Tincelw Looksmaxing guide P1 - Foundation


Deleted member 439

what would jordan do?
Oct 20, 2018
This is my approach to developing long term, successful looksmaxing and lifemaxing success. The most important and crucial thing you need is a healthy functioning mind. A healthy mind and reward system is crucial for long term success. Most problems you face in your life are a result of a fucked up mind, they are symptoms of the problem not the problem itself.

The functional Brain vs The unfunctional Brain

Dopamine is created from the amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine using iron and vitamin B6 as cofactors.
Phenylalanine ⇒ (phenylalanine hydroxylase) ⇒ Tyrosine ⇒ (tyrosine hydroxylase) ⇒ L-dopa ⇒ (dopa decarboxylase) ⇒ Dopamine
Dopamine then acts on two receptors namely D1 and D2. D1 promotes the release of cAMP and D2 reduces cAMP levels. D2 is also the dopamine autoreceptor, which means that, when dopamine binds to it, it reduces dopamine synthesis, thus controlling dopamine levels.
People with functional brain reward systems are wired to work hard and achieve their goals. The brain rewards actions such as sex with dopamine.

When you have chronically low dopamine, your brain forces you to do small tasks to temporarily raise dopamine. These actions are things like fapping, overeating, ect. However, these short term dopamine spikes will keep becoming less and less.

"Addiction has always been thought to be driven by dopamine, but it’s been found that it’s dopamine hypo-activity that leads to addiction. People with addiction usually have low dopamine or less D2 receptors, thus they require more dopamine releasing substances just to feel “normal” again. A lack of dopamine and/or an excess of serotonin (serotonin also suppresses dopamine release (R)) causes anhedonia; the lack of pleasure."

As dopamine drops, due to chronic stress or serotonin, less D2 is activated and this may lead to elevated glutamatergic signalling which may contribute to addiction (R). Additionally, low striatal D1 receptor availability leads to more risk-seeking behavior, a character trait known to be associated with an increased risk of addiction (R). Again, low dopamine and/or dopamine receptors lead to addiction.

Do you have a healthy brain?
If you have these symptoms, you probably have a dysfunctional reward system. With the lifestyle many of you live, its exteremely likely that you suffer from this
  1. Lack of motivation, no goal setting or ambition, lack of self-grooming
  2. No creativity, brain fog, low problem solving ability
  3. Don’t want to explore, not curious, closed minded
  4. Anhedonia, lack of pleasure, don’t enjoy much, negativity (rarely happy), no humor, disconnected
  5. Diminished ability or just don’t want to connect with people
  6. Lack of content, no purpose or beauty in life
  7. Anti-social / social anxiety, fearful, nervous, anxious
  8. Attention deficit, short term memory loss, etc…
  9. Low appetite (because of elevated serotonin)
  10. High prolactin
  11. Might increase dependence of stimulants

Two things:
1. Its Impossible to ascend with a brain like this. Ascension requires committment, motivation, and hard work.

2. Problems in your brain cause a huge amount of problems

Dopamine and serotonin for Erections:


Up to 80% of people, in young patients in particular, on SSRI drugs report sexual dysfunction as one of the most relevant side effects (R, R). That is exactly why up to 90% of people discontinue SSRI therapy. SSRIS inhibits the reabsorption of serotonin by neurons, so increasing the availability of serotonin as a neurotransmitter.
  • inhibiting nitric oxide synthesis (R)
  • lowering dopamine release
  • increasing prolactin
  • increasing renin (which promotes vasoconstriction and inflammation)
  • stimulating the adrenal axis (CRH, ACTH and cortisol) through activation of the 5-HT2A receptor (R, R).
The serotonin receptor 5-HT3 also appears to reduce erectile function and blocking it improves it (R). Ondansetron, a 5-HT3 antagonist, used to treat nausea, is able to promote erection by aiding in pinching the outflow vein closed, which promotes blood pooling in the penis (R).
the serotonin receptor 5-HT4 might also be anti-erection, and blocking it can have pro-erection effects (R). Lysine is a natural amino acid with Spotent 5-HT4 antagonistic properties and could aid in erections.

Dopamine is a major modulator of sexual function and is the primary prolactin antagonist. Prolactin lowers testosterone levels, inhibits DHT formation and reduces libido and erections. Prolactin, similar to serotonin, is also able to modulate dopaminergic function in specific brain regions and inhibit dopamine control in the hypothalamus (R). More on prolactin in part 2.

Dopamine is thought to regulate erection by acting on oxytocin containing neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, where prolactin has an inhibitory effect (R).

Dopamine agonist treatment in Parkinson’s disease is frequently accompanied by the clinical observation of hypersexuality (R).
Some of the safer dopaminergic drugs that can have the best effect on erections include lisuride, metergoline, amantadine and selegiline (R, R)

Dopamine can even induce an erection in the presence of a NOS inhibitor (R).

