

Feb 2, 2021

Hypothyroidism Can Cause Anxiety, Panic Attacks And Other Mental Issues

One of the few studies that is at least attempting to frame mental health issues in terms of endocrinology. More specifically, the study below demonstrated that people with Hashimoto disease have drastically increased rates of anxiety, panic attacks and risks for other mental health disorders. More importantly, treatment with an NSAID (ibuprofen) and thyroxine (T4) for just 14 days resolved both the "autoimmune" thyroiditis (as Hashimoto's is also known) and the mental health issues of those patients. IMO, using aspirin instead of ibuprofen would have been much more beneficial given aspirin's other effects such as reductions in estrogen and serotonin signalling, both of which are involved in mental health disorders. In addition, ALL of the drugs in the NSAID category, with the notable exception of aspirin, have a known side effects of raising the risk of cardiac arrest and heart attacks. Another peculiar and handicapping aspect of the study is that it only measured TSH, and T4/T3 and despite the "slightly" elevated TSH the study concluded that thyroid function was "normal" in those patients. It is a widely acknowledged fact that most patients with Hashimoto's are hypothyroid, so the study would have been a lot more useful if it had done the correct measures and had concluded that hypothyroidism is a cause of all those mental health issues. Oh well, I guess we can't have everything good happen in just one study. The good news is that the authors of that study seem to be aware of the deep connection between endocrinology and mental health and plan on doing a follow up study where they will be measuring adrenal and gonadal function. If the results come back as I expect - elevated adrenal and suppressed gonadal function - the dream of Broda Barnes may very well come true. Namely, banish the fake "science" of psychiatry from the field of medicine and replace it with endocrine physiology, where mental health issues are seen as specific symptoms of an endocrine disturbance, and the latter itself is seen as a symptom of energetic disturbance driven by external factors such as stress, toxins, poor diet, etc.

People with thyroid problems at greater risk of anxiety, says study

...The study showed that thyroid inflammation should be investigated as an underlying factor in psychiatric disorders such as anxiety. Current examinations for anxiety disorders usually focus on the dysfunction of the nervous system and do not take into account the role of the endocrine system. The results were presented at the European Society of Endocrinology's e-ECE 2020 Conference which is being held from September 5 to 9. "These findings indicate that the endocrine system may play an important role in anxiety. Doctors should also consider the thyroid gland and the rest of the endocrine system as well as the nervous system when examining patients with anxiety," said Juliya Onofriichuk from Kyiv City Clinical hospital in Ukraine. The thyroid gland produces hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) that are essential for regulating heart, muscle and digestive function, brain development and bone maintenance. Autoimmune inflammation in the thyroid occurs when our bodies wrongly produce antibodies that attack the gland and cause damage.
...Onofriichuk investigated thyroid function in 29 men (average age 33.9) and 27 women (average age 31.7) with diagnosed anxiety who were experiencing panic attacks. Ultrasounds of their thyroid glands assessed thyroid function and levels of thyroid hormones were measured. The patients with anxiety showed signs of inflammation of their thyroid glands but their function was not affected with thyroid hormone levels all within the normal range, although slightly elevated. They also tested positive for antibodies directed against the thyroid. Treatment for 14 days with ibuprofen and thyroxine reduced thyroid inflammation, normalised thyroid hormone levels and reduced their anxiety scores, said the study. Onofriichuk now plans to conduct further research that examines the levels of thyroid, sex and adrenal hormones -- cortisol, progesterone, prolactin, oestrogen and testosterone -- in patients with dysfunctional thyroid glands and anxiety disorders.

Topical T3 Dramatically Stimulates Hair Growth

The study below demonstrated that applying daily the HED of a few mcg of T3 per square inch of skin increased hair length by several thousand percent.

Topical triiodothyronine stimulates epidermal proliferation, dermal thickening, and hair growth in mice and rats - PubMed
...The skin is a classic target tissue for thyroid hormone action. Although the histology of skin in hypothyroid states is well documented, the literature contains little assessment of skin in thyrotoxic states. In light of the paucity of information on skin under the influence of excess thyroid hormone, we investigated the direct effect of thyroid hormone on skin. Triiodothyronine (T3) was applied topically daily in liposomes to SKH-1 hairless mice for 7 days and to CD rats for 2 weeks. There was a dose-dependent increase in epidermal proliferation, dermal thickening, and hair growth in T3-treated animals. Mice that received 3.8 microg of T3 had 42% more hairs per millimeter than controls (p < 0.01), hair length that was 1,180% longer (p < 0.001), 49% greater epidermal 3H-thymidine incorporation (p < 0.01), and 80% more 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) stained cells (p < 0.05). Rats receiving 12.8 microg T3 had 48% greater dermal thickness than controls (p < 0.001), 26% greater epidermal thickness (p < 0.001), 85% more hairs per millimeter (p < 0.005), and 130% greater 3H-thymidine incorporation into the epidermis (p < 0.01). Thus, topically applied thyroid hormone has dramatic effects on both skin and hair growth. These observations offer a new strategy for developing thyroid hormone and its analogues for treating disorders of skin and hair growth.

