Tinder is good meme



Nov 21, 2018
Don't want to sound negative BUT tinder is such a meme.

I am 6/10 (or even higher if I maxed everything) and I have quite good pics(on pics maybe even 7/10), regardless that im getting really rude ghosting and wasting time on conversations (girls do this just for attention).

Its joke because im getting rejected by girls that with makeup (that adds 1-3 points in attractiveness scale) still reach only 1/10 - 5/10 yet they reject me easy.

only 2 girls that are showing interest in me are extremaly fat (i currently use one of them, second ill meet later).

i dont have deformed face, i am 6''2 tall, i have good body.

i dont get it.

some people say go meet girls IRL but its 2018 and every year theres more and more % of young girls on tinder.

one day everygirl u talk to IRL will have endless dating pool on tinder and instagram.

I think you're over rating yourself. When I was an incel would get 5+ matches a day (not much but still good)
I think you're over rating yourself. When I was an incel would get 5+ matches a day (not much but still good)
my record is 30 matches per day. usually its 10-20
Where are you swiping ?
half of matches dont reply to your message. some will reply and stop texting with time.

also what im even supposed to do if i have no place to fuk her but she wants to meet? lol. lot of chicks there expect u to have ur own place
What's your match rate? Is your location particularly bad (Los Angeles, Miami, etc.)?

I'd rate myself the same as you and had a rather better experience. Still, keep in mind that Juggernaut Law is absolutely true. I'd match with and message 6-7/10 foids and still get ignored by plenty of 4s.

some people say go meet girls IRL but its 2018 and every year theres more and more % of young girls on tinder.

Oddly, the pool of foids that use dating apps is quite small and composed of a particular type. I tried Bumble for only one day and saw 3 of the same foids I matched on Tinder.
half of matches dont reply to your message. some will reply and stop texting with time.

also what im even supposed to do if i have no place to fuk her but she wants to meet? lol. lot of chicks there expect u to have ur own place
Just smash in a public bathroom theory
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What's your match rate? Is your location particularly bad (Los Angeles, Miami, etc.)?

I'd rate myself the same as you and had a rather better experience. Still, keep in mind that Juggernaut Law is absolutely true. I'd match with and message 6-7/10 foids and still get ignored by plenty of 4s.

Oddly, the pool of foids that use dating apps is quite small and composed of a particular type. I tried Bumble for only one day and saw 3 of the same foids I matched on Tinder.
I couldn't even imagine wanting to "ascend" with the whores of Babylon that use Tinder and the like. I'd be interested to hear more about your experience though. Is there a thread you can link me to?

You're overrating yourself.

First 45 minutes on tinder.
I couldn't even imagine wanting to "ascend" with the whores of Babylon that use Tinder and the likes.

You can be sure you're not going to find a virginal wheat field bride on there, that's certain. Still, most of them are at least physically appealing if you're looking below 26 or so. I imagine most foids using dating apps post-30 have to be monstrous, tattoo covered, and severely worn.
You can be sure you're not going to find a virginal wheat field bride on there, that's certain. Still, most of them are at least physically appealing if you're looking below 26 or so. I imagine most foids using dating apps post-30 have to be monstrous, tattoo covered, and severely worn.
is cock size a meme, or is it actually true? I'm only rocking a 4 incher. Perhaps a weird question to ask, but do you have a subpar dick, and if so, was that an issue for you? How many foids have you been with?
is cock size a meme, or is it actually true? I'm only rocking a 4 incher. Perhaps a weird question to ask, but do you have a subpar dick, and if so, was that an issue for you? How many foids have you been with?
is cock size a meme, or is it actually true? I'm only rocking a 4 incher. Perhaps a weird question to ask, but do you have a subpar dick, and if so, was that an issue for you? How many foids have you been with?

No, mine is within the bounds of the "acceptable", as I understand it. 6.5" NBPEL, slightly under 7" BPEL.

Still, either way I don't think it's a good idea to mention your size preliminary to getting a whore's clothes off. I know that foids love to report sub-Chad males for being "inappropriate" (i.e. it would be a bad idea to set your bio to 6"+, 6'+, 6 figures assuming you were to use Tinder or similar).

I never had a whore ask me about it. Presumably you could probably arrange some kind of encounter if you were exceptionally big (as @Genecel notoriously did, even if it was camera-mediated). I don't know whether holes rejecting men based on their size is a meme or not.
No, mine is within the bounds of the "acceptable", as I understand it. 6.5" NBPEL, slightly under 7" BPEL.

Still, either way I don't think it's a good idea to mention your size preliminary to getting a whore's clothes off. I know that foids love to report sub-Chad males for being "inappropriate" (i.e. it would be a bad idea to set your bio to 6"+, 6'+, 6 figures assuming you were to use Tinder or similar).

I never had a whore ask me about it. Presumably you could probably arrange some kind of encounter if you were exceptionally big (as @Genecel notoriously did, even if it was camera-mediated). I don't know whether holes rejecting men based on their size is a meme or not.
are you supposed to be able to make her scream as you're penetrating her?
Only if you're sub-4 and haven't achieved "consent"

Good stuff. So the fact that the foid I ascended with pretty much only breathed in excitement as I was penetrating her isn't a bad sign? She was a virgin and bled too, I might add, incase that's relevant
Good stuff. So the fact that the foid I ascended with pretty much only breathed in excitement as I was penetrating her isn't a bad sign? She was a virgin and bled too, I might add, incase that's relevant

I couldn't say how deflowering changes the situation, but I have to imagine you're fine there. I don't think it's exactly typical for foids to scream upon being entered.

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