Thoughts on Accutane



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Oct 17, 2019
Can you guys give me your opinions on accutane? I’ve got a dermatologist appointment next week and I want to finally get rid of acne for good. Mine isn’t severe, just persistent and very diet sensitive. I’ve had it for 5 years now(I’m 20) and it is still sticking around. It’s never really responded to topical products, most just irritate my skin, and the antibiotics I took for a while seemed to do fuck all. Only thing that fixes it is very strict eating so I figure the only way to cure it is from the inside out.

So does anyone have experiences or stories about it? Is it worth the sides? What kind of dose and cycle length should I aim for?
Met so many people that used it and have some kind of permanent issue as a result. Not usually life threatening but still.
Edit: meant life altering
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Try with hydrating creams, they mostly cleared acne for me.
I'd highly recommend just sticking to the strict eating. If you know for a fact you can fix something through diet alone then why the fuck are you considering drugs?
Met so many people that used it and have some kind of permanent issue as a result. Not usually life threatening but still.
Edit: meant life altering

you mean ugly freaks on the internet who realised it wasnt their acne holding them back lmao

@LordNorwood noone you meet irl is going to talk about accutane side effects, by "met" you obviously live on the internet reading forums

this drug will give you new skin, and you never get acne again..its 100% worth it for a bit of depression and dry skin for 6 months
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you mean ugly freaks on the internet who realised it wasnt their acne holding them back lmao
Maybe it's because I just all nightered but I legit can't make heads or tails of this
you mean ugly freaks on the internet who realised it wasnt their acne holding them back lmao

@LordNorwood noone you meet irl is going to talk about accutane side effects, by "met" you obviously live on the internet reading forums

this drug will give you new skin, and you never get acne again..its 100% worth it for a bit of depression and dry skin for 6 months
No I have met people IRL who have talked about taking it fucking lol. One of my best friends took it in high school and he has permanent dry skin issues in certain places on his face, like the bridge of his nose, that he never used to have before. Been like 7 or 8 years since he took it, still there.
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Maybe it's because I just all nightered but I legit can't make heads or tails of this

No I have met people IRL who have talked about taking it fucking lol. One of my best friends took it in high school and he has permanent dry skin issues in certain places on his face, like the bridge of his nose, that he never used to have before. Been like 7 or 8 years since he took it, still there.

so 1 person, who cant even be sure it was the drug

almost as bad as these subhumans will blame accutane for not getting a degree or a match on tinder

complete and utter failures, like they would of thrived as a depressed pizzaface in their prime :p
Only thing that works for bad acne

If you're acne isn't cystic, there's probably other things that might help, but i'd take it. Didn't hurt me, and i've never known of anyone in real life who had any sides other than dry lips
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I'd highly recommend just sticking to the strict eating. If you know for a fact you can fix something through diet alone then why the fuck are you considering drugs?
By strict diet I mean ZERO carbs. Only time I’ve had perfectly clear skin was on carnivore but then I kept getting digestive issues. How am I supposed to be nt if I can’t enjoy a meal without thinking about how it’s gonna give me acne for the next few days? Too high inhib to eat a slice of pizza is not a fun way to live. With clear skin and accutane depression symptoms I’d still probably be happier.
so 1 person, who cant even be sure it was the drug

almost as bad as these subhumans will blame accutane for not getting a degree or a match on tinder

complete and utter failures, like they would of thrived as a depressed pizzaface in their prime :p
Can't even be sure it was the drug when that's a known side effect of accutane, yeah bro he just randomly developed a permanent symptom at the same time he took the drug by chance, highly plausible shit. Christ man cut the losses already JFL, you just keep coming
@OOGABOOGA if you knew of no other way to fix your skin and this was the only option, I would probably say roll the dice. But if you know that keeping a more strict diet will fix your issue and you want to try and fix it with a drug anyway, you're a retard
you mean ugly freaks on the internet who realised it wasnt their acne holding them back lmao

@LordNorwood noone you meet irl is going to talk about accutane side effects, by "met" you obviously live on the internet reading forums

this drug will give you new skin, and you never get acne again..its 100% worth it for a bit of depression and dry skin for 6 months
I fuckin hope so. I’m concerned I’ll have to stay on a low dose long term to maintain since my acne has outlasted puberty, but worth a shot. I get dry skin in the winter anyway so fuck it. Any suggestions about dosage?
By strict diet I mean ZERO carbs. Only time I’ve had perfectly clear skin was on carnivore but then I kept getting digestive issues. How am I supposed to be nt if I can’t enjoy a meal without thinking about how it’s gonna give me acne for the next few days? Too high inhib to eat a slice of pizza is not a fun way to live. With clear skin and accutane depression symptoms I’d still probably be happier.
Not to get into a huge diet discussion but it sounds to me like your body is letting you know what is healthy or not for you. If I could completely fix hair loss just by keeping a carnivore diet I would legit count myself blessed.
That said I do get that is a hella restrictive diet so I take back what I said earlier about you being a retard for not doing it. I thought you meant like no dairy and no sugar or something, not straight up zero carb. At that point yeah I get why you would want to try this.
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I took it at 17 and have no regrets, would do it again