Thyroid Status Affects Color Vision

I found this study particularly fascinating as disturbances in color vision are very common in people with psychiatric conditions driven by stress, people with "addiction", dementia, and a few other conditions with very clear and direct role of thyroid function. Perhaps the findings of this study can be used as additional tests for thyroid function - i.e. if you start to see blue/violet hues in objects or your peripheral vision then it may be time to take some thyroid.

Thyroid affects colour vision

...Studies in mice have shown that thyroid hormone also plays an important role in the development of the eye and particularly the cone visual cells. In the retina of the eye, the cones are the visual cells responsible for colour vision. Most mammals have two spectral cone types containing either of two visual pigments (opsins), one sensitive to shortwave light (UV/blue opsin), the other to middle-to-longwave light (green opsin). Cones express a thyroid hormone receptor. Its activation by the hormone suppresses the synthesis of UV/blue opsin and activates the production of green opsin.
...Until now, the control of opsin production by thyroid hormone was considered a developmental phenomenon. Experts assumed that in mature cones the developmentally established ‘opsin program’ is fixed and needs no further regulation. This perception is now challenged by a study carried out by lead authors Martin Glösmann and Anika Glaschke in Leo Peichl’s team at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt, and their colleagues at the universities of Frankfurt and Vienna. The study shows that opsin production in mature cones continues to depend on the thyroid hormone level. The researchers had started with an analysis of thyroid hormone involvement in the early postnatal development of mouse cones. "Then we wanted to know how long the time window for the hormone effect was, at what point the hormone’s influence on opsin production stopped", says Anika Glaschke. "To our surprise we did not find such an endpoint, even several weeks after birth there was a hormone effect". So the team analysed the cones in adult mice and rats that had been rendered hypothyroid for several weeks. In these mice all cones switched to the production of UV/blue opsin and reduced green opsin production. After termination of the treatment, hormone levels returned to normal and the cones reverted to the production of their ‘regular’ opsin - one cone type to green opsin, the other to UV/blue opsin. The researchers conclude that the spectral cone types, which are defined by the opsin they express, are dynamically and reversibly controlled by thyroid hormone throughout life.
In addition to their importance for basic retinal research, our findings may also have clinical relevance", says Martin Glösmann, who currently examines the genetic foundations of the process at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna. "If this mechanism also acts in human cones, the adult-onset of thyroid hormone deficiency - e.g. as a consequence of dietary iodine deficiency or removal of the thyroid - would also affect the cone opsins and colour vision". There are no such reports in the clinical literature, presumably because the general symptoms of thyroid hormone deficiency are so severe that therapy is initiated before the cone opsin shifts would show up.

Effects Of Thyroid Hormone On Steroid Metabolism

Very good study for those who want to know how taking thyroid affects their steroid metabolism. Below is my summary of the relevant point, but I still strongly recommend everyone reads the entire study, as it is very accessible.

1. Cortisol and aldosterone production and clearance rate is dramatically increased by hyperthyroidism and decreased by hypothyroidism. While this means higher production of these steroids, it also means faster excretion and thus much weaker effect of these steroids in a hyperthyroid state. In hypothyroidism, clearance is decreased and even though plasma levels may be normal, these steroids have much longer half life and much stronger effect on tissues.

2. Testosterone and DHT production is dramatically increased in hyperthyroidism and their clearance rate is decreased. This means much higher plasma levels of these hormones will accumulate in a hyperthyroid state and their effect will be very pronounced. The most dramatic increase was noted for DHT, with plasma levels increasing by 8-10 times over the average values found in euthyroid men. The data on testosterone was pretty similar to DHT. The data on estrone and estradiol was not consistent between studies. Some studies found very high levels of both estradiol and estrone in hyperthyroid people and this resulted in gynecomastia for some men. Other studies did not find increased estrogen in hyperthyroid people. What the studies did find was the accelerated conversion of estrone and estradiol into estriol, which is the "weakest" of the estrogens and is often used as finial form to be excreted in urine.

