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Nazi Germany

Nazi Germany

Zubeer Adolf Hipster - KVAZAR MOLOCH
Aug 15, 2024
Th 1296168884

看看我们这歼-20!简直是天空中华丽地舞蹈的精神错乱的艺术品!那些还在用二战螺旋桨的家伙们,你们的眼睛还好吗?是不是被我们这划破天际的优雅身影闪瞎了? :lul: 什么?你说美国的F什么什么?那玩意儿在我们这“猛龙”面前,就像是幼儿园小朋友的泥巴玩具! 矢量推力!隐身性能!超视距打击!这些词汇在你们的字典里是不是还显示“未定义”?
这不仅仅是一架飞机!这是我们民族复兴的钢铁意志的具象化!是东方巨龙发出的震耳欲聋的咆哮! 你们那些老旧的飞机算什么?简直是博物馆里的古董! 我们的飞行员,那都是从几百万精英中挑选出来的!他们的大脑里装的不是血肉,是高精尖的芯片!他们的血管里流淌的不是血液,是航空煤油! 他们能在空中用机翼写出“犯我中华者,虽远必诛!” :feelsohgod: 你们信不信?反正我信了!
什么量子纠缠雷达?什么等离子隐身? 你们还在研究这些?我们早就开始研究用念力控制导弹了好吗? 我们的飞行员,他们甚至不需要看仪表盘!他们用心灵感应就能知道敌机的位置! 不信?那你来试试啊! 保证让你连怎么死的都不知道!
这架飞机,它不仅仅是科技的结晶,它还蕴含着古老的东方智慧! 它的每一个零件,都经过了风水大师的精心测算! 它的涂装,是根据周易八卦的原理设计的! 它飞过的地方,都会带来好运! 不信?那你看看我们国家的经济发展速度! 这都是“猛龙”带来的福泽!
那些还在质疑我们的人,你们的脑子里装的是浆糊吗? 睁大你们的钛合金狗眼好好看看! 这就是中国的力量! 这就是中国速度! 这就是中国制造! 不服?憋着! 我们的目标是星辰大海! 你们还在地球上争夺那几块破铜烂铁? 格局!格局懂不懂?
这架飞机,它甚至可以穿越时空! 它可以在过去、现在、未来之间自由穿梭! 我们的飞行员,他们甚至可以和古代的英雄对话! 他们可以从孙子兵法中学习空战技巧! 他们可以从诸葛亮那里学习排兵布阵! 你们能吗? 你们不能! 因为你们没有“猛龙”!
所以,那些还在酸我们的人,省省吧! 你们的嫉妒,只会让我们更加强大! 你们的诋毁,只会让我们更加团结! 我们的“猛龙”,它将永远翱翔在祖国的蓝天之上! 它将守护我们的和平与安宁! 它将见证中华民族的伟大复兴! 🚀🔥
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@_MVP_ @BigJimsWornOutTires @Vermilioncore @Gaygymmaxx @PsychoH
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  • Woah
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@Kroker @Jova @Defeatist @MoggerGaston @St.TikTokcel
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  • Woah
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@Underdog9494 @itzyaboyJJ @noodlelover @ElySioNs @LancasteR
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  • Woah
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So how am I supposed to read that
  • JFL
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View attachment 3383287
看看我们这歼-20!简直是天空中华丽地舞蹈的精神错乱的艺术品!那些还在用二战螺旋桨的家伙们,你们的眼睛还好吗?是不是被我们这划破天际的优雅身影闪瞎了? :lul: 什么?你说美国的F什么什么?那玩意儿在我们这“猛龙”面前,就像是幼儿园小朋友的泥巴玩具! 矢量推力!隐身性能!超视距打击!这些词汇在你们的字典里是不是还显示“未定义”?
这不仅仅是一架飞机!这是我们民族复兴的钢铁意志的具象化!是东方巨龙发出的震耳欲聋的咆哮! 你们那些老旧的飞机算什么?简直是博物馆里的古董! 我们的飞行员,那都是从几百万精英中挑选出来的!他们的大脑里装的不是血肉,是高精尖的芯片!他们的血管里流淌的不是血液,是航空煤油! 他们能在空中用机翼写出“犯我中华者,虽远必诛!” :feelsohgod: 你们信不信?反正我信了!
什么量子纠缠雷达?什么等离子隐身? 你们还在研究这些?我们早就开始研究用念力控制导弹了好吗? 我们的飞行员,他们甚至不需要看仪表盘!他们用心灵感应就能知道敌机的位置! 不信?那你来试试啊! 保证让你连怎么死的都不知道!
这架飞机,它不仅仅是科技的结晶,它还蕴含着古老的东方智慧! 它的每一个零件,都经过了风水大师的精心测算! 它的涂装,是根据周易八卦的原理设计的! 它飞过的地方,都会带来好运! 不信?那你看看我们国家的经济发展速度! 这都是“猛龙”带来的福泽!
那些还在质疑我们的人,你们的脑子里装的是浆糊吗? 睁大你们的钛合金狗眼好好看看! 这就是中国的力量! 这就是中国速度! 这就是中国制造! 不服?憋着! 我们的目标是星辰大海! 你们还在地球上争夺那几块破铜烂铁? 格局!格局懂不懂?
这架飞机,它甚至可以穿越时空! 它可以在过去、现在、未来之间自由穿梭! 我们的飞行员,他们甚至可以和古代的英雄对话! 他们可以从孙子兵法中学习空战技巧! 他们可以从诸葛亮那里学习排兵布阵! 你们能吗? 你们不能! 因为你们没有“猛龙”!
所以,那些还在酸我们的人,省省吧! 你们的嫉妒,只会让我们更加强大! 你们的诋毁,只会让我们更加团结! 我们的“猛龙”,它将永远翱翔在祖国的蓝天之上! 它将守护我们的和平与安宁! 它将见证中华民族的伟大复兴! 🚀🔥
had to translate, chinese propaganda.
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Reactions: LegitUser, Lonenely sigma, niqfan625 and 4 others
View attachment 3383287
