Tips on quitting weed or any addiction? Essay on the danger of cannabis



Aug 12, 2023
Haze is one of the most dangerous substances to humankind, I‘m really convinced of that. The narrative around it and the downplaying of its consequences play a lot into it.

You think its just some natural plant and it can‘t be that bad, amirite?


First of all the stuff you smoke nowadays has a way higher percentage of THC than the plant had naturally. We‘re talking about a 400% increase at least.

Second of all opioids are also natural, nobody would ever tell you that taking heroin daily is inconsequential tho.

You start smoking everyday because you can‘t get addicted to weed, amirite? Comical.

You do the same shit for years and years and then realize you spent a decade of your life doing NOTHING. I can‘t even remember most stuff I did in the last 7 years. Especially the Corona-years are just a blank slate in my memory.

I didn‘t grow or developed myself in these years. I still don‘t have a lot of romantic experience. At my age, you should know what you‘re looking for in a partner for example.

My mind didn‘t develop at all in these years. I‘m 25 yet feel like I have the maturity of a 18 year old, and I‘m sure others think of me similarly.

You just become complacent with everything. It kills your drive, all your ambition.

Every addicted stoner knows this, at least subconsciously.

But you feel like you have 2 personalities fighting each other.

Theres the person in you that wants to quit and work towards real goals. This person is the most visible when you wake up with brainfog again, realizing you did absolutely nothing yesterday. Or when you immediately smoke after waking up, only to be disappointed in yourself because you can‘t get shit done all day and just hang around at home being lazy.

But then there‘s the person in you that just enjoys the drug. When you had a productive day, come home at night and look forward to getting high and playing vidya/watching movies. When you lose the brainfog in the afternoon and tell yourself eh it cant be that bad. Only to smoke and start the process anew.

I made the decision to quit today in the morning, but having a real hard time not hitting up my plug rn. I crave it really hard and would love to get high. But I also know I wasted too much of my precious time on the devil‘s lettuce too.

If any of you have tips or struggled similarly, feel free to give me tips. Writing this out already helped me a bit.

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Haze is one of the most dangerous substances to humankind, I‘m really convinced of that. The narrative around it and the downplaying of its consequences play a lot into it.

You think its just some natural plant and it can‘t be that bad, amirite?


First of all the stuff you smoke nowadays has a way higher percentage of THC than the plant had naturally. We‘re talking about a 400% increase at least.

Second of all opioids are also natural, nobody would ever tell you that taking heroin daily is inconsequential tho.

You start smoking everyday because you can‘t get addicted to weed, amirite? Comical.

You do the same shit for years and years and then realize you spent a decade of your life doing NOTHING. I can‘t even remember most stuff I did in the last 7 years. Especially the Corona-years are just a blank slate in my memory.

I didn‘t grow or developed myself in these years. I still don‘t have a lot of romantic experience. At my age, you should know what you‘re looking for in a partner for example.

My mind didn‘t develop at all in these years. I‘m 25 yet feel like I have the maturity of a 18 year old, and I‘m sure others think of me similarly.

You just become complacent with everything. It kills your drive, all your ambition.

Every addicted stoner knows this, at least subconsciously.

But you feel like you have 2 personalities fighting each other.

Theres the person in you that wants to quit and work towards real goals. This person is the most visible when you wake up with brainfog again, realizing you did absolutely nothing yesterday. Or when you immediately smoke after waking up, only to be disappointed in yourself because you can‘t get shit done all day and just hang around at home being lazy.

But then there‘s the person in you that just enjoys the drug. When you had a productive day, come home at night and look forward to getting high and playing vidya/watching movies. When you lose the brainfog in the afternoon and tell yourself eh it cant be that bad. Only to smoke and start the process anew.

I made the decision to quit today in the morning, but having a real hard time not hitting up my plug rn. I crave it really hard and would love to get high. But I also know I wasted too much of my precious time on the devil‘s lettuce too.

If any of you have tips or struggled similarly, feel free to give me tips. Writing this out already helped me a bit.

I can somehow relate even though I was never truly addicted to it, I kinda use weed as a reward system and I don’t feel like it’s necessary bad

I would get high on the weekends or after heavy work to unwind

For example, I won’t be smoking today because I got too mcuh shit to do, tommorow as well, but on Wednesday I won’t be working so Tuesday night after work I will get zooted and go to the cinema to watch a random movie and eat junk food

But I can relate feeling like shit when smoking when you’re supposed to be productive, I would get zooted as fuck at the office and get bad trips like “you’re gonna become a bum, look at you, fucking junkie” would be the thoughts I’m getting

So now, I only smoke when there’s literally nothing else to do

If I’m busy for the next month then so be it, I won’t light up for a month

I don’t understand what drives you to smoke every day? Do you really feel addicted to being zooted?
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I don’t understand what drives you to smoke every day? Do you really feel addicted to being zooted?
yes, I LOVE being high

playing vidya, watching movies or listening to music when geeked out is deffo in my top 5 life experiences, as sad as it sounds

i dont enjoy it much in a social context, only with good friends
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Read every word.
Addiction sucks always
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