Hypothyroidism Dramatically Increases Estrogen Synthesis

Influence of thyroid hormone on androgen metabolism in peripuberal rat Sertoli cells. - PubMed - NCBI
...Testosterone metabolism in Sertoli cells isolated from 3- and 4-week-old hypothyroid rats was mainly expressed by the lowering of 5α-dihydrotestosterone + androstane 3α, 17β–diol and an enhanced formation of 5α-reduced steroids with poor androgenic properties (e.g. 5α–androstane, 3, 17α-dione (androstanedione), 5α–androstan, 3-ol-17-one (androsterone)). Treatment of the same group of animals with T3 in vivo and in vitro did not influence the pattern of 5α–reductase steroids substantially. The most striking finding in the Sertoli cells of 3-week-old hypothyroid rats was the dramatic enhancement of oestradiol formation which persisted to a lesser extent 1 week later. Oestradiol formation was greatly decreased by the addition of T3 in vivo and in vitro in hypothyroid animals. These results suggest that T3 might influence androgen metabolism during the functional maturation of Sertoli cells.

...Since the period in which Sertoli cells multiply corre¬ sponds with the ability of these cells to produce oestradiol (Armstrong & Dorrington 1977), it is possible to specu¬ late that the enhanced and prolonged aromatase activity observed in hypothyroid rats may be associated with increased and sustained mitogenic activity of Sertoli cells. For instance, it has been found that induced neonatal hypothyroidism retards the morphological differentiation of Sertoli cells and prolongs the proliferation of these cells up to day 30 when it ceases almost completely at 20 days in controls (van Haaster et al. 1992).

Virtually All Patients With Depression Are Hypothyroid

It does not get much better than what this study found. More than 2/3 of mildly depressed patients and basically all moderately and severely depressed ones has low T3 levels. TSH was elevated in almost 55% of the patients. As the study says, this widespread prevalence of sub-clinical hypothyroidism may explain why so few people respond to antidepressants and why they relapse so often. However, because their hypothyroidism would be considered sub-clinical, as the study said, very few of those people will likely get treatment from their doctor. So, until doctors finally start to see depression as an endocrine problem instead of a mood disorder, an actual cure for depression will likely remain elusive.

...In this study, 32 unmedicated patients of unipolar depression were included and blood samples were analysed for T3, T4 and TSH. These were compared with age and sex matched controls. Subnormal T3 and T4 levels in 90.6% and 9.3% respectively and an increase of TSH levels in 18.7% of the total patients was observed in this study. The patients were classified into mild, moderate and severe grade of depression as per DSM-IV criteria. Of the mild 66.6%, 93.3% of moderate and all of the severe grade depression patients had low T3 levels. Of the moderately depressed patients 13.3% and 9.0% of severe depression patients had low T4 levels. TSH was increased than normal in 54.5% of the patients and all these patients were of severe grade. ANOVA with multiple comparison testing shows significant decrease in levels of T3 (F2.29 >3.33) and significant increase in TSH levels (F2.29 >3.33) at 5% level of significance amongst mild, moderate and severe grade of depression patients. This study suggests a subclinical hypothyroidism in most of the patients which could lead to nonresponsiveness to the conventional antidepressant therapy. Therefore, evaluation of thyroid status prior to antidepressant therapy and subsequent thyroid hormone substitution in subclinical hypothyroid patients is suggested.
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I appreciate the effort but im not reading it
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  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker, Deleted member 20565, Deleted member 12611 and 1 other person
some niggas here really be too lazy to do anything productive and then create 50 page long college thesis on looksmax. JFL
  • JFL
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  • Ugh..
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Hypothyroidism Can Cause Anxiety, Panic Attacks And Other Mental Issues

