Travelling to Istanbul. How to deal with subhuman taxi driver and shop keepers consistently trying to rip me off?



Forum User Of The Year 2022,2023
May 21, 2022
I think 'Ne kadar' only get one so far

How do I deal with these pesky maggots that are after a high IQ rich Jew's monies?
  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, aspiringexcel, Bushman and 5 others
Act like a turk. Be friendly and learn some words. Since both the driver, and you are subhuman LTNs descended from the middle east, you should have an easy time communicating with eachother.
  • JFL
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Act like a turk. Be friendly and learn some words. Since both the driver, and you are subhuman LTNs descended from the middle east, you should have an easy time communicating with eachother.
'Act like a Turk'

Sorry Mehmet I asked for advice on how to deal with Istanbolians, not the visa process to migrate to Germany
  • JFL
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You're a middle eastern hook nosed subhuman just like them, why are you guys giving eachother different names? You're all brothers, stop insulting them🥹🥹
  • Hmm...
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  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, aspiringexcel, ReadBooksEveryday and 1 other person
Act like a turk. Be friendly and learn some words. Since both the driver, and you are subhuman LTNs descended from the middle east, you should have an easy time communicating with eachother.
Act like a Turk instructions:

Go on rants about Syrians, Pakistanis, afghans, Arabs in general, Kurds, Muslims in general

Then worship black and Asian cock and especially white cock

Oh and do all this from your apartment in Berlin
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  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, aspiringexcel, Abhorrence and 1 other person
Act like a Turk instructions:

Go on rants about Syrians, Pakistanis, afghans, Arabs in general, Kurds, Muslims in general

Then worship black and Asian cock and especially white cock

Oh and do all this from your apartment in Berlin
Turks are probably the most self hating race. Consistently begging to join the EU to no avail

Hate their Arab counterparts who are the only reason their shitskin economy is still alive (tourism) - aside from all the remittances from the kebab sellers in Germanistan, and the HT for all the balding slavs

Most Turk are manlet, smoke all day and do legit zero work, but almost all will blame all their shitty countries problems on migrants - when half of the Turkroach population would jump at even a miniscule chance to escape their shithole and ruin other countries

Just a huge JFL.
  • JFL
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Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, aspiringexcel, Bushman and 3 others
It's very simple:

Kill turkroaches. Behead turkroaches. Roundhouse kick a turkroach into the concrete. Slam dunk a turkroach baby into the trashcan. Blast turkroaches with Civil War cannons. Crucify filthy turkroaches. Whip turkroaches into obedience. Slingshot a turkroach into orbit. Rocket turkroaches into the sun. Defecate in a turkroach's food. Stir-fry turkroaches in a wok. Bite a turkroach and drink their blood. Toss turkroaches into active volcanoes. Urinate into a turkroach's gas tank. Judo throw turkroaches into the wood chipper. Unscrew a turkroach's head off. Report turkroaches to the IRS. Karate chop turkroaches in half. Bake turkroaches into roach-pizza. Arrest turkroaches for no reason. Electrocute turkroaches. Curb stomp pregnant turkroaches. Beat a turkroach up. Trap turkroaches in quicksand. Crush turkroaches in the trash compactor. Liquefy turkroaches in a vat of acid. Eat turkroaches. Dissect turkroaches. Exterminate turkroaches in the gas chamber. Slice a turkroach up and wear their skin. Set turkroches on fire. Spin turkroaches around until they puke. Tie turkroaches to a train track. Karate kick a turkroach in the testicles. Stomp turkroach skulls with steel-toed boots. Broil turkroaches into a broth. Cremate turkroaches in the oven. Lobotomize turkroaches. Deep fry turkroaches. Grind turkroach fetuses in the garbage disposal. Fourth-trimester abortions for turkroches. Blend turkroaches in a blender. Drown turkroaches in fried chicken grease. Vaporize turkroaches with a ray gun. Snap a turkroaches neck. Kick old turkroaches down the stairs. Feed turkroaches to alligators. Slice turkroaches with a katana. Put a bomb in a turkroaches mouth. Throw knives at niggers. Inflate niggers until they pop. Send niggers into a blackhole. Castrate turkroaches. Feed turkroaches poisoned food. Force turkroaches to walk the plank. Push turkroaches into a pit. Kneel on a turkroaches neck. Curse turkroaches with a spell. Stuff turkroach babies into the washing machine and turn it on. Flatten turkroaches with a tank. Pop a turkroach's tire. Strike turkroach children with a ruler. Make turkroaches swim in the Mariana Trench. Cut off a turkroach's limbs. Airdrop turkroaches into Antarctica. Throw turkroaches off the boat. Pressurize turkroaches into fine crystals. Light fireworks in a turkroach's ass. Falcon-punch a turkroach in the face. Make turkroaches into fiction. Blow turkroachs heads off with grenade launchers. Blow turkroachs brains open with a sniper rifle. Lock turkroaches in a cage and drown them underwater. Nail turkroaches to a cross and stab them. Run over turkroaches with a tank feet-first. Throw turkroaches off buildings. Crush turkroaches with a press. Attack turkroaches with acid. Boil turkroaches in a pan. Lock turkroaches inside a brazen bull. Burn turkroaches alive. Drag turkroaches across a wall of spikes. Pour molten lava on turkroaches. Quarter turkroches. Impale turkroches on a pike. Send aliens to abduct turkroaches. Force turkroachss to ride the euthanasia coaster. Crush turkroaches with anvils. Throw turkroaches off of rooftops. Incinerate turkroches. Starve turkroaches. Blow turkroaches up with dynamite. Gulp turkroaches. Feast on turkroach eyeballs. Cave in a turkroach's skull. Kiss a turkroach to death. Peel a turkroach like a banana. Wipe out turkroach tribes. Deny turkroaches into Heaven. Freeze turkroaches in the vaccum of space. Hard boil a turkroach. Lock on to turkroaches with a harpoon. Cryodesiccate a turkroach. Ferment turkroaches into stew. Ensnare turkroaches. Nark on turkroaches to the army. Cause a total turkroach purge. Jam a turkroach into a geyser. Axe murder a turkroach. Unleash Smelvin upon turkoaches. Put turkroaches on ships going to Africa and blow up the ships after they set sail. Total turkroach death.
  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, aspiringexcel, Bushman and 1 other person
When I arrived at the airport, these roaches tried to turn off the taxi meter
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I do agree as a turkish person but still doesnt change the fact that you hate on other ppl just so that you can feel less bad about your jewish features
  • JFL
Reactions: ReadBooksEveryday
When I arrived at the airport, these roaches tried to turn off the taxi meter
JFL yea lmfao Ive had that happen too -and the fucker didn't even drop me at the right destination