Effects of High serotonin

  • Increases aldosterone (aldosterone increases blood pressure and causes water retention)
  • Increases prolactin release (mainly through 5-HT2A) (R),
  • Activates the adrenal axis, by increasing CRH, glucocorticoids & ACTH (mainly through 5-HT2C) as well as glucocorticoid receptors via the 5-HT7 receptor (R)
  • Increases estrogen receptors (through 5-HT4) (R)
  • inhibits testosterone synthesis
  • inhibits dopamine release in frontal cortex (through 5-HT1B and 5-HT2C)

More evidence on the importance

High serotonin:
Depressed, sadness, feeling down, reduced desire to do other things like go out and have fun, social anxiety and withdrawal, etc. (R, R, R)

  • Reduced cognitive function (not necessarily lack of knowledge, but intuitive thinking) (R). However, they might think they are smart and have all the answers in a very authoritative way.
  • Narcissistic (R) – delusions of grandeur, fantasize about power, exaggerated sense of self-importance, requiring constant admiration, etc.
  • Reduced senses (sensory perception) – anhedonia, apathy, reduced smell, hearing, taste, sensation, euphoria to music, etc. (R, R)

Effects of Dopamine:

Low histamine and dopamine leads to excess fatigue during the day, slow mental function, hypo-activity (not very active during the day), constant munchies, anxiety, etc. Antagonizing the H3 receptor increases histamine and dopamine, which as a result improves energy during the day, sleep at night and also boosts mental function and reduces appetite.
The difference between histamine and dopamine is that dopamine mostly promotes exploration of things outside the comfort-zone, whereas histamine mostly promotes exploration inside the comfort-zone and makes you prone to forming habits.

High dopamine promotes a creative, socially comfortable (pro-social, no anxiety), more fluid and flexible personality (R, R). Dopamine is also involved in learning – what to avoid that might put you in danger – but uncomfortable situations might rather be seen as opportunities instead of difficulties.

To those serious about looksmaxing and improving your life: There are NO quick fixes. Everything is connected, and being healthy should be everyone first priority. Men are naturally driven by success and motivated, It should come naturally. Men should be risk takers, optmistic, with high libido.
IF you constantly feel tired, lethargic, unmotivated, no libido you NEED to fix this. It is not a normal way to live.
Life should be enjoyable and easy, If its not something is wrong. If you notice so many symptoms its all connected to this. ED drugs, study pills, alcohol to relax, sarms to build muscle are all ignoring the underlying issue. @Seth Walsh was right all along ;)

The next thread will be about how to change your diet, lifestyle, sleep, and supplements to restore a healthy brain. After we built the foundation which allows us to be happy and motivated, I will make more detailed threads about specific topics. If you want to be tagged please comment it.

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Jfl you were just dropping a shit thread in the same section and now coming with this? Good thread will read soon.
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high iq thread
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gonna read later but looks good
tag me next time ngl tbh
Looking forward to part 2(yes, tag me)!
This is my approach to developing long term, successful looksmaxing and lifemaxing success. The most important and crucial thing you need is a healthy functioning mind. A healthy mind and reward system is crucial for long term success. Most problems you face in your life are a result of a fucked up mind, they are symptoms of the problem not the problem itself.

The functional Brain vs The unfunctional Brain
View attachment 1021398
Dopamine is created from the amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine using iron and vitamin B6 as cofactors.
Phenylalanine ⇒ (phenylalanine hydroxylase) ⇒ Tyrosine ⇒ (tyrosine hydroxylase) ⇒ L-dopa ⇒ (dopa decarboxylase) ⇒ Dopamine
Dopamine then acts on two receptors namely D1 and D2. D1 promotes the release of cAMP and D2 reduces cAMP levels. D2 is also the dopamine autoreceptor, which means that, when dopamine binds to it, it reduces dopamine synthesis, thus controlling dopamine levels.
People with functional brain reward systems are wired to work hard and achieve their goals. The brain rewards actions such as sex with dopamine.

When you have chronically low dopamine, your brain forces you to do small tasks to temporarily raise dopamine. These actions are things like fapping, overeating, ect. However, these short term dopamine spikes will keep becoming less and less.

"Addiction has always been thought to be driven by dopamine, but it’s been found that it’s dopamine hypo-activity that leads to addiction. People with addiction usually have low dopamine or less D2 receptors, thus they require more dopamine releasing substances just to feel “normal” again. A lack of dopamine and/or an excess of serotonin (serotonin also suppresses dopamine release (R)) causes anhedonia; the lack of pleasure."
View attachment 1021399
As dopamine drops, due to chronic stress or serotonin, less D2 is activated and this may lead to elevated glutamatergic signalling which may contribute to addiction (R). Additionally, low striatal D1 receptor availability leads to more risk-seeking behavior, a character trait known to be associated with an increased risk of addiction (R). Again, low dopamine and/or dopamine receptors lead to addiction.