看看我们这歼-20!简直是天空中华丽地舞蹈的精神错乱的艺术品!那些还在用二战螺旋桨的家伙们,你们的眼睛还好吗?是不是被我们这划破天际的优雅身影闪瞎了? :lul: 什么?你说美国的F什么什么?那玩意儿在我们这“猛龙”面前,就像是幼儿园小朋友的泥巴玩具! 矢量推力!隐身性能!超视距打击!这些词汇在你们的字典里是不是还显示“未定义”?
这不仅仅是一架飞机!这是我们民族复兴的钢铁意志的具象化!是东方巨龙发出的震耳欲聋的咆哮! 你们那些老旧的飞机算什么?简直是博物馆里的古董! 我们的飞行员,那都是从几百万精英中挑选出来的!他们的大脑里装的不是血肉,是高精尖的芯片!他们的血管里流淌的不是血液,是航空煤油! 他们能在空中用机翼写出“犯我中华者,虽远必诛!” :feelsohgod: 你们信不信?反正我信了!
什么量子纠缠雷达?什么等离子隐身? 你们还在研究这些?我们早就开始研究用念力控制导弹了好吗? 我们的飞行员,他们甚至不需要看仪表盘!他们用心灵感应就能知道敌机的位置! 不信?那你来试试啊! 保证让你连怎么死的都不知道!
这架飞机,它不仅仅是科技的结晶,它还蕴含着古老的东方智慧! 它的每一个零件,都经过了风水大师的精心测算! 它的涂装,是根据周易八卦的原理设计的! 它飞过的地方,都会带来好运! 不信?那你看看我们国家的经济发展速度! 这都是“猛龙”带来的福泽!
那些还在质疑我们的人,你们的脑子里装的是浆糊吗? 睁大你们的钛合金狗眼好好看看! 这就是中国的力量! 这就是中国速度! 这就是中国制造! 不服?憋着! 我们的目标是星辰大海! 你们还在地球上争夺那几块破铜烂铁? 格局!格局懂不懂?
这架飞机,它甚至可以穿越时空! 它可以在过去、现在、未来之间自由穿梭! 我们的飞行员,他们甚至可以和古代的英雄对话! 他们可以从孙子兵法中学习空战技巧! 他们可以从诸葛亮那里学习排兵布阵! 你们能吗? 你们不能! 因为你们没有“猛龙”!
所以,那些还在酸我们的人,省省吧! 你们的嫉妒,只会让我们更加强大! 你们的诋毁,只会让我们更加团结! 我们的“猛龙”,它将永远翱翔在祖国的蓝天之上! 它将守护我们的和平与安宁! 它将见证中华民族的伟大复兴! 🚀🔥
Moger pfp
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Reactions: Underdog9494 and Nazi Germany
Nazi, aside from such threads, what are you really doing here? Not that I mind nor I do have any significance on your decision but I need to acknowledge your lore
  • Hmm...
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Reactions: Nazi Germany and Underdog9494
Go raptor 💨
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I agree whatever you said Mein Führer
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View attachment 3383287
看看我们这歼-20!简直是天空中华丽地舞蹈的精神错乱的艺术品!那些还在用二战螺旋桨的家伙们,你们的眼睛还好吗?是不是被我们这划破天际的优雅身影闪瞎了? :lul: 什么?你说美国的F什么什么?那玩意儿在我们这“猛龙”面前,就像是幼儿园小朋友的泥巴玩具! 矢量推力!隐身性能!超视距打击!这些词汇在你们的字典里是不是还显示“未定义”?
这不仅仅是一架飞机!这是我们民族复兴的钢铁意志的具象化!是东方巨龙发出的震耳欲聋的咆哮! 你们那些老旧的飞机算什么?简直是博物馆里的古董! 我们的飞行员,那都是从几百万精英中挑选出来的!他们的大脑里装的不是血肉,是高精尖的芯片!他们的血管里流淌的不是血液,是航空煤油! 他们能在空中用机翼写出“犯我中华者,虽远必诛!” :feelsohgod: 你们信不信?反正我信了!
什么量子纠缠雷达?什么等离子隐身? 你们还在研究这些?我们早就开始研究用念力控制导弹了好吗? 我们的飞行员,他们甚至不需要看仪表盘!他们用心灵感应就能知道敌机的位置! 不信?那你来试试啊! 保证让你连怎么死的都不知道!
这架飞机,它不仅仅是科技的结晶,它还蕴含着古老的东方智慧! 它的每一个零件,都经过了风水大师的精心测算! 它的涂装,是根据周易八卦的原理设计的! 它飞过的地方,都会带来好运! 不信?那你看看我们国家的经济发展速度! 这都是“猛龙”带来的福泽!
那些还在质疑我们的人,你们的脑子里装的是浆糊吗? 睁大你们的钛合金狗眼好好看看! 这就是中国的力量! 这就是中国速度! 这就是中国制造! 不服?憋着! 我们的目标是星辰大海! 你们还在地球上争夺那几块破铜烂铁? 格局!格局懂不懂?
这架飞机,它甚至可以穿越时空! 它可以在过去、现在、未来之间自由穿梭! 我们的飞行员,他们甚至可以和古代的英雄对话! 他们可以从孙子兵法中学习空战技巧! 他们可以从诸葛亮那里学习排兵布阵! 你们能吗? 你们不能! 因为你们没有“猛龙”!
所以,那些还在酸我们的人,省省吧! 你们的嫉妒,只会让我们更加强大! 你们的诋毁,只会让我们更加团结! 我们的“猛龙”,它将永远翱翔在祖国的蓝天之上! 它将守护我们的和平与安宁! 它将见证中华民族的伟大复兴! 🚀🔥
That's a piece of shit. China will find out soon enough.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Nazi Germany and itzyaboyJJ
So how am I supposed to read that
Translator. I ran it through. Its propaganda about Chinese men respecting gay men. They want a Chinese man to be the first man to get pregnant by another man. They have been running constant experiments trying to make that shit happen.
  • +1
Reactions: Nazi Germany, Lefty Rankin and itzyaboyJJ