Uber is better but still, there's always a chance that the driver will complain about the economy and whatnot- and why you should pay him much more than your ride.
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
JFL yea lmfao Ive had that happen too -and the fucker didn't even drop me at the right destination

Uber is better but still, there's always a chance that the driver will complain about the economy and whatnot- and why you should pay him much more than your ride.
Literally lmao, like it's not my fault the Lira's on life support, telling me long ass sob stories, just drop me off at my hotel
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Give "martı tag" app a try
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Say that you are atesh salihs autistic Cousin and you enjoy propaganda
  • JFL
Reactions: ReadBooksEveryday
Give "martı tag" app a try
If u cant use it lemme send u a voice message saying a typical taxi customer speech so u can mimic my pronounciation and at least make the taxi driver think ur turkish kekw
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Abhorrence and ReadBooksEveryday
If u cant use it lemme send u a voice message saying a typical taxi customer speech so u can mimic my pronounciation and at least make the taxi driver think ur turkish kekw
I appreciate the help boyo, but I just took the bus instead- hassle free

Thank you for helping out. Do you live in Istanbul btw? I can show you around the elite places (dont worry about the money, I can cover for you)
  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, aspiringexcel, chadmanlet04 and 1 other person
I appreciate the help boyo, but I just took the bus instead- hassle free

Thank you for helping out. Do you live in Istanbul btw? I can show you around the elite places (dont worry about the money, I can cover for you)
Bro I live in İstanbul, can you show me around the elite places?
  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, aspiringexcel, ReadBooksEveryday and 1 other person
Bro I live in İstanbul, can you show me around the elite places?
Besiktas pretty much. The area around the Blue Mosque and Hayasofiah is very beautiful too but it gets discounted by typical Turkish scam artists trying to sway tourists to visit their shitty shop around the corner.

Subhuman central: Kadikoy, Taksim and basically any place that is littered with Turkroaches looking to scam dumbass tourists. Or is filled with prostitutes and drugs

Tbh I don't see the appeal of Istanbul anymore. In the past it was swayed for its hippy culture and where 'east meets the west'. But now its just a bunch of subhuman hairy Turkish dudes with beard frauding and self hating tendencies that are desperately looking for an opportunity to tell how Erdogan or whatever insert cope destroyed the economy, or some other self hating about being Muslim, or being related to Arabs.
Seems like Bursa is a better place to visit now, or maybe even Ankara even though Istanbulian hate on it
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  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer
Besiktas pretty much. The area around the Blue Mosque and Hayasofiah is very beautiful too but it gets discounted by typical Turkish scam artists trying to sway tourists to visit their shitty shop around the corner.

Subhuman central: Kadikoy, Taksim and basically any place that is littered with Turkroaches looking to scam dumbass tourists. Or is filled with prostitutes and drugs

Tbh I don't see the appeal of Istanbul anymore. In the past it was swayed for its hippy culture and where 'east meets the west'. But now its just a bunch of subhuman hairy Turkish dudes with beard frauding and self hating tendencies that are desperately looking for an opportunity to tell how Erdogan or whatever insert cope destroyed the economy, or some other self hating about being Muslim, or being related to Arabs.
Seems like Bursa is a better place to visit now, or maybe even Ankara even though Istanbulian hate on it
Istanbul is really shitty nowadays White Turks like me lives in Ankara Antalya Some of İzmir and Eskişehir Come to Ankara Beautiful girls that will worship you just for being a foreigner Moggers foggers reside in certain neighborhoods other than that subhumans and mostly boring shit It is good for 2 days then go to Eskişehir Girls are uglier and degenerate but also easier They will give their assholes to you for being a foreigner You missed the season for Antalya and İzmir also stop dealing with black turks You can go on tinder and find a white turkish fuckbuddy that can accompany in your trips Even pajeets and indonesians are more valuable than turkish men here they can do that aswell
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