Do you have a healthy brain?
If you have these symptoms, you probably have a dysfunctional reward system. With the lifestyle many of you live, its exteremely likely that you suffer from this
  1. Lack of motivation, no goal setting or ambition, lack of self-grooming
  2. No creativity, brain fog, low problem solving ability
  3. Don’t want to explore, not curious, closed minded
  4. Anhedonia, lack of pleasure, don’t enjoy much, negativity (rarely happy), no humor, disconnected
  5. Diminished ability or just don’t want to connect with people
  6. Lack of content, no purpose or beauty in life
  7. Anti-social / social anxiety, fearful, nervous, anxious
  8. Attention deficit, short term memory loss, etc…
  9. Low appetite (because of elevated serotonin)
  10. High prolactin
  11. Might increase dependence of stimulants

Two things:
1. Its Impossible to ascend with a brain like this. Ascension requires committment, motivation, and hard work.

2. Problems in your brain cause a huge amount of problems

Dopamine and serotonin for Erections:


Up to 80% of people, in young patients in particular, on SSRI drugs report sexual dysfunction as one of the most relevant side effects (R, R). That is exactly why up to 90% of people discontinue SSRI therapy. SSRIS inhibits the reabsorption of serotonin by neurons, so increasing the availability of serotonin as a neurotransmitter.
  • inhibiting nitric oxide synthesis (R)
  • lowering dopamine release
  • increasing prolactin
  • increasing renin (which promotes vasoconstriction and inflammation)
  • stimulating the adrenal axis (CRH, ACTH and cortisol) through activation of the 5-HT2A receptor (R, R).
The serotonin receptor 5-HT3 also appears to reduce erectile function and blocking it improves it (R). Ondansetron, a 5-HT3 antagonist, used to treat nausea, is able to promote erection by aiding in pinching the outflow vein closed, which promotes blood pooling in the penis (R).
the serotonin receptor 5-HT4 might also be anti-erection, and blocking it can have pro-erection effects (R). Lysine is a natural amino acid with Spotent 5-HT4 antagonistic properties and could aid in erections.

Dopamine is a major modulator of sexual function and is the primary prolactin antagonist. Prolactin lowers testosterone levels, inhibits DHT formation and reduces libido and erections. Prolactin, similar to serotonin, is also able to modulate dopaminergic function in specific brain regions and inhibit dopamine control in the hypothalamus (R). More on prolactin in part 2.

Dopamine is thought to regulate erection by acting on oxytocin containing neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, where prolactin has an inhibitory effect (R).

Dopamine agonist treatment in Parkinson’s disease is frequently accompanied by the clinical observation of hypersexuality (R).
Some of the safer dopaminergic drugs that can have the best effect on erections include lisuride, metergoline, amantadine and selegiline (R, R)

Dopamine can even induce an erection in the presence of a NOS inhibitor (R).

Effects of High serotonin

  • Increases aldosterone (aldosterone increases blood pressure and causes water retention)
  • Increases prolactin release (mainly through 5-HT2A) (R),
  • Activates the adrenal axis, by increasing CRH, glucocorticoids & ACTH (mainly through 5-HT2C) as well as glucocorticoid receptors via the 5-HT7 receptor (R)
  • Increases estrogen receptors (through 5-HT4) (R)
  • inhibits testosterone synthesis
  • inhibits dopamine release in frontal cortex (through 5-HT1B and 5-HT2C)

More evidence on the importance

High serotonin:
Depressed, sadness, feeling down, reduced desire to do other things like go out and have fun, social anxiety and withdrawal, etc. (R, R, R)

  • Reduced cognitive function (not necessarily lack of knowledge, but intuitive thinking) (R). However, they might think they are smart and have all the answers in a very authoritative way.
  • Narcissistic (R) – delusions of grandeur, fantasize about power, exaggerated sense of self-importance, requiring constant admiration, etc.
  • Reduced senses (sensory perception) – anhedonia, apathy, reduced smell, hearing, taste, sensation, euphoria to music, etc. (R, R)

Effects of Dopamine:

Low histamine and dopamine leads to excess fatigue during the day, slow mental function, hypo-activity (not very active during the day), constant munchies, anxiety, etc. Antagonizing the H3 receptor increases histamine and dopamine, which as a result improves energy during the day, sleep at night and also boosts mental function and reduces appetite.
The difference between histamine and dopamine is that dopamine mostly promotes exploration of things outside the comfort-zone, whereas histamine mostly promotes exploration inside the comfort-zone and makes you prone to forming habits.

High dopamine promotes a creative, socially comfortable (pro-social, no anxiety), more fluid and flexible personality (R, R). Dopamine is also involved in learning – what to avoid that might put you in danger – but uncomfortable situations might rather be seen as opportunities instead of difficulties.

