. This world is literally hell. bible is essentially true. I had the exact same thoughts and experiences.

High level post. Might have to archive.
Only the unmotivated and empty people can believe this is hell.
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The video game Detroit: Become Human is a very interesting example of what I foresee happening in our life time. Lifelike androids used as a workforce which will put actual humans in destitution and unemployment. These androids are vessels for the underworld who will inhabit these soulless androids and give them life. Scary thought.

Only the unmotivated and empty people can believe this is hell.
I am neither. You just love this world and cant get enough of material possessions. You can't bring any of that with you when your time comes.
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Circuit boards have squiggly lines with dots on the end, old symbols do too! Eureka!

Oh wait that's a coincidence and you're fucking dumb
sigils were used as conduits which is exactly what circuit boards are. Look into it in your own time.
So you believe in magic?

Then why not pursue it
Your thoughts and intention is magic. Everyone practices magic without even knowing.
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Your thoughts and intention is magic. Everyone practices magic without even knowing.
If thought and intentions are magic would you say ones fulfillment in life is proportional to the strength of their will?
If thought and intentions are magic would you say ones fulfillment in life is proportional to the strength of their will?
Absolutely. Life fulfillment is determined by what a person values the most.

If a person values family, independence, being humble before the lord and achieves these things through their intention and drive to succeed at it then absolutely. Drive to succeed is intention which is magic.

Though, people will misplace their ability to secure excess money or cars (like andrew tate) and live a life of hedonism. Andrew Tate is not a fulfilled man, if he was, he would not feel the need to dab on poorfags 24/7. He is insecure and does not want to leave the limelight and become 'irrelevant' in peoples minds. He is scared of becoming an average nobody because he really doesn't have anything of personal value. All he has is only valuable if others are jealous of him, and he needs a platform to be 'seen' in order for that to be possible.
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Absolutely. Life fulfillment is determined by what a person values the most.

If a person values family, independence, being humble before the lord and achieves these things through their intention and drive to succeed at it then absolutely. Drive to succeed is intention which is magic.

Though, people will misplace their ability to secure excess money or cars (like andrew tate) and live a life of hedonism. Andrew Tate is not a fulfilled man, if he was, he would not feel the need to dab on poorfags 24/7. He is insecure and does not want to leave the limelight and become 'irrelevant' in peoples minds. He is scared of becoming an average nobody because he really doesn't have anything of personal value. All he has is only valuable if others are jealous of him, and he needs a platform to be 'seen' in order for that to be possible.
My goal in life is to become andrew tate level famous and indulge like he does.

I plan on doing so by becoming the next Messi, he's already dating a supermodel even though he kinda looks like a cuck and I mog him so I'd have bitches throwing themselves at me.

That's really all I want. Although I could be encouraged to settle down with an decent girl.
My goal in life is to become andrew tate level famous and indulge like he does.

I plan on doing so by becoming the next Messi, he's already dating a supermodel even though he kinda looks like a cuck and I mog him so I'd have bitches throwing themselves at me.

That's really all I want. Although I could be encouraged to settle down with an decent girl.
I'm not here to convince you otherwise. Live your life but just know, when you are very old and have a string of failed relationships due to your fame fading over time, you could have had something longer lasting if you werent a slave to Mammon.
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So will I just reincarnate and do it all again as a chance to live without materialism

Or do you believe in hell.
So will I just reincarnate and do it all again as a chance to live without materialism

Or do you believe in hell.
You reincarnate over and over again and your actions in this life will determine what kind of life you have afterwards.

If you live a life of materialism and treachery then your next life will have you be at the mercy of others who will treat you like this so you know how it feels. Maybe then you will have a chance at realising this world is not everything.
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You reincarnate over and over again and your actions in this life will determine what kind of life you have afterwards.

If you live a life of materialism and treachery then your next life will have you be at the mercy of others who will treat you like this so you know how it feels. Maybe then you will have a chance at realising this world is not everything.
"Treat you like this"

Who are you implying I'm mistreating.

