Top 3 Main Ways to Know if You're High T or Low T (naturally) GTFIH COPERS!


Deleted member 20704

Doesn't vibe with humans much anymore.
Jul 12, 2022
I have been around a lot of "high T" guys and "low T" guys and I think I'm slightly qualified to determine if a guy is bound to be high T or not:

1. NTness. Almost every high T guy tends to be more flamboyant/NT, possibly due to higher aromatization of estrogen from the T itself. It's known that women chatterboxes/women chat and talk much more than men, so if men are just as chatty it's probably higher estrogen. The thing is those high T moggers can have more estrogenic effects since -- unless taking an AI or estrogen-lowering supplement -- probably have more estrogen too. So basically higher T = likely higher E = more likely to be NT/social/chattier & less quiet/caring of talkativeness. High T men -- to put it simply -- are more ASSUMING & PUSHY to others. They do not live and let live as easily -- they believe in more "passive-activeness" to others; they feel it's their "job" to handle everything around them somehow. This is the main drawback of high T -- too ingroup/narrow-focused.


Testosterone has excitatory effects in the body like estrogen, hence lots of dudes on roids become more open, talkative, forward, etc. Something that increases "excitability" increases more adrenaline/adrenals, aromatization of T to E, transmitters, etc.

. Racist and angry often. It may sound like a LOL thing but I believe the higher T guys are much more likely to have higher ingroup bias therefore they will dislike naturally guys who stray out of their "racial" or "cultural" norms. So high T dudes more often than not are bound to be more racist, quick to anger, and curse a lot. There are exceptions but generally most high T guys will have a lot of overlapping traits. They often anger quicker because of estrogen, not testosterone itself. Higher T usually means higher E and E is much more likely to fuck with emotions and well-being than just a little extra testosterone without the E ... So it's really E's work, not solely T's in governing moods/behaviors a lot.


Higher T makes guys more racist because they see themselves/their surroundings as "theirs" so other things that fall too far out of it are no longer "good" to them. Think apes, territorial animals, etc. DO they like outsiders? Also, look at pro sports dudes. One key way in knowing if something is "theirs" is (through lower IQ) to just look at someone and determine if they "fit in" based on observable traits like race, skin color, etc. It's kinda like a blackpill but also a highTPill as well for those wondering.

. Selfishness. Almost every high T guy I've seen has a pervasive sense of self worth, along with lower sentience in ways. All of the high IQ autists here for example are low T guys because high T guys would not reflect that hard -- they just live in the moment and do not think as much hence higher chance of lower IQ in ways. Not saying every masculine guy is dumb but there is a stereotype of such for a good reason. Also most masc/higher T seeming guys may only be "smart" for some things like tools, manual labor, etc. but never general high IQ autist shit. See they have more of the "primitive profile" of operation/being -- they see and move around in the world more akin to natural predators so it's almost "ingrained" in them to be selfish and deluded, even sometimes with evidence to the contrary AKA them losing a fight & still feeling "superior."


High T is an "archaic" trait for survival -- lots of stressed minds/adrenals, more T, more estrogen, more different transmitters set up, etc. SO higher T guys obviously feel a heightened sense of importance and/or delusions because this is how they "keep alive." They operate more akin to jungle law in some subtle but clear ways, while low T guys operate on intelligence/analysis more. The good thing about this is it allows you to have more vigor, but the bad things are that you lose your cool/can make poor/rash choices.


High T guys are more likely to be NT/have ingroup bias, be quicker to anger, be more likely to be a racist and be very self-interested/lack sentience somewhat. They are more likely to be crude, arrogant, lack some self-awareness (believe they are more "super" by default).

Lower T guys (most of us) think, reflect, analyze, research, etc.

Higher T guys (not most of us) are prouder, louder, more ruthless, more careless in ways; do not reflect/analyze much, or do research, etc.