To those serious about looksmaxing and improving your life: There are NO quick fixes. Everything is connected, and being healthy should be everyone first priority. Men are naturally driven by success and motivated, It should come naturally. Men should be risk takers, optmistic, with high libido.
IF you constantly feel tired, lethargic, unmotivated, no libido you NEED to fix this. It is not a normal way to live.
Life should be enjoyable and easy, If its not something is wrong. If you notice so many symptoms its all connected to this. ED drugs, study pills, alcohol to relax, sarms to build muscle are all ignoring the underlying issue. @Seth Walsh was right all along ;)

The next thread will be about how to change your diet, lifestyle, sleep, and supplements to restore a healthy brain. After we built the foundation which allows us to be happy and motivated, I will make more detailed threads about specific topics. If you want to be tagged please comment it.
Tag me in your next thread. I liked this one
i wont read due to the fact i dont be spending my time here anymore but i read this thread and diet really helped me. i used to cope with alcohol aswell. lifes good tho now
  • +1
Reactions: repulsiveanddumb
tag me on part 2 my brain looks like a rotten piece of meat
great thread tbh
This is my approach to developing long term, successful looksmaxing and lifemaxing success. The most important and crucial thing you need is a healthy functioning mind. A healthy mind and reward system is crucial for long term success. Most problems you face in your life are a result of a fucked up mind, they are symptoms of the problem not the problem itself.

The functional Brain vs The unfunctional Brain
View attachment 1021398
Dopamine is created from the amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine using iron and vitamin B6 as cofactors.
Phenylalanine ⇒ (phenylalanine hydroxylase) ⇒ Tyrosine ⇒ (tyrosine hydroxylase) ⇒ L-dopa ⇒ (dopa decarboxylase) ⇒ Dopamine
Dopamine then acts on two receptors namely D1 and D2. D1 promotes the release of cAMP and D2 reduces cAMP levels. D2 is also the dopamine autoreceptor, which means that, when dopamine binds to it, it reduces dopamine synthesis, thus controlling dopamine levels.
People with functional brain reward systems are wired to work hard and achieve their goals. The brain rewards actions such as sex with dopamine.

When you have chronically low dopamine, your brain forces you to do small tasks to temporarily raise dopamine. These actions are things like fapping, overeating, ect. However, these short term dopamine spikes will keep becoming less and less.

"Addiction has always been thought to be driven by dopamine, but it’s been found that it’s dopamine hypo-activity that leads to addiction. People with addiction usually have low dopamine or less D2 receptors, thus they require more dopamine releasing substances just to feel “normal” again. A lack of dopamine and/or an excess of serotonin (serotonin also suppresses dopamine release (R)) causes anhedonia; the lack of pleasure."
View attachment 1021399
As dopamine drops, due to chronic stress or serotonin, less D2 is activated and this may lead to elevated glutamatergic signalling which may contribute to addiction (R). Additionally, low striatal D1 receptor availability leads to more risk-seeking behavior, a character trait known to be associated with an increased risk of addiction (R). Again, low dopamine and/or dopamine receptors lead to addiction.

Do you have a healthy brain?
If you have these symptoms, you probably have a dysfunctional reward system. With the lifestyle many of you live, its exteremely likely that you suffer from this
  1. Lack of motivation, no goal setting or ambition, lack of self-grooming
  2. No creativity, brain fog, low problem solving ability
  3. Don’t want to explore, not curious, closed minded
  4. Anhedonia, lack of pleasure, don’t enjoy much, negativity (rarely happy), no humor, disconnected
  5. Diminished ability or just don’t want to connect with people
  6. Lack of content, no purpose or beauty in life
  7. Anti-social / social anxiety, fearful, nervous, anxious
  8. Attention deficit, short term memory loss, etc…
  9. Low appetite (because of elevated serotonin)
  10. High prolactin
  11. Might increase dependence of stimulants

Two things:
1. Its Impossible to ascend with a brain like this. Ascension requires committment, motivation, and hard work.

2. Problems in your brain cause a huge amount of problems

Dopamine and serotonin for Erections:


Up to 80% of people, in young patients in particular, on SSRI drugs report sexual dysfunction as one of the most relevant side effects (R, R). That is exactly why up to 90% of people discontinue SSRI therapy. SSRIS inhibits the reabsorption of serotonin by neurons, so increasing the availability of serotonin as a neurotransmitter.
  • inhibiting nitric oxide synthesis (R)
  • lowering dopamine release
  • increasing prolactin
  • increasing renin (which promotes vasoconstriction and inflammation)
  • stimulating the adrenal axis (CRH, ACTH and cortisol) through activation of the 5-HT2A receptor (R, R).
The serotonin receptor 5-HT3 also appears to reduce erectile function and blocking it improves it (R). Ondansetron, a 5-HT3 antagonist, used to treat nausea, is able to promote erection by aiding in pinching the outflow vein closed, which promotes blood pooling in the penis (R).
the serotonin receptor 5-HT4 might also be anti-erection, and blocking it can have pro-erection effects (R). Lysine is a natural amino acid with Spotent 5-HT4 antagonistic properties and could aid in erections.

Dopamine is a major modulator of sexual function and is the primary prolactin antagonist. Prolactin lowers testosterone levels, inhibits DHT formation and reduces libido and erections. Prolactin, similar to serotonin, is also able to modulate dopaminergic function in specific brain regions and inhibit dopamine control in the hypothalamus (R). More on prolactin in part 2.