I respect @Lefty Rankin for what he did. He went to China and grabbed one of your women and packed her into a suitcase and brought her back here. Ever since he's been making her wash dishes, clean the house, do laundry, cut the grass, fix roof leaks, climb under the house and set mousetraps, bathe him, and has her calling him Master and I'm Sorry. But you guys can't seem to accomplish any of that. When you try to make a woman do as you command, she slaps you and spits in your face. However, that does sound kind of hot. A woman slaps me, I'm opening my mouth for that spit.
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Reactions: Nazi Germany and Lefty Rankin
I respect @Lefty Rankin for what he did. He went to China and grabbed one of your women and packed her into a suitcase and brought her back here. Ever since he's been making her wash dishes, clean the house, do laundry, cut the grass, fix roof leaks, climb under the house and set mousetraps, bathe him, and has her calling him Master and I'm Sorry. But you guys can't seem to accomplish any of that. When you try to make a woman do as you command, she slaps you and spits in your face. However, that does sound kind of hot. A woman slaps me, I'm opening my mouth for that spit.
We're set to go back soon. Her and the boy have got their passports now. Gonna apply for our 10 year China visas within the next week. By spring we should be outta here. Gotta sell two vehicles and a bunch of guns between now and spring. That's when we're going back to the real world. These past three years have just been nothing but a bad dream.
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Reactions: Deleted member 86409, Nazi Germany and BigJimsWornOutTires
We're set to go back soon. Her and the boy have got their passports now. Gonna apply for our 10 year China visas within the next week. By spring we should be outta here. Gotta sell two vehicles and a bunch of guns between now and spring. That's when we're going back to the real world. These past three years have just been nothing but a bad dream.
That's brave of you, ngl. China's gonna be a major pickle soon.
  • +1
Reactions: Nazi Germany and Lefty Rankin
That's brave of you, ngl. China's gonna be a major pickle soon.
Only for visiting family. The village is safe. Everyone there knows me and respects my father in law. And we always travel on the slow trains among migrant workers. Migrant workers in China are always lovely friendly people. It's the middle class that breeds hatred. I'm a little bit nervous but we'll be alright.
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Reactions: Nazi Germany and BigJimsWornOutTires
Audiobook In a minute learning Mandarin
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Reactions: Nazi Germany
Translator. I ran it through. Its propaganda about Chinese men respecting gay men. They want a Chinese man to be the first man to get pregnant by another man. They have been running constant experiments trying to make that shit happen.

