Thought experiment: What would the dating market look like if every man ascended to 7/10+ via frankenstein level surgery?

if everyone was 7/10+ what would the sexual market look like?

  • mating would be more equally distributed

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • foids would still only choose the most attractive 5-20%

    Votes: 12 80.0%

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Deleted member 23219

genetically superior aero-chad
Oct 21, 2022
I had a general thought experiment the other day where i asked myself the question:

"Are the mating requirements of toilets an inflexible threshold that needs to be passed to be considered attractive or do foids choose the most attactive ~5-20% regardless of the average male attractiveness in their environment?"

The first option (the looks threshold theory) would indeed lead to a better looking, arguably healthier society and a fairer sexual market in the long term, if hard looksmaxxing was made to be safer, cheaper, more accessible and less stigmatized to the point of everyone being able to do it.

The second option (juggernaut law of female dating requirements) would lead to a fisherian runaway with exaggerated, impractical ornaments (giant chins, no facial fat, gigantic height, extremely deep set eyes for example) that could lead to detrimental health problems or even extinction as it was the case for many species in the past.

So i started a poll with the hypothetical question:
"If everyone was 7/10+ , would holes still share the most attractive 5-20% rather than equally distribute mating opportunities?"
average face and average height today is far from enough... if 7/10 becomes average then 7/10 becomes 5/10 and it becomes far from enough... You CAN'T cheat nature
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girls want the best they can get, so if every man gets 3 inches taller, manlets remain mantles, etc...
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I don"t think you can ever beat the bell curve, foids will always be attracted to the very top percentile. Even if 100% of the male population would fit within said percentile, our brains would probably find a way to find a new sort of ellite, even if it implies deviating heavily from what we'd consider beautiful or healthy atm.
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