to see your forward growth.

Eduardo DOV

Eduardo DOV

Aug 1, 2019
taking a pic/making a video of yourself from the top of your head.

making a video from the top of your head to see how fast your ante face disapear.

after all, forward means forward, so lets see what you have going forward.

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i'm dying rn lmao
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Works better from bottom
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another ameba iq thread by eduardo
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imagine unironically being this retarded
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to measure forward growth u just have to see if ur jawline is straight compared to the top of your head
dogshit recessed maxilla = jawline looking at the ground
to measure forward growth u just have to see if ur jawline is straight compared to the top of your head
dogshit recessed maxilla = jawline looking at the ground
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Still considered gl to girls
you can see his isnt recessed because he has a lot of space on the bottom of his chin which means its projected
you cant have a 90 degree straight line it always goes down a bit but recessed looks 10 times worse and it looks like u got a double chin because of the skin accumulating
to measure forward growth u just have to see if ur jawline is straight compared to the top of your head
dogshit recessed maxilla = jawline looking at the ground
where did you get that from? ur ass ?

lol its not that simple
where did you get that from? ur ass ?

lol its not that simple

Just make some lines, from ears to nose, from eyes to nose, from Glabella to chin

IMG 20191119 013752

Ultra forward growth
IMG 20191119 013339
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this first guy looks forward grown to me, despite being chinlet
I gave him some chin and some ramus, doesnt he got that forward grown look now? :

View attachment 167946
You guys really are so clueless about what forward growth is. He has forward head posture you can look by his neck every single person on this planet can look like they have "forward growth" if they tilt their heads like that however adopting this head position is just a way people have to cope so they dont look abosulutely recessed. I cant be bothered correcting his head tilt but it would unveil the truth that he is indeed very recessed. There really arent "gay aline skulls" out there , there are just people that tilt their head 24/7 because that's their natural neck position due to poor habits and as i said a way to cope for their lack of forward growth.
this first guy looks forward grown to me, despite being chinlet
I gave him some chin and some ramus, doesnt he got that forward grown look now? :

View attachment 167946
He has a normally developed upper maxilla, but he has a recessed lower maxilla(mandible), to be 100% recessed you need to have bimaxillary recession, you would look like Casey Neistat.
You guys really are so clueless about what forward growth is. He has forward head posture you can look by his neck every single person on this planet can look like they have "forward growth" if they tilt their heads like that however adopting this head position is just a way people have to cope so they dont look abosulutely recessed. I cant be bothered correcting his head tilt but it would unveil the truth that he is indeed very recessed. There really arent "gay aline skulls" out there , there are just people that tilt their head 24/7 because that's their natural neck position due to poor habits and as i said a way to cope for their lack of forward growth.
is sean opry recessed ?
is sean opry recessed ?
Yes sean opry has some degree of recession on his maxilla( Has overall vertical growth of the face ) , however that's what also makes him look more unique paired with his very unique eye area. You guys gotta realise alot of industries seek models that look very unique and different to market their products.

People with vertical growth usually look more striking that people without vertical growth on their faces, even gandy has some maxilla recession also has vertical growth of the face.
Yes sean opry has some degree of recession on his maxilla( Has overall vertical growth of the face ) , however that's what also makes him look more unique paired with his very unique eye area. You guys gotta realise alot of industries seek models that look very unique and different to market their products.
View attachment 167991
People with vertical growth usually look more striking that people without vertical growth on their faces, even gandy has some maxilla recession also has vertical growth of the face.
View attachment 167992View attachment 167993

that is, anteface being a necessary condition to look good is a fuckin meme
that is, anteface being a necessary condition to look good is a fuckin meme
Here's the thing an "anteface" is basicly an upwards and forward growth maxilla which makes ur maxilla almost paralel to the floor , almost every single person on this earth would look better if they had their maxillas on that position however you just look like a normal goodlooking dude that probably women find more attractive.

Brad pitt and dicaprio are perfect examples of people that have their maxillas in the perfect position that is parallel to the floor and no1 would question how attractive they are , these are the type of faces that in the 1st second you are like " wow he's really goodlooking".
However people like this lack angularity on their faces, they look less striking and alot of model industries want that angular striking look. ( comes with maxillary vertical growth ) so yes u trade maxilla portrustion for angularity.

Ramirez is a perfect example of what im talking about he clearly has the vertical growth and im talking about but he's also ALOT more angular on his face , every single model industry would probably pick this face over the top ones however a girl might choose the first 2 guys as more attractive.
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Here's the thing an "anteface" is basicly an upwards and forward growth maxilla which makes ur maxilla almost paralel to the floor , almost every single person on this earth would look better if they had their maxillas on that position however you just look like a normal goodlooking dude that probably women find more attractive.
View attachment 167998View attachment 167999
Brad pitt and dicaprio are perfect examples of people that have their maxillas in the perfect position that is parallel to the floor and no1 would question how attractive they are , these are the type of faces that in the 1st second you are like " wow he's really goodlooking".
However people like this lack angularity on their faces, they look less striking and alot of model industries want that angular striking look. ( comes with maxillary vertical growth ) so yes u trade maxilla portrustion for angularity.

they seem to have good maxila, not a super one, i mean there are people who really does look forward grown as fuck.

would they look better with a super forward grown maxila?
they seem to have good maxila, not a super one, i mean there are people who really does look forward grown as fuck.

would they look better with a super forward grown maxila?
Yes ramirez , opry , gandy dont have recessed maxillas just not super forward grown they are average at best , ramirez is a bit different however because he just has insane bone mass( probably genetic ) , if they had more upwards and forward growth on their maxilla they would look better to the avg person however opry wouldnt most likely be the highest paying male model because he would lose his unique and angular look.
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Yes sean opry has some degree of recession on his maxilla( Has overall vertical growth of the face ) , however that's what also makes him look more unique paired with his very unique eye area. You guys gotta realise alot of industries seek models that look very unique and different to market their products.
View attachment 167991
People with vertical growth usually look more striking that people without vertical growth on their faces, even gandy has some maxilla recession also has vertical growth of the face.
View attachment 167992View attachment 167993

Yes ramirez , opry , gandy dont have recessed maxillas just not super forward grown they are average at best , ramirez is a bit different however because he just has insane bone mass( probably genetic ) , if they had more upwards and forward growth on their maxilla they would look better to the avg person however opry wouldnt most likely be the highest paying male model because he would lose his unique and angular look.


IMG 7630

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