Tips For Me


Deleted member 21346

Aug 9, 2022
Ethnic in the West (born and raised), 5'9.5" tall (legit average for Zoomers in my white af university area). I'm 21 btw. Is my pheno shit? Also, what ethnicities can I go for?
Lastly, is it possible for me to pull 4-6/10 beckies with looksmax + nt-maxx + gym maxx + beta bucks?


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20221004 004153
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Btw I'm jk you look decent
Not bad looking but bad pheno, people probably think you're in the taliban with that pheno and beard
Grow hair out
Shave the beard and get a stubbly and grow hair out
i rate you 9/11
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Ethnic in the West (born and raised), 5'9.5" tall (legit average for Zoomers in my white af university area). I'm 21 btw. Is my pheno shit? Also, what ethnicities can I go for?
Lastly, is it possible for me to pull 4-6/10 beckies with looksmax + nt-maxx + gym maxx + beta bucks?
Change that fucking hair cut
Are you Pakistani?
You were on lookism, right?
Yeah OP is a solid solid 9/11 - binladenlite

OP grow your beard more and hit the gym that should be enough to get HTBs

I don’t think so tbh- his acne scars look brutal in those pics and are a failo which generally is even more brutal in real life
  • JFL
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I don’t think so tbh- his acne scars look brutal in those pics and are a failo which generally is even more brutal in real life
I was being sarcastic...should've been more over the top in my "advice" just to make it more obvious.

But yeah it's over for this guy when it comes to attracting white MTB+ unless he undergoes a MASSIVE skin treatment, loses the beard and opts for a 3-4 mm stubble,styles his hair in a more fashionable way, leanmaxxes until visible abs and yeah then we'll see...
  • +1
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I was being sarcastic...should've been more over the top in my "advice" just to make it more obvious.

But yeah it's over for this guy when it comes to attracting white MTB+ unless he undergoes a MASSIVE skin treatment, loses the beard and opts for a 3-4 mm stubble,styles his hair in a more fashionable way, leanmaxxes until visible abs and yeah then we'll see...
Fair enough- I didn’t think the guy in the OP was ugly enough that the response was clearly sarcastic lol.

His skin failo is brutal - and it’s is one o those failos which is always way more brutal irl cos in pics you can hide it with certain lighting etc. but go outside in the sun or in a room with heavy dow lighting and it’s so brutal.

His underlying facial bones don’t look too awful at least

OP I would strongly advise you to look in to CO2 laser skin resurfacing- It’s expensive af but worth it if you can afford
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Terroristmaxed tbh
you really need to watch some tails looksmaxing vids
I was being sarcastic...should've been more over the top in my "advice" just to make it more obvious.

But yeah it's over for this guy when it comes to attracting white MTB+ unless he undergoes a MASSIVE skin treatment, loses the beard and opts for a 3-4 mm stubble,styles his hair in a more fashionable way, leanmaxxes until visible abs and yeah then we'll see...
Interesting. I've actually had MTB's to HTB's interested in me (5.5 - 7.5 / 10). I've also gotten quite a few women's numbers. My issue is that I'm not the most interesting guy, just because I have alot of school work + work 25 hours a week haha.

But, I appreciate the rate. I'll try to get rid of the pimples but my skin is pretty shit. I have a pretty sharp jawline, but I'll be 100% honest, my chin is somewhat recessed, so I keep a goatee. I recently trimmed my beard down from the side and just kept the mustache + goatee. It fades in a bit, so there's some stubble on the side.

Here are some more recent pics.

I'd appreciate any more advice please and thank you!


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Interesting. I've actually had MTB's to HTB's interested in me (5.5 - 7.5 / 10). I've also gotten quite a few women's numbers. My issue is that I'm not the most interesting guy, just because I have alot of school work + work 25 hours a week haha.

But, I appreciate the rate. I'll try to get rid of the pimples but my skin is pretty shit. I have a pretty sharp jawline, but I'll be 100% honest, my chin is somewhat recessed, so I keep a goatee. I recently trimmed my beard down from the side and just kept the mustache + goatee. It fades in a bit, so there's some stubble on the side.

Here are some more recent pics.

I'd appreciate any more advice please and thank you!
Yeah bro no problem.

Obviously the bin Laden comments were a fun joke so don't take it too seriously. This is a shitposting forum afterall.

But yeah the thing that is fucking you up is the skin quality and maybe the hairstyle. Try to change a little bit, see what works for you. If you don't attempt to change you'll never know what works best.