Dopamine is thought to regulate erection by acting on oxytocin containing neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, where prolactin has an inhibitory effect (R).

Dopamine agonist treatment in Parkinson’s disease is frequently accompanied by the clinical observation of hypersexuality (R).
Some of the safer dopaminergic drugs that can have the best effect on erections include lisuride, metergoline, amantadine and selegiline (R, R)

Dopamine can even induce an erection in the presence of a NOS inhibitor (R).

Effects of High serotonin

  • Increases aldosterone (aldosterone increases blood pressure and causes water retention)
  • Increases prolactin release (mainly through 5-HT2A) (R),
  • Activates the adrenal axis, by increasing CRH, glucocorticoids & ACTH (mainly through 5-HT2C) as well as glucocorticoid receptors via the 5-HT7 receptor (R)
  • Increases estrogen receptors (through 5-HT4) (R)
  • inhibits testosterone synthesis
  • inhibits dopamine release in frontal cortex (through 5-HT1B and 5-HT2C)

More evidence on the importance

High serotonin:
Depressed, sadness, feeling down, reduced desire to do other things like go out and have fun, social anxiety and withdrawal, etc. (R, R, R)

  • Reduced cognitive function (not necessarily lack of knowledge, but intuitive thinking) (R). However, they might think they are smart and have all the answers in a very authoritative way.
  • Narcissistic (R) – delusions of grandeur, fantasize about power, exaggerated sense of self-importance, requiring constant admiration, etc.
  • Reduced senses (sensory perception) – anhedonia, apathy, reduced smell, hearing, taste, sensation, euphoria to music, etc. (R, R)

Effects of Dopamine:

Low histamine and dopamine leads to excess fatigue during the day, slow mental function, hypo-activity (not very active during the day), constant munchies, anxiety, etc. Antagonizing the H3 receptor increases histamine and dopamine, which as a result improves energy during the day, sleep at night and also boosts mental function and reduces appetite.
The difference between histamine and dopamine is that dopamine mostly promotes exploration of things outside the comfort-zone, whereas histamine mostly promotes exploration inside the comfort-zone and makes you prone to forming habits.

High dopamine promotes a creative, socially comfortable (pro-social, no anxiety), more fluid and flexible personality (R, R). Dopamine is also involved in learning – what to avoid that might put you in danger – but uncomfortable situations might rather be seen as opportunities instead of difficulties.

To those serious about looksmaxing and improving your life: There are NO quick fixes. Everything is connected, and being healthy should be everyone first priority. Men are naturally driven by success and motivated, It should come naturally. Men should be risk takers, optmistic, with high libido.
IF you constantly feel tired, lethargic, unmotivated, no libido you NEED to fix this. It is not a normal way to live.
Life should be enjoyable and easy, If its not something is wrong. If you notice so many symptoms its all connected to this. ED drugs, study pills, alcohol to relax, sarms to build muscle are all ignoring the underlying issue. @Seth Walsh was right all along ;)

The next thread will be about how to change your diet, lifestyle, sleep, and supplements to restore a healthy brain. After we built the foundation which allows us to be happy and motivated, I will make more detailed threads about specific topics. If you want to be tagged please comment it.
I had everything ''fixed'' in my life. Did very little good to me though. It all comes back round the circle, because what matters is to have a person you can be with together. Otherwise it all ends up being as copes, because having your life ''fixed'' and being incredibly unhappy with it will most certainly throw you back down. All the effort for 0, why put in effort then?
The only way that is left for me to meet anyone for example is tinder, and I don't need to say why that's absolutely disastrous.
I had everything ''fixed'' in my life. Did very little good to me though. It all comes back round the circle, because what matters is to have a person you can be with together. Otherwise it all ends up being as copes, because having your life ''fixed'' and being incredibly unhappy with it will most certainly throw you back down. All the effort for 0, why put in effort then?
The only way that is left for me to meet anyone for example is tinder, and I don't need to say why that's absolutely disastrous.
If you actually fixed it then it then you wouldnt feel incredibly unhappy. What I am talking about is fixing your brain, not your environment. Obviously I cant claim that its simple or easy, Since I dont know. But I know that I am going to try to fix my brain now to a state that I can be happy with nothing
If you actually fixed it then it then you wouldnt feel incredibly unhappy. What I am talking about is fixing your brain, not your environment. Obviously I cant claim that its simple or easy, Since I dont know. But I know that I am going to try to fix my brain now to a state that I can be happy with nothing
I mean, I threw away bad habits. Fixed the diet, exercise, sleep schedule, study and learn new things every day, spend time outside, go meet people.
Things just got worse and worse. It took a lot of dedication, but I've lost things for doing the "right" things.
Religiously woke up early every morning for over a year and went for a run, nearly daily. Was doing 50km/week and walking hundreds of km/month.
And then I stopped. I've got tired. It made no sense to continue.
Irrelevant as to what I do, because whatever I do just results in failure time and time again. I don't have a single success story in my entire life. Just one gradual downwards slope.
I mean, I threw away bad habits. Fixed the diet, exercise, sleep schedule, study and learn new things every day, spend time outside, go meet people.
Things just got worse and worse. It took a lot of dedication, but I've lost things for doing the "right" things.
Religiously woke up early every morning for over a year and went for a run, nearly daily. Was doing 50km/week and walking hundreds of km/month.
And then I stopped. I've got tired. It made no sense to continue.
Irrelevant as to what I do, because whatever I do just results in failure time and time again. I don't have a single success story in my entire life. Just one gradual downwards slope.
Its possible that you are in a bad situation where more than just diet and nutrition is needed. Why dont you look into supplements to target this? I didnt advise it in this thread since I would prefer to do it naturally myself, but if it is necessary i think it would help.
again I am not an expert in anyway, just trying to help
Its possible that you are in a bad situation where more than just diet and nutrition is needed. Why dont you look into supplements to target this? I didnt advise it in this thread since I would prefer to do it naturally myself, but if it is necessary i think it would help.
again I am not an expert in anyway, just trying to help
Of course copelements go hand in hand with diet...
Good thread man, tag me in the next one tbh, physical and mental health is always number #1 priority and where it all starts, without it you have basically nothing
Godly thread
Tag me please in next chapter
Tag me for the "fix" part plz sir
IF you constantly feel tired, lethargic, unmotivated, no libido you NEED to fix this.