Life of materialism doesn't mean I'm hiring slaves and raping whores so what exactly do you mean.
"Treat you like this"

Who are you implying I'm mistreating.

Life of materialism doesn't mean I'm hiring slaves and raping whores so what exactly do you mean.
Bragging about wealth, demeaning those who are less fortunate through offhand comments - that sort of thing.

Another thing to work on with you is extreme thinking. Pretty bizarre to think I meant what you said at the end.
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true! 😳 thats why me n my virgin village gf will :no: not use social media :no:participate in consumer culture🙅‍♂️ and build a healthy relationship💕 based on respect, love, and god 👏
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Only the unmotivated and empty people can believe this is hell.
Does any of those paragraphs Op typed out sound unmotivated and empty? Diving deep into a such subjects kind of screams the opposite, in my opinion.

A real empty and unmotivated person would likely just fill his life up with debauchery to be honest. Women, sex, money drugs. Not be interested in spirit, paranormal things, or concepts like hell and heaven etc.

I dont believe in all of OPs statements, as i studied the bible enough to know lots of the source material in those writings to be true. but even in the book, most of what hes saying is sort of interoperable. Like for example, how in the Hebrew manuscripts, the strongs concordances of the words used to describe the human body is synonymous with chains/prison. Or how the story of adam and eve, being cursed, still has this reoccurring theme of redemption from the body.

Existing with consciousness testifies against the body anyways. You can say im false, but you cant lie to yourself. If everything is so willy okay then why are we here? The human body is fermenting and you are literally incoming fertilizer. Your consciousness (assuming you have one), is separate from that experience, and this is made clear with dreams. You have to brush your teeth, take a shower and eat and drink despite limited resources, and everything you have to do comes with the toiling of your flesh (pain). Even meditating and doing nothing proves to be extremely difficult as its clear the body is in a constant state of irrate and motion.
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Bragging about wealth, demeaning those who are less fortunate through offhand comments - that sort of thing.
Did neither of those things and don't plan on doing them
Another thing to work on with you is extreme thinking. Pretty bizarre to think I meant what you said at the end.
I was making a point and I could've made it far worse, did you forget where you are?

Is making a dramatic point ungodly?
Does any of those paragraphs Op typed out sound unmotivated and empty? Diving deep into a such subjects kind of screams the opposite, in my opinion.

A real empty and unmotivated person would likely just fill his life up with debauchery to be honest. Women, sex, money drugs. Not be interested in spirit, paranormal things, or concepts like hell and heaven etc.

I dont believe in all of OPs statements, as i studied the bible enough to know lots of the source material in those writings to be true.
Give me one source of proof and ill consider reading the rest of your essay.
but even in the book, most of what hes saying is sort of interoperable. Like for example, How in the Hebrew manuscripts, the strongs concordances of the words used to describe the human body is synonymous with chains/prison. Or how the story of adam and eve, being cursed, still has this reoccurring theme of redemption from the body.

Existing with consciousness testifies against the body anyways. You can say im false, but you cant lie to yourself. If everything is so willy okay then why are we here? The human body is fermenting and you are literally incoming fertilizer. You have to brush your teeth, take a shower and eat and drink despite limited resources, and everything you have to do comes with the toiling of your flesh (pain). Even meditating and doing nothing proves to be extremely difficult as its clear the body is in a constant state of irrate and motion.
I was making a point and I could've made it far worse, did you forget where you are?
Being on this site doesn't mean you have to act in an extreme exaggerated way. It's a forum and in the offtopic section, you can be as moderate and level headed as you see fit.
Is making a dramatic point ungodly?
No it just makes you seem as if moral discussions will be very difficult with you.
Give me one source of proof and ill consider reading the rest of your essay.
The meshach said a wicked generation looks for a sign but he gave them none. What makes u think im going to do anything except for block you?

Srs. Why would i sit here like some gypsy trying to impress you with words when your clearly not even into the subject. U think i need a friend?? I'm not trying to recruit u into any religion. I dont do that.