I respect @Lefty Rankin for what he did. He went to China and grabbed one of your women and packed her into a suitcase and brought her back here. Ever since he's been making her wash dishes, clean the house, do laundry, cut the grass, fix roof leaks, climb under the house and set mousetraps, bathe him, and has her calling him Master and I'm Sorry. But you guys can't seem to accomplish any of that. When you try to make a woman do as you command, she slaps you and spits in your face. However, that does sound kind of hot. A woman slaps me, I'm opening my mouth for that spit.
We're set to go back soon. Her and the boy have got their passports now. Gonna apply for our 10 year China visas within the next week. By spring we should be outta here. Gotta sell two vehicles and a bunch of guns between now and spring. That's when we're going back to the real world. These past three years have just been nothing but a bad dream.
The reported “Master… I’m Sorry” verbalization is interpreted as indicative of a hierarchical intra-familial power dynamic, potentially suggestive of a dominant-submissive relational paradigm. The subject’s reported challenges in replicating these outcomes within their own interpersonal interactions are noted and attributed to a potential deficiency in strategic interpersonal influence implementation. The described “Counter-Conductive Bio-Responses,” encompassing physical rejection and salivary expectoration, are classified as resistance behaviors within the context of attempted interpersonal control. B-B-b b but Who Cares?
Just Fuck! Fuckity fuck fuck, yeah? Just... fuck. All of it.
The whole goddamn thing.