@tincelw HOW TO FIX?
This is my approach to developing long term, successful looksmaxing and lifemaxing success. The most important and crucial thing you need is a healthy functioning mind. A healthy mind and reward system is crucial for long term success. Most problems you face in your life are a result of a fucked up mind, they are symptoms of the problem not the problem itself.

The functional Brain vs The unfunctional Brain
View attachment 1021398
Dopamine is created from the amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine using iron and vitamin B6 as cofactors.
Phenylalanine ⇒ (phenylalanine hydroxylase) ⇒ Tyrosine ⇒ (tyrosine hydroxylase) ⇒ L-dopa ⇒ (dopa decarboxylase) ⇒ Dopamine
Dopamine then acts on two receptors namely D1 and D2. D1 promotes the release of cAMP and D2 reduces cAMP levels. D2 is also the dopamine autoreceptor, which means that, when dopamine binds to it, it reduces dopamine synthesis, thus controlling dopamine levels.
People with functional brain reward systems are wired to work hard and achieve their goals. The brain rewards actions such as sex with dopamine.

When you have chronically low dopamine, your brain forces you to do small tasks to temporarily raise dopamine. These actions are things like fapping, overeating, ect. However, these short term dopamine spikes will keep becoming less and less.

"Addiction has always been thought to be driven by dopamine, but it’s been found that it’s dopamine hypo-activity that leads to addiction. People with addiction usually have low dopamine or less D2 receptors, thus they require more dopamine releasing substances just to feel “normal” again. A lack of dopamine and/or an excess of serotonin (serotonin also suppresses dopamine release (R)) causes anhedonia; the lack of pleasure."
View attachment 1021399
As dopamine drops, due to chronic stress or serotonin, less D2 is activated and this may lead to elevated glutamatergic signalling which may contribute to addiction (R). Additionally, low striatal D1 receptor availability leads to more risk-seeking behavior, a character trait known to be associated with an increased risk of addiction (R). Again, low dopamine and/or dopamine receptors lead to addiction.

Do you have a healthy brain?
If you have these symptoms, you probably have a dysfunctional reward system. With the lifestyle many of you live, its exteremely likely that you suffer from this
  1. Lack of motivation, no goal setting or ambition, lack of self-grooming
  2. No creativity, brain fog, low problem solving ability
  3. Don’t want to explore, not curious, closed minded
  4. Anhedonia, lack of pleasure, don’t enjoy much, negativity (rarely happy), no humor, disconnected
  5. Diminished ability or just don’t want to connect with people
  6. Lack of content, no purpose or beauty in life
  7. Anti-social / social anxiety, fearful, nervous, anxious
  8. Attention deficit, short term memory loss, etc…
  9. Low appetite (because of elevated serotonin)
  10. High prolactin
  11. Might increase dependence of stimulants

Two things:
1. Its Impossible to ascend with a brain like this. Ascension requires committment, motivation, and hard work.