It's important that you're on a low dose (10-30mg daily), if you get put on a higher dose you get hit with unnecessary sides and it's not worth it just to finish faster. All I experienced was general dryness of skin, some very slight eczema breakouts on my hands, and chapped lips. The vast majority of people that take accutane that take it also only get those sides.

"What kind of dose and cycle length should I aim for? "

You go for the cycle that hits cumulative dosage

Don't listen to these people recommending a heavily restrictive diet ngl, if you've already cut out diary there's not much you can do. Some people just have very persistent acne and it needs accutane
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Can't even be sure it was the drug when that's a known side effect of accutane, yeah bro he just randomly developed a permanent symptom at the same time he took the drug by chance, highly plausible shit. Christ man cut the losses already JFL, you just keep coming
@OOGABOOGA if you knew of no other way to fix your skin and this was the only option, I would probably say roll the dice. But if you know that keeping a more strict diet will fix your issue and you want to try and fix it with a drug anyway, you're a retard
So I’ll get some dryness that’ll remind me to moisturize my now clear skin, not bad. But hear me out dude. Being the guy who has to bring his own lunch to work when friends all go out to work, or sitting and drinking water with friends at a fast food restaurant while they eat, blows cock. I look like a pretentious retard and miss out on social opportunities.
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So I’ll get some dryness that’ll remind me to moisturize my now clear skin, not bad. But hear me out dude. Being the guy who has to bring his own lunch to work when friends all go out to work, or sitting and drinking water with friends at a fast food restaurant while they eat, blows cock. I look like a pretentious retard and miss out on social opportunities.
Yeah man read my next post, I'm on the level now. My bad I jumped to conclusions about the diet restriction. Totally get it and I would support trying accutane.
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you mean ugly freaks on the internet who realised it wasnt their acne holding them back lmao

@LordNorwood noone you meet irl is going to talk about accutane side effects, by "met" you obviously live on the internet reading forums

this drug will give you new skin, and you never get acne again..its 100% worth it for a bit of depression and dry skin for 6 months
Nah had a cousin who took and got liver issues its not worth it if u haven't tried all other means
I took it at 17 and have no regrets, would do it again

It's important that you're on a low dose (10-30mg daily), if you get put on a higher dose you get hit with unnecessary sides and it's not worth it just to finish faster. All I experienced was general dryness of skin, some very slight eczema breakouts on my hands, and chapped lips. The vast majority of people that take accutane that take it also only get those sides.

"What kind of dose and cycle length should I aim for? "

You go for the cycle that hits cumulative dosage

Don't listen to these people recommending a heavily restrictive diet ngl, if you've already cut out diary there's not much you can do. Some people just have very persistent acne and it needs accutane
Can you explain cumulative dosage to me? I was thinking 20mg/day and maybe 10 eod after if it doesn’t permanently kill it for me.
Nah had a cousin who took and got liver issues its not worth it if u haven't tried all other means
No liver for my skin

But for what other means do you suggest after years of prescription antibiotics and topicals when diet is blatantly the cause? And I’m NOT going perma carnivore even if that’s the only thing that’s worked.
Can you explain cumulative dosage to me? I was thinking 20mg/day and maybe 10 eod after if it doesn’t permanently kill it for me.
I don't know the specifics of it, I was on it for a year and a bit at 15mg/daily and that hit culmative for me when I weighed around 60kg at the time. With what you're saying it seems like you're going to be self dosing and I'd recommend against that, see a derm and get it prescribed if you can. They do frequent blood tests to make sure it isn't fucking your liver
I don't know the specifics of it, I was on it for a year and a bit at 15mg/daily and that hit culmative for me when I weighed around 60kg at the time. With what you're saying it seems like you're going to be self dosing and I'd recommend against that, see a derm and get it prescribed if you can. They do frequent blood tests to make sure it isn't fucking your liver
Fuck that’s a long time. And I’m 190 pounds so I guess I’d need more right? Is cumulative dosage based solely on weight or is it also severity. Bc my acne is just bad enough to be a pain in the ass, not some cystic pizza action. And I’m going to a derm, I just want to know what I’m talking about.
I don't know the specifics of it
Used it a couple years back for my face acne. It works, but after 1-1.5 year acne returned on my back and face.
Used it a couple years back for my face acne. It works, but after 1-1.5 year acne returned on my back and face.
How old were you? I’ve heard that it cures while you’re on it but may return after, and that some of the people who get perma cured took it during puberty and outgrew it. So I think I may need a prolonged lower dose post cycle to keep the benefits.
Never use that shit. NEVER.
Firstly, acne has no impact whatsoever on attractiveness. Skinmaxxing is nothing but cope.
Secondly, acne ALWAYS eventually goes away, it can just take a little longer.