The best mix? Don't be a high T moron but don't be a low T cuck AKA have some high T traits/abilities but also some lower T ones -- a mix. A lot of women like the high T traits but the smart thing to do is look like the high T guy (Chad) while keeping the low T smarts (incel).
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  • JFL
Reactions: anticel, Deleted member 14392, Daniel Plainview and 14 others
2 and 3 to the fullest, lack of 1 is the main reason I'm on this site :lul:
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  • So Sad
Reactions: Frankiks2, Daniel Plainview, rand anon and 3 others
hey im racist so im high t yea?
  • JFL
Reactions: Daniel Plainview, LooksOrDeath, szolliontaraelis and 2 others
hey im racist so im high t yea?
No low T guys can be racist too ... You need pretty much all 3 of the above to 99% likely be higher T than most guys.

Also probably doesn't count if you're a fat fuck or severely mentally ill/damaged in some way as that skews the basic guidelines a bit.
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you could just take a test instead of doing this pseudoscience guessing game
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: Daniel Plainview, LooksOrDeath, Deleted member 8365 and 6 others
you could just take a test instead of doing this pseudoscience guessing game

The test just gives numbers while my post here goes in to serious observation over hormonal tendencies and behavioral patterns/likelihood.
The test just gives numbers while my post here goes in to serious observation over hormonal tendencies and behavioral patterns/likelihood.
and the number tells you if youre high or low
  • +1
Reactions: Daniel Plainview
If people made a documentary about looksmax they will use your thread to demonstrate their agenda and show how much of a fucking joke this website is.
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  • JFL
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stop categorizing people based on T levels you absolute monkey. Inject T and see how much of a beta you still are just with slightly bigger muscles.
  • +1
Reactions: Biiyo03
If people made a documentary about looksmax they will use your thread to demonstrate their agenda and show how much of a fucking joke this website is.
OP is speaking fax
i’m a racist narcissist

so high T :soy:
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Reactions: Daniel Plainview, GetShrekt and Dystopian
keep projecting sven

ur racist cuz bbcs stole ur oneitis
me and you are both low t who reflect analyze and rate men and were also not no racist so I think OP may be onto something
  • +1
Reactions: LooksOrDeath
me and you are both low t who reflect analyze and rate men and were also not no racist so I think OP may be onto something
wrong goyim, i am very ghacist
  • WTF
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Based thread

If you want to fraud high T without being cancelled, simply practice benevolent racism/sexism/narcissism

1. Tell Asian people how smart they are, black people how athletic they are, women how crazy/beautiful they are. Don’t discriminate negatively, discriminate positively

2. Obviously be NT as fuck

3. Strive to be the best in things other people benefit from, ie being a good cook, best on your sports team, best salesman at work, etc.
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Daniel Plainview, Deleted member 20704 and potentialhabit1
I have been around a lot of "high T" guys and "low T" guys and I think I'm slightly qualified to determine if a guy is bound to be high T or not:

1. NTness. Almost every high T guy tends to be more flamboyant/NT, possibly due to higher aromatization of estrogen from the T itself. It's known that women chatterboxes/women chat and talk much more than men, so if men are just as chatty it's probably higher estrogen. The thing is those high T moggers can have more estrogenic effects since -- unless taking an AI or estrogen-lowering supplement -- probably have more estrogen too. So basically higher T = likely higher E = more likely to be NT/social/chattier & less quiet/caring of talkativeness. High T men -- to put it simply -- are more ASSUMING & PUSHY to others. They do not live and let live as easily -- they believe in more "passive-activeness" to others; they feel it's their "job" to handle everything around them somehow. This is the main drawback of high T -- too ingroup/narrow-focused.


Testosterone has excitatory effects in the body like estrogen, hence lots of dudes on roids become more open, talkative, forward, etc. Something that increases "excitability" increases more adrenaline/adrenals, aromatization of T to E, transmitters, etc.

. Racist and angry often. It may sound like a LOL thing but I believe the higher T guys are much more likely to have higher ingroup bias therefore they will dislike naturally guys who stray out of their "racial" or "cultural" norms. So high T dudes more often than not are bound to be more racist, quick to anger, and curse a lot. There are exceptions but generally most high T guys will have a lot of overlapping traits. They often anger quicker because of estrogen, not testosterone itself. Higher T usually means higher E and E is much more likely to fuck with emotions and well-being than just a little extra testosterone without the E ... So it's really E's work, not solely T's in governing moods/behaviors a lot.


