Thoughts on a anavar only cycle?



Apr 30, 2022
I know its best to stack it but i have no intrest in adding more anabolic compounds like deca , test , dbol etc as i just hopped off a cycle so my plan is to let my system recover but i read that a var only cycle isnt bad and has no real sides
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I know its best to stack it but i have no intrest in adding more anabolic compounds like deca , test , dbol etc as i just hopped off a cycle so my plan is to let my system recover but i read that a var only cycle isnt bad and has no real sides
letting your system recover by 17 alpha alkylated oral only cycle? yeah makes sense
I would obviously wait 2 months or so then add anavar , i just hopped off last week
why would you pct just to suppress yourself once again, imo if HDL isnt severly fucked just cruise on 100mg test e per week until health parameters go back to normal, after that add in the anavar, and its not as safe as people make it out to be, 30mg anavar daily fucked my HDL and LDL levels a lot, also anavar only cycle means no DHT and no Estrogen which will wreck your libido, you need testosterone base with any compound that causes suppression.
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why would you pct just to suppress yourself once again, imo if HDL isnt severly fucked just cruise on 100mg test e per week until health parameters go back to normal, after that add in the anavar, and its not as safe as people make it out to be, 30mg anavar daily fucked my HDL and LDL levels a lot, also anavar only cycle means no DHT and no Estrogen which will wreck your libido, you need testosterone base with any compound that causes suppression.
High IQ . Thanks . You’re right , So im on PCT right now , would adding mk677 be beneficial? I heard with the increase of igf levels , it’ll be easier to keep gains and keep making progress ?
I’m a chubby truecel. I don’t have any knowledge of roids and such.
Its okay bhai you will ascend ❤️
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So im on PCT right now , would adding mk677 be beneficial? I heard with the increase of igf levels , it’ll be easier to keep gains and keep making progress ?
definitely, but use it with a glucose disposal agent like berberine, what are you doing for pct and how long did you wait for drugs to clear out of system?
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Pointless just leanmax
I want to do a cut but since i just came off cycle , im afraid i’ll lose so much glycogen and i’ll look deflated and i’ll be back to square 1 before cycle . Thats why im looking into compounds to keep my gains while getting leaner at the same time
I want to do a cut but since i just came off cycle , im afraid i’ll lose so much glycogen and i’ll look deflated and i’ll be back to square 1 before cycle . Thats why im looking into compounds to keep my gains while getting leaner at the same time
So you're off cycle but want more steroids? That means you're on cycle again.
Might aswell just cruise on low dose test to keep gains you will lose 90% when off roids that's the reality
definitely, but use it with a glucose disposal agent like berberine, what are you doing for pct and how long did you wait for drugs to clear out of system?
Im doing nova , and i waited about a week to get everything out of my system , Started pct just yesterday, gonna add mk later tn
Im doing nova , and i waited about a week to get everything out of my system , Started pct just yesterday, gonna add mk later tn
what compounds were you running before and what ester? unless everything was propionate then 1 week is way too little to wait for clearance
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what compounds were you running before and what ester? unless everything was propionate then 1 week is way too little to wait for clearance
Rad140 25 mg , Cardarine 10mg , 8 weeks with a test base . You think i should have waited an extra week ?
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You think i should have waited an extra week ?
depends of ester attached to the testosterone, if its a suspension or propionate then a week is more than enough, enanthate requires 25 days and cypionate 40 days.
Rad140 25 mg , Cardarine 10mg , 8 weeks with a test base . You think i should have waited an extra week ?
Did you have any bad sides with rad140 or cardarine? Are you going to PCT? Thinking of doing an ostarine/cardarine cycle

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