Tren is overrated



Nov 11, 2018
It's great for muscle growth until you realize it completely ruins your sleep causing you to have poor mood and low energy and constant exhaustion. Some people say it gave them paranoia but for me that didn't happen, it just made me tired all the time yet unable to get restful sleep. I feel like I gained a lot of muscle but the last week I got weaker and I'm pretty sure it's cuz I just have no energy to exert in the gym even.

And also if you're prone to balding it WILL thin your hair, at least temporarily. Need to manage it topically otherwise your hair will get raped

That alongside the fact that it shuts down your balls more than anything and is hard to recover from if you plan on cycling off (not an issue for me).

Honestly the sleep issues it causes even at my relatively low dose of 150 just made the whole experience shitty. I can't imagine bodybuilders taking 500mg of this shit and still living their lives, it feels insanely poisonous
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u need to take GH with it to sleep
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Does testosterone mog?
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I'd never touch it. You can accomplish an aesthetic look with low doses of milder compounds. Leave the tren for competitive bodybuilders who will drop dead at 40
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I'd never touch it. You can accomplish an aesthetic look with low doses of milder compounds. Leave the tren for competitive bodybuilders who will drop dead at 40
Yeah it's not necessary at all. Even for bodybuilders if they can't find a way to fix the sleep issues they'll have issues recovering which might be counterproductive tbh
Does testosterone mog?
Test+Anavar mogs any other cycle. Some SARMS maybe too. I'll never touch deca tren Dbol or anything else lol they all have so many issues with them
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what do you think of anadrol and hcg?
Like what?
Plenty of things. Masteron, anavar, or primobolan are all good options you can run with a trt dose of test (or even no test) if you're going for an aesthetic look. Even dirt cheap winstrol gives a great look if you're lean
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what do you think of anadrol and hcg?
Some people say anadrol is great for strength. Maybe good just as a pre-workout cuz it is very stimulating and makes you aggressive. I've never tried it and won't tbh I'm keeping it simple from now on
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Some people say anadrol is great for strength. Maybe good just as a pre-workout cuz it is very stimulating and makes you aggressive. I've never tried it and won't tbh I'm keeping it simple from now on
what's like the best cycle In terms of best gains made to least side effects experienced?
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Test c or e? How many weeks? Do you recommend pct?
If you want to cycle off it's your choice. I will never go through it again, I like the feeling of high androgens. The one time I cycled off I remember literally laying in bed all day and sleeping cuz of zero energy. My test eventually got in the range again but it was still not that great. Probably would have taken a year to fully recover, what's the point of that lol
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Test c or e? How many weeks? Do you recommend pct?
Doesn't matter, I like test E cuz it's longer ester and more leeway with injection frequency
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Sarms and Anavar. Hair-safe and won't destroy your heart and brain jfl
Plenty of things. Masteron, anavar, or primobolan are all good options you can run with a trt dose of test (or even no test) if you're going for an aesthetic look. Even dirt cheap winstrol gives a great look if you're lean
What would you guys recommend to a 17 yo nigga like me? Would just anavar or winstrol be enough and what's the price, dosage?

Would I still have to inject T or would these oral substances be enough to achieve Zyzz tier body?

Obviously I don't want my muscles to be too big and exaggerated. Zyzz's body looks ideal to me. I am currently somewhere around 15 % bodyfat. My fourpack is visible sometimes under special type of lightning if I flex hard enough. I have shit tier fourpack genetics though, I think I can only develop a fourpack and not a sixpack (just like Arnold Schwarzenegger).

Screenshot 2021 06 14 at 103841

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What would you guys recommend to a 17 yo nigga like me? Would just anavar or winstrol be enough and what's the price, dosage?

Would I still have to inject T or would these oral substances be enough to achieve Zyzz tier body?

Obviously I don't want my muscles to be too big and exaggerated. Zyzz's body looks ideal to me. I am currently somewhere around 15 % bodyfat. My fourpack is visible sometimes under special type of lightning if I flex hard enough. I have shit tier fourpack genetics though, I think I can only develop a fourpack and not a sixpack (just like Arnold Schwarzenegger).

View attachment 1178477

Testosterone base of 150-250mg weekly and then if you want you use orals stick with Anavar or some sarms. Winstrol is also pretty good but its quite estrogenic I think so it's probably better overall to stick to test and sarms/var
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Tren is only for stepping on stage at 8% bf.
Test, primo and anavar are the only things you need to become an aesthetic monster.
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Yeah, I would personally never touch it but I was really close in the past. Test, anavar and similar shit is fine, no need for tren with so many nasty side effects. Or if you have the money and are looking for something as strong, then do a growth hormone cycle with a professional who can teach you everything.
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Sorry to hype up old topic. Just again back to help you out my brothers and males to help your life.

I've taken lot of tren in my life , low dosage, high dosages, every dosage. No i won't post my pics, i'm all about pharmacology and fitness, so i'm not into the huge bodybuilding lifestyle (used to little bit in the past, but not anymore for years). But i do workout and hit the gym. Just to find different things to try and boost my life..

So where to start , Is tren overrated, YES mostly it is. 95% cases it would.. It would pretty long post to explain.