One of the few studies that is at least attempting to frame mental health issues in terms of endocrinology. More specifically, the study below demonstrated that people with Hashimoto disease have drastically increased rates of anxiety, panic attacks and risks for other mental health disorders. More importantly, treatment with an NSAID (ibuprofen) and thyroxine (T4) for just 14 days resolved both the "autoimmune" thyroiditis (as Hashimoto's is also known) and the mental health issues of those patients. IMO, using aspirin instead of ibuprofen would have been much more beneficial given aspirin's other effects such as reductions in estrogen and serotonin signalling, both of which are involved in mental health disorders. In addition, ALL of the drugs in the NSAID category, with the notable exception of aspirin, have a known side effects of raising the risk of cardiac arrest and heart attacks. Another peculiar and handicapping aspect of the study is that it only measured TSH, and T4/T3 and despite the "slightly" elevated TSH the study concluded that thyroid function was "normal" in those patients. It is a widely acknowledged fact that most patients with Hashimoto's are hypothyroid, so the study would have been a lot more useful if it had done the correct measures and had concluded that hypothyroidism is a cause of all those mental health issues. Oh well, I guess we can't have everything good happen in just one study. The good news is that the authors of that study seem to be aware of the deep connection between endocrinology and mental health and plan on doing a follow up study where they will be measuring adrenal and gonadal function. If the results come back as I expect - elevated adrenal and suppressed gonadal function - the dream of Broda Barnes may very well come true. Namely, banish the fake "science" of psychiatry from the field of medicine and replace it with endocrine physiology, where mental health issues are seen as specific symptoms of an endocrine disturbance, and the latter itself is seen as a symptom of energetic disturbance driven by external factors such as stress, toxins, poor diet, etc.

People with thyroid problems at greater risk of anxiety, says study

Topical T3 Dramatically Stimulates Hair Growth

The study below demonstrated that applying daily the HED of a few mcg of T3 per square inch of skin increased hair length by several thousand percent.

Topical triiodothyronine stimulates epidermal proliferation, dermal thickening, and hair growth in mice and rats - PubMed

Thyroid Status Affects Color Vision

I found this study particularly fascinating as disturbances in color vision are very common in people with psychiatric conditions driven by stress, people with "addiction", dementia, and a few other conditions with very clear and direct role of thyroid function. Perhaps the findings of this study can be used as additional tests for thyroid function - i.e. if you start to see blue/violet hues in objects or your peripheral vision then it may be time to take some thyroid.

Thyroid affects colour vision

Effects Of Thyroid Hormone On Steroid Metabolism

Very good study for those who want to know how taking thyroid affects their steroid metabolism. Below is my summary of the relevant point, but I still strongly recommend everyone reads the entire study, as it is very accessible.

1. Cortisol and aldosterone production and clearance rate is dramatically increased by hyperthyroidism and decreased by hypothyroidism. While this means higher production of these steroids, it also means faster excretion and thus much weaker effect of these steroids in a hyperthyroid state. In hypothyroidism, clearance is decreased and even though plasma levels may be normal, these steroids have much longer half life and much stronger effect on tissues.

2. Testosterone and DHT production is dramatically increased in hyperthyroidism and their clearance rate is decreased. This means much higher plasma levels of these hormones will accumulate in a hyperthyroid state and their effect will be very pronounced. The most dramatic increase was noted for DHT, with plasma levels increasing by 8-10 times over the average values found in euthyroid men. The data on testosterone was pretty similar to DHT. The data on estrone and estradiol was not consistent between studies. Some studies found very high levels of both estradiol and estrone in hyperthyroid people and this resulted in gynecomastia for some men. Other studies did not find increased estrogen in hyperthyroid people. What the studies did find was the accelerated conversion of estrone and estradiol into estriol, which is the "weakest" of the estrogens and is often used as finial form to be excreted in urine.

Hypothyroidism Dramatically Increases Estrogen Synthesis

Influence of thyroid hormone on androgen metabolism in peripuberal rat Sertoli cells. - PubMed - NCBI

Virtually All Patients With Depression Are Hypothyroid

It does not get much better than what this study found. More than 2/3 of mildly depressed patients and basically all moderately and severely depressed ones has low T3 levels. TSH was elevated in almost 55% of the patients. As the study says, this widespread prevalence of sub-clinical hypothyroidism may explain why so few people respond to antidepressants and why they relapse so often. However, because their hypothyroidism would be considered sub-clinical, as the study said, very few of those people will likely get treatment from their doctor. So, until doctors finally start to see depression as an endocrine problem instead of a mood disorder, an actual cure for depression will likely remain elusive.