2. Problems in your brain cause a huge amount of problems

Dopamine and serotonin for Erections:


Up to 80% of people, in young patients in particular, on SSRI drugs report sexual dysfunction as one of the most relevant side effects (R, R). That is exactly why up to 90% of people discontinue SSRI therapy. SSRIS inhibits the reabsorption of serotonin by neurons, so increasing the availability of serotonin as a neurotransmitter.
  • inhibiting nitric oxide synthesis (R)
  • lowering dopamine release
  • increasing prolactin
  • increasing renin (which promotes vasoconstriction and inflammation)
  • stimulating the adrenal axis (CRH, ACTH and cortisol) through activation of the 5-HT2A receptor (R, R).
The serotonin receptor 5-HT3 also appears to reduce erectile function and blocking it improves it (R). Ondansetron, a 5-HT3 antagonist, used to treat nausea, is able to promote erection by aiding in pinching the outflow vein closed, which promotes blood pooling in the penis (R).
the serotonin receptor 5-HT4 might also be anti-erection, and blocking it can have pro-erection effects (R). Lysine is a natural amino acid with Spotent 5-HT4 antagonistic properties and could aid in erections.

Dopamine is a major modulator of sexual function and is the primary prolactin antagonist. Prolactin lowers testosterone levels, inhibits DHT formation and reduces libido and erections. Prolactin, similar to serotonin, is also able to modulate dopaminergic function in specific brain regions and inhibit dopamine control in the hypothalamus (R). More on prolactin in part 2.

Dopamine is thought to regulate erection by acting on oxytocin containing neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, where prolactin has an inhibitory effect (R).

Dopamine agonist treatment in Parkinson’s disease is frequently accompanied by the clinical observation of hypersexuality (R).
Some of the safer dopaminergic drugs that can have the best effect on erections include lisuride, metergoline, amantadine and selegiline (R, R)

Dopamine can even induce an erection in the presence of a NOS inhibitor (R).

Effects of High serotonin

  • Increases aldosterone (aldosterone increases blood pressure and causes water retention)
  • Increases prolactin release (mainly through 5-HT2A) (R),
  • Activates the adrenal axis, by increasing CRH, glucocorticoids & ACTH (mainly through 5-HT2C) as well as glucocorticoid receptors via the 5-HT7 receptor (R)
  • Increases estrogen receptors (through 5-HT4) (R)
  • inhibits testosterone synthesis
  • inhibits dopamine release in frontal cortex (through 5-HT1B and 5-HT2C)

More evidence on the importance

High serotonin:
Depressed, sadness, feeling down, reduced desire to do other things like go out and have fun, social anxiety and withdrawal, etc. (R, R, R)

  • Reduced cognitive function (not necessarily lack of knowledge, but intuitive thinking) (R). However, they might think they are smart and have all the answers in a very authoritative way.
  • Narcissistic (R) – delusions of grandeur, fantasize about power, exaggerated sense of self-importance, requiring constant admiration, etc.
  • Reduced senses (sensory perception) – anhedonia, apathy, reduced smell, hearing, taste, sensation, euphoria to music, etc. (R, R)

Effects of Dopamine:

Low histamine and dopamine leads to excess fatigue during the day, slow mental function, hypo-activity (not very active during the day), constant munchies, anxiety, etc. Antagonizing the H3 receptor increases histamine and dopamine, which as a result improves energy during the day, sleep at night and also boosts mental function and reduces appetite.
The difference between histamine and dopamine is that dopamine mostly promotes exploration of things outside the comfort-zone, whereas histamine mostly promotes exploration inside the comfort-zone and makes you prone to forming habits.

High dopamine promotes a creative, socially comfortable (pro-social, no anxiety), more fluid and flexible personality (R, R). Dopamine is also involved in learning – what to avoid that might put you in danger – but uncomfortable situations might rather be seen as opportunities instead of difficulties.

To those serious about looksmaxing and improving your life: There are NO quick fixes. Everything is connected, and being healthy should be everyone first priority. Men are naturally driven by success and motivated, It should come naturally. Men should be risk takers, optmistic, with high libido.
IF you constantly feel tired, lethargic, unmotivated, no libido you NEED to fix this. It is not a normal way to live.
Life should be enjoyable and easy, If its not something is wrong. If you notice so many symptoms its all connected to this. ED drugs, study pills, alcohol to relax, sarms to build muscle are all ignoring the underlying issue. @Seth Walsh was right all along ;)

The next thread will be about how to change your diet, lifestyle, sleep, and supplements to restore a healthy brain. After we built the foundation which allows us to be happy and motivated, I will make more detailed threads about specific topics. If you want to be tagged please comment it.
Yes man! Didn't read yet but this looks amazing.

If you can manage to change your brain chemistry so that the pain/fear associated with making difficult decisions becomes less, and the associated pleasure/motivation becomes greater in contrast, you'll start noticing encouraging changes in so many aspects of life
  • +1
Reactions: Need2Ascend
Tag me please. I'm excited
@tincelw HOW TO FIX?
Part 2 is gonna be a challenge for everyone who wants to participate. I am not knowledgable on this topic yet, but I am in contact with an extremely smart guy who is helping me with this.

It will probably be 1week of intense lifestyle changes to restore our brain pathways which are constantly being targeted by small addictive actions. We will have some sort of goals for each day, and everyone who is interested in testing it out is welcome to join!