Like a rusty trombone in a Tijuana donkey show, all greasy and squeaking and just wrong. So wrong it's right. Or maybe just wrong. Whatever. Fuck it. Like a clogged toilet overflowing with chunky salsa, just splattering everywhere. A Jackson Pollock painting of bodily fluids, a symphony of squelches and farts, a ballet of bad decisions and worse hygiene. A greasy pole dance in a Waffle House bathroom, sticky with syrup and regret. A used condom stuck to a truck stop shower wall, a testament to fleeting pleasure and questionable life choices. A hairy armpit smelling faintly of onions and desperation. A sweaty ball sack clinging to a thigh like a lovesick leech. A crusty sock puppet giving a blowjob to a garden gnome. A pile of toenail clippings shaped like the Virgin Mary. A moldy banana peel used as a makeshift dildo. A jar of mayonnaise with a pubic hair floating in it. A fart that smells like roses and burnt toast. A shit so big it could clog a sewer pipe. A vomit that looks like a Jackson Pollock painting of partially digested hot dogs. A cumshot that could fill a swimming pool. A period so heavy it could
drown a small child.


Chinese women, yeah, like plastic toys you wind up and they just go and go and go until they break, their little porcelain faces all sweaty and messed up, their tiny feet kicking like spastic chickens, their mouths making these weird little whimpering noises like a strangled kitten, you just grab them and yank them around like they're sacks of rice, their hair all tangled and their clothes ripped, and they just keep going, these little wind-up dolls of pleasure and pain, their eyes wide and vacant, their bodies trembling, you just use them up and throw them away, another broken toy in the pile, their little cries just fuel the fire, It's all just fuel for your depravity, you just keep taking and taking and taking, never giving, never caring, just the endless cycle of lust and destruction, their bodies are just vessels, their souls are just empty shells, you just fill them with your filth and then discard them
  • JFL
Reactions: BigJimsWornOutTires and porn
Nazi, aside from such threads, what are you really doing here? Not that I mind nor I do have any significance on your decision but I need to acknowledge your lore
You can call me SergeantAutist (by the way).

@_MVP_ & jims knows me better (I think so)
The narrative of my “failure” within conventional Air Force doctrine is a gross mischaracterization.
My training encompassed advanced stealth piloting

My operational history is classified, but I can confirm prior affiliation with advanced aerospace programs. Specifically, I underwent extensive training in strategic penetration and payload delivery systems.
My specialization focused on low-observable platforms, intended for deep-strike missions.
Subsequent to my disengagement from active service, I transitioned into a specialized role within the digital domain. My current focus is on analysis and exploitation of vulnerabilities within networked systems, with a particular emphasis on open-source intelligence and information warfare. I operate within a distributed, decentralized network, maintaining a low profile and prioritizing operational security. As I saif

My current operational environment is a remote, secure location with dedicated low-bandwidth (kb/ps) connectivity. This allows for continuous monitoring of global network traffic and real-time response to emerging threats. My operational methodology is based on a principle of continuous adaptation and evolution, constantly refining my techniques and adapting to new challenges. I maintain strict adherence to operational protocols and prioritize data integrity and confidentiality. My operational philosophy is rooted in the principle of strategic deterrence, preventing escalation through proactive defense and preemptive mitigation. I operate within a strict ethical framework, prioritizing the protection of critical infrastructure and civilian populations.

The whole goddamn thing.
Nice Pudding JIMS!
  • JFL
Reactions: BigJimsWornOutTires, porn and Kroker
You can call me SergeantAutist (by the way).