nigger give tldr
Tldr take aspirin???
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A symptom of underactive thyroid is lack of motivation and inability to concentrate. If you are looking for a TLDR or commenting that you didnt read, then this thread is exactly for you.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: |Daddy_Zygos|, Skywalker, SteveRogers and 11 others
I think it's worth noting that industrialcels not only have a lower T level than their ancestors, the thyroid is also shit compared to
A symptom of underactive thyroid is lack of motivation and inability to concentrate. If you are looking for a TLDR or commenting that you didnt read, then this thread is exactly for you.
nigger i got better things to do in my life like fuck jbs am not reading a fucking .me theisis
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 24712 and AlwaysHaveQuestions
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 24712 and AlwaysHaveQuestions
Interesting thread. Thx
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should I go the doctors or just swallow aspirin each morning for the next 14 days jfl
A symptom of underactive thyroid is lack of motivation and inability to concentrate. If you are looking for a TLDR or commenting that you didnt read, then this thread is exactly for you.
What can i do if i have underactive thyroid?
found these pills on expresspct, why not swallow these instad of aspirin or ibu? good thread btw bhai
Being a non-Chad results in lack of motivation about life. KEK

Topical T3 Dramatically Stimulates Hair Growth

The study below demonstrated that applying daily the HED of a few mcg of T3 per square inch of skin increased hair length by several thousand percent.

2. Testosterone and DHT production is dramatically increased in hyperthyroidism and their clearance rate is decreased. This means much higher plasma levels of these hormones will accumulate in a hyperthyroid state and their effect will be very pronounced. The most dramatic increase was noted for DHT, with plasma levels increasing by 8-10 times over the average values found in euthyroid men. The data on testosterone was pretty similar to DHT. The data on estrone and estradiol was not consistent between studies. Some studies found very high levels of both estradiol and estrone in hyperthyroid people and this resulted in gynecomastia for some men. Other studies did not find increased estrogen in hyperthyroid people. What the studies did find was the accelerated conversion of estrone and estradiol into estriol, which is the "weakest" of the estrogens and is often used as finial form to be excreted in urine.
Does that mean that hyperthyroidism is a chad trait? I'm ignorant on the subject, feel free to enlighten me
Does that mean that hyperthyroidism is a chad trait? I'm ignorant on the subject, feel free to enlighten me
not necessarily because your cortisol is so fucking high but it
1) increases androgen receptors,
2) increases IGF-1 and IGFBP-4,
3) decreases estrogen receptors,
4) inhibits the aromatase
5) decreases androgen binding proteins.
  • +1
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you follow ray peat?
tbh i don't think drinking a gallon of milk a day with Mexican Coke is justified, but the work of the thyroid which is responsible for all the hormones in your body is very much emphasized by him for which I appreciate ray
frame mental health issues in terms of endocrinology.
Jew fuckers. They want everybody to be unhealthy and gulping SSRIs when the fix is general health. How the fuck can you completely ignore the rest of the human physiology when talking about mental health?? Need more threads like this...
Testosterone is very much pro-Dopaminergic.
The Neurosteroid Allopregnanolone is very, very pro-GABA, and is connected to depression. Neurosteroidogenesis and regular Steroidogenesis (from Cholesterol to Pregnenolone) is very much dependant on Thyroid function. TAKE THE THYROIDPILL ALREADY JFL.
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Reactions: Preoximerianas and PURE ARYAN GENETICS
The Neurosteroid Allopregnanolone is very, very pro-GABA, and is connected to depression.
The most used SSRIs "incidentally" as a "SIDE EFFECT" raise Allopregnanolone. And they still try to sell off the mechanism to the Serotogenic action. Jfl
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Have quite a few of these symptoms but after 2 tests my thyroid is "normal". Is there any way to get Thyroxine & the others? Seriously considering just doing my own experiment on some Moreplatesmoredates shit.