Sleep - One credible doctor described that indeed the sleep deprivation issue is reason how tren affects something in the brain, some nervous system thing, it's may but, could not be do anything how androgenic it is... Victor martinez in podcast told tren is the crack of the bodybuilding.
My research input is this, yes it would affect sleep for EVERYBODY , it is pretty much certain. Now the thing is , will everybody feel it? Nope, many can drink lot of coffee before bed, do even amphs before bed, whatever, but still they think they sleep fine....
But really they don't . That's the same thing with tren. Tren will affect your sleep does not matter if person feels it or not.. Nervous system is hyped up..

Paranoia , aggression - Those two things are tied with the nervous system hyped up thing and also the sleep deprivation what's in background . May but may not be nothing to do with the androgenic load.. Roid rage with tren is real , but not because how androgenic it is , it's because of the nervous system load... For example take very high dosage pure dht or proviron...It's very androgenic, and you would feel like very hardcore calm alpha male would feel very humble and manly...Proviron is really golden alpha pill , but say good bye to your hair..This is another topic.

For shredding, bulking - For bulking it's almost incredible hard to bulk gain muscle with it, reason is, it will start to burn all the extra calories you put in your body, you'll start to feel so hot it's almost funny , if you try to eat over maintenance you would feel like on fire....sweating , in sauna etc....Body will just burn like a maniac the calories... This also could and pretty much is not because the androgenic load. Strength in gym also, nervous load hype is the reason..."crack of the bodybuilding"

Shredding - indeed something is there for anticatabolic , only thing i felt strong about the compound , other than strength increase, is how anticatabolic it is, you can eat almost nothing, burn fat and still keep muscle... Now the thing is it's strongly overrated, it feels more anticatabolic than other compounds sure, but the effect is exaggerated...Now why i said 95%...If you are mr olympia caliber then it would make sense you have to keep muscle and the stakes are this high...
For regular ordinary males pure testosterone in cutting would keep same amount of muscle..

Hope this post helps somebody... for the young guys , tren is not the holy grail.. i would answer any question if anybody wants, i have lot of experience with tren, in various dosages...
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It's great for muscle growth until you realize it completely ruins your sleep causing you to have poor mood and low energy and constant exhaustion. Some people say it gave them paranoia but for me that didn't happen, it just made me tired all the time yet unable to get restful sleep. I feel like I gained a lot of muscle but the last week I got weaker and I'm pretty sure it's cuz I just have no energy to exert in the gym even.

And also if you're prone to balding it WILL thin your hair, at least temporarily. Need to manage it topically otherwise your hair will get raped

That alongside the fact that it shuts down your balls more than anything and is hard to recover from if you plan on cycling off (not an issue for me).

Honestly the sleep issues it causes even at my relatively low dose of 150 just made the whole experience shitty. I can't imagine bodybuilders taking 500mg of this shit and still living their lives, it feels insanely poisonous
I’m on it now and have been for a while. Even despite having to live with all of those side effects you mentioned I notice I always progress quicker on it regardless. So I can’t justify coming off it until my physique is maxed.
dont listen to this guy. the fact he said that winstrols estrogenic destroys any possibility that he has experience or knowledge about steroids.
It's great for muscle growth until you realize it completely ruins your sleep causing you to have poor mood and low energy and constant exhaustion. Some people say it gave them paranoia but for me that didn't happen, it just made me tired all the time yet unable to get restful sleep. I feel like I gained a lot of muscle but the last week I got weaker and I'm pretty sure it's cuz I just have no energy to exert in the gym even.

And also if you're prone to balding it WILL thin your hair, at least temporarily. Need to manage it topically otherwise your hair will get raped

That alongside the fact that it shuts down your balls more than anything and is hard to recover from if you plan on cycling off (not an issue for me).

Honestly the sleep issues it causes even at my relatively low dose of 150 just made the whole experience shitty. I can't imagine bodybuilders taking 500mg of this shit and still living their lives, it feels insanely poisonous
how much test did you run with it? any other compounds?
how much test did you run with it? any other compounds?
It was so long ago but i think it was 150 tren and 150-180 testosterone weekly
It was so long ago but i think it was 150 tren and 150-180 testosterone weekly
hmm. most often the sleep sides come from too high estrogen sensitivity caused by tren (many dont know that tren does this) and too high testosterone causing even more e2 activity in the body. do you know what your e2 on that test dosage was/is?
hmm. most often the sleep sides come from too high estrogen sensitivity caused by tren (many dont know that tren does this) and too high testosterone causing even more e2 activity in the body. do you know what your e2 on that test dosage was/is?
Ive never tested e2 but I suspect it was high as well
It's progestogenic and it has horrible side effects. Pointless unless you make money off your body and take it for its cosmetic effects. Contractile tissue is contractile tissue, it doesn't matter what compound builds it - different compounds just have differing tissue selectivity and some slight different effects on different tissues, cosmetic effects, and glycogen retention.
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Ive never tested e2 but I suspect it was high as well
high e2 + high e2 sensitivity due to tren = sides like insomnia, emotional instability/rage, etc.
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