Also, the beard is too long imo but if it works for you then keep it... just beware that some white girls might not like but hey others might so it's up to you
I just say:

With beard: Muslim terrorist

Without beard: Java developer
Yeah bro no problem.

Obviously the bin Laden comments were a fun joke so don't take it too seriously. This is a shitposting forum afterall.

But yeah the thing that is fucking you up is the skin quality and maybe the hairstyle. Try to change a little bit, see what works for you. If you don't attempt to change you'll never know what works best.

Also, the beard is too long imo but if it works for you then keep it... just beware that some white girls might not like but hey others might so it's up to you
Fair enough bro. I appreciate all of it. Also bro, the only reason why I don't slick my hair back is because it's wayyyy too much of a hassle to do so, unless I use some extremely strong gel (which can fuck up your hair later down the line).

Furthermore, I'm getting jaw surgery because I have an overbite. So, I keep the goatee to kind of hide the recessed jaw. After jaw surgery, I'm gonna shave the beard down all the way to a stubble.

I'm a naturally lean muscular guy, so that works in my favour ig, and I tend to not gain fat very easily.

Lastly, male pattern baldness runs in my dad's side of the family. Right now, my hairline is in the process of maturing, but I might eventually go bald. My mom's side of the family has VERY strong hair genetics. Not a single one of her 4 brothers is bald, and they're all in their 40s and 50s.
The plus side is that, I have very strong donor area, and I'm a pretty hairy dude all around, so I can keep getting hair transplants to mask the baldness indefinitely (if I start badling, that is).

Oh and of course, gotta get rid of the acne scars. That's my number one priority atm
  • +1
Reactions: MakinMogReturns
Ethnic in the West (born and raised), 5'9.5" tall (legit average for Zoomers in my white af university area). I'm 21 btw. Is my pheno shit? Also, what ethnicities can I go for?
Lastly, is it possible for me to pull 4-6/10 beckies with looksmax + nt-maxx + gym maxx + beta bucks?
Looks 30+ at 21. Literally fucked because of that and your pheno combination. You are also boneless, high bf facially and have dogshit tier eyee so zero appeal to any attractive women, scratch that… any woman at all lmfao.
Op is delusion maxing in my chat:

3817781D C6C1 4A6C A98D A76DB12F77B1
I'm not curry though lol
I just say:

With beard: Muslim terrorist

Without beard: Java developer
Yeah, but I've hooked up with decent looking women in bars and clubs. I've also gotten quite a few numbers.

All in all, I'm looking for a LTR with a decent woman rn. As long as she's not overly fat, I'm fine tbh
Leaking dms is not mogger of u

But yeah OP might have fucked some strippers or escorts and counted it as fucking 7-8 out of ten girls
Dude, no. First of all, I would never fuck with escorts or strippers because it goes against my principles, and second of all, I don't want to break the law.

Honestly, I'm just here for some advice. Politely, I don't understand what the issue here is
OP you are below avg right now but you are not a truecel. I see that you are beard frauding and gonna get jaw surgery so I think you will be a solid normie after it.
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Op is delusion maxing in my chat:

View attachment 1893818
How is this delusion? I would be delusional if I wanted a 10/10 as a LTR lol. But I'm honestly content with a 4 - 5 / 10. I understand that looks isn't everything in a relationship, but it's a great "in".

If you don't want to help that's fine. I wish you good luck on your journey my man, and I hope you get the kind of woman you're looking for
OP you are below avg right now but you are not a truecel. I see that you are beard frauding and gonna get jaw surgery so I think you will be a solid normie after it.
Thank you, I appreciate that. Alot of people have told me that I'm a good looking guy, but I'll be honest, I've always had self-esteem issues. But hey, at the very least, I'm putting in effort.

Thank you man, and good luck!
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Thank you, I appreciate that. Alot of people have told me that I'm a good looking guy, but I'll be honest, I've always had self-esteem issues. But hey, at the very least, I'm putting in effort.

Thank you man, and good luck!
No worries bro, good luck for you too.

You probably mog all the sad pajeets that are projecting their insecurities tbh, those guys wouldnt even post their faces here lol
honestly not death tier at all

you need to restyle your hair and beard, it's too british desi looking (not a compliment)

Try going shorter with the beard too you look like an imam

And get on skincare pronto

vitamin c
sunscreen daily

at night use a retinoid
if you can't get tret then use adapalene (available otc)

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