Hypothyroidism Can Cause Anxiety, Panic Attacks And Other Mental Issues

One of the few studies that is at least attempting to frame mental health issues in terms of endocrinology. More specifically, the study below demonstrated that people with Hashimoto disease have drastically increased rates of anxiety, panic attacks and risks for other mental health disorders. More importantly, treatment with an NSAID (ibuprofen) and thyroxine (T4) for just 14 days resolved both the "autoimmune" thyroiditis (as Hashimoto's is also known) and the mental health issues of those patients. IMO, using aspirin instead of ibuprofen would have been much more beneficial given aspirin's other effects such as reductions in estrogen and serotonin signalling, both of which are involved in mental health disorders. In addition, ALL of the drugs in the NSAID category, with the notable exception of aspirin, have a known side effects of raising the risk of cardiac arrest and heart attacks. Another peculiar and handicapping aspect of the study is that it only measured TSH, and T4/T3 and despite the "slightly" elevated TSH the study concluded that thyroid function was "normal" in those patients. It is a widely acknowledged fact that most patients with Hashimoto's are hypothyroid, so the study would have been a lot more useful if it had done the correct measures and had concluded that hypothyroidism is a cause of all those mental health issues. Oh well, I guess we can't have everything good happen in just one study. The good news is that the authors of that study seem to be aware of the deep connection between endocrinology and mental health and plan on doing a follow up study where they will be measuring adrenal and gonadal function. If the results come back as I expect - elevated adrenal and suppressed gonadal function - the dream of Broda Barnes may very well come true. Namely, banish the fake "science" of psychiatry from the field of medicine and replace it with endocrine physiology, where mental health issues are seen as specific symptoms of an endocrine disturbance, and the latter itself is seen as a symptom of energetic disturbance driven by external factors such as stress, toxins, poor diet, etc.

People with thyroid problems at greater risk of anxiety, says study

Topical T3 Dramatically Stimulates Hair Growth

The study below demonstrated that applying daily the HED of a few mcg of T3 per square inch of skin increased hair length by several thousand percent.

Topical triiodothyronine stimulates epidermal proliferation, dermal thickening, and hair growth in mice and rats - PubMed

Thyroid Status Affects Color Vision

I found this study particularly fascinating as disturbances in color vision are very common in people with psychiatric conditions driven by stress, people with "addiction", dementia, and a few other conditions with very clear and direct role of thyroid function. Perhaps the findings of this study can be used as additional tests for thyroid function - i.e. if you start to see blue/violet hues in objects or your peripheral vision then it may be time to take some thyroid.

Thyroid affects colour vision

Effects Of Thyroid Hormone On Steroid Metabolism

Very good study for those who want to know how taking thyroid affects their steroid metabolism. Below is my summary of the relevant point, but I still strongly recommend everyone reads the entire study, as it is very accessible.

1. Cortisol and aldosterone production and clearance rate is dramatically increased by hyperthyroidism and decreased by hypothyroidism. While this means higher production of these steroids, it also means faster excretion and thus much weaker effect of these steroids in a hyperthyroid state. In hypothyroidism, clearance is decreased and even though plasma levels may be normal, these steroids have much longer half life and much stronger effect on tissues.

2. Testosterone and DHT production is dramatically increased in hyperthyroidism and their clearance rate is decreased. This means much higher plasma levels of these hormones will accumulate in a hyperthyroid state and their effect will be very pronounced. The most dramatic increase was noted for DHT, with plasma levels increasing by 8-10 times over the average values found in euthyroid men. The data on testosterone was pretty similar to DHT. The data on estrone and estradiol was not consistent between studies. Some studies found very high levels of both estradiol and estrone in hyperthyroid people and this resulted in gynecomastia for some men. Other studies did not find increased estrogen in hyperthyroid people. What the studies did find was the accelerated conversion of estrone and estradiol into estriol, which is the "weakest" of the estrogens and is often used as finial form to be excreted in urine.

Hypothyroidism Dramatically Increases Estrogen Synthesis

Influence of thyroid hormone on androgen metabolism in peripuberal rat Sertoli cells. - PubMed - NCBI

Virtually All Patients With Depression Are Hypothyroid

It does not get much better than what this study found. More than 2/3 of mildly depressed patients and basically all moderately and severely depressed ones has low T3 levels. TSH was elevated in almost 55% of the patients. As the study says, this widespread prevalence of sub-clinical hypothyroidism may explain why so few people respond to antidepressants and why they relapse so often. However, because their hypothyroidism would be considered sub-clinical, as the study said, very few of those people will likely get treatment from their doctor. So, until doctors finally start to see depression as an endocrine problem instead of a mood disorder, an actual cure for depression will likely remain elusive.

will increased thyroid inscrease or decrease estrogen?
very nice post btw:D
E277875A 5BA5 4673 9D72 6244FEF33027

More importantly, treatment with an NSAID (ibuprofen) and thyroxine (T4) for just 14 days resolved both the "autoimmune" thyroiditis (as Hashimoto's is also known) and the mental health issues of those patients. IMO, using aspirin instead of ibuprofen would have been much more beneficial given aspirin's other effects such as reductions in estrogen and serotonin signalling, both of which are involved in mental health disorders.​

So should I be using aspirin for 14 days to solve the problem?

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