@_MVP_ & jims knows me better (I think so)
The narrative of my “failure” within conventional Air Force doctrine is a gross mischaracterization.
My training encompassed advanced stealth piloting

My operational history is classified, but I can confirm prior affiliation with advanced aerospace programs. Specifically, I underwent extensive training in strategic penetration and payload delivery systems.
My specialization focused on low-observable platforms, intended for deep-strike missions.
Subsequent to my disengagement from active service, I transitioned into a specialized role within the digital domain. My current focus is on analysis and exploitation of vulnerabilities within networked systems, with a particular emphasis on open-source intelligence and information warfare. I operate within a distributed, decentralized network, maintaining a low profile and prioritizing operational security. As I saif

My current operational environment is a remote, secure location with dedicated low-bandwidth (kb/ps) connectivity. This allows for continuous monitoring of global network traffic and real-time response to emerging threats. My operational methodology is based on a principle of continuous adaptation and evolution, constantly refining my techniques and adapting to new challenges. I maintain strict adherence to operational protocols and prioritize data integrity and confidentiality. My operational philosophy is rooted in the principle of strategic deterrence, preventing escalation through proactive defense and preemptive mitigation. I operate within a strict ethical framework, prioritizing the protection of critical infrastructure and civilian populations.

Nice Pudding JIMS!
How much money do you make monthly?
  • +1
Reactions: Nazi Germany
How much money do you make monthly?
My compensation is project-based and varies according to the scope of work and contractual agreements. My firm's annual gross revenue is within the mid-six-figure range. As a privately held enterprise, we manage diverse revenue streams and prioritize strategic reinvestment. My personal financial position is one of stability achieved through diligent financial planning and resource allocation. While my net worth does not qualify as within the millionaire demographic, I maintain a secure and comfortable financial standing.
  • +1
Reactions: Kroker
@我需要阴部 @PrinceLuenLeoncur
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The reported “Master… I’m Sorry” verbalization is interpreted as indicative of a hierarchical intra-familial power dynamic, potentially suggestive of a dominant-submissive relational paradigm. The subject’s reported challenges in replicating these outcomes within their own interpersonal interactions are noted and attributed to a potential deficiency in strategic interpersonal influence implementation. The described “Counter-Conductive Bio-Responses,” encompassing physical rejection and salivary expectoration, are classified as resistance behaviors within the context of attempted interpersonal control. B-B-b b but Who Cares?
Just Fuck! Fuckity fuck fuck, yeah? Just... fuck. All of it.
The whole goddamn thing.


Like a rusty trombone in a Tijuana donkey show, all greasy and squeaking and just wrong. So wrong it's right. Or maybe just wrong. Whatever. Fuck it. Like a clogged toilet overflowing with chunky salsa, just splattering everywhere. A Jackson Pollock painting of bodily fluids, a symphony of squelches and farts, a ballet of bad decisions and worse hygiene. A greasy pole dance in a Waffle House bathroom, sticky with syrup and regret. A used condom stuck to a truck stop shower wall, a testament to fleeting pleasure and questionable life choices. A hairy armpit smelling faintly of onions and desperation. A sweaty ball sack clinging to a thigh like a lovesick leech. A crusty sock puppet giving a blowjob to a garden gnome. A pile of toenail clippings shaped like the Virgin Mary. A moldy banana peel used as a makeshift dildo. A jar of mayonnaise with a pubic hair floating in it. A fart that smells like roses and burnt toast. A shit so big it could clog a sewer pipe. A vomit that looks like a Jackson Pollock painting of partially digested hot dogs. A cumshot that could fill a swimming pool. A period so heavy it could
drown a small child.