Higher T makes guys more racist because they see themselves/their surroundings as "theirs" so other things that fall too far out of it are no longer "good" to them. Think apes, territorial animals, etc. DO they like outsiders? Also, look at pro sports dudes. One key way in knowing if something is "theirs" is (through lower IQ) to just look at someone and determine if they "fit in" based on observable traits like race, skin color, etc. It's kinda like a blackpill but also a highTPill as well for those wondering.

. Selfishness. Almost every high T guy I've seen has a pervasive sense of self worth, along with lower sentience in ways. All of the high IQ autists here for example are low T guys because high T guys would not reflect that hard -- they just live in the moment and do not think as much hence higher chance of lower IQ in ways. Not saying every masculine guy is dumb but there is a stereotype of such for a good reason. Also most masc/higher T seeming guys may only be "smart" for some things like tools, manual labor, etc. but never general high IQ autist shit. See they have more of the "primitive profile" of operation/being -- they see and move around in the world more akin to natural predators so it's almost "ingrained" in them to be selfish and deluded, even sometimes with evidence to the contrary AKA them losing a fight & still feeling "superior."


High T is an "archaic" trait for survival -- lots of stressed minds/adrenals, more T, more estrogen, more different transmitters set up, etc. SO higher T guys obviously feel a heightened sense of importance and/or delusions because this is how they "keep alive." They operate more akin to jungle law in some subtle but clear ways, while low T guys operate on intelligence/analysis more. The good thing about this is it allows you to have more vigor, but the bad things are that you lose your cool/can make poor/rash choices.


High T guys are more likely to be NT/have ingroup bias, be quicker to anger, be more likely to be a racist and be very self-interested/lack sentience somewhat. They are more likely to be crude, arrogant, lack some self-awareness (believe they are more "super" by default).

Lower T guys (most of us) think, reflect, analyze, research, etc.

Higher T guys (not most of us) are prouder, louder, more ruthless, more careless in ways; do not reflect/analyze much, or do research, etc.

The best mix? Don't be a high T moron but don't be a low T cuck AKA have some high T traits/abilities but also some lower T ones -- a mix. A lot of women like the high T traits but the smart thing to do is look like the high T guy (Chad) while keeping the low T smarts (incel).

Faggotry. Just see your skeleteal and facial structure and learn whether ure high T or not. Add voice pitch, muscles and competitiveness/calmness to the list.
Estrogen is not meant to be high in men. High Estrogen means Lower Test. You need it in optimal levels. High E makes u docile faggot
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  • JFL
Reactions: GuyFromSingapore and Deleted member 20704
If people made a documentary about looksmax they will use your thread to demonstrate their agenda and show how much of a fucking joke this website is.

This site IS a joke compared to how Lookism was (and that was before I signed up here). If you can talk of the truth then there should never be a filter in doing so, unlike here where some of my threads (which many like) get removed for no reason or explanation whatsoever.

I never made this site how it is. On the contrary I'm trying to make it better, but with limited methods since my threads get banished left & right.
This is so stupid lol
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 20704
shit my grandma is high T because she's selfish and racist

fucking autistic faggot Nigger thread
  • JFL
Reactions: Detn86, Daniel Plainview, LooksOrDeath and 2 others
Faggotry. Just see your skeleteal and facial structure and learn whether ure high T or not. Add voice pitch, muscles and competitiveness/calmness to the list.
Estrogen is not meant to be high in men. High Estrogen means Lower Test. You need it in optimal levels. High E makes u docile faggot
Actually low T men will be low E aswell . Because in order for you to be "high E" you need to have loads of testosterone in the first place.

Estrogen is converted from Testosterone bro.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 20704
Actually low T men will be low E aswell . Because in order for you to be "high E" you need to have loads of testosterone in the first place.

Estrogen is converted from Testosterone bro.

That's what most of these guys here don't get ... If E comes from T and T is low, how can you think low T guys are going to be high E?

Also the posts about estrogen making you docile lol have none of you guys seen women IRL with high estrogen? They're fucking banshees, not docile at all lol It's dumb to think estrogen makes men docile, all the high T dudes with higher E are the exact opposite of docile.

That makes little sense lol Not that other factors may contribute to estrogen but saying low T = high E itself is complete nonsense.

