Thoughts on philosophy?



Mar 5, 2019

Is it a mogger trait or incel subhuman cope?
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Is it a mogger trait or incel subhuman cope?

Why do you care? If it's something you enjoy or like then go for it. Mogger or incel trait? Come on now, doesn't even matter, it's all about face.

I find it boring personally.
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Jfl this is just bcuz i Said its a way to be remembered
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You cant call yourself an educated person without dwelling into philosophy from time to time
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Why do you care? If it's something you enjoy or like then go for it. Mogger or incel trait? Come on now, doesn't even matter, it's all about face.

I find it boring personally.
Interested in the opinions of others on it. How can philosophy be considered boring though? It’s arguably the most interesting thing there is.
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Interested in the opinions of others on it. How can philosophy be considered boring though? It’s arguably the most interesting thing there is.
Hearing the ramblings and thoughts of likely mentally ill people (Most of Western philosophy) is quite boring, it's like listening to someone preach their ideology about why their right and why you should listen to them. What is there to gain other than putting yourself to sleep from reading some lunatic's thoughts on paper and having the flex to say " I read Nietzche, I read Schopenhauer." Truthfully, there is nothing to gain other than a new perspective on life through someone else's eyes.
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I guess it depends on your definition of philosophy. If you mean, thinking about morals, ethics, and such and making decisions based on that about how to treat people and interact with the world around you, then I suppose everyone participates in philosophy at some level. But stuff like quoting Friedrich Nietzsche and aristotle seems to be more of a pretentious circlejerk about proving to everyone how smart you are because you know about some philosophical concept
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Hearing the ramblings and thoughts of likely mentally ill people
Do you consider them mentally ill because they question things everyone seems to automatically assume as true?
it's like listening to someone preach their ideology about why their right and why you should listen to them.
It’s interesting to see the perspectives of people on what they consider the fundamental truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their relationships to the world and to each other.
What is there to gain other than putting yourself to sleep from reading some lunatic's thoughts on paper and having the flex to say " I read Nietzche, I read Schopenhauer." Truthfully, there is nothing to gain other than a new perspective on life through someone else's eyes.
A new perspective on life & existence is extremely valuable, enough to gain it seems.
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Philosophy can only help you with women imo.

Think about it. It will help you think in a range of different ways. You will realise we are what we think and you'll not become emotionally manipulated by a woman. That's my take.
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Philosophy can only help you with women imo.

Think about it. It will help you think in a range of different ways. You will realise we are what we think and you'll not become emotionally manipulated by a woman. That's my take.
Philosophy can do so much more. It can change your life, your outlook on it, how you interact with the people you meet, it can change the world.
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incel trait tbh seems like pointless knowledge. now applicable to the real world in any practical sense
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Do you consider them mentally ill because they question things everyone seems to automatically assume as true?

A new perspective on life & existence is extremely valuable, enough to gain it seems.

I consider them mentally ill because of how some of them lead their lives. It's no coincidence that a lot of western philosophers, even the popular ones suffered from some sort of mental ailment like depression, and some ended up even killing themselves.

I find value in things that are tangible and can help me materially, philosophy doesn't do that for me, that's why it fails to entertain me. It doesn't help me with my life, it doesn't give me any form of entertainment. If I were to read it I'd have to force myself. A new perspective on life is nice but I rather find that on my own. I form my own beliefs and school of thoughts, I don't rip off some other guy's thoughts.
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I like action. I'll always respect more the man that fought in the war than the man who had his opinion on that war or whatever.
i like people who do things, without thinking that much. kinda like an old alpha male type. sure i respect philosophers as well (i read some books myself) but just not my thing deep down.
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I consider them mentally ill because of how some of them lead their lives. It's no coincidence that a lot of western philosophers, even the popular ones suffered from some sort of mental ailment like depression, and some ended up even killing themselves.
Is it fair to assume all of them are mentally ill when it’s for the most part just a few notorious ones that appeared to lose their sanity?
A new perspective on life is nice but I rather find that on my own. I form my own beliefs and school of thoughts, I don't rip off some other guy's thoughts.
That’s reasonable, I guess, though I don’t understand why you think it’s considered ripping off some other guy’s thoughts. For all you know, the thoughts you come up with yourself have already been thought of before by other people in the past.
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Is it fair to assume all of them are mentally ill when it’s for the most part just a few notorious ones that appeared to lose their sanity?

That’s reasonable, I guess, though I don’t understand why you think it’s considered ripping off some other guy’s thoughts. For all you know, the thoughts you come up with yourself have already been thought of before by other people in the past.
Well, it wouldn't be ripping off then, we just happen to formulate the same idea. There are some thoughts I've had as a kid, that I later found out in life were already thought up by philosophers. It doesn't mean I ripped them off, ripping off has to be intentional.
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Well, it wouldn't be ripping off then, we just happen to formulate the same idea. There are some thoughts I've had as a kid, that I later found out in life were already thought up by philosophers. It doesn't mean I ripped them off, ripping off has to be intentional.
Do you consider everything you learned from others as ripping off?
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Everyone should take a logic class at some point because most people do not know how to think.
If you like it you should pursue a PhD and then become a professor. They make great money, have summers off, and bang their students. You'll be awhile paying back your debt is all.
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Do you consider everything you learned from others as ripping off?
If I consciously assert that those ideas are mine and I got it from nowhere else then when in actuality I did then it's ripping someone's ideas off. I'd also have to go and tell people these ideas are mine and I was the one who thought of them in the first place.