Similar to the nofap thread we can pin this and motivate each other and do this together.
@LastHopeForNorman @Need2Ascend @cutecel99 @Jkwww @Bobelbrah @EasternRightWinger15

we will do the basics OFC (nofap, no social media, no alcohol) but I think it would be fun if each one of you decides a challenge for each day which all of us can do. thoughts?
  • +1
Reactions: zeshama, Deleted member 6423, lifestyle21873 and 7 others
Tag me but no foundation for your limp dick and Indian accent
Tag me but no foundation for your limp dick and Indian accent
:lul: :lul: :lul:
did u read the thread? I think my foundation is the cause of my limpness
  • JFL
Reactions: OOGABOOGA
:lul: :lul: :lul:
did u read the thread? I think my foundation is the cause of my limpness
Indeed trolling but regardless you will always be Indian
Part 2 is gonna be a challenge for everyone who wants to participate. I am not knowledgable on this topic yet, but I am in contact with an extremely smart guy who is helping me with this.

It will probably be 1week of intense lifestyle changes to restore our brain pathways which are constantly being targeted by small addictive actions. We will have some sort of goals for each day, and everyone who is interested in testing it out is welcome to join!

Similar to the nofap thread we can pin this and motivate each other and do this together.
@LastHopeForNorman @Need2Ascend @cutecel99 @Jkwww @Bobelbrah @EasternRightWinger15

we will do the basics OFC (nofap, no social media, no alcohol) but I think it would be fun if each one of you decides a challenge for each day which all of us can do. thoughts?
i think a good challenge would be to make ourselves starve from tech being only allowed to work/study and 10 minutes a day on .me just to check this thread out.
no spotify, no anime, no netflix, no youtube etc
  • +1
Reactions: Bobelbrah
I had everything ''fixed'' in my life. Did very little good to me though. It all comes back round the circle, because what matters is to have a person you can be with together. Otherwise it all ends up being as copes, because having your life ''fixed'' and being incredibly unhappy with it will most certainly throw you back down. All the effort for 0, why put in effort then?
The only way that is left for me to meet anyone for example is tinder, and I don't need to say why that's absolutely disastrous.
having strong relationships. Is a factor of well being, they say.
  • +1
Reactions: Need2Ascend and Deleted member 10536
Part 2 is gonna be a challenge for everyone who wants to participate. I am not knowledgable on this topic yet, but I am in contact with an extremely smart guy who is helping me with this.

It will probably be 1week of intense lifestyle changes to restore our brain pathways which are constantly being targeted by small addictive actions. We will have some sort of goals for each day, and everyone who is interested in testing it out is welcome to join!

Similar to the nofap thread we can pin this and motivate each other and do this together.
@LastHopeForNorman @Need2Ascend @cutecel99 @Jkwww @Bobelbrah @EasternRightWinger15

we will do the basics OFC (nofap, no social media, no alcohol) but I think it would be fun if each one of you decides a challenge for each day which all of us can do. thoughts?
I think the most important part is to make these lifestyle changes stick, so making our lifestyle permanently as good as possible and easy to implement. (E.g. noFap is pretty unrealistic when you don't have sex regularly but doing it everyday is also detrimental, so doing it 1 per week seems pretty ideal(from my experience since I'm doing it like that for some months now), striking for balance is key for a good life
  • +1
Reactions: eduardkoopman
we will do the basics OFC (nofap, no social media, no alcohol) but I think it would be fun if each one of you decides a challenge for each day which all of us can do. thoughts?
I think the most important part is to make these lifestyle changes stick, so making our lifestyle permanently as good as possible and easy to implement. (E.g. noFap is pretty unrealistic when you don't have sex regularly but doing it everyday is also detrimental, so doing it 1 per week seems pretty ideal(from my experience since I'm doing it like that for some months now), striking for balance is key for a good life
I think that we not only should be focusing on what not to do, but also on things that we would like to spend more time on, but for some reson are neglecting at the moment. For example, working out(more), developing a new skill, reading(more), etc. This will in part make the challenge more rewarding as each goal is accomplished, but it also really important to make the changes permanent. In order to break bad habits, you got to replace them with new, healthy ones.

Btw, this sounds a lot like stuff that Andrew Kiby talks about. Is there any connection?
  • +1
Reactions: Seth Walsh and Need2Ascend
can u link prt 2 plss
  • +1
Reactions: never_lucky and thecel
literally have all symptoms tag b4 :feelswhy:
  • Woah
Reactions: thecel
So I want to raise dopamine and lower serotonin?
Botb @Alexanderr
Amazing thread.

How TF are you going to gymmaxx, research about surgeons for face, skin-care, hair-loss and a plethora of other shit WHILE working a job, studying etc. if you are feeling constantly feeling drained and low-energy?

Foundation of looksmaxxing is healthmaxxing and energy-levels maxxing to have the horsepower to looksmaxx.

I have tried a fuck ton of things to reduce my excessive daytime sleepiness and motivation issues and only two things worked long-term: Fixing my diet (no gluten and processed dairy) and hopping on Modafinil 5 days a week.
  • +1
Reactions: looksseg

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