As side effects it can stunt your growth, it can develop alopecia (baldness), but for sure it will give you mental health related issues such as increase in anxiety, nervousness, etc
Never use that shit. NEVER.
Firstly, acne has no impact whatsoever on attractiveness. Skinmaxxing is nothing but cope.
Secondly, acne ALWAYS eventually goes away, it can just take a little longer.

As side effects it can stunt your growth, it can develop alopecia (baldness), but for sure it will give you mental health related issues such as increase in anxiety, nervousness, etc
Off to a low iq start but anyway. I’m not gonna grow anymore until I LL, psychiatrist cleared me for accutane already, but can you provide more info on the hair loss aspect? Also I should be on a pretty low dose given the severity of my acne so aids should be on the milder side
Off to a low iq start but anyway. I’m not gonna grow anymore until I LL, psychiatrist cleared me for accutane already, but can you provide more info on the hair loss aspect? Also I should be on a pretty low dose given the severity of my acne so aids should be on the milder side
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Second month on it
40 mg every day for 62 kg, 20 years old
Started at 30 mg
got chapped lips and dry skin
Increase in anxiety but that s ok, and more difficult to study
Worth it imo
After 6 weeks of no seeing my sister, she was impressed how my skin was so much better in only 2 month
Hairloss generaly occurs on high dosage, like more than 1g/kg of bodyweight, if you ask your doctor to have 0.5 g/kg your hair would be fine most of the time
For my case accutane helped my hair because it calmed down my sebbhoreic dermatitis
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Thanks. Will read later when I have time.
Second month on it
40 mg every day for 62 kg, 20 years old
Started at 30 mg
got chapped lips and dry skin
Increase in anxiety but that s ok, and more difficult to study
Worth it imo
After 6 weeks of no seeing my sister, she was impressed how my skin was so much better in only 2 month

Hairloss generaly occurs on high dosage, like more than 1g/kg of bodyweight, if you ask your doctor to have 0.5 g/kg your hair would be fine most of the time
For my case accutane helped my hair because it calmed down my sebbhoreic dermatitis

Awesome bro! I’ll be sure not to go above 40/day. How bad was your skin before and what treatment options had you tried previously?
How old were you? I’ve heard that it cures while you’re on it but may return after, and that some of the people who get perma cured took it during puberty and outgrew it. So I think I may need a prolonged lower dose post cycle to keep the benefits.
16-17. Started with 20mg, but went up to 80mg for the majority of the cycle.
gay jewish drug no one should take and many dispensers should get leg shortening surgery as a punishment for
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Thanks. Will read later when I have time.

Awesome bro! I’ll be sure not to go above 40/day. How bad was your skin before and what treatment options had you tried previously?
not that bad, moderate acne not cystic
Tried 4 years of treatment with antibiotic, acydilic acid, zinc, retin a etc
They reduced my acne but didn t make it go.
In 6 week with accutane i got better results than in 4 years, now i can wear glasses or contact lenses in front of a mirror
, but I dont regret waiting, acne redpilled me about my looks and made me do research about looksmaxxing and discover lookism.
It also made me go to the gym.
Without acne i would be a little good bluepilled goy
also accutane should be taken in a year when you don t have too much academic pressure because it makes you less productive
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not that bad, moderate acne not cystic
Tried 4 years of treatment with antibiotic, acydilic acid, zinc, retin a etc
They reduced my acne but didn t make it go.
In 6 week with accutane i got better results than in 4 years, now i can wear glasses or contact lenses in front of a mirror
, but I dont regret waiting, acne redpilled me about my looks and made me do research about looksmaxxing and discover lookism.
It also made me go to the gym.
Without acne i would be a little good bluepilled goy
also accutane should be taken in a year when you don t have too much academic pressure because it makes you less productive
I like the positive outlook bro, and those results are really encouraging for me bc my story with acne sounds similar. How are the scars looking?
I like the positive outlook bro, and those results are really encouraging for me bc my story with acne sounds similar. How are the scars looking?
Fading very fast also but my mom said that maybe after the treatment I would need a chemical peeling or lasers to reduce them more
However she was impressed by the reduction of marks and scars, she needed a goodlighting to see them compared to before when natural light was sufficient
So accutane iq not perfect for scars but it helps a lot
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You already know the answer, and just want it confirmed. Anything more than minor acne is a huge failo no matter how you look at it.