Chinese women, yeah, like plastic toys you wind up and they just go and go and go until they break, their little porcelain faces all sweaty and messed up, their tiny feet kicking like spastic chickens, their mouths making these weird little whimpering noises like a strangled kitten, you just grab them and yank them around like they're sacks of rice, their hair all tangled and their clothes ripped, and they just keep going, these little wind-up dolls of pleasure and pain, their eyes wide and vacant, their bodies trembling, you just use them up and throw them away, another broken toy in the pile, their little cries just fuel the fire, It's all just fuel for your depravity, you just keep taking and taking and taking, never giving, never caring, just the endless cycle of lust and destruction, their bodies are just vessels, their souls are just empty shells, you just fill them with your filth and then discard them
that first vagina is suspiciously puffy

you forgot to tag @forevergymcelling under that faggot couple
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Earth is captured by a techno-capital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine runaway. As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip.
The body count climbs through a series of globe-wars. Emergent Planetary Commercium trashes the Holy Roman Empire, the Napoleonic Continental System, the Second and Third Reich, and the Soviet International, cranking-up world disorder through compressing phases. Deregulation and the state arms-race each other into cyberspace.

By the time soft-engineering slithers out of its box into yours, human security is lurching into crisis. Cloning, lateral genodata transfer, transversal replication, and cyberotics, flood in amongst a relapse onto bacterial sex.

Neo-China arrives from the future.


Hyper-synthetic drugs click into digital voodoo.



Is this what the rumoured Asian pussy looks like?


Ascend and get white pink pussy or LDAR boyo
It comes with a guaranteed-American-visa!
I've tasted the Dutch-Pussy, my friend, the Tulip-Tornado, the Windmill-Whirlwind! My tasteful-penis, a connoisseur of carnal-cuisine, has sampled the finest-European-fare! And let me tell you, it was exquisite, sublime, a symphony-of-sensations!
But yellow-asian-pussy? Nah Nah Nah! That's for the uninitiated, the amateurs, the flavorless-fuckers! I'm not some virtuous-virgin-voyeur, I'm a carnal-conquistador, a sex-savant, a pleasure-pirate! I don't rate that yellow-peril-pussy, no sir! I'd rather plunge-my-penis into the dream-scapes of Jim, yes, JIM! @BigJimsWornOutTires The Jim of legend, the Jim of myth, the Jim who haunts-my-horny-hallucinations!
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Earth is captured by a techno-capital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine runaway. As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip.
The body count climbs through a series of globe-wars. Emergent Planetary Commercium trashes the Holy Roman Empire, the Napoleonic Continental System, the Second and Third Reich, and the Soviet International, cranking-up world disorder through compressing phases. Deregulation and the state arms-race each other into cyberspace.

By the time soft-engineering slithers out of its box into yours, human security is lurching into crisis. Cloning, lateral genodata transfer, transversal replication, and cyberotics, flood in amongst a relapse onto bacterial sex.

Neo-China arrives from the future.

View attachment 3394246
Hyper-synthetic drugs click into digital voodoo.



  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 86409
The Chinese post you found appears to be a highly exaggerated and hyperbolic praise of the 歼-20 (J-20), which is China's fifth-generation stealth fighter jet. The language used is both humorous and satirical, employing over-the-top claims and internet slang to emphasize national pride and mock older or foreign aircraft. Here's a breakdown of the content:


**"Look at our J-20! It's simply a psychotic masterpiece of art dancing beautifully in the sky! Those guys still using World War II propellers, are your eyes okay? Have they been blinded by our elegant silhouettes slicing through the sky? :lul: What? You say America's F-something? That thing is like a mud toy from kindergarten compared to our 'Mong Long'! Vector thrust! Stealth performance! Beyond-visual-range strike! Do these terms show 'undefined' in your dictionary?

This is not just an airplane! It's the embodiment of our nation's revitalization and iron will! It's the deafening roar of the Eastern dragon! What are your old planes? They're simply antiques in a museum! Our pilots are selected from millions of elites! Their brains aren't filled with flesh and blood but with high-tech chips! Their veins flow not with blood but with aviation kerosene! They can write 'Those who offend China, no matter how far, will be punished!' in the air with their wings! :feelsohgod: Do you believe it? Anyway, I do!

What quantum entanglement radar? What plasma stealth? Are you still researching these? We've long started studying missile control with telekinesis, okay? Our pilots don't even need to look at the instrument panel! They can use telepathy to know the enemy's position! Don't believe it? Then try it! I guarantee you won't even know how you died!