Obviously I'm no biochemist but I think it's logic that higher T guys naturally will also succumb to higher E as well at least under stress?

Meanwhile the reality is it's probably okay to have relatively high T but moderate estrogen at best, but good luck if you're roiding as even if you take something like Exemestane or such no guarantee that some % still isn't aromatizing some other way, or some other negatives
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I’m only 2 :feelsbadman:
If people made a documentary about looksmax they will use your thread to demonstrate their agenda and show how much of a fucking joke this website is.
Exactly. People here obsess about obscure characteristics like T levels to find some way to cope with their subhumanity.
Exactly. People here obsess about obscure characteristics like T levels to find some way to cope with their subhumanity.

Snap truth

Also muscles, height. Everyone has a thing they think is their redeemer trait lol
This thread is just dollar store bro science tbh
  • +1
Reactions: GetShrekt
Actually low T men will be low E aswell . Because in order for you to be "high E" you need to have loads of testosterone in the first place.

Estrogen is converted from Testosterone bro.
That isnt always like that. Most guys today have excess Estrogen not because of their high T but because of enviromental pollutants and endocrin distruptors. The moderate amounts you talking about no longer exist in the average dudes who are esting fast food in plastic canned ambalages. Also the higher E you convert from your T lower your T is. You can stull have low T and high e because you are filled with loads of junk and exposed to endustrial garbages and you have a shitty functioning HPGA axis.
Stop the pseudo science. @Keengo
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I'm extremely racist and selfish but severely lacking in social skills so I must have normal t levels
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Reactions: Daniel Plainview
That's what most of these guys here don't get ... If E comes from T and T is low, how can you think low T guys are going to be high E?

Also the posts about estrogen making you docile lol have none of you guys seen women IRL with high estrogen? They're fucking banshees, not docile at all lol It's dumb to think estrogen makes men docile, all the high T dudes with higher E are the exact opposite of docile.

That makes little sense lol Not that other factors may contribute to estrogen but saying low T = high E itself is complete nonsense.

Obviously I'm no biochemist but I think it's logic that higher T guys naturally will also succumb to higher E as well at least under stress?

Meanwhile the reality is it's probably okay to have relatively high T but moderate estrogen at best, but good luck if you're roiding as even if you take something like Exemestane or such no guarantee that some % still isn't aromatizing some other way, or some other negatives
Test will aromitize optimillay in low amounts if you have a healthy body and a mind. Fat has the aromatese enzyme and literally destroys hormones if you are overweight and have shitty estrogen rrceptors
I think you are oversimplifying certain passages, and there is a fair amount of unexplained assumptions here and there.
Still a pretty good thread that asks interesting questions.

Wouldn't you think that many high-T traits are not beneficial, though? Like being quick to anger. There are few situations is which being easily angered is a positive to you.
Being uncapable of considering risks before taking action is also a negative trait. It's why there are so many men who die in exceptionally stupid ways to prove they're "alpha".
scholarship, if water

but I will always be high T. high T mogs

subjectively "high status" people have more "automatic" cognition with less reflection, and this is a trend that seems to happen with increased status

also demonstrated in monkeys where populations are small and presumably status is clear
Best ways to raise T super hard? Herbs supps diet lifestyle sleep besides it
I have HighT levels from blasting testosterone and don’t identify with any of this
or you can simply take a visit to the doctor's office and get it checked
Number 1 is bullshit. You can have genetics where you don’t aromatize a large portion of your T into Estrogen. If you aromatize too much that’s actually shit genes and you’re probably going to be some closet cuck sucker.

Anyways the best way to see this in a person is if they are naturally ripped or not. Dudes on the fatter side will always be the ones converting too much T into Estrogen.

If you’re high T and Low estrogen you’re not going to be a mouth blabber you’ll be more to the point and few words, your voice will be deep, and your penis will hang and blow in the wind. The flamboyant High estrogen guys penis will be much smaller and balls too.
This is peak clickbait hahaha
thanks for the wikihow copy and paste
this is the type of thread that turned me autistic i bet some 14 year old kid on here will see this and go from being PC like i was to full out Neo Nazi (im not a nazi) but yeah feel bad for them i don't agree w u im a racist person and get angry a lot so i am high t i guess we will see i dont think u are wrong
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