tret/retinoids cause fat loss?



Feb 14, 2023
i heard some niggers saying it destroyed their fat pads. is it true?
Well, i’d expect putting acid on your face to reduce your fat pads in the long run.
  • JFL
Reactions: Detective
No difference in fat for me, maybe it slightly leaned out my face but its already pretty lean idk
Said this once already, but I'll post it again.

Tretinoin only affects the skin. It does not penetrate all the way to the fat pads. It barely penetrates to the second layer of the skin, let alone the subcutaneous fat that's way underneath.

Tretinoin does however smooth out the skin, and that may give the impression your nose got more slender, for example.

Avoid using it on your under-eyes though, as the skin there is particularly thin and sensitive and may not tolerate tretinoin well (leading to a more sunken look / dark circles).

Facial fat loss during tretinoin treatment is therefore to be blamed on external factors, unless the amount of tretinoin applied is high enough to induce an absurd excess of vitamin A (hypervitaminosis), which I don't think would be possible even if you slathered yourself head to toe with 0.1% tretinoin.

Now, am I saying that it is COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE that some users experience facial fat loss while using tretinoin?
Obviously, no. Everyone is different and there may indeed people who are so susceptible to tretinoin's vitamin A that a few weeks of application is enough to face unwanted consequences. Or, they may just be very susceptible to tretinoin itself.

But still, there is zero scientific evidence that tretinoin damages fat pads leading to an older-looking face, whereas there is plenty of evidence it stimulates collagen production to a degree that prevents it from sagging.
Tretinoin is a mostly well-understood treatment that has been around for a very long time, there are SO MANY people who have been using it for 20+ years with no long term side effects. It doesn't make much sense to focus on fearmongering anecdotal information that applies to an insignificant amount of people.
It would be like refusing to do heart surgery that could save your life because there's a 1 in 20.000 chance the doctors fuck up and you die on the operating table.

One has to consider risks and benefits, and then take the most reasonable decision. If you want treatments and products that are 100% effective with 0% risk of side effects, you simply will never find anything.

This is a looksmaxxing forum. If you spread misinformation that will make users refrain from using something that could benefit their looks greatly, you are defeating the purpose of the forum.
  • +1
Reactions: Orc and Detective
Said this once already, but I'll post it again.

Tretinoin only affects the skin. It does not penetrate all the way to the fat pads. It barely penetrates to the second layer of the skin, let alone the subcutaneous fat that's way underneath.

Tretinoin does however smooth out the skin, and that may give the impression your nose got more slender, for example.

Avoid using it on your under-eyes though, as the skin there is particularly thin and sensitive and may not tolerate tretinoin well (leading to a more sunken look / dark circles).

Facial fat loss during tretinoin treatment is therefore to be blamed on external factors, unless the amount of tretinoin applied is high enough to induce an absurd excess of vitamin A (hypervitaminosis), which I don't think would be possible even if you slathered yourself head to toe with 0.1% tretinoin.

Now, am I saying that it is COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE that some users experience facial fat loss while using tretinoin?
Obviously, no. Everyone is different and there may indeed people who are so susceptible to tretinoin's vitamin A that a few weeks of application is enough to face unwanted consequences. Or, they may just be very susceptible to tretinoin itself.

But still, there is zero scientific evidence that tretinoin damages fat pads leading to an older-looking face, whereas there is plenty of evidence it stimulates collagen production to a degree that prevents it from sagging.
Tretinoin is a mostly well-understood treatment that has been around for a very long time, there are SO MANY people who have been using it for 20+ years with no long term side effects. It doesn't make much sense to focus on fearmongering anecdotal information that applies to an insignificant amount of people.
It would be like refusing to do heart surgery that could save your life because there's a 1 in 20.000 chance the doctors fuck up and you die on the operating table.

One has to consider risks and benefits, and then take the most reasonable decision. If you want treatments and products that are 100% effective with 0% risk of side effects, you simply will never find anything.

This is a looksmaxxing forum. If you spread misinformation that will make users refrain from using something that could benefit their looks greatly, you are defeating the purpose of the forum.
There is no fat LOSS.
There is only, thicker and more elastic, more firm, layers that are on top of the fat layer, which compress and suppress the expression of the volume of these fat cells.

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