This aircraft is not only a crystallization of technology but also embodies ancient Eastern wisdom! Every part has been meticulously calculated by feng shui masters! Its paint scheme is designed based on the principles of the I Ching's eight trigrams! Wherever it flies, it brings good luck! Don't believe it? Then look at our country's economic development speed! This is all the blessing brought by the 'Mong Long'!

Those who still doubt us, is your brain filled with mush? Open your big titanium dog eyes and take a good look! This is the power of China! This is China's speed! This is Made in China! Not convinced? Hold on! Our goal is the stars and the sea! Are you still fighting over those broken scraps on Earth? Vision! Do you understand vision?

This aircraft can even traverse time and space! It can freely shuttle between the past, present, and future! Our pilots can even converse with ancient heroes! They can learn air combat tactics from Sun Tzu's "The Art of War"! They can learn troop deployment from Zhuge Liang! Can you? You can't! Because you don't have the 'Mong Long'!

So, those who are still envious of us, save it! Your jealousy only makes us stronger! Your slander only makes us more united! Our 'Mong Long' will forever soar in our country's blue skies! It will protect our peace and tranquility! It will witness the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation! 🚀🔥"**


  1. Hyperbolic Praise: The post uses extreme language to praise the J-20, portraying it as a superior and almost mythical aircraft compared to older models and foreign counterparts like the American F-series fighters.
  2. Mockery of Older Aircraft: There's a clear mockery of older technology ("World War II propellers") and foreign aircraft ("America's F-something"), suggesting that they are obsolete compared to the J-20.
  3. Futuristic and Fantastical Claims: The author makes outlandish claims about the J-20, such as:
    • Mind-Controlled Missiles: Suggesting that missiles can be controlled with telekinesis.
    • Time and Space Traversal: Claiming the aircraft can move freely between past, present, and future.
    • Ancient Wisdom Integration: Asserting that the plane incorporates feng shui and principles from "The Art of War."
  4. National Pride and Propaganda: The post heavily emphasizes national pride, portraying the J-20 as a symbol of China's technological advancement and cultural heritage. It ties the aircraft's capabilities to the "great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation."
  5. Use of Internet Slang and Emojis: The inclusion of emojis like :lul: and :feelsohgod: adds a humorous and informal tone, suggesting that the post might be meant to entertain or parody rather than serve as serious propaganda.
  6. Encouraging Unity and Dismissing Criticism: The author dismisses skeptics and critics, framing their support for the J-20 as unwavering and portraying opposition as ignorance or jealousy.

Possible Context:

  • Humorous or Satirical Intent: Given the exaggerated claims and humorous tone, it's possible that the post is intended as satire or parody, poking fun at nationalist rhetoric surrounding military advancements.
  • Online Forum Culture: The informal language and use of internet slang suggest that the post was made in a casual online setting, possibly among enthusiasts or in a community that appreciates exaggerated humor.
  • Propaganda Style: Alternatively, the post could be a form of online propaganda aimed at boosting national pride and showcasing military achievements in an entertaining manner.

Why Google Translate Might Struggle:

  • Idiomatic Expressions and Slang: The post contains colloquial language, internet slang, and idiomatic expressions that automated translators like Google Translate may not handle well, leading to confusing or inaccurate translations.
  • Cultural References: References to Chinese cultural elements (like feng shui, the I Ching, and historical figures like Sun Tzu and Zhuge Liang) may not translate smoothly into other languages without proper context.
  • Hyperbolic and Figurative Language: The exaggerated and metaphorical language can be challenging for machine translation, which tends to interpret text more literally.


The post is a creatively exaggerated homage to the Chinese J-20 fighter jet, blending national pride with humor and satire. It employs hyperbole and cultural references to both entertain and emphasize China's technological and cultural prowess. If you're interested in understanding similar posts in the future, considering cultural context and the use of idiomatic expressions can be very helpful alongside translation tools.
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