True Redpill vs Fake redpill

veppandi guhan

veppandi guhan

Jun 22, 2024
Fake Red Pill: The Bitter Rage Pill

After experiencing one or several negative encounters with women, you start to believe that this behavior is typical and unavoidable. Consequently, you become fixated on various theories and strategies to delay the inevitable and manage the resulting pain. In the end, you may think you have adopted a "red pill" mindset, but in reality, you have simply transformed into the type of person who drove you to embrace the red pill philosophy in the first place.

Now the True Red Pill: Accepting that you will never be that guy

Experience firsthand how attractive women treat the men they are interested in versus those they aren't. The favored men do not face the same challenges: no masculine-feminine energy struggles, no tests, no mind games, no constant back-and-forth, no fear of approaching women, no gaslighting, no pressure to change themselves to appear more attractive, and no tricks.

Meanwhile, you might find yourself frustrated and upset, feeling like you're constantly hitting a wall when it comes to dating in today's world. You're hoping for a magical solution or a catastrophic event that will humble women and level the playing field.

These men will patiently wait for women who show genuine interest, rather than sifting through fleeting encounters like others. Moreover, they will recognize when they have found someone special and avoid sabotaging the relationship with a scarcity mindset or laziness.

Watch this video up to the 7-minute mark and it will show you exactly how women treat the "The Favored" men. Notice how she was being aggressively masculine until the Tyrone walked into the room and she switched to her feminine energy.

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