Liver damage and depression are rare (and in your case, the doctor will monitor you), the real reason derms restrict accutane so heavily is because of the possible damage to fetuses (see iPledge).

I came out of my cycle with dry eye that I had to treat, but I don't regret it. No accutane would have meant no ascension. I still get breakouts occasionally, but it's much easier to control.
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You already know the answer, and just want it confirmed. Anything more than minor acne is a huge failo no matter how you look at it.
Yep! I’m definitely going for it, just wanted to see what anecdotes I’d get on here since it’s not talked about much surprisingly.
If U have even 1 pimple hop on 80mg per day asap.
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Fading very fast also but my mom said that maybe after the treatment I would need a chemical peeling or lasers to reduce them more
However she was impressed by the reduction of marks and scars, she needed a goodlighting to see them compared to before when natural light was sufficient
So accutane iq not perfect for scars but it helps a lot

Not bad dude, mine aren’t that bad honestly but I’m definitely planning to get on a schedule of dermarolling, red light, retin a, peels, and occasionally lasers once I’ve cleared up. I didn’t realize accutane actually helps with the scars too so that’s exciting
By strict diet I mean ZERO carbs. Only time I’ve had perfectly clear skin was on carnivore but then I kept getting digestive issues. How am I supposed to be nt if I can’t enjoy a meal without thinking about how it’s gonna give me acne for the next few days? Too high inhib to eat a slice of pizza is not a fun way to live. With clear skin and accutane depression symptoms I’d still probably be happier.
Is this legit? Does carnivore diet get rid of acne? Fuuuuuck man I should have known that when I took it at age 16. why did no one tell me this? Why is this not big news everyone knows about??
Is this legit? Does carnivore diet get rid of acne? Fuuuuuck man I should have known that when I took it at age 16. why did no one tell me this? Why is this not big news everyone knows about??
Yeah but it’s a pain in the ass. Sometimes literally, like when my colon couldn’t produce another bile to soak up the liquid fat like fiber would normally do and I had juicy shits every hour for like two days straight. But in the week before that, my skin was clear, my face had debloated, i had dropped 5-10 pounds of water, I slept and felt better than ever, and I was even more resistant to sun burns
Met so many people that used it and have some kind of permanent issue as a result. Not usually life threatening but still.
Edit: meant life altering
What kind of issues?
That shit made me depressed.

If I could go back and not do it, I'd probably not do it. Sure I get no acne nowadays but I would've stopped getting acne eventually.
What kind of issues?
That shit made me depressed.

If I could go back and not do it, I'd probably not do it. Sure I get no acne nowadays but I would've stopped getting acne eventually.
How old were you?
My doc is blackpilled she put me on 80mg/day when I had 2-4 spots
How were the sides?
I don't use it but I've heard terrible things about it
How old were you?

How were the sides?
Was nearly 17, took it for 4 or so months?
I get a pimple maybe once every other month but my mental is fucked.
Was nearly 17, took it for 4 or so months?
I get a pimple maybe once every other month but my mental is fucked.
Lasting depression? I thought it was only during the cycle
Lasting depression? I thought it was only during the cycle
I think it made me more susceptible to depression, if I didn't take it there's a much higher chance I wouldn't have gotten depressed. Also my vitamin D levels were very low doc said I was at an 8(not sure which units).
I think it made me more susceptible to depression, if I didn't take it there's a much higher chance I wouldn't have gotten depressed. Also my vitamin D levels were very low doc said I was at an 8(not sure which units).
Jokes on you I’m already depressed

It is what it is
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What kind of issues?
That shit made me depressed.

If I could go back and not do it, I'd probably not do it. Sure I get no acne nowadays but I would've stopped getting acne eventually.
I've only heard about dry skin and joint issues, not mental stuff
Met so many people that used it and have some kind of permanent issue as a result. Not usually life threatening but still.
Edit: meant life altering
U are literally so fucking retarded no wonder ur banned
Jokes on you I’m already depressed

It is what it is
Don’t believe lord norwood, there is so much low IQ shit on this site, accutane Is great and yes has side effects if u take too much
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