You knowing, you believing, or your opinion against my paragraphs wont change any truth, whether I'm right or wrong. True cannot be false or a theory. The truth is the truth, whether u or me know it or not. God does not need believers so go find out for yourself. Same concept behind let every man be a liar and god true.

If u really want to know if what im saying is real then seek for yourself. The proof is easy to piece together when you actually start to use your own brain to muster critical thought, instead of trying to get that "proof" from someone else. Archive our posts and start doing your own independent research. Let me know what you find. Pm me if u need bible study tools.
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The meshach said a wicked generation looks for a sign but he gave them none.
I asked for proof that the Bible is real, not proof you're a gullible retard that lacks critical thinking.
This is exactly Gnosticism.
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This is exactly Gnosticism.
Gnosticism is a very broad term but I wouldn't shy away from being called a Gnostic Christian. It isn't a sect of Christianity like Catholicism or Orthodox with strict borders of what is and what isnt Catholic or Orthodox.

I still obviously carry quite a few Catholic beliefs considering that is what I grew up with such as, I don't think it's sinful for Catholics to recognise Saints as better men than most. Some protestants would disagree with me on that. I don't think they should be worshipped though or used as some kind of interloper like Catholics do with Confirmation.

Always thought it was weird that i was to have a Saint step in and vouch for me when I went for my confirmation. Quite bizarre, you don't know who or what you are speaking to.
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This is a really interesting thread.
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Reactions: NuclearBrainReturns
This is a really interesting thread.
I am very happy people are receptive to this discussion, there needs to be more of it considering how close we are to the technological event horizon and eventual mark of the beast.
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I dont believe in all of OPs statements, as i studied....
I kinda take my second para back. Just read all the comments.

Only thing i cant confirm is reincarnation theory. That's the one thing that will likely remain black and white as i cant truly know until after i die. In this case, i stand strong on the ideas of the manuscripts to define the process of after death, as it does not really benefit me to not have faithfulness in that.

i do constantly think about reincarnation though, and i can see where one can say this world and the reincarnation theory has something to do with eternal damnation. It reminds me of the sayings during the end time, that people just wouldn't show repentance, no matter what. I also though to myself, if reincarnation were real in that manner, what if those sentenced to eternal damnation simply was foreseen to never ever break the cycle. but this thought i dont necessarily pay attention to, as its already made aware, and i tend to leave such questions unturned in the back of my mind unless i stumble upon more of a proof of it.
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I kinda take my second para back. Just read all the comments.

Only thing i cant confirm is reincarnation theory. That's the one thing that will likely remain black and white as i cant truly know until after i die. In this case, i stand strong on the ideas of the manuscripts to define the process of after death, as it does not really benefit me to not have faithfulness in that.

i do constantly think about reincarnation though, and i can see where one can say this world and the reincarnation theory has something to do with eternal damnation. It reminds me of the sayings during the end time, that people just wouldn't show repentance, no matter what. I also though to myself, if reincarnation were real in that manner, what if those sentenced to eternal damnation simply was foreseen to never ever break the cycle. but this thought i dont necessarily pay attention to, as its already made aware, and i tend to leave such questions unturned in the back of my mind unless i stumble upon more of a proof of it.
Yes that is a very frightening thought and one of the biggest reasons why I think this world is biblical hell.

The amount of people out there who would never truly accept Christ and/or believe in God, even if there was a gun to their head is staggering. They may say "Yes I believe!" in such a situation but they don't. They are just saying that so they don't die. They haven't sat down, contemplated it and came to the conclusion that the Bible is an accurate description of reality.

Eternal damnation in that regard is these people forced to reincarnate over and over again, never to find God because they are not supposed to. Or maybe there is a very very small chance that this time around they 'get it'. Maybe that was the case for me?

Perhaps I have reincarnated over and over again for thousands and thousands of years and this time, I understand.
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Christianity is life negating and thus labelled this world as muh hell
Water is wet
@BrahminBoss Nietzsche shit innit

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