Some people like to take philospher's ideas as their own without actually forming their own and in my opinion that's ripping people off. It's fine if you learn from someone else, but never claim it to be your own idea unless you actually thought of it in the first place. I can never take someone else's thoughts as my own, I rather think my own thoughts.
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I would say im more intelligent than the average person so i read some books on philosophy sometimes
  • JFL
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Some people like to take philospher's ideas as their own without actually forming their own and in my opinion that's ripping people off. It's fine if you learn from someone else, but never claim it to be your own idea unless you actually thought of it in the first place. I can never take someone else's thoughts as my own, I rather think my own thoughts.
Ah, I agree then.
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>believes in god
God is logic your science professors say the Big Bang happened but matter cannot be created nor destroyed, it makes no sense
Philosophy can do so much more. It can change your life, your outlook on it, how you interact with the people you meet, it can change the world.

Yup. I never said it couldn't. I was just explaining in simplicity and relating it to women. I guess another aspie user here has to take it literally and miss the point. *Sighs* The OP was asking about it "incel trait" and stuff. For goodness sake. I am getting sick and tired of this place now.
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Yup. I never said it couldn't. I was just explaining in simplicity and relating it to women. I guess another aspie user here has to take it literally and miss the point. *Sighs*
Are you serious or just joking right now?
You said the following words.
“Philosophy can only help you with women imo.”
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seeing the world from different points of views are interesting
Are you serious or just joking right now?
You said the following words.
“Philosophy can only help you with women imo.”

And you said is it an incel trait.

Man just follow what your interests are and stop trying to in-line it with what isn't an incel trait.

Doing that in itself is actually what you call an incel trait. It's shallow af.
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And you said is it an incel trait.

Man just follow what your interests are and stop trying to in-line it with what isn't an incel trait.

Doing that in itself is actually what you call an incel trait. It's shallow af.
Did you even read my thread? I was asking if it was either a mogger trait or incel trait, I wasn’t making an assertion. I’ve long been interested in philosophy before making this thread, this thread wasn’t me asking for approval, it was me curious on the thoughts of users regarding philosophy.
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Some people like to take philospher's ideas as their own without actually forming their own and in my opinion that's ripping people off. It's fine if you learn from someone else, but never claim it to be your own idea unless you actually thought of it in the first place. I can never take someone else's thoughts as my own, I rather think my own thoughts.
" i think my own thoughts bro, im totally not mentally handicapped from reading incel forums all day :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:"

we are all nothing more than products of our environment, you have never had an original idea because every single thought that preceded it is ultimately a byproduct of your initial environmental variables

also i find it funny how you will literally throw out hte ideas of people that were vastly more educated than you because obviously your thoughts are better, kek
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Did you even read my thread? I was asking if it was either a mogger trait or incel trait, I wasn’t making an assertion. I’ve long been interested in philosophy before making this thread, this thread wasn’t me asking for approval, it was me curious on the thoughts of users regarding philosophy.

I think it sort of was asking approval. Approval on if whether what you read and take interest in is "Black Pill edgy cool".

Why else would you care otherwise? People on here are fucking social rejects for the large-part, so I dunno why you care what they "PRETEND TO THINK". Most of their answers are always gonna be "trying to sound a certain way". Posters on here say things for effect. Pretentious fuckwits.
I think it sort of was asking approval. Approval on if whether what you read and take interest in is "Black Pill edgy cool".
Yeah no, I’m pretty sure I know what my intentions were with making this thread.
Why else would you care otherwise?
Curiosity? Is that really so hard to believe?
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we are all nothing more than products of our environment, you have never had an original idea because every single thought that preceded it is ultimately a byproduct of your initial environmental variables

also i find it funny how you will literally throw out hte ideas of people that were vastly more educated than you because obviously your thoughts are better, kek

I hacked your device camera and these are the photos I saw as you were typing up that garbage

Inline image preview


Also didn read
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its a subhuman cope
The foundation of any knowledge a person could hope to accrue is ran through a filter, and that filter is called philosophy.

It informs every single detail of existence. It's important. Understand it, at least the parts that make you a better person.
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Not believing in God when it's literally not possible for him to not exist is extremely low IQ. Read Parmenides
Is said "God" even remotely accurately described by any human religious or belief structure?
I've seen low and high IQ Christians. IQ has nothing to do with your religious status.

I haven't seen a single fat Mormon in my entire life
I bet you read schopenhauer and nietczhe.
if black pilled boys read more of these two, they'd realize the black pill is timeless. An ancient tradition amongst disillusioned young men of every time.
Is said "God" even remotely accurately described by any human religious or belief structure?
I tend to think there's a lot of truths in Eastern and Western doctrines. I'd say the closest to understanding the nature of the Divine is probably the Vedic tradition.
Save philosophy for when you're old & retired. There's no practical use for studying philosophy except becoming a philosophy teacher. Meanwhile you could be studying something that could get you a good salary.

As someone said; if an ant looked up & pondered his life + meaning of the world, would it do him any good?
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Philosophy doesn't offer me any interest whatsoever. tho I do agree being knowledgable on such matters can offer so much as far as moral standards go

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